90-666 0 K � � I I�+q L Council File ,� �i -�� a � Green sheet # 5658 RESOLUTION #TY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That the request for a One Day Extension of Service area by JaRo Investment, Inc. , DBA Italian Pie Shoppe and Winery at 777 Grand Avenue for June 3, 1990, between the hours of 11:00 am and 5:00 pm, be and the same is hereby approved. m� Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: �_�� s � ��s�''=�z � License and Permit Division o _�_ acca ee �_ e a une � By: z son Adopted by Council: Date APR �. g 1990 Fo� Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary g ` 3 lfi�� Y� By= � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approve by Mayor: Date 2 3 19� Council By: ,ll�����i'" By: �PItB�.l�HfD ��� 2 � 1990 . . �a_��� ��, . DEPARTM@NTlOFFICFJCOUNpL DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 5658 Finance and Ma.na ement i�,w o�� �Nm�uonre CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DFpAqTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV COUNqI Kris Van Horn - 2 8-50 ��� �aTM�n'or+N�' c�TM c�RK MUBT BE�1(�UNqI A(�ENDA BY(DAT� ROUTMIQ �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MGT.8ERV1(�S DIR. � ,� I 1 � o�� ❑�roR�oR�ssisTnNn [2] Council Research TOTAL N OF SICiNATURE PAOES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SKiNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Request for a One day Extension of On Sale Wine and Beer Seruice Area, ID��16188. RECOMMENDATI N8:Approw pq a Rysct(F� COUNCIL MMI1n�EE/RESEARCN i�PORT _PLANNINO COMMIS810N1 _CML SERVI�OOMMISSION ��YBT PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _3TAFF _ �MEN78: _DI8TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS NMK�i COUNpI 08JECTIVE7 fNIT1ATINO Pii08LEM�IBBUE�OPPORTUNITY(Wlq�Wlwt.WINn�Whsre,WAY). JaRo Investments, Inc., DBA Italian Pie Shoppe and Winery ID4�16188 at 777 Grand Avenue requests Council approvaT of his request for an extension of his On Sale Wine and Beer Licenses. The request is for June 3, 1990�, Grand Old Day, between the hours of 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. FEES PAID: NONE REQUIRED ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: ,- _ i � � 1�� ' as�wvnNr�wes iF�a�oveo: --- OISADYMITAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ___._____ _- RECEIVED AP�lOi� �our�cu Kesearcn Vemer. CITY CLEKK APR 091990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COaT/REVENUE SUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNOINO SOU� ACTIVITY NUMSER FlNANqAL INFORMATWN:(EXPWI� �� y ` . � ... NOT�: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE(�REEN SHEET IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVA4LABLE IN THE PURCHASINCi OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Bslow are preferred routings for the five most frequent typss of documenta: . CONTRACTS (assurtbs authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amenci, Bdgta./ budget exieta) Accept.areu�ts) 1. Outside Ager�y 1. DepeRmeM Director 2. In�fating Dspartment 2. Budget Oirector 3. City Attomey 3. Gty Attomey 4. Maycx 4. Maya'/AssisTSnt 5. Ffnance&Mgmt 3vc�. Director 5. City Council 6. Flnance Axounting 6. Chief F►xouMeu�t, Fin�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othsrs) � Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. In�iatlng DepeRmeM Director 2. DspaRment A000untent 2. City Atlomey g, pspenmsnt pkector 3. MayoNAaishM 4. Budgst Dirsctor 4. City Coulldl 5 (�►Cbrlc . 6. Chisf AccountaM� Fln�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) ' 1. InkiMing Depertmsnt 2. Ciry Attorney 3. MayorMsaistent 4. Ciry qerk TOTAL PIUMBER�SKiNATURE PA(3ES Indicflte the#k of pages on which signatures are required and ps�c1�P sach of these pa�ea. ACTION REt�UE3TED Describe vrhat the proJecUrequest seaks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichsvK is most appropriate for the iesue.Do not write oomplsts sentenoss. Bspin each item in your 11st with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete H the issue in que�tion has been preaented before any body,public or private. SUPPORTS WHICkI COUNGI OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Coundl abj�cti�re(s)your�ojecf/request aupporte by IiWng ths ksy word(s)(HOUSINQ, RECREATION, NEICiHBORHOOD3, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL OOMMITTEE/RESEARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINCi PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the aituation or condit�ns that crsat�d a need for your proJect or requeat. ADVANTAC3ES IF APPROVED Indic��te whethsr this is simply an ennual budget proceduro required by tawt chaRSr or whether there are speciflc in which the(�ty of Saint Paul and its citizens will bsneflt from this pr�t/aCtion. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED - � Whst nepative efMcta or major chanpes to�cistlng or past procesaes migM this projecUrequ�t producs if it is psssed(e.g.,traffic delays, noise, tax increases or assesaments)?To Whom?When?For how bng? DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the negath►e Consequences if the promised action is not epp►oved?Inebility to deliver service? Continued high traffic, noise, axident rete?Losa of rovenus? FlNANGAL IMPACT Although you must teflor the infonnation you provide here to the isaue you are addreaeing, in psneral you muat answer two questiona: How much is it gdng to cost4 Who is gang to paYl . . . �� � l� �� ���� �di -- � � , (. � _ I � ���,.. 4-�-: .* 1438 Yankee Dcx�dle Road, Eagan, MN (612145`L-452:i i77 Grand A��enue,SL Paul, MN �612)221-(N�33 �� � _" �'' �n � ,,,, -- � " .� --� _ March 9, 1990 •• ;v - N Kris ; Please accept our request for two licenses ; 1 . A special event license for the day of June 3 , 1990 hours of 11 :U0 am - 5:30 pm for the Grand Old Days celebration. 2 . An extended On Sale Liquor service area, date and hours as stated above, to extend service for our front parking lot , up to (but not including) the public sidewalk on Grand Avenue. The purpose of our request is to enable us to participate in the Grand Old Days celebration, by serving pizza and beverages. We appreciate your consideration in this matter. Please feel free to contact me with any other details that need to be attended to regarding these requests. Thank - you, � 1�1C�v � � c�2 Linda Basta Vas uez � q Italian Pie Shoppe Special Events Coordinator Phone: w 221-8798 h 699-8181 We'll make you a pizza you can't refuse..and oursQndwiches Qrert't too bad either.