90-661 0 � I � I n�� � Council File � �–' C� �, � (v 7683 Green Sheet # RESOLUTION _ OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ,- ,-/-� � ?"� �! c„� Presented B Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��43047) for a State Class B Gambling License by Church of the Incarnation at Rumours, 490 No. Robert Street, be and the same is hereby approved/denied. eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: mo osws z �— on ��ccmane � —'!'�ne �– z son —� BY� Adopted by Council: Date APR i 9 1990 Fo�► Approved by ' y Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; ,3-Z/� By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b yor: Date �' Council By: �°'?�-�,�.��� , By: rll�l.iSHED A P R 2 81990 --,.- . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN:SHEET.INSTRUCTIONAL MANUI►L AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi�OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Bebw are pre}erred routinga for the flve moet frequent types of documeMa: OONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNqL RESOLUTION (Amend. BdgtsJ budqet exists) Accept. GreMs) 1. Outside Apency 1. Department Director 2. Inkiatin�D�partmeM 2. Budqet Dfrector 3. City Attomsy 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistant b. Rnan�d�Mpmt Svca. Director 5. City Courwtil 6. Fnance AccouMinp 6. Chief�uMant, Fin�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budqet OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all othsrs) Reviaion) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manaper 1. Initiating Depertment Director 2. Depertment AcxouMaM 2. Cky Attomey 3. Oe�rtmeM Diroctor 3. MayoNAseistant 4. Budg�Director 4. Ciy Courlcil 5. (�ty Clark 6. Chfef Accournant, Fin&Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all dNe►s) 1. InRisting Department 2. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Aesistant 4. qty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF 31ONATURE PAOES Indicate the�of p�ges a�which aignatures are required and ap�erc�li each of thsse�ee. . ACTION RE�UESTED Describe what ths project/rsquest�eks to axompliah in either chronologi- cal ordsr or order of importar�,wh�hever is most appropriate for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Be�in each item in your list with a verb. , RECOMMENDATIONS Complete N the issue in question haa been preserned bsfore any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICkI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Coundl objective(s)your projscbrequest supports by Iistinp the key nrord(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEICaHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDf�ET, SEWER SEPARATION).(3EE COMPLETE LI3T IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.j COUNCIL COMMITTEEJRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATINO PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditlons that creatsd a need for your project w requeat. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whsther this la afmply an annual budget procedure required by law/ chaRS►or whettre►there aro apeciflc wa in�ich�the t�ty of Seint Paul and its ciNzens will benefit from this pro�Ct/actlon: DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What negative eifects or major changes to exlating or past prxesses might this projectlrequsst produce if it is passed(e�p.,t�afNC delays, noiae, tax increases or essessments)9 To Whom?When?For how(ong? DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs the negetive consequences if the promised�tion is not approvedl Inability to dslivsr senrice7 Continued high traffic, noise, accident rate? Loes of revenus? FlNANGAL IMPACT Although you must taibr the information you provide here to the iaaue you aro�dreaing, in psnsral you must answer Mro questions: How much is it going to c�t?Who is gang to pay? , . . �� -� �� liIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � I`-� 'rJ(� / � /5 �9L� INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud S-�-Q v P n 1, b b Q-F�S —!�'1 1 r- Applicant C �Uv�h ��`�'�2_LhC4✓n4���n Home Address �--}(, 33 �y�l-h L}u�Sc� �J Rus ine s� I3ame Cl�' �t.l m D l,i✓S Home Phone Business Address �-�"r-(O Iv, �O�P✓��t Type of Lic.ense(s) ���SS }3- 13usiness Phone "A m b ��nti �i� ''�S-e.�_ Public Hearing Date � �1 q� License I.D. 41 'y 30�� at 9:00 a.m, in the Council ham ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� � Sa��v� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� � �A to Applicant ��0��'9�/ rederal Firearms �� N �,4 Public He�.iring DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � X��/i� Health Divn. ' � N1� � , Fire Dept. i N �� I i � � � ��nt � u�5� GU Yolice Dept. ' 3�� I I �11� �� License Divn. i i 3a� � �� City Attorney 3I�`�� � bi �/L Date Received: Site Plan :� /�{ �� q ` To Council Research � vZ ` �� Lease or Letter G Da e f rom Landlord _��1�-I� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond• Workers Compensation: - New Officers: Stockholders: ' • ' • ' �itq of Saiat Psul C�f��0�0� . . D�psrtseat of Fiaance aad Mana=�unt Sarviees • Division of Lic�ase aad Ptrsit ��istration ZNFORMATION REQQIRED NITH-AtPLICATION FOR PE&iIZ TO f�FDtTCf PVLLTAS/ZZPaOA�D SALES I:1 SAINT PAUL (Class B Gaablin� Licsaae ia Liquor Estsblish�eats - Mev Application) I. Full aad complata nas� of or;saisatioa vhich L appl�ia= ios license Church of the Incarnation 2. Does qour orgaaisation'�eet tha dafiaition of a °lar=e" orgaaizstion u oat2iaed ia ths November. 1988 revisioa of Section 409.21 of the Lsiislativ� Coda? no Attuh to this applicstion pertiaant fiaaacial and/or or;anisational iafo�ation to support� qour ansver to this qusstion. NOTE: Onl� 5 Lr=e orpaisations vill b� allow- sd to open pul2tab operstions uader tha. revistd city osdinaaee. If aore thaa 5 osgani- zaciona apply, qualified applicants vill ba sel�cted raadoal� b� th� City Council. 3. Addreaa vhere gasas will ba held Rumn�irs Rar � Tnc _ 490 N Robert St . Number - Streat City Zip St Paul MN 55101 4. Name of manager signing this application Who vill conduct, operate and aaaage G�mb ling Games �t a v an T i h h P t t c Date of Birth 3/� 7/S� (a) Length of time maaager has been member of applicaat orgaa�zstion > > �p a r� S. Add:esa of Manager Number Street ity Zip 6. Day, dates, aad bours this application is for 5 pm-12: 45 am 7 days per wk, Feb . 1 , 1990 - Jan. 31 1991 7. Is tha applicaat or orgaaization orgaaiztd undez the lsvs of the State of :�? 8. Date of iacorporation n�+nhar � i qnq 9. Date when registered with the State of Mianesota ��,�r� ��i,T�o�a 10. flow Iong has orgaaization beea ia existeact? 8 0 y ea r s 11. How long has orginization bsen ia exiatence in St. Panl? n o t in S t. P au 1 12. �1hat is the puzpose of chs or�aaizatioa? _?e attached mission statement 13. Officers of applicaat orjaaization: _ p� Fr. Robert Monaghan Nase Eda Kostroski . Seeretary Addresa 3817 Pleasant Ave So Addrsss 4815 Maole Rd. Eciina Title CEO Dpg 1/1/35 Tisle Secretarv DOB 9/18/54 p� Don Turnberg Na� Address 4114 Wentworth , Mpls Addresa Ticie Treas urer DOB 5/24/25 Title DOD _ , . . � yo -��� • 1�. �ive names of officers, or aay other� persons v�o paid for services to che orgaaization. n o t a p p 1 i c ab 1 e Name - . �e . Address Address Titl� Title . (Attach sepazat• sheet for additional names.) 15. Attachad hereto is a list of aames aad addreases of all members of the organization. 16. Ia whose custody will orgaaization`s records be kept? N� Carol Beaurline � Address 3817 Pleasant ��n�e . So . 17. List all parsons with the authority to sign checks for disperaal of gambling proceeds: Name Fr . Robert Monaghan � Nase Carol Beaurline Address 3817 Pleasant Ave So Address 3817 Pleasant Ave So Member of Member of Dpg 1/1/35 Organization? y e s DOB 4/I 1/31 Organization? v e s Name Naae Address Address Member of Member of Dpg Organitation? DOB Organizatioa? 18. Have qou read and do qou thoroughly uaderstand the provisions of all lavs, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling gamea? y P�_ 19. Will your organization's pulltab operation be operated/managed solelq by oembers of qour organization? qss Y e s � 20. Has your organization signed, or does it iatead to siga, a consulting agreemeat or a msnagerial agreement with aay persoa or coapany to assist qour orgsaizatioa vith the ' pulltab sales aad/or recording keeping? yes no n o If anawer is qes. give ths nam� aad addresa of the person aad/or campaaq contracted. . N� � lWdress ��e Addsess If aaswer is yes, ho�+ will such a consultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, genera�..fuads, etc.) Attach a cop� of said contzact to this application. 2I. Operator of premises �+iiere games will bs held: N� Molly Kauffman Businesa Address Rumours Bar , Inc 490 No Robert St St Paul MN 55� n� Homs Addresa 4900 31st Ave So Minneaooli �� MN . � . . ��_ � �� i • 22. a) Does gour or=anization pay or iatsad to pap accouatia� fees out of ;ambling funds' yes y e s ttio b) If you do pay aecouatia; fess. to vhos will such fsss be paid? �� Carol Beaurline Address 3817 Pleasant Ave So DOB 4/11/31 M�aber of Or=anizition? v e s c) Bow are th� secouating fees char=ed out? (flst fee. lwurly, stc.) flat fee d) What do you aaticipate vill be yonr. av�zags sonthl� dsduction for accoaating fees? $100 per month '' 23. Amouat of rent paid bq spplicant orgaaizatioa for rsat of t!u hall: $400 per month 24. The procecds of the gamea vill be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: Education ; assisting the needy , including• the� handicapped , women ' s shelters, community educaiton, and the worshipping community . 25. Iias ths premises where tha gases. are to be held b�en certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? Ye s Z6. Saa your or�anisation filed fedaral form 990-T? no I8' ansvez is y�s. please attach a copy with this application. If aasvsr is no. explaia why: see attached letter from Office of the General Co�ncil nf the U. S. Catholic Conference, and photocoov of Catholir I�irPrtnr�, Anq chsages dssired by the applicaat sssociation �ay be mads only vith th� conseat of the Citq Couacil. Church of the Incarnation .. pr�snisation liaae Date ��//y/Q�v B7� �lana�ar cturae of ags � Or=aaisation Pr� eat oz CEO . � � �� �/ � � TO 8E COI�PLETEO BY OR6ANIZATION PRESIOENT AND GAMBLING MANAGER I unde�stand and wi-11 uphold Saint Paut Ordinance 409, Sectio� 409.Z1 and 409.22 relat�ng to pulltabs and tipboards in bars. • Further, I understnnd that my 3arbar must meet city standards; that 10: of the net profit from pulltab sales must be returned to tbe City-Wide Youth Fund on a monthly basis; that aanthly financial statepents must be filed with the City;' and that 51� of net proceeds must ra�in in St. Pau1 or be used to support St. Paul residents. �. _ gnature - nage � Signature - Organization re ent Church of the Incarnation rganization ame . Rumours Bar, Inc . 490 N. Robert . St. ng ocat�on March 13 , 1990 ate . Please retain the attached ordinance for your records. . . . . � �o,��� � �► �►� � �� e ' CHURCH OF THE INCARNATION G �:�, 3817 Pleasant Ave.,Minneapolis,Minnesota 55409�Tel.844-4101 } � :�. �� ��� c:� - l�arch 26, 1990 _.. 0 N ' Q� Christine Rozek 203 City Hall License Department Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Chris: With regard to our explanation of how the gambling proceeds will be used, we hope that the following explanation will be helpful to you and the city council in the consideration of our gambling license application. The Church of the Incarnation is in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis and is an inner city parish, with a school enrollment of 184 students. Since 1911 the church has had a tradition of activities through- out the St. Paul/Minneapolis metropolitan area, and for a decade has taken on a strong, cosmopolitan profile. Within the school, 56� are minority children. There are parishioners, staff inembers, and school children residing in suburbs, and in St. Paul. Fr. Monaghan, pastor, was pastor of Sacred Hea.rt Church in East St. Paul for many years, and has kept and developed connections because of that experience. Our Lady of Good Counsel Home has been a receiver of mission work for over 40 years, annual special collections, regular contributions to their Drug Fund, and children's projects. Volunteers from Incarnation operate a monthly evening meal at St. Stephen's Loaves and Fishes program. Volunteers sustain and operate a food shelf located at the parish, 90 non-parish families (over 370 individuals from St. Paul and. Minneapolis) receive food, supplies and clothing from these shelves each month. Occasionally, an abundant donation of a food staple is directed to a St. Paul food shelf. For 20+ years, Church of the Incarnation has been a part of TRUST, an ecumenical, community organization serving the elderly population within the area. There are 6 nursing homes with 175+ Catholics in residence that are cared for and serviced bq Incarnation. Charitable gambling in St. Paul will be operated completely by the Church. Donations of part of the proceeds will be directed to an AIDS pro,ject in St. Paul, as well as the above mentioned organizations. Thank you for your time and consideration. S e y, � � Fr. Rober onaghan � � . � �� - � �� � . . SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE � � LICENSE APPLICATION �cF��F� � � M�2�81990 CITY CLERK � FILE NO. To Whom It May Concern: L43047 Application for a Class B Gambling License by Church Of The Incarnation. This license will allow the Church of PURPOSE The Incarnation to sell pulltabs and/or tipboards in Rumours. APPLICANT Church of the Incarnation at Rumours LOCATION 490 N Robert Street HEARINC April 19, 1990 9:00 a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and N O TIC E S E N T Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.