90-649 0 R f G I N A L� � Council File � O"C? �f Green Sheet # �Z / RESOLUTION CITY O NT PAUL, MINNESOTA " � � , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement granting $2, 000. 00 to SNELLING-HAMLINE COMMUNITY COUNCIL for the purpose of staging the annual Bike Rodeo; to be held June 9, 1990 and conducted in accordance with Council approved guidelines dated August 12, 1987; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. Y�Fa Navs Absent Requested by Department of: irrron o sw z �7`— on —'-7`-- COMMUNITY SE CES PARKS & RECREATION: acca e �,`— � et man � � ane t-T' 1 soA BY •a � �j /�-,� ��r.- z�. Adopted by Council: Date �� � � � Form Approved b�City Attorne Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � � , By. �`-� 6 �- �; x $y' ���� � ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b �Mayor: Date APR 2 3 1990 Council � / � By: '��u��-� gy; ���//.�.r� P[}�LISHED A P R 2 $ 19 90. �s� �°� ��9 DEPARTM[NT/OFFICFICOUNpL , DATE INITIATED COMMUNITY SERVICES 4-6-90 GREEN SHEET No. $277 CONTACT PERSON 6 PNONE INITIAU DATE INiT1AUDATE DEPAFiTMENT OIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL Bill Peterson 292-74�.5 NV�� ATTORNEY CITY(XERK MU3T BE ON COUNpI AOENOA BY(DATE) pOUTIN(# BUD(3ET DIRECTOR m FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DiR. N/A MAYOR(OR A8818TMIT) � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL�LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Signatures of Director of Community Services, City Attorney, Director of Finance & Management Services, and Mayor. HECOMMENDA S:APW�W o►�Ma(� COlJNCIL COMM�RCN REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _CIVIL SERVICE OOMMIBSION �VST P . _dB COMMITTEE A�� _ COMMENTS: R 9 1990 _D18TRICf OOURT _ ��$�������� C I TY ATTO R N EY Recreation �Nmnnru�PHOe�.�e,oaPOarur�m lwno,whee,vu�.wnx.,wnr): Snelling-Hamline Community Council has requested a $2, 000. 00 grant from the Community Festival Fund for their annual Bike Rodeo; to be held June 9, 1990. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Festival will be eonducted. ois�ov�wr�s���o: None. , OISADVANTAOE8IF NOT APPROVED: Portions of their festival may not be held. �,ULICiCii tt@SeaCCh r;�f1�C�� RECEIVEp qpR � 1 i� �R12i9�94 . _ TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 2•O O O. O O C08T/REVENUE BllDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO �Na��� 325 - Special Services ��i�nN�� 23143 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)