98-784Return copy to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ORIGIIVAL Council File # � ' � c� i (�rrPn Cht�vt # . S(7 / tl '^/ Co�►mittee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul; as documented in Technology Departrnent File Number 1998-03, the public property hereinafter described is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit `B" This vacation shali be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's their successors' or assign's use of this properry, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, ar misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 OR1�INAL q� -�8�� ?i. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. By: �� Approved by By: Requested by Department of: Technolo�v & ManaQement Services r y/�/ � B ���������l�L-- i'� Director� Form Appro by City Attorney By: �%�G✓G��� �f �r�c/�' � for 5�bmission to Council Adopted by Council: Date 2f Adoptior,�Certified by Council Sec etary Exhibit ORIGlNAL Parcel "M" ��-9�y Thzt part of Lot 2, Eiock A, Robertson's Addi�on to 1•1'est St. Paul, Ramsey Covniy, ?�Linr.esota, lyino Easterly of a lir,e running frc, t a point on th2 I�?or,hi,-es,erly li�e cf said Lot z��d 15.00 :eet Northezsterly �om the \TOrtht�+•est corner of said Lct 2 fo a point an the Southeas:erJy lu�e oi said Lot 2� 30.00 feet �?ortheas;er;y ;:on the Southi4est comer of s�id Let 2; together t��;ih tnat part of I.ot i, said 3lock A]ying sou:h�, esierly of Line A described be}o1v; Line A Li;�e � being a?ine paral:el iv:th and 30.U0 ;eet sou,hti��es:erJy of, measn:ed zt a rioht di9a to, the following descrioed line: Commencino at the 1�terseciien ef °,he center luies of 11Tabssha and Fourth Streets as shown en the Tecorded p3at of the Ci;y of St. Pavl; Ram,ey Cowlt3r, \�Iinneso:a, said in.ersectioi� mo, e specifically desrriUed as Leing the ;olloi��ing poi;�t in 1�e . Ramse�� Co•,u�iy Coord'u�ate System as pvblished by the R4 ,zsey Cowtiy Pubiic iNorks Dep�rtr.�ieni La�1d Sun�ey D:vision, final adjustment December 17, 1991, based vpon :he North America;� Datum of 1953 (1955 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinzte = �7500a.021 feet); thence South 3� de�rees 32 minutes �?7 seconds East (all bearings he:ein beu�g pe: said Iiamsey Couniy Coordinate Sys�em) along the cen,er line of said Sh'abasha St*eet, 3�1.44 feet to the foilev.�ing pcint ;n said Ramsey Coun:y Coordi�ate System (Y-ccordina+.e = 15�903.433 feet and X-coordina;e = 57�203.314 feet); thence I�TOrth 5� de�:ees 41 nu il second, East, 0.44 feef; ;he»ce South 34 degrees 32 mntutes 47 secor.ds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minuies 47 seconds E�st 597.°.9 leet; il�ence Seuthezsier)y aJon� a 934.25 foot radius tanoentizl curve, concave to the sovth��>es4, cei�tral ang]e 09 deorees 15 minuYes 59 secoi;ds, a distnnce of 159.18 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 minutes 43 seconds East, tangent to said curve�475.71 feet; thence :�TOrth 66 �egrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easferly and southeasterly alono a 1?0.00 foot radius, tangential curve, concati-e to the south, central ang)e 31 degrees 53 ininufes 12 seconds a nistance of 200.11 feet to the poult of b o°�inning of the line to be descriUed; thence Sout?7 31 degrees ?4 :ni;;v,es 0� seconds East, fangent to said cun�e, 2�Oa� feet, to the cen'er line of East Waier S:7eet znd there �ermu�stin�. EXCEPTI�i'G THEREFi:Q`�4, thzt part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as fello�vs: Beo.ru�ing at the intersecticn of the a;oredescribed Line A and the southeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence souihwesterly a;ong said southeasterly lv�e, 15.00 feet; thence n�rtheastezly to a po:nt on said Line A�,-hich is 15.00 feet norih�+•esierly of the a;o:edescriUed po'v�t cf be�i;vl:ng, measured along said Line A; thence sou,heastezly 1�.00 feet io the poir.t of teginnin� and �here tern�inat::lg. , , ,� , - ,. � jo, ...3o�i � ! , � `ti °I !iiil �tK -1 � .�-� LEYE ROAD -� �-�--- —:_^_�. _-�- �--- -----_ —_,�=z,;,---� r � � {��.��.�__.��������.� � � � � lIEwFLLYN'S I � pARKtNC �OT � � � , �, i � � f--!�---------_ :, w ---�.:: � ---� • ��a.nA�E F .�}.';Q �� i a . �, , � x `� 4, I Z � "� : � . � �1C � �i ----- `------ � 3 �i� � ; :. - �- , ` �_' �� : r �- — — 1 ---- -1 - "�--' r . 1� 1 I � I.Y � ,�� { I a l Q� y I 1� �8 �� � I I `� � ,��' � ' � n � � � � { � � i . �• �� i � iv ; � � .._... ___. � � : l W �t � � � f �z=.o 1 E T :;, �c T� � � i o --- �` ��_,._„�.._:._,�� ; `� . o - . . ',!.� o .� _�"�_ —.. . . . . � £xhrb�� N�„ ..... ., y i%: �_���� ��/�� � ' J ������ {/� ' "' ..' _' � �_�.. O .��_ •�V��'�.--..���� :�� � � ' 1 . _ _ � _""" '�_' O � ""�O. ---- •- • . . a _ c-E:�� sr a ' •- - :a.. . ", .',� - a : . - o I � .r a ; _ i I � .. � _.. _ ` --� ' � � V 1 . _ r � _ , � / . � o I � _ ;>, `, „ f �o f .. ` ---- ---- —=— � . !� � o � 50' �� 50' ��50' �� , C� � � Z — — — — — — — — — — — : � h y� � o E ��,, I � I � i za � ca . I � •� � I I � � � ----------- Q� . � �� '� � I N I n7 �� � i � G�abas � ' i � �s �� a i i i � 11 I�' "-1'—�- � i � �� ��� ! g�� �o. �I ► �� .�i i �i i , ,, Council Da�e: August 26,1998 ��-`��'� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Aate: Gr n eet Number: 50107 Z arac'rn�c��u�xecr 4 rnvco�mca ontact Person and Phoce Nnmber: �� 1 a n�"" , �' , 5 a�" JnanOFtiZ 26(r8g50 � uncernwecrox .amcrsvcnuc 3 Yoxrox.ss�sn,n� 6 �ua�,esrnrenms�ourzoon�iw� ust be on Council Consent Agenda b: August 12th, 1998 to set a coimcil hearing date of August 26th, 1998 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CCION RF.QUESTED; Petition to vacate right of way known as Levee Rd. as part of the reconstruction of the Wabasha Bridge . T.M.S. File #1998-03 ECOMMPN�A'�IONS: APPROVEU)ORRFJECt (k) ERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: eu�wc comm�ss�on A_ srner ,��p¢ p¢�od�rm ever worked under a contract for this departrneut? YES NO c�n�sexv�ce comre�siox . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO c�e commrrree • Aoes this persodfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WIIICH COONCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL '; TIATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTIIIVITY (4Vho, What, When, Where, 4Vhy?): ith the reconstruction of the Wabasha Bridge, the City has right of way it will not need. The right of way ill convert to private ownership as apart of said bridge project. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City will not be responsible for the excess land. , TSADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��� one. AUG 10 199� ������`� ������ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City will have tlus excess land that it will be liable for. CCUttCi Res°a; ch Center AUG 1 � 1g�� OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: ZQTO COST/REVF.N[JE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOUR.CE: ACIT�VITY NUMBER: AI3CIALINFORMATION:(EXYLe17N) . ... ..__._..__._.. _ .. _ _ . . _- Adnuivistraitive charges are waived - the City is the petitioner. Transaction amount is an administrative fee for the vacation. . � 9�s -'t8 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 50060 ontact person and Phone Number. EPART.M1�?i'I' DIRECTOR CI'I'Y COUNCD. JuaIIOrtiz 266-8850 nnoiuv�x crrYCtEiuc UDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFINAivC7ALSVCS. Ust be On Council Agenda by: 1 YOR (OR ASSLSTAh'"n 2 AL ESTA1'E 140 CH (OR17Z) OTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES _1_ �cLrn ni.L Locwnovs Fox sicNn�vxe� CITOT` REQUESTED: lease sign the attached perifion to allow the vacafion of right of way in connecfion with the reconstrucfion of he Wabasha Bridge. This was part of an agreement to do a land trade. COMh1L'NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.dECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOW7NG: 1. Has tLe person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNII�iG COMhDSSION A STAFF . Has this persoo/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by auy YES NO current City employee? CIB COMhll'ITEE Explain alI ]'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUIVCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 2, DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL TTTATING PRO&LEM_ iSSU�, OPP-ORTLTM,rn,*rry �hQ� 4F'F�L, FVhen� 6TS`.a-a, SY�N j?ia As part of said project the City agreed to convey a right of way no longer needed. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Right of way will be vacated. �� ����g� ��C����� ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Lv ' �IAR 2 3 �gg� None. t��1�CE�?`S Q���C'� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The development of the Wabasha bridge will not proceed as planned. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTLON: NOne. COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVI'CY N[JMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII3) Because the City is the petitioner, the usual fees are waived. Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CfTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 1, 1997 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paui �� -'1$"`{ The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate right of way as shown on the attached map. See attached map. This vacation is part of the plan to reconstruct the Wabasha Bridge and is part of a land trade. CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY � ��-- � �`�u. Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this ���Eh day of `�(�i1i� , 1998, by �Qr�y/ �, , Mayor of the ennnnr�� . , • _ _ JtSh�, "n. t7;:YSZ ��'`�`� 53�ARY YGo�I'�-?.;lt�llcS'J!S l � It&AiSEY COli:3T.tl pqqCprn�n.Ekplrecdan.3£,2000 � £ttM1/��MN'M'�JW W'NJVw`N`M V W a City of Saint Pau1, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. `---- , ; ., Notary Pu li � Phone: (612) 266-8850 Faz: (612) 266-8855 _ �� -`��y RECEiVED CITY OF SAINT PAUL �q� 3 1 igs6 PURCHASE AGREEMENT RFAL ESTAiE DIVISION 1. Date: January 5, 1996 2. Location o£ the Real Estate: Property northeast o£ Wabasha & Wa�er Streets. Portion of parking area north o£ 84 Wabasha Stseet South. 3. I,ega1 Description of properties to acquired by Buyer: See Attached Exhibit "A" as depicted on the attached _ � ' Exhibit "C". �`,�� 4. a)Name and address of Buyer: ���^� � ` � �.. City of Saint Paul "'y Department of Public Works ' 6th Floor City Aa11 Annex `° 25 West Fourth Street ^. j? St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' 5. 3 b)Name and address of Selier: Weschcke Family Limited Partnership �'- � C/O Llewellyn Worldwide Limited 84 Wabasha Street South ,;�.�� - St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 % Purchase price accepted by Seller: See Paragraph 10...t•��;� Seller shall pay all assessments levied against said `�� property as of the date of transaction. Seller shall �,z� provide Buyer with proof of payment of assessments. ` 7. Type of Conveyance required: Convey permanent right oP way easements by warranty deed. 8. Seller shall provide the Buyer within seven days o£ signing this Purchase Agreement an updated Abstract of Title and/or an Owners Certificate of Title. Seller agrees at Sellers cost and expense to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's "Commitment to Insure" title examination report. 9. T=ansaction sha11 occur within 30 days following execution of the Purchase Agreement at which time the title to the premises shall be conveyed to the City. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay al1 closing costs. �,� �`� �� the Buyer shall convey to Seller the following property: - See Exhibit "B" as depicted on attached Exhibit "C", and Suyer shall pave the entire revised parking lot. - 11. The Buyer shall provide reasonably adequate temporary parking to Seller during construction o£ the Wabasha Street Bridge #62555 and improvements in connection with Item #10, iE existing private parking becomes inaccessible to the Seller and any individuals having business with said Seller. 10. As part of the compensation for permanent easement rights, _, _ - _ _�. -_---- Purchase Agreement Page 2 12. Seller shall provide an a£fidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or permitted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as defined in 5ection 115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 0£ the I,aws o£ Minnesota of 1983. 13. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closinq and the conveyance of title to the property. 14. Buyer shall provide good and marketable title to Parcel M, an owner�s Title Insurance Policy, and a"Phase 1" environmental report indicating no environmental problems. SELLER: By: 0 ts• � oY-` By: Date Date: �, �,, 31 Its: BL3YER: City of Saint Paul By: -of-way Engineer Date: �zl z/ � 6 � �� ���y Exhibit "A" Parcel "1" f Permanent Aight of Way Easement T"nat part of Lot 3, Elock A, P.obertscn's Addi;ion ;o Z1'est St. Paul, Ramsey Counfy, \�innesota, lying southi,�esterly ef a line s,�hidt is pzrai:el tia>ith znd 65.00 ;eet nort�:eas;eriy of, �neasured af a right angle to, the following described cen;er line: Com;nenr'ng aE the in;ersection ef ;he center lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Streets as shown on the recorded p]at of the City ef St. Paul, Ramsey Counfy, ?vlinnesofa, czid "v�tersec�ion more specifically described as being the ;ollowin� point ill the Ransey County Coord'v�ate Syster.l as oublished �y the Ra:nsey County Public Z^'orks Depzrtment, Land Sun-ey Division, final zcfjust�nent December 17, 1991, based upon the \TOr`�h American Datum of 1°33 (19S6 adjusfinent) (Y-ceordinate = 1�6192 o03 ;eet end X-coordina;e = �75004.021 feet?; thence South 3� c'eg:ees 32 ninutes 47 secor.ds East (ail hearings herein being per said Ra:nsey County Coor3inate Sys'.en) alona the center 1L-�e of said 14�abasha Street, 351.44 feet to the foiJovaing poult ul said Rainsey County Coordinzte System (Y-coordinate = 155903.-�33 feet and X-coordinaie = 5i�203.314 feet); thence i�TOrth �� dearees �1 minutes 11 secone's East, 0�9 ;eet to the point of beginning of :he center line to be �'escribed; ihei�ce South 3? dea ees 32 minutes ?7 seconds Eact 119.60 feet; thence South �2 de, ees 23 minutes 47 seconds East �7.59 !eet; thence Southezsterly along a°3-�.25 :oot radius tangential cur�>e, concave to the south�a>est, central ano e 04 degrees 15 n �9 secondc, a distance of 159.13 feet; #hence Sovth 2;3 degrees Q7 n;inutes 48 seconds East, ;a�gent ;o said cun•e, �;6.41 feef; thence Southeasterly, along a 2952.75 foot radius tangentiz! curve, conca�re to Lhe northeast, cen:ral �11g1e 05 degrees 07 irinu;es 18 seconns, a distance af 263 °5 feet; thence South 28 minutes 15 minu;es OS seconds East, tangent to said curve, 227.63 feet to the center line of Fillmore Arenue (formerly }:rio�vn zs Fouzth Street on the plat of Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, Ransey Cotm#y, D�linnesota) and 9here terminating. (Said point of :ermination, for utformation purposes oniy, lies 0.28 feet northeasterly of ihe center iule of 1NaUasha S:reet, as measured along the cenfei line of said Fi3lmore A�>ei�ue.) -- � ... Exhibit "B" �� �`l�`i Parcel "M" Ihat part of I.ot 2, E;ock �, Robertson's Addition to Slrest St. Paul, Rzmsey County, ?�l.inr,esota, lying Eas�erly of a lir;e running frc;a a point on the I�?or,hwes;erly ]n�e of sa;d i.ot 2 �:�d 15.00 ;eet \'or�he�sterly �om the \torthz�est corner of said Lot 2 io a point on the Southeas:erly lu�e oi said Lot 2� 30.00 `eet �?ortheas;ezly fron the South�v�t corner of szid Let 2; together �a�ith that part of I.ot 1, said 3iock A lying sou;h�sesierly of Line A described below: Line � Lire A being a'ine par�?:el zvith znd 30.U0 :eet southl�>es:erly of, meass:ed at a iioht angJe to, the following descrioed line: Commencino at the ��tersectien ef the cen;er liries of 1Nabssha and Fourth Streets as sho�+�n en the recorded plat of the Ci;y of St. Paul, Ramsey Cow�t3�, \tinneso:a, said in,ersection more specifically desr.riUed as Lein� the follotving poi;,t in ��e . Ramsey Co•,u�ty Coord'u�ate System as published by the Rz ,�sey Cowlty Pubiic ��TO*ks Departr_�ent, La��d Sun°ey D;vision, final adjustmert December 17, 1991, ba:ed Lpon :he Nort:� AmericaZ Datum of 1933 (1955 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet znd X-coorZinz:e = 575009.021 feet); t�:ence South 34 de�rees 32 minutes �7 seconds Ezst (all bearings he:ein beu�g pe: said ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) a3ong the cen,er line of said 1'�'abasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the foilcwing point ;n said Ramsey Cow Coordinate Sys�em (Y-ccordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordina,e = 5i�203.314 feet); thence I�TOrth �� de J:ees 41 ninutes 11 second, Ezst, 4.49 feet; the�xe South 3� degrees 32 mulu;es ?7 secor.ds East 119.b0 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds Ezst 547 °9 feet; thence Seutheasterly along a;54.25 foot radius tanoentizl curve, concave fo the southti+>est, central angle 09 degrees 15 ;ninutes 54 secoi;ds, a dictnnce of 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 minutes a3 seconds East, tangent fo szid curve�476.71 feet; thence North 66 Cegrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easferly and southeasterly aIcng a 140.00 foot radius, tangential cun�e, co;�ca�-e fo the south, central ang)e 31 degrees 53 minutes �2 seconds a nist�nce of 200.11 feet to the pon�t of b o°iTUwig of �1�e line to be desaiUed; thence South 31 nearees'_4 :n:rutes 0� seconds East, fangent to said cvn�e, 250.55 :eet, to the cen:er line of Eact SNaier Street zr�d there termvzatin�. EXCEPI�G THERE�i:O'�•i, th4t part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, desaibed as ;ello�vs. gEa'7tnln at the intersecticn of •�he aforedescribed Line A and the southe�ster)y line of said i.ot i; thence sovihl��esterly a;ong =_aid southeasterly lu�e, 15.00 feet; thence i�c�rtheasferly to a point o» said Line A���hich is 15.00 `eet norih���esterly of the a,'o:edescribed pou�t cf begiraw�g, measured along said Line A; thence sou;heasterly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of beginni�� and the:e ter;ninatil�g. - • `ti °I !i iil ��-� �� LE�E ROAD ------- `T i i �.��.. . _ . �''-_ �► �� �� y `lJ J z ° ^ , a / \ 0 � --- � ---- t — � � �� � �_ � I 'r----- ( ( � Q���� i I a � ``� � � � � ` � � � � ry � � I I 1 0 r h = ` �o ; v � i New anw� � •. W �t � � � � ?�;:� i � Y ., T :�� 0 _` _��� _ o ; � V .,,:, s � , � ` �`� _" . . . G Exhtb ~AI' ..... y Y^-{`'r`G _���� � '/ �� n � ' � • ' ' "' -. -� , � ���� o����' ��VI/����_�_� ��- � � • I _ � .. . - "" " � 8 _.._ ? ?.y;. :'� 5't d . .. . .; a_.. ' V ;�� °`: . . . . . o � � � -... _. . _ -� o , . � _ � - ; - , /: ' � 3�. -------- � . _ 8 � _ ' � (`' ' ..' --- ' '�, '�' � - _ �_.._ ' � �� ----�j ° j 5� I � SO' ��50' � i Z -------- ' -- ' r � a � i ' � � � I 29 L`� I S � (� � �� � � z ' ' � . ' � 0 � "� � � � , I ,� � � C�, � __ �______� _ ;� � � � � � I n� .� � j ��Gt�Q�� i d 'R�s��4 i i � �Sl��'o� � �Y " 1 ' - � l � i � c� �...�� �� I /� .�i I �/ � , ,� � � , .. , � � �o � �30�� r� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 12, 1998 Subject: . TMS No.-199&03 �� �l$`� The City Clerk has refe;red to this office the petition of.th'e City of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (see atYaclie� descr�p#}on): This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. of this vacation is Will you piease advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments as soon as possible so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fuc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. Tf you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Phone: (612) 266-885D Faz: (612) 266-8855 (199803in) �. • To: Reply to Vacation inquiry File #1998-03 Phone# Fac # # of Pages 1 m A. �rtiZ From: of St. Paul re Ds��s�on 266-8850 Pnoneu 26Cr8855 Fax # �� ���� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easements witlun the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed Date 4' . � ( INTER-DEPAR'TMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �} �� y Stary M. Becker, Director i.,� �� �� �`n �. . �"�.i `, !� ( , x '`�;./ To: Juan Ortiz Rea{ Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhut� Public Works Right-of-Way Division 800 City Hall Annex Date: August 3, 1998 Subject: TMS File#03-1998 Vacation of part of Levee Rd. for Land swap due to Wabasha Bridge project a z � `� 15�y� 'c� �` I ` .; ' ��%ls,�,, The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced proposal and has no objections to the vacation subject to the following comment: The lega{ descriptions for the two parcels are horrendous. I don't know where the descriptions came from, and they will work, but perhaps someone should request a more concise description from the City Surveyor. LD c: Pete Gallagher, Jeff Grosso, Bill Hagland, Tom Kuhfeld, Kevin Nelson, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida Responsive Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Pride � c, , ,�� r � t��w' .—�C LEYcE ROAO -----^'_-1 Zi'1�---: 1� !o �� ''1 � � � � � �F I � � � _ n.� � p ;� 1 .., c � I ' 1 ; . o t . - � � � _�� " .. . . . . G Exhrb i. Hn„ ..._ i r..� ,r `O �_� � ' J .__ ��_ A �ud • -'_ . ._.� —�._�-� O _ ..-_`_�_��__ � � I � V • �O - 1 . . _ � .._._.."".... 0 8 . ""'�`�•L�;;�S'. ? �-_. _..._ . . . . . o � • • � . .. . ��.. • '�.. ^ s':1 C I � ._,� n -••-_.._._ � •I 1. . �_�� t 1 j ' � ; 130� -------� , ; - ' � '�• oI' L-- � .> ::, ^^ � f o i _ ,n�� ---� 50' (� 50' —~ �50' �J� �C� i Z-------------� ° � I� f � � �.} i a l � � f I � e3 �� � 4� � - II '.N � z1 I � � .� 0 � ^�j o � , � � � �. � � � 0 � ----------- '� wo � ;� ��N l�iT„ � � i i �- � I ;�labasl� � 'R�g�� � �S {� �'o� 1__� .� ► �. @I I �� -�4 I �/ � � �, _� _. _ __ _ �='_ . _ � � !� i I� - - � r � �, a �°.- , � , 'r , ' � i � � ;; 1 J � T ` � � f I: � I � I ` � �� '! — � ��� � ` � ���'�_ --_' ' ' .i — __. - _" ' _'_ __ ' __p_ _ _ _2i0_ ___ `__ .—_ �_" � I ..s V �'c-iv»..r.,/ �5��'.�0 3-_'r___"___��� � 1 :/� _J_ _ " - - - �i � � (�t `- �T ' , , , ^ , '+F •,'> ��� pi, � ., - __ 1 ,� d. ., . r,.. . f. -- -- —_---- - - ---_ --- -i-- i � : � ;. a' s o � o � �a ` 5�✓ <'F.O.'ERTY + �� _ _ ., r .. . � - - � � � � '-i � p U H E G 1 L _—_ _-t-_. _ _ , -: .-.._._ _ -� ___. , _-- __ _ _ - ` ' ' 3 � r , .�, � , C. . $ . _ � , , � \ _'F _ s{ � . ,,s =s '° 5� l —_ - � y " " � - _ ' i' �� ZS�\ :• ' '"� <' � l. -�._ _ '--- ' ---- I�� _._ -;:t.- �--. .��. - �T`� � � � \ _. � � � \� ��' ` C \ `'.� � /{' - . - �t" : ,��. �= ` �,__ - _ '' -'_— _ _ �_� . 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' � a..�( ' _ _ L6�_ � � I � � . _ - � -____ ° .y ' .�� I �' ' _� ----,K� >:.,' ,.� � � .n I �' i , I '_- i3) ' �� � � �.- � � ' , � � /G , ' / � , � __ _- „ �� � � 2 � �! �S_ � _ " � � � , � � � . � � � � � � �� _ F ,, � ___ �' ` _ y 1:< � � ._ �-� - , � � '_- ' -�-------- - --•- - j �� --- --- t � — 3 I � -- --- -- ' � � � ��� � 8 � ��� - � � � ' +. -'� ` ' � � � 1 � ---. .. _- -- � �� . I ' ,,, � , z ��, � . � 6'q '� oi i� ¢ r�� � ( ' �, � i _ � ��i �� � _ � __�— � _ '� � � � 0 � I ' r � Io- �'�„ '� �' __ '- --5 � � .o _-_—�-_ � , -� _ �.1. .- '., �-�'- .. , _ „=: , . ,: - . . • Exhibit "S" Parcel "M" Ihat part of Lot 2, E;ock .�, Robertsori s.�ddition fo ti•��est St. Paul, Ramsey County, ?vlinresofa, Jying Easterly of a lv�e ru�L-ung frc;*i a pou-�t on the i�Tor,h`+esterly l'u�e of sa:d Lot 2 u�d 15.00 :eet \o �he�sterly � the \TOrth��•est corner of said Lot 2 io a point on the Southezsferly lu�e or szid Lot 2 and 30.00 teet �`oi �heas.er,y fron tl South�4�est cors�er of said Let 2; ;ogether �ti�ith that part of Lot 1, said 31ock A lyi,-�g sou,h�,•esterly of Line � desr.ibed below: Lir�e � Li:�e A being a'ine para?:el with and 30.U0 ;eet sou;h;��esferly of, mezsu:ed at a rig;�t zngle fo, the fol]owL�g descrioed line: Cemmencing at the � ef ihe cen,er lines of 1Nabasha a�d Fourth Stree,s zs shoi��n en the :ecorded plat of the City of St. Pavl, Rarrsey Cewity, Viinnesc:a, said in;ersection i7ore specifically desr.ribed Gs Lein� the ;ollot+�ing poi;,t in :he Rzmcey Co•�nty Coorci'viate Systenl as published by tlie Rz ,lsey Cowlty Pubiic i1�o*ks Departnient, La�1d Sun�ey D;vision, ;inal adjustmer,t December 17, 1991, based upon :he North America;� Datum ot 1953 (1955 zdjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 Seet and X-coor�.ina:e =�7�OOQ.021 feet); :hence South 34 dejrees 32 minutes �?7 seconds Eas{ (all bearings herein beu�g pe: said Ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) along the cen;er )ine of szid 1�'zbasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the follete'ing point ;n said itamsey Coun;y Coordi7zte Sysfem (Y-ceordina'e = 1559Q3 �33 feet znd X-coorciinate = 575203.314 feet); thence i�TOrth �� de�:ees 41 minutes ll seconds East, 0.�9 feet;'.hence South 3-� degrees 32 mvlu;es 47 secor,ds East 119.60 teef; thence Souih 32 degrees 23 minutes 97 seconds E�st 547 :'9 Seet; ihence Seutheaster�y aJon� a°54.25 foot radius tanaential curve, concave fo the sovthti��est, central ang]e 09 �egrees 15 ;ninutes 59 seconds, a disfaz�ce of 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 �inutes a5 seconds East, tangent fo szid curv�476.71 ;eet; thence �TOrth 66 �'egrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feef; thence easferly �nd southezsterly alcng a i?0.00 ;oot radius, tangentizl cun�e, co�cal-e ;o the south, central angle 81 degrees 53 ininutes 12 seconds a nistance.of 2�0.11 feet to the poult of beginning of 1�e line io be described; �hence Sout!131 nearees 14 :nirutes 0� secane�s East, tangr-r�t to said cvn�e, 2�0.�5 :eet, to the cenfer line of Eact Waier S:reet and there temlvz�tin�. EXCEPTL�G THEREFi�O'�4, that pzrt of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as ;ello�vs: Be�su�ing �t the 171fE75E•CiJCll of the a:oredescribed Lv�e A and the southeas�ei9y line of szid Lot 1; thence soviht��esterly z;ono said southeas;erly Iv�e, 1�.00 feet; thence northeasferly to a point on said Line A�+-hich is 7�.00 `eet northw•esterly of the aforedescribed po'v1t cf begi;vung, measured a7ong said Line A; thence southeas,erly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of teginnL�J and l he:e tenninat:ng. �� ,'�g ``� Exhibit "A" Parcel "I" / Permanent Right of Way Easement Tnat part of Lot �, Block �1, P.ober:scri s Addition fo `��est St. Paul, Ramsey Cou.nty, A�linnesota, lying southwesterly ef a line t+�hiclt s parai!ei lvith and b5.00 feet northeasterly of, measured at a right an�le ;o, the follolving described cen:er line: Com;nencu�g at the in,erseccion cf ;he center lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Streets zs shoi�>n on the recorded pl�t of ;he City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, ��innesota, czid 'ultersedion more specifically described as bei� the ;ollowing point :�t d�e Rznsey County Coord'u�a;e Syster.l as publisl:ed �y the Ra�-nsey County Public ti�'orks Department, Land Sun-ey Division, final adfustnent Decer:�ber 37, 1491, based upon the \ror'�h Axrierican Datum of 1°33 (19Sb adjustntent) {Y-ceord'u�ate = 1�6192.903 ;eet and X-coordina;e =�75004.021 feetl; thence South 3� c'egrees 32 minutes 17 secor.ds East (zil bearings herein being per said Ra;nsey Coun�y Coor3ulate SysFem} a]on� she center line of said Wabzsha S�.eet; 3�1.-14 feet to the foiJol+-ino pou�t vt said Rzmsey County Coordinz,e System (Y-coordin�te = 1��903133 ;eet and X-coordinate = �7�203.31� feet); 2hence \TOrth �� dearees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0�9 ;eet to the point of beginning of .he center line to be �escribed; thence South 3a deo ees 32 minutes 17 seconds Last 119.6� feet; thence South 32 de;rees 23 :ninutes 47 seconds East 437.S9 feet; thence Southezsterly z]ong a 9Q-�.25 ;oot radius tangential curve, co.^.cave :o the southti+est, central zno e 09 degrees I5 i��inu,es �9 seconds, a dist�nce of ?�9.13 feet; ,hence South 2:3 degrees 07 n;inutes 48 seconds East, ,anger.t to said cun�e, �:'b.41 feei; the��ce Southeasterly, along a 29�2✓5 foot radius tangentizl cun=e, conca��e to t�e northeast, cen:ral zstgle 05 degrees 07 irinu;es 18 seconds, a distance of 2b3.�5 .eet; thence So�;th 2S minu,es ?5 „t:nu,es 05 seconds East, fangent to said cun>e, 227.63 {eet to the center line of Fillmore Aver,ve (fornerly }:no�e�n e,s Fourth Street cn ihe plat of Pobertson's Addition to West St. Pzu1, Rar.uey Couniy, Niinnesota) zsid there terminating. (Said point of :ermination, for utforn�ation purposes only, lies 0.28 feet northeasterly of the tenter lv�e of l��abasha S:reet, as �ezsuzed along the center line of szid Fillmore Avenue.) ♦ � n S � From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@stpaul.gov> To: TMSD.TMS(ortiz) Date: ' 8/3/98 1:28pm Subject: TMS�98-031Levee Rd. vac. To: Juan Ortiz Rea1 Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhut Public Works Right-of-Way Division S00 City Aall Atmex Date: August 3, 1998 Subject: TMS File#03-1998 Vacation of part of Levee Rd. for Land swap due to Wabasha Bridge project The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced proposal and has no objections to the vacation subject to the following comment: The legal descriptions for the two parcels are horrendous. I don't know where the descriptions came from, and they will work, but perhaps someone should request a more concise description from the City Surveyor. LD c: Pete Gallagher, Jeff Grosso, Bill Hagland, Tom Kuhfeld, Kevin Nelson, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Max'tin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Pill Tschida http://www.stpaul.gov CC: H2O.WATER(billt,jerrys),STPAUL.SmtpMime("ken.taill... �6 ��� 0 Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 To: Real Pkone # Fac 6 Juan A. OrtIZ From: ity of St. Paul / ��, 266-8850 N of Pages I We have no objections to this vacation . . . . , . . . . . � ...................... We must retain our easements wi�hin chc ri;h[-oi-way. 4Ve wi]I approvc ihis vacation. subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....a For the foliowing reasons, wc canaot appruve this vacacion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � P.O1 � • 1 E —1 b �. Z z .. �� Dxtc _. ��� ��y�� - �.� c�c ��ii r.GGiU� To: luan _ Repfy to Vacation Inqu�qr ; _ , File #1998-03 Phonelt Faz 71 ' From: Ptlone A Fax # % �,�8`� We have no objections fo this vacation . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .... . . �---�/ ..............L�" We must retain our easement5 within the right-of-way. We will approve tbis vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cunaot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ��gnea �.�(�-�� ba�e Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 A of Pages 1 To: Juan A. Ortiz rrouc %L / City of St. Paul �S� _ G Real Escate Division �s s' Phone x 266-8850 Phonc p Faz X 266-SR55 F�., w �� ��� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . _ . . . � ............................. We must retain our easements within the right of-way. We wi13 approve this vacation, subject to the vacation sub,}ect to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ❑ s E � � ��t Signed � � 9 Date JUL-16-1998 15�04 ST PAUL PLRNNING & ECON 612 228 3314 P.01/09 „.,. ,e . To: Juan A. Ortiz Prom: � D �� � City of Sc. Paui "`� Reply to Vacafion Inquiry Real Estate Division File #199& Phooe/I 266-8850 P600eu � ����G3 0 Fa�c A 266-8855 Fax !/ ��— ?j3 l We bave nn objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �., We musc retain our easemenu within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, ❑ vacation subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • - • - - For the following reasons, we cannot apptove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • •❑ �(—'�' Date lu:ss k�AA til'L 221 035� Reply to Vacation tnquiry File #1998-03 DISTRICT ENERGY rA. City o: Raal Estate Phont�' F'az� I�001/003 l0 '�� 3 iavid L. ic Ener ict Cool P.A. • Paul t. Pan: 221-0353 . . .. ._ .. e have no objecfioiu to'this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must retain. our easembnts within t]ie right-of-way, W� � approve this ❑ vaca�on subject to the foIIowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fnr the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: . ' • • • • • • • • • • • •❑ ..... .... ......❑ �� Signed - � Date 6� Repiy to Vacation fnquiry File #1998-Q3 io: luan A. Ozti2 Fmm: Ciry of St. Paul i� S Real Estate Division �� Phoncb 266-8850 Phone/1 Fax n 266-8855 Fas # ,"�= We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�i] We must zetain our easements witfiin the righc-of-way. We wi11 approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q Aate ��1 �r�ac� l� S (,J�s`�" a� ��� JUL 13 '98 08�30 612 266 8855 PqGE.03 O p oP Pages 1 To: Juan A. OrtiZ From: (.�, ,��r � � � �� �� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 Ph��� Fax # Real Fstate Division Phone N Fvc We have no ob,}ections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, � � vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ For the foliowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q RF �'Elr�� d Req� E � � � �,�g� srA o � ����� /�� 8 Date SUL-13-1998 09=16 ST Pal4L REf�L ESTATE Tn: Repty to Vacation Inqu9ry File #199$-Q3 PLanel/ Fax p s1Z �G66 titi5� r.b3�bb Juan A. Ottiz Fronr. �, la .�' ��� Ciry of St. Paul ��{� (�� ' L'scace Division � 266 YhoncB Z ��_ Z �Z 266-$855 FaY /f ... � n ., > ,-G� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We wlll approve this vacation, vacation subject to tfie following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� Far [be following reasons, we cannot apgrove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ `�t�-tt�� Dat -�---- - � — T00['(3j dSN 60£Z 6ZZ ZT9 XV3 55�90 �AZ 86/TZ/LO JUL-10-1998 12�38 FROM CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP TO Reply to Vacation Inqu9ry File #1998-03 68855 P.061/001 N of Pages 1 � To: IuanA.Oitiz From:� Ciry of St. Paul �� � PhoncN too-oa�v' .,___.. F� g 266-8855 � Fax �1 We ha�e no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • - • • - • - � - � We must Tetain our easements within the right-of-way. We wiil approve this vacation, ❑ vacaaon subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - For the following teasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� /v �Q' Date . �9 I TOTAL P.061 `��l - ` 1 �S `� Departmeat of Finance & Management Services INTSRDBPARTMENTAL Nffi�40RANDUM To: Peter Wamer City Attorney's Office 4th Floor Ciry Hall From: ]uan Ortiz� Real Estate Division 140 City Hall A.S.A.P. ( N� �w�tc�,. I� ��) Date: August 4, 1998, 1998 Re: Vacate Excess Right of Way as Part of the Wabasha Bridge Reconstruction Please review the enclosed peution for the vacation of City owned property rights. If all the information is in order, please sign off on the resolution and relurn the nackane to our a� e, I will set a hearing date and notify the petitioner. Thanks. ...\vacate.ort\199803wnnr �'-'� �z` .�'" - _ -�- „ _ `_ 4.c �_ � ,.� ��...s �U� �4 i99� ���� 3�Y �t�.c .a4i�=,'��.Y¢�� 6� � Fb ���'i�°v-"t JUL-13-1998 14�15 STP PRRKS & RECREATION To: Reply to Vacation lnquiry � File #1998-03 Phoner/ �a Juan A. Octiz Esta[e Division 268-ssso 612 292 7405 P.01/08 � .., . . � From: �� (�j�ri1 Faz !{ �� .`l�`� We have no objections to [his vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements wichin the right-of-way. �Ve will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� � Signed � � 7 d � Date STREET OR ALLEY VACATION NO. 4 3 YEAR 1�l' 1�' � Vacation of: 2,� (J, i�1 G k�; � 7�C iyk�rOV�crx�n�c� yL/� 4J�.���. l�,.: d� �,c,�.,d 5�,� � Petirioner: .�; � . o�. 5�. �a.,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �,� ��� SUFFICIENCY Map Hearing Date Referred Ownership Report � j Pe6tion Signatures �/ � VACATION R90TICE SCHEDULE Approvai of Legal Description: Okayed Inquiries Utilities ✓ U.S. West (Trujillo) MailedlReceived f�''� i ✓ N.S.P. Electric (Gille) � ! ✓ N.S.P. Gas (Virant) � 1 MCI Metro (Boyers) �`^ J ✓ District Energy (Urke) L — I ✓ Continental CableVision (Gilberg) ( Certificates Mailed/Received 1 / / Other Q �g-��y Interdepartmentat Memorandum C4TY OF SAINT PAUL To: All Council Members From: Peter Whit��'l� Right of Way Engineer 140 City Ha11 Date: August 4, 1998 . Stii�i}ecf': '�� Tleptat'tazies�t k�aca�r€rz� F�i� k�� �§�8�� ,. : , _ I recommend a public heazing before the City Council be held on �ugit'�E �6� i99$ � The purQose of this vacation is dispose of excess right of way as part of the Wabasha Bridge reconstruction project . This properiy is located in City Council District �, Planning District 3� The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. cc: Shazi Moore or Fred Owusu �iQUt'be^i"�.'F3E58a�C� �Ri'4�1 ; �: ; , .:; ��-��� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the.petition of The City of Saint Paul for the vacation of that part of -Lot 2, Block A, Robertson's Addition, thereof on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk af Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting thereof to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on tYie 26th day of August, 1998 at 5:30 P.M. Dated August 5,.1998 Shari Moore Deputy City C1erk � _ _ � -- _ .;;. - - -_� � .�. • .: _,_ : (August 8, 1998) Return copy to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ORIGIIVAL Council File # � ' � c� i (�rrPn Cht�vt # . S(7 / tl '^/ Co�►mittee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul; as documented in Technology Departrnent File Number 1998-03, the public property hereinafter described is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit `B" This vacation shali be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's their successors' or assign's use of this properry, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, ar misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 OR1�INAL q� -�8�� ?i. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. By: �� Approved by By: Requested by Department of: Technolo�v & ManaQement Services r y/�/ � B ���������l�L-- i'� Director� Form Appro by City Attorney By: �%�G✓G��� �f �r�c/�' � for 5�bmission to Council Adopted by Council: Date 2f Adoptior,�Certified by Council Sec etary Exhibit ORIGlNAL Parcel "M" ��-9�y Thzt part of Lot 2, Eiock A, Robertson's Addi�on to 1•1'est St. Paul, Ramsey Covniy, ?�Linr.esota, lyino Easterly of a lir,e running frc, t a point on th2 I�?or,hi,-es,erly li�e cf said Lot z��d 15.00 :eet Northezsterly �om the \TOrtht�+•est corner of said Lct 2 fo a point an the Southeas:erJy lu�e oi said Lot 2� 30.00 feet �?ortheas;er;y ;:on the Southi4est comer of s�id Let 2; together t��;ih tnat part of I.ot i, said 3lock A]ying sou:h�, esierly of Line A described be}o1v; Line A Li;�e � being a?ine paral:el iv:th and 30.U0 ;eet sou,hti��es:erJy of, measn:ed zt a rioht di9a to, the following descrioed line: Commencino at the 1�terseciien ef °,he center luies of 11Tabssha and Fourth Streets as shown en the Tecorded p3at of the Ci;y of St. Pavl; Ram,ey Cowlt3r, \�Iinneso:a, said in.ersectioi� mo, e specifically desrriUed as Leing the ;olloi��ing poi;�t in 1�e . Ramse�� Co•,u�iy Coord'u�ate System as pvblished by the R4 ,zsey Cowtiy Pubiic iNorks Dep�rtr.�ieni La�1d Sun�ey D:vision, final adjustment December 17, 1991, based vpon :he North America;� Datum of 1953 (1955 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinzte = �7500a.021 feet); thence South 3� de�rees 32 minutes �?7 seconds East (all bearings he:ein beu�g pe: said Iiamsey Couniy Coordinate Sys�em) along the cen,er line of said Sh'abasha St*eet, 3�1.44 feet to the foilev.�ing pcint ;n said Ramsey Coun:y Coordi�ate System (Y-ccordina+.e = 15�903.433 feet and X-coordina;e = 57�203.314 feet); thence I�TOrth 5� de�:ees 41 nu il second, East, 0.44 feef; ;he»ce South 34 degrees 32 mntutes 47 secor.ds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minuies 47 seconds E�st 597.°.9 leet; il�ence Seuthezsier)y aJon� a 934.25 foot radius tanoentizl curve, concave to the sovth��>es4, cei�tral ang]e 09 deorees 15 minuYes 59 secoi;ds, a distnnce of 159.18 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 minutes 43 seconds East, tangent to said curve�475.71 feet; thence :�TOrth 66 �egrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easferly and southeasterly alono a 1?0.00 foot radius, tangential curve, concati-e to the south, central ang)e 31 degrees 53 ininufes 12 seconds a nistance of 200.11 feet to the poult of b o°�inning of the line to be descriUed; thence Sout?7 31 degrees ?4 :ni;;v,es 0� seconds East, fangent to said cun�e, 2�Oa� feet, to the cen'er line of East Waier S:7eet znd there �ermu�stin�. EXCEPTI�i'G THEREFi:Q`�4, thzt part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as fello�vs: Beo.ru�ing at the intersecticn of the a;oredescribed Line A and the southeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence souihwesterly a;ong said southeasterly lv�e, 15.00 feet; thence n�rtheastezly to a po:nt on said Line A�,-hich is 15.00 feet norih�+•esierly of the a;o:edescriUed po'v�t cf be�i;vl:ng, measured along said Line A; thence sou,heastezly 1�.00 feet io the poir.t of teginnin� and �here tern�inat::lg. , , ,� , - ,. � jo, ...3o�i � ! , � `ti °I !iiil �tK -1 � .�-� LEYE ROAD -� �-�--- —:_^_�. _-�- �--- -----_ —_,�=z,;,---� r � � {��.��.�__.��������.� � � � � lIEwFLLYN'S I � pARKtNC �OT � � � , �, i � � f--!�---------_ :, w ---�.:: � ---� • ��a.nA�E F .�}.';Q �� i a . �, , � x `� 4, I Z � "� : � . � �1C � �i ----- `------ � 3 �i� � ; :. - �- , ` �_' �� : r �- — — 1 ---- -1 - "�--' r . 1� 1 I � I.Y � ,�� { I a l Q� y I 1� �8 �� � I I `� � ,��' � ' � n � � � � { � � i . �• �� i � iv ; � � .._... ___. � � : l W �t � � � f �z=.o 1 E T :;, �c T� � � i o --- �` ��_,._„�.._:._,�� ; `� . o - . . ',!.� o .� _�"�_ —.. . . . . � £xhrb�� N�„ ..... ., y i%: �_���� ��/�� � ' J ������ {/� ' "' ..' _' � �_�.. O .��_ •�V��'�.--..���� :�� � � ' 1 . _ _ � _""" '�_' O � ""�O. ---- •- • . . a _ c-E:�� sr a ' •- - :a.. . ", .',� - a : . - o I � .r a ; _ i I � .. � _.. _ ` --� ' � � V 1 . _ r � _ , � / . � o I � _ ;>, `, „ f �o f .. ` ---- ---- —=— � . !� � o � 50' �� 50' ��50' �� , C� � � Z — — — — — — — — — — — : � h y� � o E ��,, I � I � i za � ca . I � •� � I I � � � ----------- Q� . � �� '� � I N I n7 �� � i � G�abas � ' i � �s �� a i i i � 11 I�' "-1'—�- � i � �� ��� ! g�� �o. �I ► �� .�i i �i i , ,, Council Da�e: August 26,1998 ��-`��'� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Aate: Gr n eet Number: 50107 Z arac'rn�c��u�xecr 4 rnvco�mca ontact Person and Phoce Nnmber: �� 1 a n�"" , �' , 5 a�" JnanOFtiZ 26(r8g50 � uncernwecrox .amcrsvcnuc 3 Yoxrox.ss�sn,n� 6 �ua�,esrnrenms�ourzoon�iw� ust be on Council Consent Agenda b: August 12th, 1998 to set a coimcil hearing date of August 26th, 1998 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CCION RF.QUESTED; Petition to vacate right of way known as Levee Rd. as part of the reconstruction of the Wabasha Bridge . T.M.S. File #1998-03 ECOMMPN�A'�IONS: APPROVEU)ORRFJECt (k) ERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: eu�wc comm�ss�on A_ srner ,��p¢ p¢�od�rm ever worked under a contract for this departrneut? YES NO c�n�sexv�ce comre�siox . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO c�e commrrree • Aoes this persodfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WIIICH COONCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL '; TIATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTIIIVITY (4Vho, What, When, Where, 4Vhy?): ith the reconstruction of the Wabasha Bridge, the City has right of way it will not need. The right of way ill convert to private ownership as apart of said bridge project. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City will not be responsible for the excess land. , TSADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��� one. AUG 10 199� ������`� ������ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City will have tlus excess land that it will be liable for. CCUttCi Res°a; ch Center AUG 1 � 1g�� OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: ZQTO COST/REVF.N[JE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOUR.CE: ACIT�VITY NUMBER: AI3CIALINFORMATION:(EXYLe17N) . ... ..__._..__._.. _ .. _ _ . . _- Adnuivistraitive charges are waived - the City is the petitioner. Transaction amount is an administrative fee for the vacation. . � 9�s -'t8 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 50060 ontact person and Phone Number. EPART.M1�?i'I' DIRECTOR CI'I'Y COUNCD. JuaIIOrtiz 266-8850 nnoiuv�x crrYCtEiuc UDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFINAivC7ALSVCS. Ust be On Council Agenda by: 1 YOR (OR ASSLSTAh'"n 2 AL ESTA1'E 140 CH (OR17Z) OTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES _1_ �cLrn ni.L Locwnovs Fox sicNn�vxe� CITOT` REQUESTED: lease sign the attached perifion to allow the vacafion of right of way in connecfion with the reconstrucfion of he Wabasha Bridge. This was part of an agreement to do a land trade. COMh1L'NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.dECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOW7NG: 1. Has tLe person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNII�iG COMhDSSION A STAFF . Has this persoo/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by auy YES NO current City employee? CIB COMhll'ITEE Explain alI ]'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUIVCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 2, DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL TTTATING PRO&LEM_ iSSU�, OPP-ORTLTM,rn,*rry �hQ� 4F'F�L, FVhen� 6TS`.a-a, SY�N j?ia As part of said project the City agreed to convey a right of way no longer needed. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Right of way will be vacated. �� ����g� ��C����� ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Lv ' �IAR 2 3 �gg� None. t��1�CE�?`S Q���C'� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The development of the Wabasha bridge will not proceed as planned. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTLON: NOne. COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVI'CY N[JMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII3) Because the City is the petitioner, the usual fees are waived. Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CfTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 1, 1997 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paui �� -'1$"`{ The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate right of way as shown on the attached map. See attached map. This vacation is part of the plan to reconstruct the Wabasha Bridge and is part of a land trade. CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY � ��-- � �`�u. Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this ���Eh day of `�(�i1i� , 1998, by �Qr�y/ / ,.��, , Mayor of the ennnnr�� . , • _ _ JtSh�, "n. t7;:YSZ ��'`�`� 53�ARY YGo�I'�-?.;lt�llcS'J!S l � It&AiSEY COli:3T.tl pqqCprn�n.Ekplrecdan.3£,2000 � £ttM1/��MN'M'�JW W'NJVw`N`M V W a City of Saint Pau1, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. `---- , ; ., Notary Pu li � Phone: (612) 266-8850 Faz: (612) 266-8855 _ �� -`��y RECEiVED CITY OF SAINT PAUL �q� 3 1 igs6 PURCHASE AGREEMENT RFAL ESTAiE DIVISION 1. Date: January 5, 1996 2. Location o£ the Real Estate: Property northeast o£ Wabasha & Wa�er Streets. Portion of parking area north o£ 84 Wabasha Stseet South. 3. I,ega1 Description of properties to acquired by Buyer: See Attached Exhibit "A" as depicted on the attached _ � ' Exhibit "C". �`,�� 4. a)Name and address of Buyer: ���^� � ` � �.. City of Saint Paul "'y Department of Public Works ' 6th Floor City Aa11 Annex `° 25 West Fourth Street ^. j? St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' 5. 3 b)Name and address of Selier: Weschcke Family Limited Partnership �'- � C/O Llewellyn Worldwide Limited 84 Wabasha Street South ,;�.�� - St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 % Purchase price accepted by Seller: See Paragraph 10...t•��;� Seller shall pay all assessments levied against said `�� property as of the date of transaction. Seller shall �,z� provide Buyer with proof of payment of assessments. ` 7. Type of Conveyance required: Convey permanent right oP way easements by warranty deed. 8. Seller shall provide the Buyer within seven days o£ signing this Purchase Agreement an updated Abstract of Title and/or an Owners Certificate of Title. Seller agrees at Sellers cost and expense to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's "Commitment to Insure" title examination report. 9. T=ansaction sha11 occur within 30 days following execution of the Purchase Agreement at which time the title to the premises shall be conveyed to the City. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay al1 closing costs. �,� �`� �� the Buyer shall convey to Seller the following property: - See Exhibit "B" as depicted on attached Exhibit "C", and Suyer shall pave the entire revised parking lot. - 11. The Buyer shall provide reasonably adequate temporary parking to Seller during construction o£ the Wabasha Street Bridge #62555 and improvements in connection with Item #10, iE existing private parking becomes inaccessible to the Seller and any individuals having business with said Seller. 10. As part of the compensation for permanent easement rights, _, _ - _ _�. -_---- Purchase Agreement Page 2 12. Seller shall provide an a£fidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or permitted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as defined in 5ection 115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 0£ the I,aws o£ Minnesota of 1983. 13. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closinq and the conveyance of title to the property. 14. Buyer shall provide good and marketable title to Parcel M, an owner�s Title Insurance Policy, and a"Phase 1" environmental report indicating no environmental problems. SELLER: By: 0 ts• � oY-` By: Date Date: �, �,, 31 Its: BL3YER: City of Saint Paul By: -of-way Engineer Date: �zl z/ � 6 � �� ���y Exhibit "A" Parcel "1" f Permanent Aight of Way Easement T"nat part of Lot 3, Elock A, P.obertscn's Addi;ion ;o Z1'est St. Paul, Ramsey Counfy, \�innesota, lying southi,�esterly ef a line s,�hidt is pzrai:el tia>ith znd 65.00 ;eet nort�:eas;eriy of, �neasured af a right angle to, the following described cen;er line: Com;nenr'ng aE the in;ersection ef ;he center lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Streets as shown on the recorded p]at of the City ef St. Paul, Ramsey Counfy, ?vlinnesofa, czid "v�tersec�ion more specifically described as being the ;ollowin� point ill the Ransey County Coord'v�ate Syster.l as oublished �y the Ra:nsey County Public Z^'orks Depzrtment, Land Sun-ey Division, final zcfjust�nent December 17, 1991, based upon the \TOr`�h American Datum of 1°33 (19S6 adjusfinent) (Y-ceordinate = 1�6192 o03 ;eet end X-coordina;e = �75004.021 feet?; thence South 3� c'eg:ees 32 ninutes 47 secor.ds East (ail hearings herein being per said Ra:nsey County Coor3inate Sys'.en) alona the center 1L-�e of said 14�abasha Street, 351.44 feet to the foiJovaing poult ul said Rainsey County Coordinzte System (Y-coordinate = 155903.-�33 feet and X-coordinaie = 5i�203.314 feet); thence i�TOrth �� dearees �1 minutes 11 secone's East, 0�9 ;eet to the point of beginning of :he center line to be �'escribed; ihei�ce South 3? dea ees 32 minutes ?7 seconds Eact 119.60 feet; thence South �2 de, ees 23 minutes 47 seconds East �7.59 !eet; thence Southezsterly along a°3-�.25 :oot radius tangential cur�>e, concave to the south�a>est, central ano e 04 degrees 15 n �9 secondc, a distance of 159.13 feet; #hence Sovth 2;3 degrees Q7 n;inutes 48 seconds East, ;a�gent ;o said cun•e, �;6.41 feef; thence Southeasterly, along a 2952.75 foot radius tangentiz! curve, conca�re to Lhe northeast, cen:ral �11g1e 05 degrees 07 irinu;es 18 seconns, a distance af 263 °5 feet; thence South 28 minutes 15 minu;es OS seconds East, tangent to said curve, 227.63 feet to the center line of Fillmore Arenue (formerly }:rio�vn zs Fouzth Street on the plat of Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, Ransey Cotm#y, D�linnesota) and 9here terminating. (Said point of :ermination, for utformation purposes oniy, lies 0.28 feet northeasterly of ihe center iule of 1NaUasha S:reet, as measured along the cenfei line of said Fi3lmore A�>ei�ue.) -- � ... Exhibit "B" �� �`l�`i Parcel "M" Ihat part of I.ot 2, E;ock �, Robertson's Addition to Slrest St. Paul, Rzmsey County, ?�l.inr,esota, lying Eas�erly of a lir;e running frc;a a point on the I�?or,hwes;erly ]n�e of sa;d i.ot 2 �:�d 15.00 ;eet \'or�he�sterly �om the \torthz�est corner of said Lot 2 io a point on the Southeas:erly lu�e oi said Lot 2� 30.00 `eet �?ortheas;ezly fron the South�v�t corner of szid Let 2; together �a�ith that part of I.ot 1, said 3iock A lying sou;h�sesierly of Line A described below: Line � Lire A being a'ine par�?:el zvith znd 30.U0 :eet southl�>es:erly of, meass:ed at a iioht angJe to, the following descrioed line: Commencino at the ��tersectien ef the cen;er liries of 1Nabssha and Fourth Streets as sho�+�n en the recorded plat of the Ci;y of St. Paul, Ramsey Cow�t3�, \tinneso:a, said in,ersection more specifically desr.riUed as Lein� the follotving poi;,t in ��e . Ramsey Co•,u�ty Coord'u�ate System as published by the Rz ,�sey Cowlty Pubiic ��TO*ks Departr_�ent, La��d Sun°ey D;vision, final adjustmert December 17, 1991, ba:ed Lpon :he Nort:� AmericaZ Datum of 1933 (1955 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet znd X-coorZinz:e = 575009.021 feet); t�:ence South 34 de�rees 32 minutes �7 seconds Ezst (all bearings he:ein beu�g pe: said ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) a3ong the cen,er line of said 1'�'abasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the foilcwing point ;n said Ramsey Cow Coordinate Sys�em (Y-ccordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordina,e = 5i�203.314 feet); thence I�TOrth �� de J:ees 41 ninutes 11 second, Ezst, 4.49 feet; the�xe South 3� degrees 32 mulu;es ?7 secor.ds East 119.b0 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds Ezst 547 °9 feet; thence Seutheasterly along a;54.25 foot radius tanoentizl curve, concave fo the southti+>est, central angle 09 degrees 15 ;ninutes 54 secoi;ds, a dictnnce of 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 minutes a3 seconds East, tangent fo szid curve�476.71 feet; thence North 66 Cegrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easferly and southeasterly aIcng a 140.00 foot radius, tangential cun�e, co;�ca�-e fo the south, central ang)e 31 degrees 53 minutes �2 seconds a nist�nce of 200.11 feet to the pon�t of b o°iTUwig of �1�e line to be desaiUed; thence South 31 nearees'_4 :n:rutes 0� seconds East, fangent to said cvn�e, 250.55 :eet, to the cen:er line of Eact SNaier Street zr�d there termvzatin�. EXCEPI�G THERE�i:O'�•i, th4t part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, desaibed as ;ello�vs. gEa'7tnln at the intersecticn of •�he aforedescribed Line A and the southe�ster)y line of said i.ot i; thence sovihl��esterly a;ong =_aid southeasterly lu�e, 15.00 feet; thence i�c�rtheasferly to a point o» said Line A���hich is 15.00 `eet norih���esterly of the a,'o:edescribed pou�t cf begiraw�g, measured along said Line A; thence sou;heasterly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of beginni�� and the:e ter;ninatil�g. - • `ti °I !i iil ��-� �� LE�E ROAD ------- `T i i �.��.. . _ . �''-_ �► �� �� y `lJ J z ° ^ , a / \ 0 � --- � ---- t — � � �� � �_ � I 'r----- ( ( � Q���� i I a � ``� � � � � ` � � � � ry � � I I 1 0 r h = ` �o ; v � i New anw� � •. W �t � � � � ?�;:� i � Y ., T :�� 0 _` _��� _ o ; � V .,,:, s � , � ` �`� _" . . . G Exhtb ~AI' ..... y Y^-{`'r`G _���� � '/ �� n � ' � • ' ' "' -. -� , � ���� o����' ��VI/����_�_� ��- � � • I _ � .. . - "" " � 8 _.._ ? ?.y;. :'� 5't d . .. . .; a_.. ' V ;�� °`: . . . . . o � � � -... _. . _ -� o , . � _ � - ; - , /: ' � 3�. -------- � . _ 8 � _ ' � (`' ' ..' --- ' '�, '�' � - _ �_.._ ' � �� ----�j ° j 5� I � SO' ��50' � i Z -------- ' -- ' r � a � i ' � � � I 29 L`� I S � (� � �� � � z ' ' � . ' � 0 � "� � � � , I ,� � � C�, � __ �______� _ ;� � � � � � I n� .� � j ��Gt�Q�� i d 'R�s��4 i i � �Sl��'o� � �Y " 1 ' - � l � i � c� �...�� �� I /� .�i I �/ � , ,� � � , .. , � � �o � �30�� r� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 12, 1998 Subject: . TMS No.-199&03 �� �l$`� The City Clerk has refe;red to this office the petition of.th'e City of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (see atYaclie� descr�p#}on): This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. of this vacation is Will you piease advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments as soon as possible so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fuc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. Tf you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Phone: (612) 266-885D Faz: (612) 266-8855 (199803in) �. • To: Reply to Vacation inquiry File #1998-03 Phone# Fac # # of Pages 1 m A. �rtiZ From: of St. Paul re Ds��s�on 266-8850 Pnoneu 26Cr8855 Fax # �� ���� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easements witlun the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed Date 4' . � ( INTER-DEPAR'TMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �} �� y Stary M. Becker, Director i.,� �� �� �`n �. . �"�.i `, !� ( , x '`�;./ To: Juan Ortiz Rea{ Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhut� Public Works Right-of-Way Division 800 City Hall Annex Date: August 3, 1998 Subject: TMS File#03-1998 Vacation of part of Levee Rd. for Land swap due to Wabasha Bridge project a z � `� 15�y� 'c� �` I ` .; ' ��%ls,�,, The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced proposal and has no objections to the vacation subject to the following comment: The lega{ descriptions for the two parcels are horrendous. I don't know where the descriptions came from, and they will work, but perhaps someone should request a more concise description from the City Surveyor. LD c: Pete Gallagher, Jeff Grosso, Bill Hagland, Tom Kuhfeld, Kevin Nelson, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida Responsive Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Pride � c, , ,�� r � t��w' .—�C LEYcE ROAO -----^'_-1 Zi'1�---: 1� !o �� ''1 � � � � � �F I � � � _ n.� � p ;� 1 .., c � I ' 1 ; . o t . - � � � _�� " .. . . . . G Exhrb i. Hn„ ..._ i r..� ,r `O �_� � ' J .__ ��_ A �ud • -'_ . ._.� —�._�-� O _ ..-_`_�_��__ � � I � V • �O - 1 . . _ � .._._.."".... 0 8 . ""'�`�•L�;;�S'. ? �-_. _..._ . . . . . o � • • � . .. . ��.. • '�.. ^ s':1 C I � ._,� n -••-_.._._ � •I 1. . �_�� t 1 j ' � ; 130� -------� , ; - ' � '�• oI' L-- � .> ::, ^^ � f o i _ ,n�� ---� 50' (� 50' —~ �50' �J� �C� i Z-------------� ° � I� f � � �.} i a l � � f I � e3 �� � 4� � - II '.N � z1 I � � .� 0 � ^�j o � , � � � �. � � � 0 � ----------- '� wo � ;� ��N l�iT„ � � i i �- � I ;�labasl� � 'R�g�� � �S {� �'o� 1__� .� ► �. @I I �� -�4 I �/ � � �, _� _. _ __ _ �='_ . _ � � !� i I� - - � r � �, a �°.- , � , 'r , ' � i � � ;; 1 J � T ` � � f I: � I � I ` � �� '! — � ��� � ` � ���'�_ --_' ' ' .i — __. - _" ' _'_ __ ' __p_ _ _ _2i0_ ___ `__ .—_ �_" � I ..s V �'c-iv»..r.,/ �5��'.�0 3-_'r___"___��� � 1 :/� _J_ _ " - - - �i � � (�t `- �T ' , , , ^ , '+F •,'> ��� pi, � ., - __ 1 ,� d. ., . r,.. . f. -- -- —_---- - - ---_ --- -i-- i � : � ;. a' s o � o � �a ` 5�✓ <'F.O.'ERTY + �� _ _ ., r .. . � - - � � � � '-i � p U H E G 1 L _—_ _-t-_. _ _ , -: .-.._._ _ -� ___. , _-- __ _ _ - ` ' ' 3 � r , .�, � , C. . $ . _ � , , � \ _'F _ s{ � . ,,s =s '° 5� l —_ - � y " " � - _ ' i' �� ZS�\ :• ' '"� <' � l. -�._ _ '--- ' ---- I�� _._ -;:t.- �--. .��. - �T`� � � � \ _. � � � \� ��' ` C \ `'.� � /{' - . - �t" : ,��. �= ` �,__ - _ '' -'_— _ _ �_� . 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'� t , � _ � � �LB.� - - -F- 2rg ---� �. �� �� �_�� I � s� - i�� y 2" V ,' � � r _ I _' - _' T ' `�. � a .S I - --�--" - _' -a'Fi� Es,�,.r"' � - -- ----�: ' - :a--:-'_a'C `fV �'-� t.✓E in! . i ' .__ - _ '" ( / � _' J �j Le�.r. ,''_,==Y__ .'r.'SO '' t s` F _ , l ;; e � ^ - M - i50 I � � � ( , � \- __ ,� _ .. r _ " _ __._ " -."�j-'-j �4 � TI .i � I i i ! - - -..--r �o� ' ; _� �� y ; � �l A _ � - ---- - - � ' : -- - - y , , , o� � : � � � t76 � 2 j � / � � � t 17` � � s ' - f �a l � -- - - i � � � � _ ` � _ - � �_1 . — � I �/ i r.`, � \\ .> - ,^ _ �_ __�u_— � -.� _ -n � ' - AY � -=�-, - ->� , _ , � . �<�" • F/L L �lOk'E --0.' �- - J:_ -_� _ �- . , � �__r_�___ ;� � _ . p . , _ ��. __. ' � a..�( ' _ _ L6�_ � � I � � . _ - � -____ ° .y ' .�� I �' ' _� ----,K� >:.,' ,.� � � .n I �' i , I '_- i3) ' �� � � �.- � � ' , � � /G , ' / � , � __ _- „ �� � � 2 � �! �S_ � _ " � � � , � � � . � � � � � � �� _ F ,, � ___ �' ` _ y 1:< � � ._ �-� - , � � '_- ' -�-------- - --•- - j �� --- --- t � — 3 I � -- --- -- ' � � � ��� � 8 � ��� - � � � ' +. -'� ` ' � � � 1 � ---. .. _- -- � �� . I ' ,,, � , z ��, � . � 6'q '� oi i� ¢ r�� � ( ' �, � i _ � ��i �� � _ � __�— � _ '� � � � 0 � I ' r � Io- �'�„ '� �' __ '- --5 � � .o _-_—�-_ � , -� _ �.1. .- '., �-�'- .. , _ „=: , . ,: - . . • Exhibit "S" Parcel "M" Ihat part of Lot 2, E;ock .�, Robertsori s.�ddition fo ti•��est St. Paul, Ramsey County, ?vlinresofa, Jying Easterly of a lv�e ru�L-ung frc;*i a pou-�t on the i�Tor,h`+esterly l'u�e of sa:d Lot 2 u�d 15.00 :eet \o �he�sterly � the \TOrth��•est corner of said Lot 2 io a point on the Southezsferly lu�e or szid Lot 2 and 30.00 teet �`oi �heas.er,y fron tl South�4�est cors�er of said Let 2; ;ogether �ti�ith that part of Lot 1, said 31ock A lyi,-�g sou,h�,•esterly of Line � desr.ibed below: Lir�e � Li:�e A being a'ine para?:el with and 30.U0 ;eet sou;h;��esferly of, mezsu:ed at a rig;�t zngle fo, the fol]owL�g descrioed line: Cemmencing at the � ef ihe cen,er lines of 1Nabasha a�d Fourth Stree,s zs shoi��n en the :ecorded plat of the City of St. Pavl, Rarrsey Cewity, Viinnesc:a, said in;ersection i7ore specifically desr.ribed Gs Lein� the ;ollot+�ing poi;,t in :he Rzmcey Co•�nty Coorci'viate Systenl as published by tlie Rz ,lsey Cowlty Pubiic i1�o*ks Departnient, La�1d Sun�ey D;vision, ;inal adjustmer,t December 17, 1991, based upon :he North America;� Datum ot 1953 (1955 zdjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 Seet and X-coor�.ina:e =�7�OOQ.021 feet); :hence South 34 dejrees 32 minutes �?7 seconds Eas{ (all bearings herein beu�g pe: said Ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) along the cen;er )ine of szid 1�'zbasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the follete'ing point ;n said itamsey Coun;y Coordi7zte Sysfem (Y-ceordina'e = 1559Q3 �33 feet znd X-coorciinate = 575203.314 feet); thence i�TOrth �� de�:ees 41 minutes ll seconds East, 0.�9 feet;'.hence South 3-� degrees 32 mvlu;es 47 secor,ds East 119.60 teef; thence Souih 32 degrees 23 minutes 97 seconds E�st 547 :'9 Seet; ihence Seutheaster�y aJon� a°54.25 foot radius tanaential curve, concave fo the sovthti��est, central ang]e 09 �egrees 15 ;ninutes 59 seconds, a disfaz�ce of 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 �inutes a5 seconds East, tangent fo szid curv�476.71 ;eet; thence �TOrth 66 �'egrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feef; thence easferly �nd southezsterly alcng a i?0.00 ;oot radius, tangentizl cun�e, co�cal-e ;o the south, central angle 81 degrees 53 ininutes 12 seconds a nistance.of 2�0.11 feet to the poult of beginning of 1�e line io be described; �hence Sout!131 nearees 14 :nirutes 0� secane�s East, tangr-r�t to said cvn�e, 2�0.�5 :eet, to the cenfer line of Eact Waier S:reet and there temlvz�tin�. EXCEPTL�G THEREFi�O'�4, that pzrt of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as ;ello�vs: Be�su�ing �t the 171fE75E•CiJCll of the a:oredescribed Lv�e A and the southeas�ei9y line of szid Lot 1; thence soviht��esterly z;ono said southeas;erly Iv�e, 1�.00 feet; thence northeasferly to a point on said Line A�+-hich is 7�.00 `eet northw•esterly of the aforedescribed po'v1t cf begi;vung, measured a7ong said Line A; thence southeas,erly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of teginnL�J and l he:e tenninat:ng. �� ,'�g ``� Exhibit "A" Parcel "I" / Permanent Right of Way Easement Tnat part of Lot �, Block �1, P.ober:scri s Addition fo `��est St. Paul, Ramsey Cou.nty, A�linnesota, lying southwesterly ef a line t+�hiclt s parai!ei lvith and b5.00 feet northeasterly of, measured at a right an�le ;o, the follolving described cen:er line: Com;nencu�g at the in,erseccion cf ;he center lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Streets zs shoi�>n on the recorded pl�t of ;he City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, ��innesota, czid 'ultersedion more specifically described as bei� the ;ollowing point :�t d�e Rznsey County Coord'u�a;e Syster.l as publisl:ed �y the Ra�-nsey County Public ti�'orks Department, Land Sun-ey Division, final adfustnent Decer:�ber 37, 1491, based upon the \ror'�h Axrierican Datum of 1°33 (19Sb adjustntent) {Y-ceord'u�ate = 1�6192.903 ;eet and X-coordina;e =�75004.021 feetl; thence South 3� c'egrees 32 minutes 17 secor.ds East (zil bearings herein being per said Ra;nsey Coun�y Coor3ulate SysFem} a]on� she center line of said Wabzsha S�.eet; 3�1.-14 feet to the foiJol+-ino pou�t vt said Rzmsey County Coordinz,e System (Y-coordin�te = 1��903133 ;eet and X-coordinate = �7�203.31� feet); 2hence \TOrth �� dearees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0�9 ;eet to the point of beginning of .he center line to be �escribed; thence South 3a deo ees 32 minutes 17 seconds Last 119.6� feet; thence South 32 de;rees 23 :ninutes 47 seconds East 437.S9 feet; thence Southezsterly z]ong a 9Q-�.25 ;oot radius tangential curve, co.^.cave :o the southti+est, central zno e 09 degrees I5 i��inu,es �9 seconds, a dist�nce of ?�9.13 feet; ,hence South 2:3 degrees 07 n;inutes 48 seconds East, ,anger.t to said cun�e, �:'b.41 feei; the��ce Southeasterly, along a 29�2✓5 foot radius tangentizl cun=e, conca��e to t�e northeast, cen:ral zstgle 05 degrees 07 irinu;es 18 seconds, a distance of 2b3.�5 .eet; thence So�;th 2S minu,es ?5 „t:nu,es 05 seconds East, fangent to said cun>e, 227.63 {eet to the center line of Fillmore Aver,ve (fornerly }:no�e�n e,s Fourth Street cn ihe plat of Pobertson's Addition to West St. Pzu1, Rar.uey Couniy, Niinnesota) zsid there terminating. (Said point of :ermination, for utforn�ation purposes only, lies 0.28 feet northeasterly of the tenter lv�e of l��abasha S:reet, as �ezsuzed along the center line of szid Fillmore Avenue.) ♦ � n S � From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@stpaul.gov> To: TMSD.TMS(ortiz) Date: ' 8/3/98 1:28pm Subject: TMS�98-031Levee Rd. vac. To: Juan Ortiz Rea1 Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhut Public Works Right-of-Way Division S00 City Aall Atmex Date: August 3, 1998 Subject: TMS File#03-1998 Vacation of part of Levee Rd. for Land swap due to Wabasha Bridge project The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced proposal and has no objections to the vacation subject to the following comment: The legal descriptions for the two parcels are horrendous. I don't know where the descriptions came from, and they will work, but perhaps someone should request a more concise description from the City Surveyor. LD c: Pete Gallagher, Jeff Grosso, Bill Hagland, Tom Kuhfeld, Kevin Nelson, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Max'tin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Pill Tschida http://www.stpaul.gov CC: H2O.WATER(billt,jerrys),STPAUL.SmtpMime("ken.taill... �6 ��� 0 Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 To: Real Pkone # Fac 6 Juan A. OrtIZ From: ity of St. Paul / ��, 266-8850 N of Pages I We have no objections to this vacation . . . . , . . . . . � ...................... We must retain our easements wi�hin chc ri;h[-oi-way. 4Ve wi]I approvc ihis vacation. subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....a For the foliowing reasons, wc canaot appruve this vacacion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � P.O1 � • 1 E —1 b �. Z z .. �� Dxtc _. ��� ��y�� - �.� c�c ��ii r.GGiU� To: luan _ Repfy to Vacation Inqu�qr ; _ , File #1998-03 Phonelt Faz 71 ' From: Ptlone A Fax # % �,�8`� We have no objections fo this vacation . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .... . . �---�/ ..............L�" We must retain our easement5 within the right-of-way. We will approve tbis vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cunaot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ��gnea �.�(�-�� ba�e Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 A of Pages 1 To: Juan A. Ortiz rrouc %L / City of St. Paul �S� _ G Real Escate Division �s s' Phone x 266-8850 Phonc p Faz X 266-SR55 F�., w �� ��� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . _ . . . � ............................. We must retain our easements within the right of-way. We wi13 approve this vacation, subject to the vacation sub,}ect to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ❑ s E � � ��t Signed � � 9 Date JUL-16-1998 15�04 ST PAUL PLRNNING & ECON 612 228 3314 P.01/09 „.,. ,e . To: Juan A. Ortiz Prom: � D �� � City of Sc. Paui "`� Reply to Vacafion Inquiry Real Estate Division File #199& Phooe/I 266-8850 P600eu � ����G3 0 Fa�c A 266-8855 Fax !/ ��— ?j3 l We bave nn objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �., We musc retain our easemenu within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, ❑ vacation subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • - • - - For the following reasons, we cannot apptove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • •❑ �(—'�' Date lu:ss k�AA til'L 221 035� Reply to Vacation tnquiry File #1998-03 DISTRICT ENERGY rA. City o: Raal Estate Phont�' F'az� I�001/003 l0 '�� 3 iavid L. ic Ener ict Cool P.A. • Paul t. Pan: 221-0353 . . .. ._ .. e have no objecfioiu to'this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must retain. our easembnts within t]ie right-of-way, W� � approve this ❑ vaca�on subject to the foIIowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fnr the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: . ' • • • • • • • • • • • •❑ ..... .... ......❑ �� Signed - � Date 6� Repiy to Vacation fnquiry File #1998-Q3 io: luan A. Ozti2 Fmm: Ciry of St. Paul i� S Real Estate Division �� Phoncb 266-8850 Phone/1 Fax n 266-8855 Fas # ,"�= We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�i] We must zetain our easements witfiin the righc-of-way. We wi11 approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q Aate ��1 �r�ac� l� S (,J�s`�" a� ��� JUL 13 '98 08�30 612 266 8855 PqGE.03 O p oP Pages 1 To: Juan A. OrtiZ From: (.�, ,��r � � � �� �� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 Ph��� Fax # Real Fstate Division Phone N Fvc We have no ob,}ections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, � � vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ For the foliowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q RF �'Elr�� d Req� E � � � �,�g� srA o � ����� /�� 8 Date SUL-13-1998 09=16 ST Pal4L REf�L ESTATE Tn: Repty to Vacation Inqu9ry File #199$-Q3 PLanel/ Fax p s1Z �G66 titi5� r.b3�bb Juan A. Ottiz Fronr. �, la .�' ��� Ciry of St. Paul ��{� (�� ' L'scace Division � 266 YhoncB Z ��_ Z �Z 266-$855 FaY /f ... � n ., > ,-G� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We wlll approve this vacation, vacation subject to tfie following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� Far [be following reasons, we cannot apgrove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ `�t�-tt�� Dat -�---- - � — T00['(3j dSN 60£Z 6ZZ ZT9 XV3 55�90 �AZ 86/TZ/LO JUL-10-1998 12�38 FROM CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP TO Reply to Vacation Inqu9ry File #1998-03 68855 P.061/001 N of Pages 1 � To: IuanA.Oitiz From:� Ciry of St. Paul �� � PhoncN too-oa�v' .,___.. F� g 266-8855 � Fax �1 We ha�e no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • - • • - • - � - � We must Tetain our easements within the right-of-way. We wiil approve this vacation, ❑ vacaaon subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - For the following teasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� /v �Q' Date . �9 I TOTAL P.061 `��l - ` 1 �S `� Departmeat of Finance & Management Services INTSRDBPARTMENTAL Nffi�40RANDUM To: Peter Wamer City Attorney's Office 4th Floor Ciry Hall From: ]uan Ortiz� Real Estate Division 140 City Hall A.S.A.P. ( N� �w�tc�,. I� ��) Date: August 4, 1998, 1998 Re: Vacate Excess Right of Way as Part of the Wabasha Bridge Reconstruction Please review the enclosed peution for the vacation of City owned property rights. If all the information is in order, please sign off on the resolution and relurn the nackane to our a� e, I will set a hearing date and notify the petitioner. Thanks. ...\vacate.ort\199803wnnr �'-'� �z` .�'" - _ -�- „ _ `_ 4.c �_ � ,.� ��...s �U� �4 i99� ���� 3�Y �t�.c .a4i�=,'��.Y¢�� 6� � Fb ���'i�°v-"t JUL-13-1998 14�15 STP PRRKS & RECREATION To: Reply to Vacation lnquiry � File #1998-03 Phoner/ �a Juan A. Octiz Esta[e Division 268-ssso 612 292 7405 P.01/08 � .., . . � From: �� (�j�ri1 Faz !{ �� .`l�`� We have no objections to [his vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements wichin the right-of-way. �Ve will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� � Signed � � 7 d � Date STREET OR ALLEY VACATION NO. 4 3 YEAR 1�l' 1�' � Vacation of: 2,� (J, i�1 G k�; � 7�C iyk�rOV�crx�n�c� yL/� 4J�.���. l�,.: d� �,c,�.,d 5�,� � Petirioner: .�; � . o�. 5�. �a.,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �,� ��� SUFFICIENCY Map Hearing Date Referred Ownership Report � j Pe6tion Signatures �/ � VACATION R90TICE SCHEDULE Approvai of Legal Description: Okayed Inquiries Utilities ✓ U.S. West (Trujillo) MailedlReceived f�''� i ✓ N.S.P. Electric (Gille) � ! ✓ N.S.P. Gas (Virant) � 1 MCI Metro (Boyers) �`^ J ✓ District Energy (Urke) L — I ✓ Continental CableVision (Gilberg) ( Certificates Mailed/Received 1 / / Other Q �g-��y Interdepartmentat Memorandum C4TY OF SAINT PAUL To: All Council Members From: Peter Whit��'l� Right of Way Engineer 140 City Ha11 Date: August 4, 1998 . Stii�i}ecf': '�� Tleptat'tazies�t k�aca�r€rz� F�i� k�� �§�8�� ,. : , _ I recommend a public heazing before the City Council be held on �ugit'�E �6� i99$ � The purQose of this vacation is dispose of excess right of way as part of the Wabasha Bridge reconstruction project . This properiy is located in City Council District �, Planning District 3� The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. cc: Shazi Moore or Fred Owusu �iQUt'be^i"�.'F3E58a�C� �Ri'4�1 ; �: ; , .:; ��-��� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the.petition of The City of Saint Paul for the vacation of that part of -Lot 2, Block A, Robertson's Addition, thereof on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk af Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting thereof to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on tYie 26th day of August, 1998 at 5:30 P.M. Dated August 5,.1998 Shari Moore Deputy City C1erk � _ _ � -- _ .;;. - - -_� � .�. • .: _,_ : (August 8, 1998) Return copy to: (jao) Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Presented By Referred To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ORIGIIVAL Council File # � ' � c� i (�rrPn Cht�vt # . S(7 / tl '^/ Co�►mittee: Date BE IT RESOLVED, that, upon the petition of the City of Saint Paul; as documented in Technology Departrnent File Number 1998-03, the public property hereinafter described is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property and, subject to the herein stated exceptions. The property to be vacated is described as follows: See Attached Exhibit `B" This vacation shali be subject to the terms and condition of Chapter 130, codified Mazch 1, 1981, of the Saint Paul I,egislative Code as amended, and to the following conditions: 1. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns agree to indemnify, defend and save hannless the City of Saint Paul, its officers, and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought as a result of injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of this vacation or petitioner's their successors' or assign's use of this properry, including but not limited to a claim brought because of any act of omission, neglect, ar misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of their agents or employees. i 2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 OR1�INAL q� -�8�� ?i. That the petitioner's their successors, and assigns, shall within 60 days of the effective date of this resolution, file with the City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution and shall within the period(s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions. By: �� Approved by By: Requested by Department of: Technolo�v & ManaQement Services r y/�/ � B ���������l�L-- i'� Director� Form Appro by City Attorney By: �%�G✓G��� �f �r�c/�' � for 5�bmission to Council Adopted by Council: Date 2f Adoptior,�Certified by Council Sec etary Exhibit ORIGlNAL Parcel "M" ��-9�y Thzt part of Lot 2, Eiock A, Robertson's Addi�on to 1•1'est St. Paul, Ramsey Covniy, ?�Linr.esota, lyino Easterly of a lir,e running frc, t a point on th2 I�?or,hi,-es,erly li�e cf said Lot z��d 15.00 :eet Northezsterly �om the \TOrtht�+•est corner of said Lct 2 fo a point an the Southeas:erJy lu�e oi said Lot 2� 30.00 feet �?ortheas;er;y ;:on the Southi4est comer of s�id Let 2; together t��;ih tnat part of I.ot i, said 3lock A]ying sou:h�, esierly of Line A described be}o1v; Line A Li;�e � being a?ine paral:el iv:th and 30.U0 ;eet sou,hti��es:erJy of, measn:ed zt a rioht di9a to, the following descrioed line: Commencino at the 1�terseciien ef °,he center luies of 11Tabssha and Fourth Streets as shown en the Tecorded p3at of the Ci;y of St. Pavl; Ram,ey Cowlt3r, \�Iinneso:a, said in.ersectioi� mo, e specifically desrriUed as Leing the ;olloi��ing poi;�t in 1�e . Ramse�� Co•,u�iy Coord'u�ate System as pvblished by the R4 ,zsey Cowtiy Pubiic iNorks Dep�rtr.�ieni La�1d Sun�ey D:vision, final adjustment December 17, 1991, based vpon :he North America;� Datum of 1953 (1955 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet and X-coordinzte = �7500a.021 feet); thence South 3� de�rees 32 minutes �?7 seconds East (all bearings he:ein beu�g pe: said Iiamsey Couniy Coordinate Sys�em) along the cen,er line of said Sh'abasha St*eet, 3�1.44 feet to the foilev.�ing pcint ;n said Ramsey Coun:y Coordi�ate System (Y-ccordina+.e = 15�903.433 feet and X-coordina;e = 57�203.314 feet); thence I�TOrth 5� de�:ees 41 nu il second, East, 0.44 feef; ;he»ce South 34 degrees 32 mntutes 47 secor.ds East 119.60 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minuies 47 seconds E�st 597.°.9 leet; il�ence Seuthezsier)y aJon� a 934.25 foot radius tanoentizl curve, concave to the sovth��>es4, cei�tral ang]e 09 deorees 15 minuYes 59 secoi;ds, a distnnce of 159.18 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 minutes 43 seconds East, tangent to said curve�475.71 feet; thence :�TOrth 66 �egrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easferly and southeasterly alono a 1?0.00 foot radius, tangential curve, concati-e to the south, central ang)e 31 degrees 53 ininufes 12 seconds a nistance of 200.11 feet to the poult of b o°�inning of the line to be descriUed; thence Sout?7 31 degrees ?4 :ni;;v,es 0� seconds East, fangent to said cun�e, 2�Oa� feet, to the cen'er line of East Waier S:7eet znd there �ermu�stin�. EXCEPTI�i'G THEREFi:Q`�4, thzt part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as fello�vs: Beo.ru�ing at the intersecticn of the a;oredescribed Line A and the southeasterly line of said Lot 1; thence souihwesterly a;ong said southeasterly lv�e, 15.00 feet; thence n�rtheastezly to a po:nt on said Line A�,-hich is 15.00 feet norih�+•esierly of the a;o:edescriUed po'v�t cf be�i;vl:ng, measured along said Line A; thence sou,heastezly 1�.00 feet io the poir.t of teginnin� and �here tern�inat::lg. , , ,� , - ,. � jo, ...3o�i � ! , � `ti °I !iiil �tK -1 � .�-� LEYE ROAD -� �-�--- —:_^_�. _-�- �--- -----_ —_,�=z,;,---� r � � {��.��.�__.��������.� � � � � lIEwFLLYN'S I � pARKtNC �OT � � � , �, i � � f--!�---------_ :, w ---�.:: � ---� • ��a.nA�E F .�}.';Q �� i a . �, , � x `� 4, I Z � "� : � . � �1C � �i ----- `------ � 3 �i� � ; :. - �- , ` �_' �� : r �- — — 1 ---- -1 - "�--' r . 1� 1 I � I.Y � ,�� { I a l Q� y I 1� �8 �� � I I `� � ,��' � ' � n � � � � { � � i . �• �� i � iv ; � � .._... ___. � � : l W �t � � � f �z=.o 1 E T :;, �c T� � � i o --- �` ��_,._„�.._:._,�� ; `� . o - . . ',!.� o .� _�"�_ —.. . . . . � £xhrb�� N�„ ..... ., y i%: �_���� ��/�� � ' J ������ {/� ' "' ..' _' � �_�.. O .��_ •�V��'�.--..���� :�� � � ' 1 . _ _ � _""" '�_' O � ""�O. ---- •- • . . a _ c-E:�� sr a ' •- - :a.. . ", .',� - a : . - o I � .r a ; _ i I � .. � _.. _ ` --� ' � � V 1 . _ r � _ , � / . � o I � _ ;>, `, „ f �o f .. ` ---- ---- —=— � . !� � o � 50' �� 50' ��50' �� , C� � � Z — — — — — — — — — — — : � h y� � o E ��,, I � I � i za � ca . I � •� � I I � � � ----------- Q� . � �� '� � I N I n7 �� � i � G�abas � ' i � �s �� a i i i � 11 I�' "-1'—�- � i � �� ��� ! g�� �o. �I ► �� .�i i �i i , ,, Council Da�e: August 26,1998 ��-`��'� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Aate: Gr n eet Number: 50107 Z arac'rn�c��u�xecr 4 rnvco�mca ontact Person and Phoce Nnmber: �� 1 a n�"" , �' , 5 a�" JnanOFtiZ 26(r8g50 � uncernwecrox .amcrsvcnuc 3 Yoxrox.ss�sn,n� 6 �ua�,esrnrenms�ourzoon�iw� ust be on Council Consent Agenda b: August 12th, 1998 to set a coimcil hearing date of August 26th, 1998 OTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLTP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) CCION RF.QUESTED; Petition to vacate right of way known as Levee Rd. as part of the reconstruction of the Wabasha Bridge . T.M.S. File #1998-03 ECOMMPN�A'�IONS: APPROVEU)ORRFJECt (k) ERSONAI, SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: eu�wc comm�ss�on A_ srner ,��p¢ p¢�od�rm ever worked under a contract for this departrneut? YES NO c�n�sexv�ce comre�siox . Has this person/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO c�e commrrree • Aoes this persodfirm possess a skill not uormally possessed by any lain all YES answers on a se azate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WIIICH COONCII, OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 2 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL '; TIATING PROBLEM, IS5UE, OPPORTIIIVITY (4Vho, What, When, Where, 4Vhy?): ith the reconstruction of the Wabasha Bridge, the City has right of way it will not need. The right of way ill convert to private ownership as apart of said bridge project. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: he City will not be responsible for the excess land. , TSADVANTAGES IFAPPROVED: ��� one. AUG 10 199� ������`� ������ ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: he City will have tlus excess land that it will be liable for. CCUttCi Res°a; ch Center AUG 1 � 1g�� OTAL AMOUNT OF 1'RANSACTION: ZQTO COST/REVF.N[JE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOUR.CE: ACIT�VITY NUMBER: AI3CIALINFORMATION:(EXYLe17N) . ... ..__._..__._.. _ .. _ _ . . _- Adnuivistraitive charges are waived - the City is the petitioner. Transaction amount is an administrative fee for the vacation. . � 9�s -'t8 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: Green Sheet Number: 50060 ontact person and Phone Number. EPART.M1�?i'I' DIRECTOR CI'I'Y COUNCD. JuaIIOrtiz 266-8850 nnoiuv�x crrYCtEiuc UDGETDII2ECTOR FFICEOFFINAivC7ALSVCS. Ust be On Council Agenda by: 1 YOR (OR ASSLSTAh'"n 2 AL ESTA1'E 140 CH (OR17Z) OTAL # OF SIGNATIJRE PAGES _1_ �cLrn ni.L Locwnovs Fox sicNn�vxe� CITOT` REQUESTED: lease sign the attached perifion to allow the vacafion of right of way in connecfion with the reconstrucfion of he Wabasha Bridge. This was part of an agreement to do a land trade. COMh1L'NDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF.dECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MIJST ANSWER THE FOLLOW7NG: 1. Has tLe person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO PLANNII�iG COMhDSSION A STAFF . Has this persoo/firm ever been a City employee? YES NO CIVII. SERVICE COMMISSION . Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by auy YES NO current City employee? CIB COMhll'ITEE Explain alI ]'ES answers on a separate sheet and attach. UPPORTS WHICH COUIVCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCIL WARD(S) 2, DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL TTTATING PRO&LEM_ iSSU�, OPP-ORTLTM,rn,*rry �hQ� 4F'F�L, FVhen� 6TS`.a-a, SY�N j?ia As part of said project the City agreed to convey a right of way no longer needed. VANTAGES IF APPROVED: Right of way will be vacated. �� ����g� ��C����� ISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: Lv ' �IAR 2 3 �gg� None. t��1�CE�?`S Q���C'� ISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: The development of the Wabasha bridge will not proceed as planned. OTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTLON: NOne. COSTlREVENUE BUDGETED (CIItCLE ONE) YES NO ING SOURCE: ACTIVI'CY N[JMBER: ANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAII3) Because the City is the petitioner, the usual fees are waived. Department of Finance and Management Services Real Estate Division I40 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CfTY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor Mazch 1, 1997 To the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of Saint Paui �� -'1$"`{ The City of Saint Paul hereby petitions to vacate right of way as shown on the attached map. See attached map. This vacation is part of the plan to reconstruct the Wabasha Bridge and is part of a land trade. CITY OF SAINT PAUL BY � ��-- � �`�u. Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, this ���Eh day of `�(�i1i� , 1998, by �Qr�y/ �, , Mayor of the ennnnr�� . , • _ _ JtSh�, "n. t7;:YSZ ��'`�`� 53�ARY YGo�I'�-?.;lt�llcS'J!S l � It&AiSEY COli:3T.tl pqqCprn�n.Ekplrecdan.3£,2000 � £ttM1/��MN'M'�JW W'NJVw`N`M V W a City of Saint Pau1, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota. `---- , ; ., Notary Pu li � Phone: (612) 266-8850 Faz: (612) 266-8855 _ �� -`��y RECEiVED CITY OF SAINT PAUL �q� 3 1 igs6 PURCHASE AGREEMENT RFAL ESTAiE DIVISION 1. Date: January 5, 1996 2. Location o£ the Real Estate: Property northeast o£ Wabasha & Wa�er Streets. Portion of parking area north o£ 84 Wabasha Stseet South. 3. I,ega1 Description of properties to acquired by Buyer: See Attached Exhibit "A" as depicted on the attached _ � ' Exhibit "C". �`,�� 4. a)Name and address of Buyer: ���^� � ` � �.. City of Saint Paul "'y Department of Public Works ' 6th Floor City Aa11 Annex `° 25 West Fourth Street ^. j? St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ' 5. 3 b)Name and address of Selier: Weschcke Family Limited Partnership �'- � C/O Llewellyn Worldwide Limited 84 Wabasha Street South ,;�.�� - St. Paul, Minnesota 55107 % Purchase price accepted by Seller: See Paragraph 10...t•��;� Seller shall pay all assessments levied against said `�� property as of the date of transaction. Seller shall �,z� provide Buyer with proof of payment of assessments. ` 7. Type of Conveyance required: Convey permanent right oP way easements by warranty deed. 8. Seller shall provide the Buyer within seven days o£ signing this Purchase Agreement an updated Abstract of Title and/or an Owners Certificate of Title. Seller agrees at Sellers cost and expense to correct or remove any exception or "clouds" on the title as shown on the Buyer's "Commitment to Insure" title examination report. 9. T=ansaction sha11 occur within 30 days following execution of the Purchase Agreement at which time the title to the premises shall be conveyed to the City. The Closing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutual agreement of the parties hereto. Buyer shall pay al1 closing costs. �,� �`� �� the Buyer shall convey to Seller the following property: - See Exhibit "B" as depicted on attached Exhibit "C", and Suyer shall pave the entire revised parking lot. - 11. The Buyer shall provide reasonably adequate temporary parking to Seller during construction o£ the Wabasha Street Bridge #62555 and improvements in connection with Item #10, iE existing private parking becomes inaccessible to the Seller and any individuals having business with said Seller. 10. As part of the compensation for permanent easement rights, _, _ - _ _�. -_---- Purchase Agreement Page 2 12. Seller shall provide an a£fidavit on the date of closing, indicating that the Seller has not used or permitted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as defined in 5ection 115A.03 Subd. 10 of Chapter 121 0£ the I,aws o£ Minnesota of 1983. 13. All warranties and representations made in this Purchase Agreement shall survive the closing and conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and all obligations provided shall, to the extent not fully satisfied and performed by or through the Closing, survive the closinq and the conveyance of title to the property. 14. Buyer shall provide good and marketable title to Parcel M, an owner�s Title Insurance Policy, and a"Phase 1" environmental report indicating no environmental problems. SELLER: By: 0 ts• � oY-` By: Date Date: �, �,, 31 Its: BL3YER: City of Saint Paul By: -of-way Engineer Date: �zl z/ � 6 � �� ���y Exhibit "A" Parcel "1" f Permanent Aight of Way Easement T"nat part of Lot 3, Elock A, P.obertscn's Addi;ion ;o Z1'est St. Paul, Ramsey Counfy, \�innesota, lying southi,�esterly ef a line s,�hidt is pzrai:el tia>ith znd 65.00 ;eet nort�:eas;eriy of, �neasured af a right angle to, the following described cen;er line: Com;nenr'ng aE the in;ersection ef ;he center lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Streets as shown on the recorded p]at of the City ef St. Paul, Ramsey Counfy, ?vlinnesofa, czid "v�tersec�ion more specifically described as being the ;ollowin� point ill the Ransey County Coord'v�ate Syster.l as oublished �y the Ra:nsey County Public Z^'orks Depzrtment, Land Sun-ey Division, final zcfjust�nent December 17, 1991, based upon the \TOr`�h American Datum of 1°33 (19S6 adjusfinent) (Y-ceordinate = 1�6192 o03 ;eet end X-coordina;e = �75004.021 feet?; thence South 3� c'eg:ees 32 ninutes 47 secor.ds East (ail hearings herein being per said Ra:nsey County Coor3inate Sys'.en) alona the center 1L-�e of said 14�abasha Street, 351.44 feet to the foiJovaing poult ul said Rainsey County Coordinzte System (Y-coordinate = 155903.-�33 feet and X-coordinaie = 5i�203.314 feet); thence i�TOrth �� dearees �1 minutes 11 secone's East, 0�9 ;eet to the point of beginning of :he center line to be �'escribed; ihei�ce South 3? dea ees 32 minutes ?7 seconds Eact 119.60 feet; thence South �2 de, ees 23 minutes 47 seconds East �7.59 !eet; thence Southezsterly along a°3-�.25 :oot radius tangential cur�>e, concave to the south�a>est, central ano e 04 degrees 15 n �9 secondc, a distance of 159.13 feet; #hence Sovth 2;3 degrees Q7 n;inutes 48 seconds East, ;a�gent ;o said cun•e, �;6.41 feef; thence Southeasterly, along a 2952.75 foot radius tangentiz! curve, conca�re to Lhe northeast, cen:ral �11g1e 05 degrees 07 irinu;es 18 seconns, a distance af 263 °5 feet; thence South 28 minutes 15 minu;es OS seconds East, tangent to said curve, 227.63 feet to the center line of Fillmore Arenue (formerly }:rio�vn zs Fouzth Street on the plat of Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, Ransey Cotm#y, D�linnesota) and 9here terminating. (Said point of :ermination, for utformation purposes oniy, lies 0.28 feet northeasterly of ihe center iule of 1NaUasha S:reet, as measured along the cenfei line of said Fi3lmore A�>ei�ue.) -- � ... Exhibit "B" �� �`l�`i Parcel "M" Ihat part of I.ot 2, E;ock �, Robertson's Addition to Slrest St. Paul, Rzmsey County, ?�l.inr,esota, lying Eas�erly of a lir;e running frc;a a point on the I�?or,hwes;erly ]n�e of sa;d i.ot 2 �:�d 15.00 ;eet \'or�he�sterly �om the \torthz�est corner of said Lot 2 io a point on the Southeas:erly lu�e oi said Lot 2� 30.00 `eet �?ortheas;ezly fron the South�v�t corner of szid Let 2; together �a�ith that part of I.ot 1, said 3iock A lying sou;h�sesierly of Line A described below: Line � Lire A being a'ine par�?:el zvith znd 30.U0 :eet southl�>es:erly of, meass:ed at a iioht angJe to, the following descrioed line: Commencino at the ��tersectien ef the cen;er liries of 1Nabssha and Fourth Streets as sho�+�n en the recorded plat of the Ci;y of St. Paul, Ramsey Cow�t3�, \tinneso:a, said in,ersection more specifically desr.riUed as Lein� the follotving poi;,t in ��e . Ramsey Co•,u�ty Coord'u�ate System as published by the Rz ,�sey Cowlty Pubiic ��TO*ks Departr_�ent, La��d Sun°ey D;vision, final adjustmert December 17, 1991, ba:ed Lpon :he Nort:� AmericaZ Datum of 1933 (1955 adjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 feet znd X-coorZinz:e = 575009.021 feet); t�:ence South 34 de�rees 32 minutes �7 seconds Ezst (all bearings he:ein beu�g pe: said ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) a3ong the cen,er line of said 1'�'abasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the foilcwing point ;n said Ramsey Cow Coordinate Sys�em (Y-ccordinate = 155903.433 feet and X-coordina,e = 5i�203.314 feet); thence I�TOrth �� de J:ees 41 ninutes 11 second, Ezst, 4.49 feet; the�xe South 3� degrees 32 mulu;es ?7 secor.ds East 119.b0 feet; thence South 32 degrees 23 minutes 47 seconds Ezst 547 °9 feet; thence Seutheasterly along a;54.25 foot radius tanoentizl curve, concave fo the southti+>est, central angle 09 degrees 15 ;ninutes 54 secoi;ds, a dictnnce of 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 minutes a3 seconds East, tangent fo szid curve�476.71 feet; thence North 66 Cegrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feet; thence easferly and southeasterly aIcng a 140.00 foot radius, tangential cun�e, co;�ca�-e fo the south, central ang)e 31 degrees 53 minutes �2 seconds a nist�nce of 200.11 feet to the pon�t of b o°iTUwig of �1�e line to be desaiUed; thence South 31 nearees'_4 :n:rutes 0� seconds East, fangent to said cvn�e, 250.55 :eet, to the cen:er line of Eact SNaier Street zr�d there termvzatin�. EXCEPI�G THERE�i:O'�•i, th4t part of said Lot 1, Bleck A, desaibed as ;ello�vs. gEa'7tnln at the intersecticn of •�he aforedescribed Line A and the southe�ster)y line of said i.ot i; thence sovihl��esterly a;ong =_aid southeasterly lu�e, 15.00 feet; thence i�c�rtheasferly to a point o» said Line A���hich is 15.00 `eet norih���esterly of the a,'o:edescribed pou�t cf begiraw�g, measured along said Line A; thence sou;heasterly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of beginni�� and the:e ter;ninatil�g. - • `ti °I !i iil ��-� �� LE�E ROAD ------- `T i i �.��.. . _ . �''-_ �► �� �� y `lJ J z ° ^ , a / \ 0 � --- � ---- t — � � �� � �_ � I 'r----- ( ( � Q���� i I a � ``� � � � � ` � � � � ry � � I I 1 0 r h = ` �o ; v � i New anw� � •. W �t � � � � ?�;:� i � Y ., T :�� 0 _` _��� _ o ; � V .,,:, s � , � ` �`� _" . . . G Exhtb ~AI' ..... y Y^-{`'r`G _���� � '/ �� n � ' � • ' ' "' -. -� , � ���� o����' ��VI/����_�_� ��- � � • I _ � .. . - "" " � 8 _.._ ? ?.y;. :'� 5't d . .. . .; a_.. ' V ;�� °`: . . . . . o � � � -... _. . _ -� o , . � _ � - ; - , /: ' � 3�. -------- � . _ 8 � _ ' � (`' ' ..' --- ' '�, '�' � - _ �_.._ ' � �� ----�j ° j 5� I � SO' ��50' � i Z -------- ' -- ' r � a � i ' � � � I 29 L`� I S � (� � �� � � z ' ' � . ' � 0 � "� � � � , I ,� � � C�, � __ �______� _ ;� � � � � � I n� .� � j ��Gt�Q�� i d 'R�s��4 i i � �Sl��'o� � �Y " 1 ' - � l � i � c� �...�� �� I /� .�i I �/ � , ,� � � , .. , � � �o � �30�� r� Department of Technology and Management Services Real Estate Division 140 City Hall Saint Paul, MN 55102 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor June 12, 1998 Subject: . TMS No.-199&03 �� �l$`� The City Clerk has refe;red to this office the petition of.th'e City of Saint Paul for the vacation of: (see atYaclie� descr�p#}on): This inquiry pertains to the vacation of City right-of-way only. Depending on the petitioner's reason for requesting this vacation and the intended use for the vacated right-of-way, some or all of the utility easements may be retained. of this vacation is Will you piease advise me of any existing utility easements or of any concerns over the intended future use of this proposed vacation. I would like to receive your comments as soon as possible so I can prepaze a report to the City Council on this matter. For your convenience, you will find a reply form, with fuc transmittal memo, on the reverse side of this notice. Tf you would rather respond on your letterhead, please refer to the above listed file number when replying. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Juan A. Ortiz at 266-8850. Sincerely, Juan A. Ortiz Real Estate Technician Phone: (612) 266-885D Faz: (612) 266-8855 (199803in) �. • To: Reply to Vacation inquiry File #1998-03 Phone# Fac # # of Pages 1 m A. �rtiZ From: of St. Paul re Ds��s�on 266-8850 Pnoneu 26Cr8855 Fax # �� ���� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ We must retain our easements witlun the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ❑ Signed Date 4' . � ( INTER-DEPAR'TMENTAL MEMO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS �} �� y Stary M. Becker, Director i.,� �� �� �`n �. . �"�.i `, !� ( , x '`�;./ To: Juan Ortiz Rea{ Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhut� Public Works Right-of-Way Division 800 City Hall Annex Date: August 3, 1998 Subject: TMS File#03-1998 Vacation of part of Levee Rd. for Land swap due to Wabasha Bridge project a z � `� 15�y� 'c� �` I ` .; ' ��%ls,�,, The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced proposal and has no objections to the vacation subject to the following comment: The lega{ descriptions for the two parcels are horrendous. I don't know where the descriptions came from, and they will work, but perhaps someone should request a more concise description from the City Surveyor. LD c: Pete Gallagher, Jeff Grosso, Bill Hagland, Tom Kuhfeld, Kevin Nelson, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Martin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Bill Tschida Responsive Services • Qualiry Facilities • Employee Pride � c, , ,�� r � t��w' .—�C LEYcE ROAO -----^'_-1 Zi'1�---: 1� !o �� ''1 � � � � � �F I � � � _ n.� � p ;� 1 .., c � I ' 1 ; . o t . - � � � _�� " .. . . . . G Exhrb i. Hn„ ..._ i r..� ,r `O �_� � ' J .__ ��_ A �ud • -'_ . ._.� —�._�-� O _ ..-_`_�_��__ � � I � V • �O - 1 . . _ � .._._.."".... 0 8 . ""'�`�•L�;;�S'. ? �-_. _..._ . . . . . o � • • � . .. . ��.. • '�.. ^ s':1 C I � ._,� n -••-_.._._ � •I 1. . �_�� t 1 j ' � ; 130� -------� , ; - ' � '�• oI' L-- � .> ::, ^^ � f o i _ ,n�� ---� 50' (� 50' —~ �50' �J� �C� i Z-------------� ° � I� f � � �.} i a l � � f I � e3 �� � 4� � - II '.N � z1 I � � .� 0 � ^�j o � , � � � �. � � � 0 � ----------- '� wo � ;� ��N l�iT„ � � i i �- � I ;�labasl� � 'R�g�� � �S {� �'o� 1__� .� ► �. @I I �� -�4 I �/ � � �, _� _. _ __ _ �='_ . _ � � !� i I� - - � r � �, a �°.- , � , 'r , ' � i � � ;; 1 J � T ` � � f I: � I � I ` � �� '! — � ��� � ` � ���'�_ --_' ' ' .i — __. - _" ' _'_ __ ' __p_ _ _ _2i0_ ___ `__ .—_ �_" � I ..s V �'c-iv»..r.,/ �5��'.�0 3-_'r___"___��� � 1 :/� _J_ _ " - - - �i � � (�t `- �T ' , , , ^ , '+F •,'> ��� pi, � ., - __ 1 ,� d. ., . r,.. . f. -- -- —_---- - - ---_ --- -i-- i � : � ;. a' s o � o � �a ` 5�✓ <'F.O.'ERTY + �� _ _ ., r .. . � - - � � � � '-i � p U H E G 1 L _—_ _-t-_. _ _ , -: .-.._._ _ -� ___. , _-- __ _ _ - ` ' ' 3 � r , .�, � , C. . $ . _ � , , � \ _'F _ s{ � . ,,s =s '° 5� l —_ - � y " " � - _ ' i' �� ZS�\ :• ' '"� <' � l. -�._ _ '--- ' ---- I�� _._ -;:t.- �--. .��. - �T`� � � � \ _. � � � \� ��' ` C \ `'.� � /{' - . - �t" : ,��. �= ` �,__ - _ '' -'_— _ _ �_� . 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' � a..�( ' _ _ L6�_ � � I � � . _ - � -____ ° .y ' .�� I �' ' _� ----,K� >:.,' ,.� � � .n I �' i , I '_- i3) ' �� � � �.- � � ' , � � /G , ' / � , � __ _- „ �� � � 2 � �! �S_ � _ " � � � , � � � . � � � � � � �� _ F ,, � ___ �' ` _ y 1:< � � ._ �-� - , � � '_- ' -�-------- - --•- - j �� --- --- t � — 3 I � -- --- -- ' � � � ��� � 8 � ��� - � � � ' +. -'� ` ' � � � 1 � ---. .. _- -- � �� . I ' ,,, � , z ��, � . � 6'q '� oi i� ¢ r�� � ( ' �, � i _ � ��i �� � _ � __�— � _ '� � � � 0 � I ' r � Io- �'�„ '� �' __ '- --5 � � .o _-_—�-_ � , -� _ �.1. .- '., �-�'- .. , _ „=: , . ,: - . . • Exhibit "S" Parcel "M" Ihat part of Lot 2, E;ock .�, Robertsori s.�ddition fo ti•��est St. Paul, Ramsey County, ?vlinresofa, Jying Easterly of a lv�e ru�L-ung frc;*i a pou-�t on the i�Tor,h`+esterly l'u�e of sa:d Lot 2 u�d 15.00 :eet \o �he�sterly � the \TOrth��•est corner of said Lot 2 io a point on the Southezsferly lu�e or szid Lot 2 and 30.00 teet �`oi �heas.er,y fron tl South�4�est cors�er of said Let 2; ;ogether �ti�ith that part of Lot 1, said 31ock A lyi,-�g sou,h�,•esterly of Line � desr.ibed below: Lir�e � Li:�e A being a'ine para?:el with and 30.U0 ;eet sou;h;��esferly of, mezsu:ed at a rig;�t zngle fo, the fol]owL�g descrioed line: Cemmencing at the � ef ihe cen,er lines of 1Nabasha a�d Fourth Stree,s zs shoi��n en the :ecorded plat of the City of St. Pavl, Rarrsey Cewity, Viinnesc:a, said in;ersection i7ore specifically desr.ribed Gs Lein� the ;ollot+�ing poi;,t in :he Rzmcey Co•�nty Coorci'viate Systenl as published by tlie Rz ,lsey Cowlty Pubiic i1�o*ks Departnient, La�1d Sun�ey D;vision, ;inal adjustmer,t December 17, 1991, based upon :he North America;� Datum ot 1953 (1955 zdjustment) (Y-coordinate = 156192.903 Seet and X-coor�.ina:e =�7�OOQ.021 feet); :hence South 34 dejrees 32 minutes �?7 seconds Eas{ (all bearings herein beu�g pe: said Ramsey Couniy Coordinate System) along the cen;er )ine of szid 1�'zbasha St*eet, 351.44 feet to the follete'ing point ;n said itamsey Coun;y Coordi7zte Sysfem (Y-ceordina'e = 1559Q3 �33 feet znd X-coorciinate = 575203.314 feet); thence i�TOrth �� de�:ees 41 minutes ll seconds East, 0.�9 feet;'.hence South 3-� degrees 32 mvlu;es 47 secor,ds East 119.60 teef; thence Souih 32 degrees 23 minutes 97 seconds E�st 547 :'9 Seet; ihence Seutheaster�y aJon� a°54.25 foot radius tanaential curve, concave fo the sovthti��est, central ang]e 09 �egrees 15 ;ninutes 59 seconds, a disfaz�ce of 159.13 feet; thence South 23 degrees 07 �inutes a5 seconds East, tangent fo szid curv�476.71 ;eet; thence �TOrth 66 �'egrees 52 minutes 13 seconds East 66.14 feef; thence easferly �nd southezsterly alcng a i?0.00 ;oot radius, tangentizl cun�e, co�cal-e ;o the south, central angle 81 degrees 53 ininutes 12 seconds a nistance.of 2�0.11 feet to the poult of beginning of 1�e line io be described; �hence Sout!131 nearees 14 :nirutes 0� secane�s East, tangr-r�t to said cvn�e, 2�0.�5 :eet, to the cenfer line of Eact Waier S:reet and there temlvz�tin�. EXCEPTL�G THEREFi�O'�4, that pzrt of said Lot 1, Bleck A, described as ;ello�vs: Be�su�ing �t the 171fE75E•CiJCll of the a:oredescribed Lv�e A and the southeas�ei9y line of szid Lot 1; thence soviht��esterly z;ono said southeas;erly Iv�e, 1�.00 feet; thence northeasferly to a point on said Line A�+-hich is 7�.00 `eet northw•esterly of the aforedescribed po'v1t cf begi;vung, measured a7ong said Line A; thence southeas,erly 1�.00 feet to the poir.t of teginnL�J and l he:e tenninat:ng. �� ,'�g ``� Exhibit "A" Parcel "I" / Permanent Right of Way Easement Tnat part of Lot �, Block �1, P.ober:scri s Addition fo `��est St. Paul, Ramsey Cou.nty, A�linnesota, lying southwesterly ef a line t+�hiclt s parai!ei lvith and b5.00 feet northeasterly of, measured at a right an�le ;o, the follolving described cen:er line: Com;nencu�g at the in,erseccion cf ;he center lines ef Wabasha and Fourth Streets zs shoi�>n on the recorded pl�t of ;he City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, ��innesota, czid 'ultersedion more specifically described as bei� the ;ollowing point :�t d�e Rznsey County Coord'u�a;e Syster.l as publisl:ed �y the Ra�-nsey County Public ti�'orks Department, Land Sun-ey Division, final adfustnent Decer:�ber 37, 1491, based upon the \ror'�h Axrierican Datum of 1°33 (19Sb adjustntent) {Y-ceord'u�ate = 1�6192.903 ;eet and X-coordina;e =�75004.021 feetl; thence South 3� c'egrees 32 minutes 17 secor.ds East (zil bearings herein being per said Ra;nsey Coun�y Coor3ulate SysFem} a]on� she center line of said Wabzsha S�.eet; 3�1.-14 feet to the foiJol+-ino pou�t vt said Rzmsey County Coordinz,e System (Y-coordin�te = 1��903133 ;eet and X-coordinate = �7�203.31� feet); 2hence \TOrth �� dearees 41 minutes 11 seconds East, 0�9 ;eet to the point of beginning of .he center line to be �escribed; thence South 3a deo ees 32 minutes 17 seconds Last 119.6� feet; thence South 32 de;rees 23 :ninutes 47 seconds East 437.S9 feet; thence Southezsterly z]ong a 9Q-�.25 ;oot radius tangential curve, co.^.cave :o the southti+est, central zno e 09 degrees I5 i��inu,es �9 seconds, a dist�nce of ?�9.13 feet; ,hence South 2:3 degrees 07 n;inutes 48 seconds East, ,anger.t to said cun�e, �:'b.41 feei; the��ce Southeasterly, along a 29�2✓5 foot radius tangentizl cun=e, conca��e to t�e northeast, cen:ral zstgle 05 degrees 07 irinu;es 18 seconds, a distance of 2b3.�5 .eet; thence So�;th 2S minu,es ?5 „t:nu,es 05 seconds East, fangent to said cun>e, 227.63 {eet to the center line of Fillmore Aver,ve (fornerly }:no�e�n e,s Fourth Street cn ihe plat of Pobertson's Addition to West St. Pzu1, Rar.uey Couniy, Niinnesota) zsid there terminating. (Said point of :ermination, for utforn�ation purposes only, lies 0.28 feet northeasterly of the tenter lv�e of l��abasha S:reet, as �ezsuzed along the center line of szid Fillmore Avenue.) ♦ � n S � From: Linda Dickhut <linda.dickhut@stpaul.gov> To: TMSD.TMS(ortiz) Date: ' 8/3/98 1:28pm Subject: TMS�98-031Levee Rd. vac. To: Juan Ortiz Rea1 Estate Division Room 140, Court House From: Linda Dickhut Public Works Right-of-Way Division S00 City Aall Atmex Date: August 3, 1998 Subject: TMS File#03-1998 Vacation of part of Levee Rd. for Land swap due to Wabasha Bridge project The Department of Public Works has completed a review of the above referenced proposal and has no objections to the vacation subject to the following comment: The legal descriptions for the two parcels are horrendous. I don't know where the descriptions came from, and they will work, but perhaps someone should request a more concise description from the City Surveyor. LD c: Pete Gallagher, Jeff Grosso, Bill Hagland, Tom Kuhfeld, Kevin Nelson, Harvey Skow, Paul St. Max'tin, Jerry Strauss, Ken Taillon, Pill Tschida http://www.stpaul.gov CC: H2O.WATER(billt,jerrys),STPAUL.SmtpMime("ken.taill... �6 ��� 0 Repiy to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 To: Real Pkone # Fac 6 Juan A. OrtIZ From: ity of St. Paul / ��, 266-8850 N of Pages I We have no objections to this vacation . . . . , . . . . . � ...................... We must retain our easements wi�hin chc ri;h[-oi-way. 4Ve wi]I approvc ihis vacation. subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....a For the foliowing reasons, wc canaot appruve this vacacion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � P.O1 � • 1 E —1 b �. Z z .. �� Dxtc _. ��� ��y�� - �.� c�c ��ii r.GGiU� To: luan _ Repfy to Vacation Inqu�qr ; _ , File #1998-03 Phonelt Faz 71 ' From: Ptlone A Fax # % �,�8`� We have no objections fo this vacation . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .. .. .... . . �---�/ ..............L�" We must retain our easement5 within the right-of-way. We will approve tbis vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � For the following reasons, we cunaot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a ��gnea �.�(�-�� ba�e Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 A of Pages 1 To: Juan A. Ortiz rrouc %L / City of St. Paul �S� _ G Real Escate Division �s s' Phone x 266-8850 Phonc p Faz X 266-SR55 F�., w �� ��� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . _ . . . � ............................. We must retain our easements within the right of-way. We wi13 approve this vacation, subject to the vacation sub,}ect to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... ❑ s E � � ��t Signed � � 9 Date JUL-16-1998 15�04 ST PAUL PLRNNING & ECON 612 228 3314 P.01/09 „.,. ,e . To: Juan A. Ortiz Prom: � D �� � City of Sc. Paui "`� Reply to Vacafion Inquiry Real Estate Division File #199& Phooe/I 266-8850 P600eu � ����G3 0 Fa�c A 266-8855 Fax !/ ��— ?j3 l We bave nn objections to this vacarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �., We musc retain our easemenu within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, ❑ vacation subject to the following condirions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • - • - - For the following reasons, we cannot apptove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • • •❑ �(—'�' Date lu:ss k�AA til'L 221 035� Reply to Vacation tnquiry File #1998-03 DISTRICT ENERGY rA. City o: Raal Estate Phont�' F'az� I�001/003 l0 '�� 3 iavid L. ic Ener ict Cool P.A. • Paul t. Pan: 221-0353 . . .. ._ .. e have no objecfioiu to'this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We must retain. our easembnts within t]ie right-of-way, W� � approve this ❑ vaca�on subject to the foIIowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fnr the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacation: . ' • • • • • • • • • • • •❑ ..... .... ......❑ �� Signed - � Date 6� Repiy to Vacation fnquiry File #1998-Q3 io: luan A. Ozti2 Fmm: Ciry of St. Paul i� S Real Estate Division �� Phoncb 266-8850 Phone/1 Fax n 266-8855 Fas # ,"�= We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .�i] We must zetain our easements witfiin the righc-of-way. We wi11 approve this vacation, vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q Aate ��1 �r�ac� l� S (,J�s`�" a� ��� JUL 13 '98 08�30 612 266 8855 PqGE.03 O p oP Pages 1 To: Juan A. OrtiZ From: (.�, ,��r � � � �� �� Reply to Vacation Inquiry File #1998-03 Ph��� Fax # Real Fstate Division Phone N Fvc We have no ob,}ections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We will approve this vacation, � � vacation subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ For the foliowing reasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q RF �'Elr�� d Req� E � � � �,�g� srA o � ����� /�� 8 Date SUL-13-1998 09=16 ST Pal4L REf�L ESTATE Tn: Repty to Vacation Inqu9ry File #199$-Q3 PLanel/ Fax p s1Z �G66 titi5� r.b3�bb Juan A. Ottiz Fronr. �, la .�' ��� Ciry of St. Paul ��{� (�� ' L'scace Division � 266 YhoncB Z ��_ Z �Z 266-$855 FaY /f ... � n ., > ,-G� We have no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� We must retain our easements within the right-of-way. We wlll approve this vacation, vacation subject to tfie following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� Far [be following reasons, we cannot apgrove this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ `�t�-tt�� Dat -�---- - � — T00['(3j dSN 60£Z 6ZZ ZT9 XV3 55�90 �AZ 86/TZ/LO JUL-10-1998 12�38 FROM CITY OF ST PAUL LIEP TO Reply to Vacation Inqu9ry File #1998-03 68855 P.061/001 N of Pages 1 � To: IuanA.Oitiz From:� Ciry of St. Paul �� � PhoncN too-oa�v' .,___.. F� g 266-8855 � Fax �1 We ha�e no objections to this vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . • - • • - • - � - � We must Tetain our easements within the right-of-way. We wiil approve this vacation, ❑ vacaaon subject to the following conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • - For the following teasons, we cannot approve this vacation : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� /v �Q' Date . �9 I TOTAL P.061 `��l - ` 1 �S `� Departmeat of Finance & Management Services INTSRDBPARTMENTAL Nffi�40RANDUM To: Peter Wamer City Attorney's Office 4th Floor Ciry Hall From: ]uan Ortiz� Real Estate Division 140 City Hall A.S.A.P. ( N� �w�tc�,. I� ��) Date: August 4, 1998, 1998 Re: Vacate Excess Right of Way as Part of the Wabasha Bridge Reconstruction Please review the enclosed peution for the vacation of City owned property rights. If all the information is in order, please sign off on the resolution and relurn the nackane to our a� e, I will set a hearing date and notify the petitioner. Thanks. ...\vacate.ort\199803wnnr �'-'� �z` .�'" - _ -�- „ _ `_ 4.c �_ � ,.� ��...s �U� �4 i99� ���� 3�Y �t�.c .a4i�=,'��.Y¢�� 6� � Fb ���'i�°v-"t JUL-13-1998 14�15 STP PRRKS & RECREATION To: Reply to Vacation lnquiry � File #1998-03 Phoner/ �a Juan A. Octiz Esta[e Division 268-ssso 612 292 7405 P.01/08 � .., . . � From: �� (�j�ri1 Faz !{ �� .`l�`� We have no objections to [his vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � We must retain our easements wichin the right-of-way. �Ve will approve this vacation, vacation subject to the foilowing conditions : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .❑ For the following reasons, we cannot approve this vacarion : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .� � Signed � � 7 d � Date STREET OR ALLEY VACATION NO. 4 3 YEAR 1�l' 1�' � Vacation of: 2,� (J, i�1 G k�; � 7�C iyk�rOV�crx�n�c� yL/� 4J�.���. l�,.: d� �,c,�.,d 5�,� � Petirioner: .�; � . o�. 5�. �a.,.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . �,� ��� SUFFICIENCY Map Hearing Date Referred Ownership Report � j Pe6tion Signatures �/ � VACATION R90TICE SCHEDULE Approvai of Legal Description: Okayed Inquiries Utilities ✓ U.S. West (Trujillo) MailedlReceived f�''� i ✓ N.S.P. Electric (Gille) � ! ✓ N.S.P. Gas (Virant) � 1 MCI Metro (Boyers) �`^ J ✓ District Energy (Urke) L — I ✓ Continental CableVision (Gilberg) ( Certificates Mailed/Received 1 / / Other Q �g-��y Interdepartmentat Memorandum C4TY OF SAINT PAUL To: All Council Members From: Peter Whit��'l� Right of Way Engineer 140 City Ha11 Date: August 4, 1998 . Stii�i}ecf': '�� Tleptat'tazies�t k�aca�r€rz� F�i� k�� �§�8�� ,. : , _ I recommend a public heazing before the City Council be held on �ugit'�E �6� i99$ � The purQose of this vacation is dispose of excess right of way as part of the Wabasha Bridge reconstruction project . This properiy is located in City Council District �, Planning District 3� The subject petition is in proper form and has been signed by the requisite number of property owners. cc: Shazi Moore or Fred Owusu �iQUt'be^i"�.'F3E58a�C� �Ri'4�1 ; �: ; , .:; ��-��� NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the.petition of The City of Saint Paul for the vacation of that part of -Lot 2, Block A, Robertson's Addition, thereof on file and on record in the office of the City Clerk af Saint Paul, Minnesota, will be heard and considered by the Saint Paul City Council at a meeting thereof to be held in the Council Chambers on the 3rd floor of City Hall and Court House on tYie 26th day of August, 1998 at 5:30 P.M. Dated August 5,.1998 Shari Moore Deputy City C1erk � _ _ � -- _ .;;. - - -_� � .�. • .: _,_ : (August 8, 1998)