90-624 ��� � �t� � 0 R I G I N A �. Council File # Q-�/� �� '�`� Green Sheet # RESOLUTION — CITY OF INT PAUL, MINNESOTA '� 15 '; , �. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepted a petition of neighbors and concerned citizens concerning activities at and conditions of the premises identified as 796 Selby Avenue ; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the petition of the neighbors and concerned citizens is accepted and the matter is referred to the office of the City Attorney for review and recommendation as to the possibility of the filing of criminal or civil charges concerning such activities and conditions pursuant to Chapter 91 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code. I Ye��__ Navs Absent Requested by Department of: mon �,�_ e�m ee —��` _7`_ , une � �- i son �L By� Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 7 1990 Fo�, ved by C' y Attorney � c Adoption Certified by Council Secretary ' By: C�Gu � � _ � By� ��' ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date , A R 1 H �990 Council By: ,,0���'��i By: �1181fSHED A P R 2 81990 �a-�a� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNGL DATE INITIATED c�t coun��� 4�s-9o. GREEN SHEET No. 834� CONTACT PERSON 3 PMONE �NITUU DATE INITI ATE �DEPAHTMENT�iiECTOR �CITY COUNqL Wi 11 i am �11 S OTl �F� ❑�T�'A'R�NEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNqI ACiENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. 4-17-90 �MI►YOFi(OR AS8ISTANn � TOTAL#►OF SIQNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiONATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of a resolution accepting the citizens' peti.tion regarding property at 796 Selby Avenue and referring the matter to the Ci.ty Attorney .f.or review and recommendation. RECOMMENDATtON8:MP►�(N a�(Rl COUNCN. RCH i�PORT OPTIONAL _PUNNII�COMMISSION _pVIL 8ERVIC`COMMi8810N �YST PHONE NO. _d8 OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENT8: _W8TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECIIVE? IN11'IAT1N0 PROBLEM�ISSUE�OPPORTUNITY(Wlho�Whet�Whsn�Whsre�MThy): Citizens have submitted a petition re�ardinp; activities and/or conditions at 796 Selby that have a negative impact on their neighborhood and are requestina action in accordance with Chapter 91 of the Administrative Code. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: D18ADVANT/UiEB IF APPROVED: RfCEIVF� APR141990 CITY CLERK DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROHED: �:uur�cu ttesearcn t;er�irr, APR 141990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = '�" COST/REVENUE dU00ETED(GRCLH ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINd 80U� ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCFfA81N0 OFFlCE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINCi ORDER: Bslow aro preferred routir�s for the five most hequent typss of documeMs: CONTRACTS (aseumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amsnd, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Cirants) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Depsrtrt�eM Director 3. InitiaA� ment 3. �ttt�y �Y 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistant 5. Finance&Nl�mt S�s. Diroctor 5. Gty Council 8. Finaru�Acc.ounting 8. C�ief AccountaM, Fln&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE OROER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) Rsvision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activfry Manager 1. In�iating Dspartme�t Director 2. DepaRmern Auxountent 2. City Attornsy 3. Dspa►tmeM Director 3. MayoNAsslatant 4. Budget Director 4. Gry CoUncil 5. City Cierk 6. Chief A�ntant, Fln 8�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE OHDERS (all othen) 1. In�fating Department 2. Ciry Attomey 3. Mayor/Aseistant 4. Gty Clsrk TOTAL NUMBER OF 81GNATURE PAQE3 Indicete the M of papss on vrhich signatures are required and peperclfP ssch of thess es. ACTION RE�UE3TED Dsscrfbe what the projSCUroqwst sesks to accompifsh in Mther chronologi- cal order or onlsr of ImpoRer�cs,whichaver is m�t appropriate for the ieaue. Do not writs�mplets seMar�a. Begin each item in ycwr Ilst with a ve►b. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if ths issus in quesUon has been pressnted bsfore any body, public or private. 3UPPORT3 WHICkI COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objscthn(s)Your projecUroclt�eet supports by IieNng the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, RECREATION, NEKiHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, �UDC3ET,SEVUER 3EPARATION).(3EE OOMPLETE LI3T IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) `: OOUN(�L;CAMMITTEEiRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL .INITIATINO.PROBLEM, 183UE,OPPORTUNITY Explein ths aituation or corMftions that crsatsd e need for Y�+�P� or request. ADVANTA(�lES IF APPROVED Indicate whether Mis is simply an an�ual budget proceduro roquired by law/ charter or whsthsr thsre aro apeciAc wa in which the Gty oi Saint Peul and its ckizens will ber�efit from this pro�ect/action. DISADVANTA(3E3 IF APPROVED Whet negative effects or maja chan�es to existing or paet processes mfght this project/requ�t prodtx�if it Is peseed(s.g.,trai�c delays, noiae, tex increases or asa�srtbnts)4 To Whom?Whsn?For how long? DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED Whet will bs the nepative consaquencse if the promised action is not approved?Inabilfry to delfver service�Continued high trefflc, noiae, accideM rate4 Loss of revenue? FlNANGAL IMPACT Alttwugh you muat tailor ths information you provide here to the issue you aro addressinp,in peneral you must answer two queations: How much is it �ng to c�et�Who is gdng to pa�t �-yo-�a� 4 G1TT 01 o�a �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL + _;;�;;;�; o OFFICE OF THE CIT'Y ATTORNEY P � i�s• JANE MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR April 3, 1990 ��u � �..,� � t � f. �, _ ....> ie . �ai Council President William Wilson �'�!��-; " i� . _ 7th Floor City Hall Re : 976 Selby Avenue i.i i i..'_ b"���:;•.,.: Dear Council President Wilson: Attached please find a resolution directing that the petition of neighbors concerning the above property be referred to our office for review and the possibility of filing criminal or civil charges concerning activities therein. Chapter 91 of the Administrative Code provides for this \ffice ' s review of such petitions . The review will consist of pulling all of the police reports generated by activities at the property for the last 12 months. After a review by both our Criminal and Civil Divisions , we will speak to the Northwest Team Police Commander and other police unit heads to get a first hand impression and their personal assessment of the events occurring there. After that, we will discuss and evaluate the information and apprise you of what can be done insofar as a legal action goes. Yours very truly, �� PAUL F. MC CLOSKEY Assistant City Attorney PFM:cg Encl . cc : Mayor Scheibel Council Members Jane McPeak John McCormick � �� � �� � , � � : � � �������. ; . , . . , . . � � _ . : �.� April 3•. ,5990 .. . . , , . �. ; � - _ ' ..�y ' �� �� .� ��.. • , .. . .. . � - , . . . . . � ' _ . ' . , ' _CiCy AC�cixney . .' � . ;, , . :� . �Roc�n Fi47'r �i.ty: t3a1.1 : . - , �. _ . F�ar !!s, tici+�Maks . , , , : . . , , _ � Afti�r :�blic hearing: on .71�ri1`'9. 39�90� the-City Ca�cil r�fe�red- to' : ' ' ' the�City'Atto�i�y'foc-rs►�t,ie�r tl� maticr of the petitiori o! reaidente � � all�pqi,ng'a nuisanc� �o��f dt at prc�erty locatec� at 796 s�1by 11�in� . WiZl �r pl�e�prepn�e tt� �rop�r reeolut�on imple�enting�this acticn. . . . � Very. t�aly yot�t,�� , ;. Albett B. Oiacx� ' � �; `" . . City Gterk . ; , . l�O:fih , • .. .; � . ' , � ,� ._� ,`, ��w, [�� 1 . '� , � - � . _ . . _• � - � � � , �' ._. - � ., �, . � � ` March 12, 199i� . ���,�,.i�=��•�.,� . : : �'�'2'`9 � � . _ _.� _ � . , , . , g%� �>�"�• . ,. .Mr. RiCha�d J. ,Schoen - , . -' : : - ' �� ti ` 1393 Mechanic Avenue . St. Paul� t�t 55106 � Dear 3ics " . . . . � ' � �� ��.� The St. Paul City Cowwil will hoYd a pubJ.ic t�eatir�g vn "1�pri1 3, .1990 at 9z00 A.M. in the City Caancit Chamber on-t�e �hi�d .€��vo� of�City !lall :to consider a petitfon of reaide�n�5s: alleging:.a r��i�rin� �Co�exi.�t ' , . ` at Prope�tY described as 796 Selby i�venue. . . . ; : � ';< Y,�u are bei,ng notifed of �is mattQr becas�e Y� �PP�� �,� bwner . or► the Ratc�ey County property tax oMmecahsp r�de�.:'> �,t tlie public � hea►cing, the Cc�uncil will�c.onai�+e� all writGen.and oral testi,�y � and may refer the $etition to the City Att.o�ney'a Offi�e fo�' review _ i`or auff.iciency to:��ile cciwinal �charg�s or t� �. a ci�il neCian. - . _ _ . � � -. ,. � Yery Cruly you�'s. . _, A].be�t B. Ol�on _ - Ei�y Cletk' � , .. ABOs th . . , : .,. . , . � . `cc: Caulcilmri�rc William Wilaon � " . Jane McF�tak� City Attor�rwy � DiatricC 8 Ct�ucsitY Counc�l ' ' ' , Willia� Mc�ti�tcMi�or�, Poli�:l�e�t� �.. - Frar�k Sta!`fan�on, �aal�tt Qivis�on ° , - - . , , . ,. ; _ . . � - � ' - '` , _ . � . . < . . , y ' _� '� / �' . II . ' r�q(y e�} '��/ �.+� , - � . .. h `{�• , � , . ,. . _ , ,. , . , , <. � •, : _ ��4{/""t ' � � : , . r. � � : . �' �� � b _ ; . � _ _ _, _ , , � , . ,_ ,, � March 34. 1990 ' , , .: . . . . . .. . . ' .. ' . . . . - . .. . � �::y-" � - . '..; . . . . . . � . � •.�,, . . � . q..; � n�via ���a ,: , 2215: Highpoint' ; " . Mer►dota Heights, Mt+l 55118 . - • .: De�c, Si�: . - � The St. °Paul City Gounc�l wil.l ;hold a public lze+ar�ng ori �i� :3,. ��9t#-� at 9:00�A.M. ,in the City CounciY Chambers an t�he khirc� �lc�oac of City , •,�' , llal.l 'to caisfder a peti�ion of �esidents� allaging a ntiii�an�� �o exis� -' � .: .. et Prop�►rty c�escribecl as 796 selby Avenue. . : �. , - . , . _ . ... . -:,. You ate.being notifies� of'this a�attec becau�e you may be<t� ownec - ; : ar have an interest in the property. At th�e �ublic t�rin$ the Cou�nci� - ` will caonsider a�l WriCten and oral �ee�i�dai�y arx� wa�;��fer the �t�tion: � - . to tt�e City Attorney's off�ce for revit�r fc� �uffici�y�to fiie'crim�nal - charges or to oommence a civil ac�fon. ` ,. ''.. , , � Y�ry t�culy yours. : . , ,. ., Albert B. 018c�n . ;:_ s, r .City Clerk _ : � 3190:th. . , , . CC: CA�3[lC1�L" W3.11��.11i��AOI'i . __ ' Jane �� City �?toc�uy, D�sCcict 8 Cc�mmu�nity C�ouu�il � -. ' _ � .' _ ., . wilii.am MoCutct�ec+n, Po�.ics:[�epa�xtmen� - � ' Frainlc s�a�tw�ecrl. heelth; Divfsican ; ; ' : .: , , ` � ''. , . .: . .,. - _ : -�: _ _ , , , . , _ , - ,�; ; - : . .�-� , � ,;� �l � " ; . : � ;. : . , _ . , �; , � , . . ,�. . _ � . . . , _ . , _ .. . , . _ �� --� z� . , �IT-UNIVERSITY � �NING COUNCIL ■ ;Iby Avenue Paul, Minnesota 55104 phone 228-1855 REC����F� June 19 , 1989 MpR121g9p G{i',' C�Ek,� Mr . Richard Schoen 1393 Mechanic Avenue . St. Paul MN 55106 re : 796 Selbp Ave . Dear Mr . Schoen : As the owner of this propertp ,. we hope you will be at least as concerned as we are � about recent reports of drug trafficing at this address . ' � Increasinglp, this communitp refuses to . tollerate illicit drug traffic and holds the owners of properties where it is occuring responsible for helpinq to stop it. � We have secured the cooperation . of aome � ' abs.entee landlords in issuing warnings and evictions as well as the support of City . • authorities . Please notifp us within seven daTa of whet � measures pou have taken or expect to take in order to deal with this problem. Sincerely, ° ' � �G� �"^4 Nick Davis , Chair „ , Problem Properties Task Force • ND:hw �'/D 'gg � ' � . . . • .P/'f'` • v' ` P �� � �� �rr° w ,�,..�� � f � . . �6- � z� � SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY , PLANNING . COUNCIL � ■ 627 Selbv Avenue Saint Paul. Minnesota 55104 Telephone 228-1855 RECEIVED July 11, 19$9 �p,R12199� Mr. David Fernald G�f�; ��E��;{ 2215 Highpoint Mendota Hts. NI�I �55118 re: 796 Selby Ave. Dear Mr. Fernald: As the awner of this praperty, � hope you will be just as concerned as vae are about recent reports of drug trafficking at this address � Increasingly, this co�nunity refuses to � • tollerate illicit drug traffic and holds the owners of properties where it is occuring responsible for helping stop it. We have secured the cooperation of sc�n�e absentee landlords in issuing warnings ancl � evictions as w�ell as the support of City suthorities. ' Please notify us within seven days of what measures you have taken or expect to take in order to deal with this problem. � Sincerely, SUPC PROBLII�I PROPERTIES TASK FORCE ND:hw . r , � , ' . �(/ �C(�Z� . �,*, ,, � ,,,,�,.��,...:�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL �.~�� ''; ��r-,.,,"�,^��'�'��� OFF_ICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��+� � �C t�:rr��/ °��'� i ° � �/ l Gj() ALBERT B. OISON, CITY CLERK • '••• w � q ra 386 Cit Hall,Saint Paul.Minnesota 55102 R�.al �_tat.. Division y L��� i�itu�nc�&Management 5er�ic�s 612-298-4231 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR February 28, 1990 �CEIVED MAR05i�0 ClTY CLERK ;�TV�.NLi�,�r7o��r� Finance Department Real Estate Division Room 218, City Hall Dear John: The City Council is in receipt of 2 petitions of residents alleging a nuisance to exist at 796 and 800 Selby Avenue. Will you please provide me with the ownership records for that property in order that I may set a date of hearing and notify the property owner. eicy truly ours, rt B. Olson City Clerk ABO:th 3����0 �� l _ �vJ-- ��� _ i2��� �G�..� _ - . : � . -� . . ��� ���' , i`�''��3--;':�;-1�'.-�-c=�i.�:;�;—:r: �:�7-54�i i��t__.c�;4�i—•i a�i ��'7 Sl". f='FtUL... � AC"!"I VE � c_a:w,/�i�:;/�'�"� IVAME:�-__.____..._.._.._._._---_._.---___._..___________._.____.____�.__...__......_.._..._.._._.....___._..____._.._____..._______________.._.__._____._..__ F'�:E: Cll�lhiF=�i. „ . � ; � f�;:C GHHF,D �7 �sL:HL�El�1 � � 1��':_ h`IEGHAi�I]:�: AV�' � � CiT �'t�UL MN ��,:�1 Cab•:'�',?C? � PROF ADDF�. . . � 796 SELPY AVE � � ST. �'AUL h'IhJ �=,51 c��46b'�:�? � �-�x ���c:r-c r r�r�:c��.._.._-.--------___._.._...__________.___.____..____.._._._____._..___._____._____._._�_____.:�_________.__________._ �'LF�`i"� . C��.�:,Hi� � hdTl�IIhJt�EF: ?c DC71Vl�lE:L.LY 'G ; L�IT SIZE. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.?c���y '.�G? F="C � ATJL?�l'7:Cli�1 l"C.J HC7L_C:C]t�IF{f" 'i � . 1�y ACI�;E��i y Av�I T 1'C]t�l °f'C:l 5T'. F'AUL � IJF�3G'. „ . . ., „ „ 4 � !__C.IT � �Sl._F:: i3 � c���r�r�M.ra7-s-----._.._-------._._.______________.______._.------__._.__.___._.__._______._._______.._____._._._._______.________._._..___ l�.IQ CC1h1M�:�1'T'S �I`JT�fz WNO"i"I�-Il�f: L7:t t31='l_AY C:OI7i�_____::. !:�`;::'.—"�:�3--"�:�'-1:'—C�1:';�;-..�.; r,�:�'--�;4�,c��c=?—t��;[=t—�c=��3 �'�? 7T. F'AUL �� F1C:"fIVE �• G�/i��f�!=� Irl��t�I��S----------_._._.._.._._______.._..._..._.......___._____.____.______.._____________._..._._._._._..__.._...__.__.._________._______.________._._ F=EE U�tll�aEf?. . . �. � Si:w/:'�1/£'i�; � {aT'F_VE' H�aPJUUS�'k:: � c��":;ii_�/E3� 4 b?9 H�'aC:;UE �1VE � � S�f l�=�flUL h1h1 a";1 r��4�Sb��4 � F'FtC)F' ADnFi. . . � 8UQ SELBY AVE ! � �l". �'(-1tJL f`rilV `:;;:��.!:a�4�,b'.�'i? ; TF�X I.}E:��i(.:ItiIN'�7':[t�i�i__.___._.__.._..._.._____._W_._.__.__.___---..__.._._..____________________.__._____._____.__._______._._.__._.______.._.____.__ �'L.F-1"(�. . !:�1�=,�37. ; hd I ra I PJ����; °,. DC:1t�d1�JE:�LI_V '�3 � LCl°i'� �a I Z�:. a . w . . . . . . w � . �.7�:a�} �[:�.� F��..1. � ADT]T T T(al`! �TU I-iC.JLC;C:1M�:� `�i � � :I.t�} (�Gl�:h'� � AT:)I7I1":CUh.i TC:a ST. r'�UL ; l�F�.:�C. . . . . a . . � L_t�`f '�, T�it._f�:: �3 ; _ C:C�i�iME'I�il"5__.._._..------...------______.__________....._.......____.__._.._......._.-------------.---------__�_._____.______.__..._._____..______.__ hlCl CC1MMEh!"f'�i �.I�l1"F F� E�1�lt7"I�Hh'��: ��I�4�'LA'�r C:C1L7Fw_..__._..:. (59) �i N I I � ��� . . -, << 21 �6� fD.. 2 liz.) �6�� � ��� (l3) � (�4) (�s) � (fo3) �3�H (35) �3G) T � I 5 I� 17 I 8 19 2Q " I 2 I 3 l4 15 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 20 I 3 � I 4 I 5 . 2�2 '.^ � 629 �� ` 8/9 � � � ' " " 40' fo' .. .. . ,. .. . �o• 4i' ' .. DA Y TOIV L� .. �� �� .� .. .. 40' .. .. .. .. . 4 .. 40' �• .. , 820 Sr4 eoZ �e� I '17(0 '" o�. 6 � 4 3 2 1 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 (2) I 10 9 8 ��' 'i9� (69) ��a) ���) �`�) � y (81) �8�1 �85) (84) (�� `62) �/ (9d � (2�5� B (�08) 15) �T1) �78) ��g� 04 _J (98) (b9) �9�� �91) �92) ��) `''J (IU) (Ii2) � (lb) 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ig 1� �2 �3 .zZ�. 79 3 77/ �� �}p• 0 4/ 44. SEL BY .. , .. .. .. �. ¢o, , � IBta oix .. .. .• goo 7g6 .. .. 4O• 4r• .. .. � � 9 808 790 7(08 0 � 5 4 � � 3 2 I 9 8 7':� 6 5 4 3 2 I 10 9 6 (153) � i .��.�. (13� (►�) (�33) (�z) (itz) (izi) (i2o) (iszl; ' (i5i) (i5o) (I�) (t�) (i3e) (�3�) (13s) �, � . s9) �ici) (icz� �i�� (���) (t4o) (�M� —` � (ico) (�4z) (i4�) (�� U�� (i�il (i�) (�) (iz+� �ix�� �� � `I�, � 3 14 15 16 I 17 18 10 I I 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 � I i 12 13 ' 823' 8/S 781 � . , �, �. � 769 2' a° �,/ � HAGU�' 3' � .. .. .. .. 0. �. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 830 �' 4J •� g/6 800 7?G � 5 4 3 2 I 9 8 7 6 ��5� 4 (3 2 I � 10 9 8 �°� (�°' � (��) (��c) (ic5) � �/ � l�J/ (18�� (1�5� 3l �184) (102) (lel) (19� (yo4) (?1�3) (2c2) (L �s) `� (rn) 15 (izgl (n9) (� (�s�) (ieal (ies) (�90) ) G9�) (ITGj � �I91) (192� (!�3 (�g) (2oGl (Zo1) (� I I � 3 14 1�5 I� 17 18 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 il 12 i3 ! 8� Bo5 78/ 7 / 15 q.o' (00 4b• . . . .. . fo' 60' — --- --- __ .I � t i �r_t- --- _ ... . . . . . ' . . .. .. . . . i. . .. ' . . - � �. .. �. . � ' __ � . . � . � ��" ���,�'� � . .. . .; , . . ; . P'ebtt�aty `�8, 1990 � , s Mr'. John 9at�robet . Finance D�paCtaaent . _ Real �state�`D�vision Roo�a 218. City Hall : . t'�ar.Jot�ns _ . . . The Cit� Council is in ��ipt o� 2`p�tiCicx� ot -res�d4nta allag�j - a nu�ieanc� to exiat at 796 and 800 Selby Av�ue.: y�i12.yoix� pl�e . �rovide me with the ownerahip recorc]a 'for � p�operty 3� ors�' that . ._ ; . � I may �et a date of hea�ing and r�tit�y', tt� p�rop�rty c�mer. . ` Vety truly your�. • . ,: ' , , . . : , , _ :� � Alber� 8. Ol�on � ; Cit� Cle�ck � , � ; ABOsth , . � ., , `. :z � ' ,. � ,�,... :: -� :, . :. _ , ` , . :;. ... . . , ti - ' ' _ � � ��� .�}' �v - �.� � ���nm GZTY OF SAINT PAUL e��� �� OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL WlLL1AM L. W[LSON MARK VOERDING Councilmember Legislative Aide MEMORANDUM TO: A101sen City Clerk FR M• William Wilson R����v�0 O . � Council President ,�,� c�TyC DATE: February 16, 1990 �Fj�� SUBJECT: Nuisance Property Petitions Attached are two petitions sent to me regarding nuisances at 796 and 800 Selby Avenue. Please place these on the council agenda in accordance with Chapter 91 of the Administrative Code. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6l2/298-4646 s�E�•4e _ � . 9�- C,���' SUMMIT-UNIVERSITY PLANNING COUNCIL ■ 627 Selbv Avenue Sa�nt Paul, Minnesota 55104 Telephone 228-1855 �--'�� March 9 , 1990 RECF'�v�n . Councilm�n Bill Wilson ��n�j�t ����n city of st. Paul irir�Rl u 719 Ci L-y Hall C� � : C(,�EF�i� St . Paul � MirinesoL�, 5510'L RE: Public Hearing for Nuisance Petii:ions against ?96 & 800 Selby � Dear Mr. Wilson: I have been informed thaL i.he public hearing for the petitions against i;hese L-wo properties has been set for April 3 , 1990 . I am concerned that- i;he hearing may be delayed, however� because the owner oF one property and the address of the other are not correctly lisi,ed in i.he CounLy records . I have enclosed correspondence we have had with the owners of the�e properl.ie� i,� help preveriL having i.o reset the public hearin� Lo rz 1�Ler daL-e. The correci, owner• of 796 Selby is David Fernald, 2215 Highpoint, Mendota Heights, MN 55118 . A Jul,y 10, �1989 phone conversation . bei,ween Nick Davi� and Richard Schoen confirmed this . . The correcL t�ddress of l:he owner �P 800 Selby ( Steve Hanousek) is 10929 Sumi.er Avenue Soui.h, Bloomingl.on, MN 55438 . This is ' c;onfirntec.� by r�, lel:l;er froin SL-eve daLed September 1 , 1989 . Perhaps a call or note to i,he Cii.y Ai,Lorney will enable A1 Olsen to bypass l:he inc:orrec:� information in the County records and send the public he�.ring nai.ice i.o i.he correci: names and addresses immediaLely. Thanks . � Sincerely, ,.-''`7 - � �t-F-'�'�. ��L�` 9G�� � Jonelle A. Ringnalda Community Organizer cc: A1 Olsen Li� SLevens , Enclosures � . ' • , �G/ r� � Y . SUMMIT-UNIVEr� SITY PLANNING COUNCIL ■ - 627 Selbv Avenue Saint Paul, Minnesota SS104 Tel�phone 228- 1855 F'c�Uruary 9 , 1990 RE��-i�/}i� , (;ouncilman Bill Wilson F�B141990 City af St . Paul 7 1 9 Ci ty Ha.l l �I {�;� ��Ei;�( S L . F'aul � Mir►nesota 55102 Ri3: Nuisanc:e Pe�itions ;,'zar ";: . t;ils�n : [:ncl�sed pl�ase find i.wo nuisance ��E�t.il.i.ori�s r,�ainsl, properties oci Selk�y Avenue�, 796 3elby and 800 Selby� anc� cc�rr���Uorating police reports on I:he two properties . As 3•c�u r,an se �� � Lhe petitions coni.ain i.Me nece5se►c•y si.griat.ure� from ai•ea r�:�icieni.�s t� meet, i,he r�uisance petition gui�ielit�es '1'h@ Summit�-Unlv�rwiLy f�lar�r�l.r�� �c�ut��.l� �1.eai,�.��,1 Lhelr auppori, fur these petitions at their January 23 , 1990 isc�o►rd m�eCing . They � arid arPa re.�i.dents requesi, t.hai, you p.lace t hF� peLiLians on your i►ext City Caunc.il meeting r�g�nda 1'�r a r�ubl ic; hearing . Pl.ease notify �he follo�aing people of tt� is ��ut,lic heariti� : Judith Stoughton, 812 nayCon Avenue, St . Faul , MN 55104 IAaytc�n Avenue Block ) Der►nia Rhodes , 809 Selby Avenue, St. . Paul , MN 55104 ( neighbor ta the two propert.ies in q�ac�sl.io►►) �, Jonelle Ringnalda, SUPC, 627 Seloy Aven�ie, Si. . Paul , MN 55104 ( Problem Properties Task Force) Jirian Rany, 752 Laurel Avenue , Hague-I��urel. Bl.ock Clut�� St. I'aul , MN 55104 , NLC;It Uavis , ?9ti Hr�gue Avenue , St. . Pau.l , M�� 55104 'I'I�nnk yc>u for your hel��. Sincerely, ' . e�-�-- �c�r.c...�d�.- ot�elle Ringnalda Communii,y Oi•qanizer Problem ��roperties Task Force Pnrlosures cc : A1 Olsen City Clerk 3A6 city llall T F , , � NUISANCE__PE1'ITIdN_ AGAZ_NST__7J6 :3�LIIY_ AVENUT ,':-� -��� �� . y � We , the undersi.gned r.esiderits }iave e�?�r��rienceci repeated. di�tur- ✓ • b�nces in our. n�i�hbar.hc�od dtae to �:,�_�t,i�.�iti�s r3L• ?96 Selby Avenue . � 7'tiege disturbanc�.�s includP �xcF�ssive rice acti_vil:.ies t�nd foot and � car tr.a.ffic all hours af L-hP d.a�• aric�. night . Sde belipve there has been drug de�lin� qoin� on ba�ed o►� t}xe abave acLivities and ��olice act�.vity �,rid ai•resl.s ori �ne� rier�r t;hi.s property. As a result of these activitic�s �,nd the ne�l� �ence of. the property awner in addressin� the matter, t.his prapFrt;y l�as tx confi.inuing 1�lighi.in� i.r►fl�aence on tlz� neiXhl:orize_,ad and i� iri violation of �� mar�y Ci ty> Cories . 'I'he bui id i.►1g ;.s VS:'ar�t , wr�s cortdemned in July� - � l y89 , and centi.rit.ies to beccj:i�f� more of' �,n eyesoz'e �each day: hr���ren cainclows , i..i lnq�.l ugc- oi' tk�e pr��r,wrt.,y , vermin infesk.ation, arzd �enerr�] 1S• hr�zard�,u� r,or�di tic�ns . We be1 ievP thi.s property is a n��isance and heret�,y rE�c�uPSt tht�t tlif� City Gouncil pl�ce this matter on its a�eiida Fc�r. �, r>ublic �1P�2�ir�,� t�.s �oon as possible. 'i . OWNER 'L . OWNER-OCCUPANT �-, 3 . TENANT { ' � _ `�, NAMF c_ ADDRESS .� - �� L -� ��.� � � _ :___..�.�..�'�-_ .__._. ._. _ :. � . �� — —�— �c� � �! �� _ -- _ b � - ��� . ..�__��. � . . D�� _ � . z�-- _ --.--.�J� ..;��� ` .__. � — � e...,.,... �.. - �- �-���- -�-�- � . , �sb Y Se� �_ . . . . . ��{ : . Z . . . . . . . . 4 �.. � . . . �.� ' �.�rr.�r.rr....r� l ; �ry _ � � � ____� _���....._....�.._.. � . �' _�k _.�'�y _��� ,��- °�:.__ ..._._ : �U�" � . �..-�. _.�..��.... ____. �. _._._ ���� � .�.r�.�U . � . .�.�.... � __..__,.. � .����- _ �.... . � � ��o �o-x- ��� � --_ ���� . .`� . /�._ . . . . .� . . . . . . _ ._` � _�--. . . --- � 3 � � . , � ������ � � ��-�' �--`�3. . . � � � . _ _.:..�...� � 3 � � . _...._..._.._........_._.���.. .. � � . � . M_w � ��� . ---�— � � _ ___--�L ..._.�.._.. _— _ ._:. .�_____�.�. _. I . � . - . � NUI_SANCE PETITION._�AGAINS_T 796 SELBY AVENUfi �U - �.��i� � _ .+ _ _ _ -. � We , the undersigned residents have experienced repeat.�d distur- , ' b�,nces in our. nei�chborhood du� to ac.t.ivities at 796 Selby Avenue. Ttiese disturbances include �xcF�ssive vi.ce activi.t;.ies and foot and car traffic t�.11 hou.rs of the dR,v and ni�ht . We believe there has bePn drug deali.ntt �01h� on based on t.he above activities and pc�lice activ.ity and arrests on and ne�r this property. As a result of these activities and the ne�li�ence of the property owner in add.ressin�( the matter, thi3 ��roperty has a continuing blighting influence on the nei�;hborhood and. is in violation of m�ny Citv Codes . The buildin� is vac�ant, was condemned in Jul,y, 1989 , and conti.nues to become more c�f an evesore each day: broken windows , ille�al use of. the property, vermin infestation, and generallv h��zardous con�itions . We believe this pro�ert,y is a nuisance a.nd her. eby request that the Ci1:y Council place this matt;er on it,s a�enda for a public hearin� e.s soon as possible. ] . OWNER ?_ . OWNER-OCCUPANT - 3 . TENANT NAME ADDRESS .. _ _ v ��� t'�-t�C.� -. ......._..�.�,,� _.� v - /r,�.:� ,,�2 La�r� �1 v2. Bw�t e�-- —�, �� ..-�.ci !�a �� � Q.,�.�_� — ` � . � ` � � � � � . _��►�-4%�- �'�-�`- t l b /� � . ; ; � a��� - ` v�- ` �-L-�u,., - ?G 3 1�•�.,,�- f�-�..- . � . . . . . . . . . . . . ,F � ^ � �