90-603 � . Return copy to: " . ' Real Estate Division -iRoom 218 City Hall Council File #` 0 3 (PW) (ValEng) Green Sheet #` 7 � RESOLUTION ----�.,\ 0 R I G I N tq L CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA z� ;, Presented By z� ��erred To � �L�� �t..��.''�o� committee: Date 4� ;L� . �-ie�--�d WHEREAS , the City of Saint Paul , acting through its Valuation En ineer, has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain property described as follows : Lo 1, Block 14, Smith' s Subdivision of Block 14, St ' nson ' s Frances Street Addition to St. Paul , Ra sey County, Minnesota WHEREA , the property herein described is necessary for public purp ses in the ETNA/EAST THIRD STREET area in connection with the BE T LINE SEWER SYSTEM POND ACQUISITION PROJECT; and WHEREA� , this property was approved for acquisition on July - 14 , 1987 , b� Final Order , Council File No. 87-1P178 ; and WHEREP�S, the price at which the property may be purchased is in the amo�lnt of $2 , �0P1 . �0, it being a fair and reasonable price for the su ect property according to the appraisal obtained by the Valuat on Engineer ; and WHERE S , the Valuation Enc�ineer has recommended the purchase of said property at the price stated above: NOW HEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the proper city officials are hereb� authorized and directed to pay Norvin L. Nordling, record. ow�er , the sum of $2,(�00. Q10 . The conditions of said sale containedlin the Memorandum for Sale of Real Estate; said memorandu�n is attached hereto and incorporated herein by referencei. Said sum to be charged to Funding Source 2�J5-12160- Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: onw. � Finance & na ement v'ces ac ee �� �e ma � une � �TJ'iTson BY� or v �- Adopted by Counc 1: Date MAY 1 0 1990 Form Appro ed City Attorney Adoption Certifi�ed by Council Secretary By: By= Approved b M or for Submission to Approved by May�r: te `� G �I Council By: By: tt��'�C-C.L�'�� p1�tISNED MAY 19 1990 � . RECt�vE[� �lo -(va 3 , . , � D PARTMENTIOFFICE/COUNCIL � . DATE INITIATED Q Finance/Real Estate Divis' n EN .S�HEEI�P� Q � 199R0. $9��[�UDATE CONTACT PERSON d PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNp� Peter White 29 -5317 cirrnrroRNev A(U�Y���� �� pu�Fon MUS'f BE ON COUNqI A(iENDA BY(DATE) ROUTq10 BUDOET DIRECTOR �fIN.�MGt.8ERVICEB aR. �u►voR�oR nss�sTnNn � Council Res rc TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Approve acquisition of Lo 1, Block 14, Smith's Subdivision of Block 14, Stinson's Frances Street Addition to St. Pa l, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the BELT LINE SEWER SYSTEM POND AC�SITION PROJECT, loca ed near Etna and E. Third Streets as shown in red on the attached File No. 18 �co�eNOanoas:Ma�W a�(R) COUNCI�COA�IMIT7EIE/REBEARCH F�PORT OPTtONAL _PLANNINO COMMISSION _dVIL 8E ICE CAMMISSION ^^�Y� P"°"E"�. R EC E I V E D _CIB COMMITTEE _ A sT,� _ �wrs: — MA R 3 0 1990 —����� _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNCII OBJECTIVE? Sewer Se aration iNrru►nNO�oe�,iseue,oa�oRTUNmr .wnu,w�,w►�►..wny�: The construction f the Belt Line Storm Sewer Project r�q�y�res the acquisition of these parcels fo ponding purposes. �t E/�/�� MqR 2 �, 1990 r�.' *y�;�.��� rN� o E �",'v�. ;,,;. . �T pF��j �T�R �wet� - �. � ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: SERVI�ES .. This acquis tion, along with the others which constitute the pond acqui.sition pro3ect, will provide an area for storm water runoff drainage. This allows for the most cost-efficient storm sewer system. as�ov�rrr�s��ovea. City would be required to purchase the subject property. ���' ��� DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: An alternative site would have to be found. �uur�;cai K����rcr� �.�riier Af'R 0 31S9fl TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA = 2+OOO.OO COST/l�VENUE OUOOETED(GRCLE ONE) VE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE C.I B. ACTIVITIF NUMOER 2(l 5s:��(15�5 �ruwc��u iNFa+�umoN:�exPUi �� _� . . �jp_(�0.3 r`�,�r,�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Members: R ,r OFFICE OF THE CTI'Y COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair o � � David Thune,vice chair , ����������� „ Tom Dimond � nn �n�� ; Bob Long ° � Date:May 3, 1990 �� C���/Lt►O ies• Committee Report C/l �3�� To: Saint Paul Ci Council � r�LFR O tY k From: Publi Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roge J. Goswitz, Chair Hearinq Date 1. Appro al of Minutes of April 18, 1990 APPROVED 3-0 2. 5/8/90 Vaca ion: Petition of Tilsner Carton Company APPROVED 3-0 for he vacation of the alley Real Estate in Bloc 5, Edmund Rice's Third Addition which is boun ed by Agate, York and Cayuga Streets. Purp se is to construct warehouse addi ion. 3. 5/15/90 Rati�fication of Award of Damages for acquiring APPROVED 4-0 prop�erty necessary for public purposes (ponding are�) in the area of Sylvan and Acker Streets in con unction with the Sylvan/Acker Sewer Sep�ration Project. 4. 5/15/90 Ratlfication of Award of Damages for acquiring APPROVED 4-0 per anent utility easements and temporary con truction easements near Starkey Street between Pla,�to Blvd. and Concord Street for the Concord/ Con�lgress Area Sewer Project. 5. 5/15/90 Ralification of Award of Damages for acquiring WITHDRAWN pe�manent utility easements and temporary cor�struction easements for the Concord/Congress Ar a Sewer Project near vacated Fillmore and va ated Livingston A 6. Resolution - 90-603 - Authorizing proper City APPROVED 4-0 o ficials to pay Norvin Nordling $2,000 for a quisition of property described as Lot 1, B ock 14, Smith's Subd. of Block 14, Stinson's F ances Street Addition in connection with the B lt Line Sewer System Pond Acquisition Project 1 cated near Etna and E. Third Streets. ( eferred to Public Works 4/12 90 7. First Reading - 90-630 - An ordinance amending APPROVED 4-0 rd. 17443 adopted March 17, 1987 pertaining to �arking meter zones and removing $0.75 per hour wo hour parking meter zones on the west side of obert from lOth to llth Streets, and removing 0.50 per hour two hour parking meter zones on he south side of 7th from St. Joseph's Lane to St. Peter, both sides of 6th from Main to 7th Street, and the south side of 6th from 5th to 7th Place. (Referred to Committee 4/17/90) 8. Vacation: Petition of Jesco, Inc. for the APPROVED 4-0 vacation of part of McAffee Street from E. Maryland Avenue to Topic Lane. Property is to be replatted and developed. (Laid over in Committee 4/18/90) 9. 5/17/90 Final Order: Sidewalk construction and or WITHDRAWN 4-0 reconstruction at the following location: S9022 Both sides Edgcumbe Road from Scheffer Avenue to Highland Parkway. (Laid over in Committee 4/18/90) 10. 5/15/90 Final Order: For St. Peter Street Streetscape APPROVED 3-1 Project on the west side of St. Peter Street from Kellogg Blvd. to E. Sixtfi Street and from E. Seventh to Interstate 94. Also for operating costs for the Above Standard Street Lighting System for the St. Peter Street Streetscape for the months of July thru December, 1990. (Laid over in Committee 4/18/90) 11. Resolution - 90-579 - Requesting all future LAID OVER requests for capital improvements where options INDEFINITELY 4-0 exist to place proposed improvements on city-owned real estate that estimated costs of improvements include current valuation or current market value of the city owned property. (Referred to Committee 4/10/90) 12. Resolution - 90-578 - Authorizing proper City APPROVED 4-0 officials to execute agreement with Ramsey County providing for the sale of asphalt. (Referred to Committee 4/10/90) 13. Resolution - 90-566 - Initiating application for APPROVED 4-0 grant in the amount of $13,160 of community energy funds to allow the Energy Resource Center to separate a residential lighting conservation project. 14. Discussion on Volume-Based Pricing: Mandatory LAID OVER 5/16/90 collection; not organized trash collection. _ � � - � � 9�_lo 03 I � � �le artment of Finance & Mana ement Services a P 9 Division of Real Estate 218 City Hall MEMORANDUM ON SALE OF REAL ESTATE 1. Purpose of Sale of Real Estate to City of Saint Paul: Acqui ition for public purposes. 2. Locati n of Real Estate: Fremont Avenue at Etna Street 3. Legal escription: Lot 1 Block 14 , Smith' s Subdivision of Block 14 , Stins n's Frances Street Addition to St. Paul, Ramsey Count , Minnesota 4. Name a d Address of Seller: Norvin L. Nordling 26g0 East 14th Avenue I Saint Paul , MN 551A9 : 5. Recomn,iended Purchase Price: $2,000. 0� 6. Type �f Deed Required: Quit Claim Deed, prepared by City. 7. Selle� to give possession to city: On day of Closing 8. Selle� will participate in a Proceedings subsequent to clear titlel. 9. Taxe �: City to pay 1989 taxes due and payable in 1990. 10. City to pay all filing fees and recording fees, including Stat Deed Tax Stamps and Conservation Stamps. Note: C nditions listed above are not binding until approved by . S int Paul City Council . Seller: N�rvin L. Nordlin City: eter White �S igned � " A ing Valuation Engineer Date �3 /� � Date �V —j— —T . YOUR SIGNATURE DOES NOT NEED TO BE NOTARIZED — — ,�- �' �S� s��rv� 'Tia'� z w�-r!d- Tl�-e. u^r0�'T.�I��r�d (RealE tate) T�-,orl � �,p00 G 1 S p N{? 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