90-597 ` . �� .,. � �[, �� ��D�it�v w'� � a Council File # �� �/� �o�ORi INAL , , Green Sheet # Q � RESOLUTION �r� CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��1 Presented By - Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 WHEREAS, the City replacing the Henry Ha1e Memorial Library, Merriam Park Branch, at 1831 4 Marshall Avenue; and 5 6 WHEREAS, Section 7 .06(j) of the City Code calls for documentation of historically or 7 architecturally signific t structures before demolition, moving or substantial alteration when it is 8 not feasible to maintai the structures themselves; and 9 10 WHEREAS, while the Merriam Park Branch Library is not a city-designated heritage preservation 11 site, the building is ar itecturally and historically significant and should be documented before 12 being demolished; and 13 14 WHEREAS, ornament tion and historical details from the Henry Hale/Merriam Park Branch l5 Library could be saved for reuse in a new building; and 1C I7 WHEREAS, the peopl in the Meniam Park neighborhood and the members of the City Council 18 want to build a new b ilding which provides excellent library service while reflecting the historic 19 nature of the existing 1 brary; and 20 21 WHEREAS; the Herit ge Preservation Commission has reviewed the architectural and historical 22 significance of the buil 'ng; has considered its structural condition; has reviewed the physical 23 requirements of libra service; and has urged that Level II Historic American Building Survey 24 documentation be com leted before demolition of the building; 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requires that Level II 27 HABS documentation f the existing Merriam Park Branch Library be completed; and 2g 2� BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that efforts will be made so that historical fabric identified in the 30 documentation and det ils from the old building, sueh as the transom above the front entrance 31 which is inscribed in a othicized script "Henry Hale Memorial Library, Merriam Park Branch," be 32 saved for use in the ne library building; and 33 34 BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that the request for proposal for design of the new Merriam Park 35 Branch Library will inc ude a requirement that the designer should be prepared to save historical 3C details and of the old uilding for reuse in the new building and to respond to the aesthetic 37 recommendations of th Memam Park Library Committee; and . O I �,J=��..J-�/�f' 1 � TF'P�RTP�R R SOLVED, that no demohtion of the Memam Park Branch Libra will be in rY g 2 until the Saint Paul L brary Services Administration in consultation with the Merriam Park Library 3 Committee agrees to he new building design and to a demolition plan for the old building The 4 demolition plan will me specific elements to be salvaged and the form in which these el ents 5 will be saved in order to be reused. w1��� � �ao��� A , (x�wto(�'t�cJ►n pla� a'"Q by �PP'�",� �. ���i co�.��:.1 � Ye s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon Goswitz on acca ee ettman T une z son B1'� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate ��� '� 7 �Qi�� Adoptio Certified by Council Secretary By: By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: at APIC � 2+ �9 Council By: ���� By� M�llSHED A P R 2 1 19 90 0� I � I N A L Council File # Q��e!~�7 Green Sheet # d ! RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 5 : Presented By i�%�� Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the City i replacing the Henry Hale Memorial Library, Merriam Park Branch, at 1831 2 Marshall Avenue; and 3 4 WHEREAS, Section 7 .06(jj,;of the City Code calls for documentation of historically or 5 architecturally significa t struc"'t�res before demolition, moving or substantial alteration when it is 6 not feasible to maintai the stniitures themselves; and 7 � 8 WHEREAS, while the erriam Par Branch Library is not a city-designated heritage preservation 9 site, the building is arc itecturally an �istorically significant and should be documented before 10 being demolished; and '�� 11 12 WHEREAS, ornament tion and historical f ric from the Henry Hale/Merriam Park Branch 13 Library could be saved for reuse in a new bui ing; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the peopl in the Merriam Park nei borhood and the members of the City Council 16 want to build a new bu lding which provides excell t library service while reflecting the historic 17 nature of the existing li rary; and 18 19 WHEREAS; the Herit ge Preservation Commission has eviewed the architectural and historical 20 significance of the buil ing; has considered its structural �ondition; has reviewed the physical 21 requirements of library service; and has urged that Level I��Historic American Building Survey 22 documentation be com leted before demolition of the buildi�g; 23 24 NOW, THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Pau�ity Council requires that Level II 25 HABS documentation f the existing Merriam Park Branch Iabr� be completed; and 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that efforts will be made so that��istorical fabric identified in the 28 documentation and det ils from the old building such as the transom above the front entrance 29 which is inscribed in a othicized script "Henry Hale Memorial Library, Merriam Park Branch" be 30 saved for use in the ne library building; and 31 32 BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that the request for proposal for design di the new Merriam Park 33 Branch Library will incl de a requirement that the designer should be prepa ed to save historical 34 fabric and ornamentati n of the old building for reuse in the new building an to respond to the 35 aesthetic recommendati ns of the Community Design Committee; and 36 �yo- .��i � 1 � BE TT FURTHER RE OLVED, that no demolition of the Meniam Park Branch Library will begin 2 until the design for the new library has been approved by the City Council. . Ye s Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on —�ca ee e man une .z son By' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: ate Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY: By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: ate By: By: � :� � (,� �0-59 � �PARTM[NTlOFfICE/COUNqL DATE INITIATEO City Council GREEN SHEET No. 8 3 4 8 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE , INITIAU OATE INITIAUDATE ��PARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL Paula Maccabee 29 -5378 �� �cmr nTroRroer �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpI AOENDA 8Y(DATE) (�OUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MQT.SERVICEB GIR. �MAVOR(OR ASSISTAWn � TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PACiE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REGUESTED: Level II HABS documen ation of Merriam Park branch library and preservation of historical elements of building efore demolition. RECOMMENDATIONB:Appmw(N a�IR) COUNCIL COMMITTEEli�SEARCH AEPORT OPTIONAL ' _PLANNINO CObIM18810N _CIVIL RVI�COMMI8810N �Y$T PHONE 1�. _G8 COMMITTEE _ COMMENTB: _STAFF _ _DISTRIC'T OOURT _ SUPPORTS WIiN�I COUNpI OBJECTIVE9 INIT1A71N0 PROBLEM.ISSUE�OPPORNNITY ,Whet.WMn,Whsro.Why): Heritage .Preservation Commission requested Level II HABS docu'm�ntatial�. OF Henry Hale/ Merriam Park Library efore demolition. HPC also requested more information concerning the structured condit on of the library before demolition. ADVIWTAOE8IF APPROVED: The City has document tion of an .' uilding. fi/��; � The community can pre erve histori� � �` '��; ilding in a new building designed to provide e"ce�lent libra � � ,;�,��,� , � �SADVANTAf�ES IF APPROVED: The City pays the cos of Leve1 II HABS i��icumenf�'tibn (PHC staff estimates $5,000 or less) . DIBADVANTAOE3 IF NOT APPROVED: There may be no docume tation of an historically significant building. Historic ornamentatio from an historically significant building may be destroyed. RECEIVED A���� ClTY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = C08T/REVENUE 01lDOETED(dRCLE ONE) YES NO FllNDINd SOURCE ACTIVITII NUMSER FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII� � . -- NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the Nve rtrost frequent typss of dbcuments: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNdL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdptaJ budget exists) Accept. Orsrns) 1. Outaide Apsncy 1. Department Director 2. Initiatiny Departmsnt 2. Btxlgst Director 3. Gty Attorney 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MByor/Assiateu�t 5. Finartce d�Mgmt 3vcs. Director 5. City CouncN 6. Flnance AccouMinq 6. Chief AccountaM, Fln�Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budyst COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ell othere) Rsvisbn) arM ORDINANCE 1. kctivity Msneper 1. Initieting Depertment Diroctor 2. Dep�►tment ACC0uM1iM 2• �Y��sY 3. Dsp�vtmsM Director 3. MsyoNlltNsteM 4. Budpst DI►eCtor 4. Gty CWlnCfl 5. City qerk 8. Chisf Aacountent.Flo 8 M�mt S'vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE OROERS (all others) 1. Initiating DepartmeM 2. City Attorney 3. MayodAssist�nt 4. Cily Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PAC�ES Iralicate the#�of p�qsa on which aipndures are requirod and pep�rcl�P esch of these pa�es. • ACTION REQUE3TED Describe what the p►ojsct/rsquast se�ks to accomplish in eRhsr chronologi- cel order or ordsr of importance,wh�hsvsr is most approp�iate Mr the Iasue. Do not wrlte complste�tences. Bsgin each kem in your list wkh a verb. REOOMMENDATION8 Complste if ths lesus in qusnion hes been preserned bebre any body, publ� a private. SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indicats wh�h Coundl obj�cd�r�(s)Y�Prol���iuest supports by IlsUng the key word(s)(HOUSIW(�, RECREATION.NEI(3HBORHOOD8, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUD�3ET,SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUGTIONIAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A8 REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNI7Y Explafn the skudion or conditiona that crsated a need for your projsct or request. ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED Indicats wheMar this 1s eimphr an annuel budpst procedure requfrod by taw/ charter or whsthsr there are speciflc in which tha Cly of Saint Paul and ita atizens will bensfit f►an thfs p�ro�t/actbn. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED What,.ospativs�a or major chan�ss to exiating or paat proce�es might this P►clecf/reques!Produce M R is paesed(s.g.,traffic delays, naae, tax increases or as�ssments)?To Whom4 Whsn?For how long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the neyative�nsequenc�if the promiaed actan is not approved�inabiqty to deiiver senrMe?Continued high traffic, noise, � accideM rate?Loss of rsvsnue? FINANdAL IMPACT Althou�h you must teflor the information you provide here to the iasue you are addreping,in�eneral you must anawer two queations: How much is it 9��9 to oost?Who is.going to pey? , � ��� Council File # p? � Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 WHEREAS, the City i replacing the Henry Hale Memorial Library, Merriam Park Branch, at 1831 4 Marshall Avenue; and 5 6 WHEREAS, Section 7 .06(j) of the City Code calls for documentation of historically or 7 architecturally significa t structures before demolition, moving or substantial alteration when it is 8 not feasible to maintai the structures themselves; and 9 10 WHEREAS, while the Merriam Park Branch Library is not a city-designated heritage preservation 11 site, the building is arc itecturally and historically significant and should be documented before 12 being demolished; and 13 14 WHEREAS, ornament tion and historical details from the Henry Hale/Merriam Park Branch 15 Library could be saved for reuse in a new building; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the peopl in the Memam Park neighborhood and the members of the City Council 18 want to build a new b ilding which provides excellent library service while reflecting the historic 19 nature of the existing 1 brary; and 20 21 WHEREAS; the Herit ge Preservation Commission has reviewed the architectural and historical 22 significance of the buil ing; has considered its structural condition; has reviewed the physical 23 requirements of library service; and has urged that Level II Historic American Building Survey 24 documentation be com leted before demolition of the building; 25 26 NOW, THEREFORE E IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council requires that Level II 27 HABS documentation f the existing Merriam Park Branch Library be completed; and 2g 2� BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that efforts will be made so that historical fabric identified in the 30 documentation and det ils from the old building, such as the transom above the front entrance 31 which is inscribed in a othicized script "Henry Hale Memorial Library, Merriam Park Branch," be 32 saved for use in the ne library building; and 33 34 BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that the request for proposal for design of the new Merriam Park 35 Branch Library will in ude a requirement that the designer should be pr�epared to save historical 3( details and of the old uilding for reuse in the new building and to respond to the aesthetic 37 recommendations of th Merriam Park Library Committee; and � � ���Q � �� 1 BE IT FURTHER RE OLVED, that no demolition of the Merriam Park Branch Library will begin 2 until the Saint Paul Li rary Services Administration in consultation with the Merriam Park Library 3 Committee agrees to t e new buildirrg design.�nd to a demolition plan for the old buildin . The 4 demolition plan will na e specific eiements tolbe salvaged and the form in which these el ents 5 will be saved in order o be reused. � ��4� �,�,��� �� ���, � � „� � . `��::> �� i�.;�- r. ' --��.. -, � �� ��.� � . � �� � � �� � � � ����� Y as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz Lon P acca ee Rettman T une .z son B�'' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified b Council Secretary gy: By= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date By: By: