90-595 Council File # d—�Q� 0 R I G i N A Green Sheet# RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIN PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: ' Referred Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS,The Mayor,pu suant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1990 Generai Fund 2 budget: 3 CURRENT BUDGEf CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 4 TRANSFER FROM: 5 General Government Acco nts 6 Contingent Reserve Specifi 7 09061-0111 Full Time Per anent 39,733 (9,000) 30,733 8 09061 All Other Spending 1,323,774 0 1,323,774 9 10 TRANSFER TO: 11 General Government Acco nts-City Attorney 12 09073 Outside Council 13 09073-0219 Fees-Hearing aminer 0 7,000 7,000 14 09073-0299 Misc Services ranscribing 0 2,000 2,000 15 09073 All Other Spending 70,000 0 70,000 16 All Other Fund Spending 131,588,131 0 131,588,131 17 133,021,638 9,000 133,021,638 18 NET CHANGE 0 19 20 RESOLVED,That the City ouncil approves these changes to the 1990 budget. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: Dimond r Gaswitz v Long �. Maccabee �, Rettman � By: Thune V Wilson � Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date APR 5 1990 By. � � Adoption 'fied by Counci Secretary: ForrryAp�roved by City Attorney: ) By: By. Approved by r: Date APR 9 1990 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: By. � .��-�� By: 11G'1���?��--�. �}s�� ��� � � ���� Pre ared by Salnt Paul Bud9et Office (Jeanetta c:A723data\TFiANSF8.wk1.a11 413190) . Gfr, Qo`�" COUNCIL ADOPTED 1990 BUDGET SPECIFIED CONTINGENT RESERVE (09061-537) as of April 3, 1990 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted -------- ------ ------------ 1990 Council Budget File Date Amount Available ---------- -------- ------ ------------ ------------ Unanticipated salary increases 1,192,949 Fire optical scanner 40,000 Pending (40,000) City clerk staff(0.9) Fire Chief Hearing 29,362 Pending (9,000) Ethical practices bo d staff(0.7) 14,132 Ethical practices boa d 32,538 Pending (22,090) Services/materials/ uipment Electricity Increase 43,046 Data Entry Operator (03226) 16,198 Pending (16,198) Salary Reserve for F Es in Contingency 1,152 Pending (405) Elder Council Per Di m 11,000 ---------- ------------ ------------ Total 1,380,377 (87,693) 1,292,684 Budget:BJ 700/RESERV90.wk1 all 03-Apr-90 :o: C1TY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: May r James Scheibel Cit Council Members FROM: Gre ory Blees, Budget Director ,,7'��� DATE: Apr 1 3 , 1990 RE: Fin ncing Hearing Examiner for Fire Chief Investigations At the Apri 3 , 1990 City Council meeting, when considering Council Fil #90-562, a question was asked as to how the City would finan e the one-time special hearing costs for the recommended termination of the Fire Chief. Deputy City Attorney, Phil Byrne, estimates the maximum hearing costs to be $7, 000 for a Hearing Examiner 2 000 for Transcript Costs $9, 000 Maximum Cost The 1990 Ad pted General Fund budget did not include an -- ,appropriati n for this extraordinary expense. But, there is ��t,�i vailable i the Specified Contingency, $29, 362 for a position in �'���CN �he City Cl rk s budget that was proposed to be eliminated. As �. % the incumbe t has retired, the contingency money is no longer ',• needed and s readily available for transfer to cover the cost of the special hearing. Basically, here are five budgets from which the hearing costs could be pa 'd: 1) Fire Department 2) City Attorney - General Operations 3) City Attorney - Outside Counsel 4) Mayor's Office 5) City Council I recommend that the $9, 000 be transferred to the City Attorney - Outside C unsel budget, activity 09070. I �iave atta hed to this memo appropriate budget amendment wording wh�eh can b amended to Council File 90-562 when it is considered at the Apri 5, 1990 Council meeting. GB: fs Attachment: Resolution Amendment cc: Phil By ne John Co onna Barb Je netta Marcia eller Jane Mc eak A1 Olso