90-567 � G f� i G I ��� � Council File � (� ' � - Green Sheet # ��j . RESOLUTION ,,�.,,� � CITY OF S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA ` � , ,___._-� � - Presented By Referred T Committee: Date RESOLOTION FINDING CEN808 TRACTS TO BE ELIGIBLE FOR 1990-1991 IIRBAN REVITALIZATION ACTION PROGRAM ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul did on December 21, 1989 adopt Resolution 89-2210 approving the 1990 guidelines for Saint Paul's Neighborhood Revitalization Program, a program combining the Community Resource Program (CRP) and the Urban Revitalization Action Program (URAP) ; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul finds that the following census tracts meet the eligibility criteria for URAP targeted neighborhoods identified in Laws of Minnesota 1989, Chapter 328, Article 6, Section 13, Subd. 2: 313, 314, 315, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 336, 338, 339, 340, 353 , 359, 360, 361 (detailed findings are attached) , and are hereby designated as targeted neighborhoods under authority of Chapter 328, Article 6, Section 13, Subd. 1; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul . does hereby add to the identified census tracts an additional area extending four contiguous city blocks in all directions from the designated �targeted neighborhoods. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: smon ✓ oswz z T on �— lanni onomi velo ment acca e T _�_ r eane � � s son -�- BY _ Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 7 1990 orm Approved by Cit /Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY, p `� �_ By° ' '�'��� Approv by Mayor for Submission to Approved Mayor: Date APR 1 8 1990 counci /' �G���"r'/ g ��.l�1 By: Y� �jRt��NEA ;�R 2 � 1990. *- - � , � �o -�� � GRIGIfJAL �FINDINGS CONCERNING �SA1NT PAUL URBAN REVITALIUTION ACTION PROGRAM (URAP) ( �CENSUS TRACT ELIGIBILITY � � � I (I I � HOUSING CONDITION � � CENSUS �� � � X SUBSTD � X BUILT � � TRACT ��UNEMPL01'MENT� iNCOME � UNITS (1988) �PRIOR - 1940 � �----------��------------�-----------------�-----------------�-------------� � �� � � � � ( SMSA �� 4X � E20,699 � � � ( ELIGIBLE �� _> 8X � _< 510,350 � _> 25X ( => 70X ( � �� � � ( ( � 313 �� 10X * � 13,073 ( 44X * � T/X * � � 314 �� 12% * � 13,422 � 29X * � 77X * � � 3�s �� ux * � ��,613 � �x * � s�x * I I II i I I I � 325 �� 10X * � 14,159 � 47X * � 85X * � � 326 �� 9X * � 12,686 � 45X * � 81X *' � � 3z� �� »x * � ��,4a3 � z�x * I �X * I � 328 �� 3X � 7,994 * � 48X * � 81X * � � 329 �� 27X * � 5,408 * � 5X � OX � � 330 �� 8% * � 13,110 � 26% * � 69X � � 331 �� 9X * � 11,956 ( 40X * ( 78X * � I II I I i I � 336 II 10X * � 5,551 * � 15X � 2X � I 338 �� 9X * � 15,295 ( 51X * ( 66X � � 339 �� 13X * � 18,712 � 38X * � 87X * � � 340 �� 8X * � 8,967 * � 32X ' � 80X * � � �� � � � � � 353 �� 9X * � 15,636 � 31X * � 78X * � � �� � � � � � 359 �� 6X � 8,278 * � 29X * ( 62X � � 360 �) 10X * � 10,265 * � 24X ( 68X � � 361 �) 13X * � 9,564 * � 6X � 28X � * Meets or exceeds eligibility criteria. To be eligible for URAP activity as a census tract, the census tract must meet or exceed the eligibility criteria in at least two categories. � � r ��c��v� � �l0�5��- DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/fbUNqL DATE INITIATED �.� �n n n Pl anni ng and Econ mi c Devel opment 3/9/90 GREEN S� ` ��'�i�� NO. 8 415 A� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �pEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CiTy NCIL Mark Vander Schaa 228-3373 �� �IpT�'ATTORNEY -���"�c��K MUST BE ON COUNGL AOENDA BY( T� IqUTINd �BUDOET OIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. March 21 1990 �M�YOR(ON ABSISTANn � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE P 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REal/EBTED: Adopt resolution ia consent agenda. Resolution finds certain census tracts to be eligible for 1990-1991 Urb n Revitalization Action Program (URAP) activities. �ootitMENW►'nONS:Mw�•U)� ' (R) COUNdI COMM i�Fl REPOWT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COAAMISSION CIVIL 8ERVIC£OOMMI8810N ��Y� � PFIONE NO. _pB OOMMITfEE _STAFF COMMENTS: _D18TRICT COURT 8UPPORT3 WMICN COUNqI OBJECTI � M�'� 2 8 '�s� �i�`Y ATTO R N E INITIATINO PROBIEM.ISSUE,OPPOR NITY(1Nho,Wha,Whsn.Whsre,Wh�: State law reouires a resolution finding census tracts to be eli��e for URAP activities. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Necessary to recei e $3,778,000 in State URAP funds over two years. as�ovvnNrnoee�aa�ROVeo: None. i DISADYANTIKiE3 IF NOT APPROVEO: Forfeiture of $3,7 8,000 in State URAP funds. i�CEIVED l;ouncu Kesearcn �;en�er. ���� MAR 3 01990 CITY CL�RK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI ; C08TlREVEN�IE WDOBTED(t�Rq.E ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM�ER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWI� �� j ' e i NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCIUDED IK THE OREfN 3HEET IN8TRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTINO ORDER: Below are prefened routin�for the Nve m�t frequent rypes of dxurnsnb: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, BdptsJ budget exists) Accept.Qrants) 1. Outside AgenCy 1. Depnrtment DireCtor 2. Initiating Mpartmsnt 2. Budget Director ° 3. City Attomsy 3. Ciry Attornsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAssistsnt 5. Finance�Mgmt 3vcs. Directw 5. qry Council e. Flnar�ce AccouMing 8. Cfiief AccouMaM� Fln�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE.ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RE30LUTION (all athera) �o�> .r,d oRawwc� 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Dspartment D(rector 2. Deputnwnt Accountant 2. �Y�eY 3. Departrti�M Director 3. Meyor/AtNstaM 4. Budpst Director 4. CNy CoUrlCfl 5. City(�er1t 6. Chisf Accountant, Ffn b Mgmt 3vca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Inftiating DepartmsM 2. City Attorney 3. MayoNAssistant 4. Gty Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PA(iES Indicate the�of pa�ss on which signatures are required and paperc�IP each of theee ap�ss. ACTION REOUESTED Describe what ths project/roqu�t seeks to accomplieh in sither chronolopi- cal ordsr or order of ImpoRance,whichsver is moat appropNate tw the issue. Do not write compkte aentsncea. Beqin each itsm in your 8et with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if ths fssue in quesdon has bssn preseM�d bsforo any body, public or private. 3UPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council obJective(a)ycwr projscttroquset suppoRs by liadn� the key word(a)(HOUSINCi, RECHEATION,NElOHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVEL�MENT, BUD(iET,SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE OOMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REOUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or condMions that crested a need for your proJect or requeat. ADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED Indicete whether this la simpy an ennual budpst prxeduro required by Iaw/ cnartsr o►wnecner tnere,us sp«�nc in wh�h ths Gry of 3aint Paul and tts cnizans wi�� bensfit trom tnis pr�/action. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED � What negative etfects or major chanpe�to exysting or past processes might this projectlrequest producs M ft fa peeesd(e.g.,traific'dslaya, nase, tax increases or aaeeasmsMa)?To Whom?When?For horr long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED Whet will be the negativs conspuences If the promieed action is not approved?Inability to dsliver ssrvics?Cor�Unued high traffic, noise, accident rate7 t:osa of revsnus? FINANCIAL IMPACT � ARhough you muat tailor ths informationyouu provide here to the iesue you aro�dreesing, in general you must answer two queetbns: How much ia it �ofng to cost?Who is going to pa�/t l �� pF� t ' �£ � ,`` /• . � . � ' � � � �O'�� � ��AR �� � 199� - . CHAPTER No. 328 ��F<< ��: ��, ,�s::�r �-�erFru��� S.F. No. 522. ,� _, ..�,`�.. 1 advisory board of 12 or more members to advise the grantee on 2 program design, operation, and evaluation. The board must 3 include representatives of local units of government and 4 represen�atives of the project area who reflect the geographic, 5 cultural, racial, and ethnic diversity of that community. 6 Subd. 8. [REPORT. ] The commissioner of state planning 7 shall provide a biennial report to the legislature on the 8 program �dministration and the activities of projects funded 9 under thi�s section. 10 ARTICLE 6 - 11 NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION PROGRAM 12 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 282. 01, 13 subdivision 1, is amended to read: 14 Subdivision 1 . [CLASSIFICATION; USE; EXCHANGE. ] It is the 15 general policy of this state to encourage the best use of 16 tax-forfeited lands, recognizing that some lands in public 17 ownership should be retained and managed for public benefits 18 while other lands should be returned to private ownership. All 19 parcels of land becoming the property of the state in trust 20 under the provisions of any law now existing or hereafter 21 enacted c�eclaring the forfeiture of lands to the state for 22 taxes, shall be classified by the county board of the county 23 wherein such parcels lie as conservation or nonconservation. 24 Such cla�sification shall be made with consideration, among 25 other thiings, to the present t�se of adjacent lands, the 26 productivity of the soil, the character of forest or other 27 growth, accessibility of lands to established roads, schools, 28 and other public services, their peculiar suitability or � 29 desirabil:ity for particular uses and the suitability of the 30 forest resources on the land for multiple use, sustained yield 31 management. Such classification, furthermore, shall aid: to 32 encourage and foster a mode of land utilization that will 33 facilitate the economical and adequate provision of 34 transportation, roads, water supply, .drainage, sanitation, 35 education, and recreation; to facilitate reduction of 36 governmental expenditures; to conserve and develop the natural � 61 , CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 resources; and to foster and develop agriculture and other 2 industries in the districts and places best suited thereto. 3 In making such classification the county board may make use 4 of such data and information as may be made available by any 5 office or department of the federal, state, or local 6 governments, or by any other person or agency possessing 7 information pertinent thereto at the time such classification is 8 made. Such lands may be reclassified from time to time as the 9 county board may deem necessary or desirable, except as to 10 conservation lands held by the state free from any trust in 11 favor of any taxing district. 12 If any such lands are located within the boundaries of any 13 organized town, with taxable valuation in excess of $20,000, or 14 incorporated municipality, the classification or 15 reclassification and sale shall first be approved by the town 16 board of such town or the governing body of such municipality 17 insofar as the lands located therein are concerned. The town 18 board of the town or the governing body of the municipality will 19 be deemed to have approved the classification or 20 reclassification and sale if the county board is not notified of 21 the disapproval of the classification or reclassification and 22 sale within 90 days of the date the request for approval was 23 transmitted to the town board of the town or governing body of 24 the municipality. If the town board or governing body desires 25 to acquire any parcel lying in the town or municipality by 26 procedures authorized in this subdivision, it shall,� within 90 27 days of the request for classification or reclassification and 28 sale, file a written application with the county board to � 29 withhold the parcel from public sale. The county board shall 30 then withhold the parcel from public sale for one year. 31 Any tax-forfeited lands may be sold by the county board to 32 any organized or incorporated governmental subdivision of the 33 state for any public purpose for which such subdivision is 34 authorized to acquire property or may be released from the trust 35 in favor of the taxing districts upon application of any state 36 agency for any authorized use at not less than their value as � 62 . �. . . . . �= 90-�� �- CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 determined by the county board. The commissioner of revenue 2 aka��-haee-peaer-to m� convey by deed in the name of the state 3 any tract of tax-forfeited land held in trust in favor of the 4 taxing districts, to any governmental subdivision for any 5 authorized public use, provided that an application there£er 6 sha��-be is submitted to the commissioner with a statement of 7 facts as to the use to be made of a�ek the tract and the need 8 therefor and the recommendation of the county board. The 9 commissioner of revenue shall convey by deed in the name of the 10 state any tract of tax-forfeited land held in trust in favor of 11 the taxinq districts, to a political subdivision that submits an 12 application to the commissioner of revenue and the county 13 board. The application must include a resolution, adopted by 14 the governing body of the political subdivision, finding that 15 the conveyance of a tract of tax-forfeited land to the political 16 subdivision is necessary to provide for the redevelopment of 17 land as productive taxable property. The deed of conveyance 18 shall be upon a form appr�oved by the attorney general and shall 19 be conditi�oned upon continued use for the purpose stated in the 20 application, provided, however, that if the governing body of 21 such governmental subdivision by resolution determines that some 22 other public use shall be made of such lands, �and such change of 23 use is approved by the county board and an application for such 24 change of use is made to, and approved by, the commissioner, 25 such changed use may be made of such lands without the necessity 26 of the governing body conveying the lands back to the state and 27 securing a new conveyance from the state to the governmental 28 subdivision for such new public use. 29 Whenelver any governmental subdivision to which any 30 tax-forfeited land has been conveyed for a specified public use 31 as provided in this section shall fail to put such land to such 32 use, or to some other authorized public use as provided herein, 33 or shall abandon such use, the governing� body of the subdivision 34 shall authorize the proper officers to convey the same, or such 35 portion thereof not required for an authorized public use, to 36 the state of Minnesota, and such officers shall execute a deed � 63 � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 of such conveyance forthwith, which conveyance shall be subject 2 . to the approval of the commissioner and in form approved by the 3 attorney general, provided, however, that a sale, lease, 4 transfer or other conveyance of such lands by a housing and 5 redevelopment authority, a port authority, an economic 6 development authority, or a city as authorized by aeetsans 7 �69.-99�-te-4�9.-84� chapter 469 shall not be an abandonment of 8 such use and such lands shall not be reconveyed to the state nor � 9 sha11 they revert to the state. A certificate made by a housing 10 and redevelopment authority, a port authority, an economic - 11 development authority, or a city referring to a conveyance by it 12 and stating that the conveyance has been made as authorized 13 by seet�ena-469.-6A�-te-459.-9�� chapter 469 may be filed with the 14 county recorder or registrar of titles, and the rights of 15 reverter in favor of the state provided by this subdivision will 16 then terminate. No vote of the people shall be required for 17 such conveyance. In case any such land shall not be so conveyed 18 to the state, the commissioner of revenue shall by written 19 instrument, in form approved by the attorney general, declare 20 the same to have reverted to the state, and shall serve a notice 21 thereof, with a copy of the declaration, by certified mail upon 22 the clerk or recorder of the governmental subdivision concerned, 23 provided, that no declaration of reversion shall be made earlier 24 than five years from the date of conveyance for failure to put 25 such land to such use or from the date of abandonment of such 26 use if such lands have been put to such use. The commissioner 27 shall file the original declaration in the commissioner ' s 28 office, with verified proof of service as herein required. The 29 governmental subdivision may appeal to the district court of the 30 county in which the land lies by filing with the court 31 administrator a notice of appeal, specifying the grounds of 32 appeal and the description of the land involved, mailing a copy 33 thereof by certified mail to the commissioner of revenue, and 34 filing a copy thereof for record with the county recorder or 35 registrar of titles, all within 30 days after the mailing of the 36 notice of reversion. The appeal shal� be tried by the court in � � 64 . , ` . , , , ' (.� TO- �l� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 like manner as a civil action. If no appeal is taken as herein 2 provided, the declaration of reversion shall be final. The 3 commissio�er of revenue shall file for record with the county 4 recorder or registrar of titles, of the county within which the 5 land lies, a certified copy of the declaration of reversion and 6 proof of �ervice. 7 Any �ity of the first class now or hereafter having a 8 population of 450,000, or over, or its board of park 9 commissior�ers, which has acquired tax-forfeited land for a 10 specified public use pursuant to the terms of this section, may 11 convey said land in exchange for other land of substantially 12 equal worth located in said city of the first class, provided 13 that the ];and conveyed to said city of the first class now or 14 hereafterlhaving a population of 450,000, or over, or its board 15 of park commissioners, i.n exchange shall be subject to the 16 public use and reversionary provisions of this section; the 17 tax-forfeited land so conveyed shall thereafter be free and 18 discharged� from the public use and reversionary provisions of 19 this sectilon, provided that said exchange shall in no way affect 20 the mineral or mineral rights of the state of Minnesota, if any, 21 in the lanlds so exchanged. . 22 Sec. �2. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 462C.02, is 23 amended byladding a subdivision to read: 24 Subd. l� 12. [LOAN. ] "Loan" means (1) for single family 25 housing, a#�y loan, mortgage, or other form of owner financing; 26 and ( 2) for multifamily housing developments which are rental 27 property, any loan, mortgage, financing lease, or revenue 28 agreement. � 29 Sec. $. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 462C.02, is 30 amended by adding a subdivision to read: 31 Subd. 13. [REVENUE AGREEMENT] "Revenue agreement" has the 32 meaning given that term in section 469 .153, subdivision 10 . 33 Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 462C.05, is 34 amended by adding a subdivision to read: 35 Subd. 8. [REVENUE AGREEMENT AND FINANCING LEASE. ] AnY 36 revenue agreement or financing lease which includes a provision 65 , , � . • . CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 for a conveyance of real estate to the lessee or contracting 2 party mav be terminated in accordance with the revenue agreement 3 or financing lease, notwithstanding that the revenue agreement 4 or financing lease may constitute an equitable mortgage. No 5 financing lease of any development is subject to section 504. 02, 6 unless expressly so provided in the financing lease. Leases of 7 specific dwelling units in the development to tenants are not 8 affected by this subdivision. 9 Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463.15, 10 subdivision 3, is amended to read: 11 Subd. 3. [HAZP,RDOUS BUILDING OR HAZARDOUS PROPERTY. ] 12 "Hazardous building or hazardous property" means any building or 13 property, which because of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation, 14 physical damage, unsanitary condition, or abandonment, 15 constitutes a fire hazard or a hazard to public safety or health. 16 Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463 .15, 17 subdivision 4, is amended to read: 18 Subd. 4. [OWNER, OWNER OF RECORD, AND LIEN HOLDER OF 19 RECORD. ] "Owner, " "owner of record, " and "lien holder of record" 20 means a person having a right or interest in property te-arhtek 21 �aara-�96�;-ehapter-3�4;-app�sea described in subdivision 3 and . 22 evidence of which is filed and recorded in the office of the 23 county recorder or registrar of titles in the county in which 24 the property is situated. 25 Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463.16, is 26 amended to read: 27 463.16 [REPAIR OR REMOVAL OF HAZARDOUS BUILDING; HAZARDOUS 28 PROPERTY CONDITIONS. ] � 29 The governing body of any city or town may order the owner 30 of any hazardous building or property within the municipality to 31 correct or remove the hazardous condition of aneh the building 32 or property or to raze or remove the aa�ne building. 33 Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463.161, is � 34 amended to read: . 35 463.161 [ABATEMENT. ] 36 In the manner prescribed in section 463. 21 the governing 66 . . . , . , � �0 -�� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 body of .any city or town may correct or remove the hazardous 2 condition of any hazardous building or paree�-ef-rea�-eats�e 3 property; the cost of which shall be charged against the real 4 estate as provided in section 463. 21 except the governing body 5 may provide that the cost so assessed may be paid in not to 6 exceed five equal annual installments with interest therein, at 7 eight percent per annum. 8 Sec. , 9. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463 .17, is 9 amended ta read: 10 463.11'7 [THE ORDER. ] - 11 Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS. ] The order shall be in writing; 12 recite the grounds therefor; specify the necessary repairs, if 13 any, and p�ovide a reasonable time for compliance; and shall 14 state thatl' a motion for summary enforcement of the order will be 15 made to the district court of the county in which the hazardous 16 building or property is situated unless corrective action is 17 taken, or unless an answer is filed within the time specified in 18 section 463.18. 19 Subd. 2. [SERVICE. ] The order shall be served upon the 20 owner of record, or the owner 's agent if an agent is in charge 21 of the building or property, and upon the occupying tenant, if 22 there is one, and upon all lien holders of record, in the manner 23 provided for service of a summons in a civil action. If the 24 owner cannot be found, the order shall be served upon the owner 25 by posting it at the main entrance to the building or, if there 26 is no building, in a conspicuous place on the roperty, and by 27 four weeks ' publication in the official newspaper of the 28 municipality if it has one, otherwise in a legal newspaper in 29 the county. ' 30 Subd. 3. [FILING. ] A copy of the order with proof of 31 service shall be filed with the court administrator of district 32 cour� of the , county in which the hazardous building or property 33 is located not less than five days prior to the filing of a 34 motion pursuant to section 463.19 to enforce the order. At the 35 time of filing such order the municipality shall file for record 36 with the county recorder or registrar of titles a notice of the 67 CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 pendency of the proceeding, describing with reasonable certainty 2 the lands affected and the nature of the order. If the 3 proceeding be abandoned the municipality shall within �ten days 4 thereafter file with the county recorder a notice to that effect. 5 Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463. 20, is 6 amended to read: 7 463. 20 [CONTESTED CASES. � 8 If an answer is filed and served as provided in section 9 463. 18, further proceedings in the action shall be governed by 10 the rules of civil procedure for the district courts, except 11 that the action has priority over all pending civil actions and 12 shall be tried forthwith. If the order is sustained following 13 the trial, the court shall enter judgment and shall fix a time 14 after which the building ake�� must be destroyed or repaired or 15 the hazardous condition removed or corrected, as the case may 16 be, in compliance with the order as originally filed or modified 17 by the court. If the order is not sustained, it shall be 18 annulled and set aside. The court administrator of the court 19 shall cause a copy of the judgment to be mailed forthwith to the 20 persons upon whom the original order was served. 21 Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1988, section 463. 22, is 22 amended to read: 23 463 .22 [STATEMENT OF MONEYS RECEIVED. ] 24 The municipality shall keep an accurate account of the 25 expenses incurred in carrying out the order and of all other 26 expenses theretofore incurred in connection with its 27 enforcement, including specifically, but not exclusively, filing 28 fees, service fees, publication fees, attorney' s fees, 29 appraisers ' fees, witness fees, including expert witness fees, 30 and traveling expenses incurred by the municipality from the 31 time the order was originally made, and shall credit thereon the 32 amount, if any, received from the sale of the salvage, or 33 building or structure, and shall report its action under the 34 order, with a statement of moneys received and expenses incurred 35 to the court for approval and allowance. Thereupon the court 36 shall examine, correct, if necessary, and allow the expense 68 . �. . , � . . �� �o-�� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 account, and, if the amount received from the sale of the 2 salvage, or of the building or structure, does not equal or 3 exceed th� amount of expenses as allowed, the court shall by its 4 judgment �ertify the deficiency in the amount so allowed to the 5 municipall�iclerk for collection. The owner or other party in 6 interest shall pay the same, without penalty added thereon, and 7 ,in default� of payment by October 1, the clerk shall certify the 8 amount of 'ithe expense to the county auditor for entry on the tax 9 lists of t�e county as a special charge against the real estate 10 on which t�e building or hazardous condition is or was situated 11 and the same shall be collected in the same manner as other 12 taxes and the amount so collected shall be paid into the 13 municipal treasury. If the amount received for the sale of the 14 salvage or of the building or structure exceeds the expense 15 incurred by the municipality as allowed by the court, and if 16 there are no delinquent taxes, the court shall direct the 17 payment of the surplus to the owner or the payment of the same 18 into court, ' as provided in sections 463 .15 to 463 . 26. If there 19 are delinquent taxes against the property, the court shall 20 direct the �ayment of the surplus to the county treasurer to be 21 applied on �uch taxes. � 22 Sec. 12. [ 469 . 201j [DEFINITIONS. ] � � 23 Subdivision 1. [APPLICABILITY. ] The definitions in this 24 section apply to sections 12 to 18. 25 Subd. 2. (CITY. ] "City" means a city of the first class as 26 defined in section 410 .01. For each city, a port authority, 27 housing and redevelopment authority, or other agency or �28 instrumentality, the jurisdiction of which is the territorv of 29 the city, is �iincluded within the meaning of city. 30 Subd. 3. [CITY COUNCIL. ] "City council" means the city 31 council of a city as defined in subdivision 2. 32 Sub� [CITY MATCHING MONEY. ] (a) "City matching money" - 33 means the money of a city specified in a revitalization 34 program. The sources of city matchinq money mav include: 35 (1) money from the general fund or a special fund of a city , 36 used to implement a revitalization program; . � 69 CHAPTER No. 328 . S.F. No. 522 1 ( 2) money paid or repaid to a city from the proceeds of a 2 qrant that a city has received from the federal government, a 3 profit or nonprofit corporation, or another entity or 4 individual, that is to be used to implement a revitalization 5 program; 6 ( 3) tax increments received by a city under sections . 7 469.174 to 469.179 or other law, if eligible, to be spent in the 8 targeted neighborhood; 9 (4) the greater of the fair market value or the cost to the 10 city of acquiring land, buildings, equipment, or other real or 11 personal property that a �ity contributes, grants, leases, or 12 loans to a profit or nonprofit corporation or other entity or 13 individual, in connection with the implementation of a 14 revitalization program; 15 ( 5) city money to be used to acquire, install, reinstall, 16 repair, or improve the infrastructure facilities of a targeted 17 neighborhood; 18 (6) money contributed by a city to pay issuance costs, fund 19 bond reserves, or to otherwise provide financial support for 20 revenue bonds or obligations issued by a city for a project or 21 program related to the implementation of a revitali�ation 22 program; � 23 (7) money derived from fees received by a city in 24 connection with its community development activities that are to 25 be used in implementing a revitalization program; 26 ( 8) money derived from the apportionment to the city under 27 section 162.14 or by special law, and expended in a targeted 28 neighborhood for an activity related to the revitalization 29 program; 30 (9) administrative expenses of the city that are incurred 31 in connection with the planning, implementation, or reporting 32 requirements of sections 12 to 18. 33 (b) City matching money does not include: 34 (1) city money used to provide a service or to exercise a 35 function that is ordinarily provided throughout the city, unless - 36 an increased level of the service or function is to be provided 70 . . � . , . . . � � �o- �� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 in a targeted neighborhood in accordance with a revitalization 2 program; 3 ( 2) the proceeds of bonds issued by the city under chapter , 4 462C or 4�9 and payable solely from repayments made by one or 5 more nong�vernmental persons in consideration for the financing 6 provided }�y the bonds; or 7 ( 3) money given by the state to fund any part of the 8 revitalizaltion program. 9 Subd. 5. [COMMISSIONER. J "Commissioner" means the --r-- . 10 commissioner of trade and economic development. 11 Subd. 6. [HOUSING ACTIVITIES. ] "Housing activities" 12 include any work or undertaking to provide housing and related 13 services and amenities primarily for persons and families of low 14 or moderate income. This work or undertaking may include the 15 planning of buildings and improvements; the acquisition of real 16 property which may be needed immediately or in the future for 17 housing pu�poses and the demolition of any existing 18 improvemen�s; and the construction, reconstruction, alteration, 19 and repair of new and existing buildings. Housing activities 20 also include the provision of a housing rehabilitation and 21 energy improvement loan and grant program with respect to any . 22 residential property located within the targeted neighborhood, 23 the cost of relocation relating to acquiring property for 24 housing activities, and programs authorized by chapter 462C. 25 Subd. 7. [LOST UNIT. ] "Lost unit" means a rental housing 26 unit that is lost as a result of revitalization activities 27 because it is demolished, converted to an owner-occupied unit 28 that is not a cooperativ.e, or converted to a nonresidential use, 29 or because �he gross rent to be charged exceeds 125 percent of 30 the gross rent charged for the unit six months before the start 31 of rehabilitation. 32 Subd. . [PERSONS AND FAMILIES OF LOW INCOME. ] "Persons 33 and families of low income" means persons and families of low 34 income as defined in section 469.002, subdivision 17. 35 Subd. 9. [PERSONS AND FAMILIES OF MODERATE 36 INCOME. ] "Persons and families of moderate income" means persons 71 CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 and families of moderate income as defined in section 469.002, 2 subdivision 18. 3 Subd. 10. [TARGETED NEIGHBORHOOD. ] "Targeted neighborhood" 4 means an area including one or more census tracts, as determined 5 and measured by the Bureau of Census of the United States 6 Department of Commerce, that a city council determines in a 7 resolution adopted under section 13, subdivision 1, meets the 8 criteria of section 13, subdivision 2, and any additional area 9 designated under section 13, subdivision 3 . 10 Subd. 11. [TARGETED NEIGHBORHOOD MONEY. J "Targeted 11 neighborhood money" means the money designated in the 12 revitalization program to be used to implement the 13 revitalization program. 14 Subd. 12. [TP,RGETED NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION AND 15 FINANCING PROGRAM. ] "Targeted neighborhood revitalization and 16 financing program, " "revitalization program, " or "program" means 17 the targeted neighborhood revitalization and financing program 18 adopted in accordance with section 14. 19 Sec. 13. [ 469. 202] [DESIGNATION OF TARGETED 20 NEIGHBORHOODS. ] 21 Subdivision 1. [CITY AUTHORITY. j A city may by resolution 22 designate targeted neighborhoods within its borders after 23 adopting detailed findings that the designated neighborhoods 24 meet the eligibility requirements in subdivision 2 or 3 . 25 Subd. 2. [ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR TARGETED 26 NEIGHBORHOODS. ] An area within a city is eligible for 27 designation as a� targeted neighborhood if the area meets two of 28 the following three criteria: 29 (a) The area had an unemployment rate that was twice the 30 unemployment rate for the Minneapolis and Saint Paul standard 31 metropolitan statistical area as determined by the 1980 federal 32 decennial census. 33 (b) The median household income in the area was no more 34 than half the median household income for the Minneapolis and 35 Saint Paul standard metropolitan statistical area as determined 36 by the 1980 federal decennial census. 72 . , . . � �o -s� �- CHAPTER No. 328 , S.F. No. 522 1 (c) The area is characterized by residential dwelling units 2 in need o� substantial rehabilitation. An area qualifies under 3 this para�raph if 25 percent or more of the residential dwelling 4 units are � in substandard condition as determined by the city, or 5 if 70 perc�ent or more of the residential dwellinq units in the 6 area were �built before 1940 as determined by the 1980 federal 7 decennial census. 8 Subd.' 3. [ADDITIONAL AREA ELIGIBLE FOR INCLUSION IN 9 TARGETED N,EIGHBORHOOD. ] (a) A city may add to the area 10 designated as a targeted neighborhood under subdivision 2 11, additionaliarea extending up to four contiguous city blocks in 12 all direct�.ons from the desiqnated targeted neighborhood. For 13 the purpos� of this subdivision, "city block" has the meaning . 14 determinediby the city; or 15 (b) The city may enlarge the targeted neighborhood to 16 include portions of a census tract that is contiguous to a 17 targeted neighborhood, provided that the city council first , 18 determines �the additional area satisfies two of the three 19 criteria ir� subdivision 2. 20 Sec. ]14. [469.203 ) [TAR�ETED NEIGHBORHOOD REVITALIZATION 21 AND FINANCI�NG PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS. ] 22 Subdiv�ision l. [COMPREHENSIVE REVITALIZATION AND FINANCING 23 PROGRAM. ] F�or each targeted neighborhood for which a city 24 requests st�ate financial assistance under section 15, the city 25 must prepare a comprehensive revitalization and financing 26 program tha�t includes the following: 27 (1) the revitalization objectives of the city for the - 28 targeted neighborhood; 29 ( 2) th� specific activities or means by which the city 30 intends to pursue and implement the revitalization objectives; 31 ( 3) the extent to wtri.ch the activities identified in clause 32 (2) will ben�efit low- and� moderate-income families, will 33 alleviate the blighte� condition of the targeted neighborhood, 34 or will otherwise assist in the revitalization of tze targeted 35 neighborhood; . 36 (4) a statement� of the intended outcomes to be achieved by 73 CHAPTER No. 328 _ S.F. No. 522 1 implementation of the revitalization program, how the outcomes 2 will be measured both qualitatively and quantitatively, and the 3 estimated time over which they will occur; and 4 ( 5) a financing program and budget that identifies the 5 financial resources necessary to implement the revitalization 6 program, including: 7 ( i) the estimated total cost to implement the 8 revitalization program; 9 ( ii) the estimated cost to implement each activity in the 10 revitalization program identified in clause ( 2) ; . 11 ( iii) the estimated amount of financial resources that will 12 be available from all sources other than from the appropriation 13 available under section 15 to implement the revitalization 14 program, including the amount of private investment expected to 15 result from the use of public money in the targeted 16 neighborhood; 17 ( iv) the estimated amount of the appropriation available 18 under section 15 that will be necessary to implement the 19 revitalization program; 20 (v) a description of the activities identified in the � 21 revitalization program for which the state appropriation will be 22 committed or spent; � and 23 (vi) a statement of how the city intends to meet the 24 requirement for a financial contribution from city matching 25 money in accordance with section 15, subdivision 3. 26 Subd. 2. [TARGETED NEIGHBORHOOD PP.RTICIPATION IN PREPARING 27 REVITALIZATION PROGRAM. ] A city requesting state financial 28 assistance under section 15 shall adopt a process to involve the 29 residents of targeted neighborhoods in the development, 30 drafting, and implementation of the revitalization program. The 31 process shall include the use of a citizen participation process 32 established by the city. A description of the process must be 33 included in the program. The process to involve residents of 34 the targeted neighborhood must include at least one public . 35 hearing. The city of Minneapolis shall establish the 36 community-based process� as outlined in subdivision 3. The city 74 , _ � . . . � . �= go-�� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 of St. Paul shall use the same community-based process the city � 2 used in pl�anning, developing, drafting, and implementing the 3 revitalization program required under Laws 1987, chapter 386, 4 article 6, section 6. The city of Duluth shall use the same 5 citizen participation process the city used in planning, 6 developing,, and implementing the federal funded community . 7 development program. 8 Subd.' 3. [COMMUNITY PARTICIPATION; MINNEAPOLIS. ] (a For 9 the purposa�es of this subdivision, "city" means the city of 10 Minneapolis. 11 �b) The city shall adopt a process to involve the residents 12 in tarqeted neighborhoods and assisted housing in planning, 13 developing,, and implementing the program. As part of this 14 process, the city shall ensure that the community-based process 15 has sufficient resources to assist in the development of the 16 program and that the advisory board is established. 17 (c) Beginning with the program for 1991, each targeted 18 neighborho�d or group of tarqeted neighborhoods in the city must 19 have a str�tec�ic planning group whose members include residents 20 of the tarqeted neighborhood and representatives of institutions 21 in the nei�hborhood. The group shall, as part of its 22 responsibi�.ities, develop a strategic plan for the� � 23 neighborhopd. This strategic plan must include the elements 24 that tl�e p�anning group recommends as part of the program. The 25 strategic �lan must also address how the targeted neighborhood 26 portions of the revitalization program will be integrated with 27 the elements that are recommended to be included as part of the 28 community r�esources program if such a program is developed in 29 the city. jIf possible, the city shall integrate the community 30 participation process required under this subdivision with the 31 community participation process required for the development of 32 the commun�ty resources program if such a program is developed 33 in the city. 34 (d) The city shall ensure that the strategic planning group 35 required under paragraph (c) is established. An existing group . 36 or organization that reflects the required membership under� ' I 75 , CHAPTER No. 328 . S.F. No. 522 1 paragraph (c) may be designated as the strategic planning 2 qroup. The city may provide financial and staff resources to 3 ensure the establishment of the strategic planning groups, and 4 may use part of the money received from the state under section 5 15 to assist in the establishment of the targeted neighborhood 6 strategic planning groups. 7 (e) As part of the process for the development of the 8 program, each targeted neighborhood strategic planning group 9 shall submit assigned priority recommendations for the 10 revitalization program to the city and the advisory board 11 established under .paragraph ( f) . 12 (f) The city shall establish an urban revitalization action 13 program advisory committee to assist the city in developing .and 14 implementing the preliminary revitalization program. The 15 advisory committee shall consist of at least two representatives 16 of the city council appointed by the city council, one or more 17 for-profit or nonprofit housing developers, one or more 18 representatives of the business community appointed by the 19 city' s chamber of commerce, and resident representatives of the . 20 targeted neighborhoods. The representatives of the targeted 21 neighborhoods shall 'represent a majority of the membership of 22 the advisory committee and reflect the geographic, cultural, 23 racial, and ethnic diversity of the targeted neighborhoods. The 24 city may determine the size of the advisory committee and may 25 designate an existing entity as the advisory committee if the 26 entity meets the membership requirements outlined in this 27 subdivision. 28 (g) The advisory committee shall work closely with city 29 staff in developing and drafting the preliminary revitalization 30 program. The advisory committee shall be involved in assessing 31 needs, prioritizing funds, and developing criteria for e 32 evaluating program proposals. In developing the preliminary 33 program, the advisory committee shall give consideration to the 34 recommendations made by the targeted neighborhaod strategic 35 planning groups. - 36 (h) The advisory committee shall conduct a public hearing 76 � _ � . . . . . � C� �o -�� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 and secure input from residents of targeted neighborhoods, 2 business persons, governmental units affected by the program, 3 and other organizations and persons. 4 ( i) The advisory committee and city staff may make any 5 changes to the preliminary program resulting from testimony 6 given at tlhe public hearing. The advisory committee must 7 formally recommend to the city council a preliminary 8 revitalizaition program. 9 Subd. 4. [CITY APPROVAL OF PROGRAM. j (a) For the purposes 10 of this subdivision, "city" means the cities of Minneapolis and 11 Duluth. 12 (b) Before adoption of a revitalization program under 13 paragraph �c) , the city must submit a preliminary program to the 14 commission�r, the state planning agency, and the Minnesota 15 housing finance agency for their comments. The city may not 16 adopt the revitalization program until comments have been 17 received from the state agencies or 30 days have elapsed without 18 response a�ter the program was sent to them. Comments received 19 by the city� from the state agencies within the 30-day period 20 must be re� onded to in writin b the cit before ado tion of 21 the progra� by the city. 22 (c) Thle city may adopt a revitalization program only after 23 holding a public hearing after the program has been prepared. 24 Notice of t�e hearing must be provided in a newspaper of qeneral 25 circulation in the city and in the most widely circulated t 26 community niewspaper in the targeted neighborhoods not less than 27 ten days nor more than 30 days �before the date of the hearing. 28 (d) A certification by the city that a revitalization 29 program has been approved by the city council for the targeted 30 neighborhood must be provided to the commissioner toqether with 31 a copy of the proqram. A copy of the program must also be 32 provided to � the Minnesota housing finance agency and the state 33 planning ag�ncy. 34 (e) A revitalization program for the. city may be modified 35 at -any time by the city council after a public hearinq, notice �36 of which is published in a newspaper of general circulation in - _ � 77 , CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 the city and in the targeted neighborhood at least ten days nor 2 more than 30 days before the date of the hearing. If the city 3 council determines that the proposed modification is a 4 significant modification to the program originally certified 5 under paragraph (d) , the city council shall implement the 6 revitalization program approval and certification process of 7 this subdivision for the proposed modification. 8 Subd. 5. [CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROVAL. ] (a� 9 Notwithstanding any other law, including laws passed by the 1989 10 legislature, the city of St. Paul must use the process under 11 this subdivision for developing and certifying an urban 12 revitalization action program. 13 (b) For the Rurposes of this subdivision, "city" means the 14 city of Saint Paul . 15 (c) A city may approve a preliminary revitalization program 16 developed through a process that includes the citizen 17 participation required under subdivision 2 only after holding a 18 public hearing. Notice of the hearing must be provided in a 19 newspaper of general circulation in the city and in the targeted 20 neighborhoods not less than ten days nor more than 30 days 21 before the date of the hearing. After the public hearing and 22 after the city has incorporated any changes into the preliminary 23 program as a result of the public hearing, the city may approve 24 the preliminary program and shall submit the approved 25 preliminary program for final approval to the review board. 26 (d) After approval, the city shall submit the preliminary 27 program to the commissioner, the state planning agencv, and the 28 Minnesota housing finance agency for their comments. The state 29 agencies have 30 days to provide comments to the preliminarv 30 program. State agency comments must be submitted in writinq to 31 the review board established under paragraph (e) . 32 (e) The city shall establish a city urban revitalization 33 action program review board whose purpose is to review the 34 preliminary program submitted by. the city, and approve all or - 35 portions of the program. The review boar•d consists of two city 36 council members who represent targeted neighborhoods, two , 78 _ � . . �= yo-�� � CHAPTER No. 328 _ S.F. No. 522 1 members representing the city' s business community appointed by 2 the chamber of commerce representing businesses in the city, and 3 three res�.dents of targeted neighborhoods appointed by the city 4 council. � Two members of the house of representatives and one 5 member of�, the state senate appointed by the city' s legislative 6 delegation shall be nonvoting members of the review board. 7 Nonvoting legislative members of the review board shall 8 represent targeted neiqhborhoods. A member of the review board 9 may not be an elected public official, or in any way be involved 10 in preparing or implementinq the program or any portion of the . 11 program. The review board may require the city to contract for 12 staff assistance in reviewing and approving the program. 13 Persons wlho provide staff assistance to the review board may not 14 be city employees or in any way involved in a formal or informal 15 organization representing residents of a tarqeted neighborhood. 16 The city may use state money available under section 15 to pay 17 for the costs of staffing the review board. . 18 ( f The review board shall review the cit ' s reliminar 19 program �nd approve all or portions of the program. In 20 reviewinc� the program, the review board shall take into account • 21 any comme�nts submitted by state agencies under paragraph (d) . 22 The revie�w board may only reject the revitalization program or 23 portionslof the program for the followinq reasons: 24 (1) ,the revitalization program does not include the 25 information required under subdivision 1; 26 ( 2) the city did not follow the community-based process 27 required under subdivision 2 for developing the revitalization 28 proqram; or 29 ( 3) the revitalization program results in undue 30 concentration of targeted neighborhood money in a single 31 proposed activity or project. . 32 The revi�w board may approve all of the preliminary program and 33 submit it to the city council for certification under paragraph 34 (g) or submit for certification only those specific portions of . 35 the program approved by the review board. If the review board 36 does notlapprove a portion of the program, it shall specify in . 79 , I ' CHAPTER No. 328 . S.F. No. 522 1 writing to the city the reasons for not approving that portion 2 of the program and any recommendations for chanqes. If the 3 review board determines that a portion of the program needs 4 significant changes, it may rectuire the city to im lement the 5 community participation process under subdivision 2 and state 6 review under this subdivision for making chanqes to that ortion 7 of the program. 8 (g) The city council may, by formal resolution, certify 9 only those portions of a program approved by the review board 10 under paragraph ( f) . A certification by the city council that 11 all or portions of a revitalization program has been ap roved by 12 the review board must be provided to the commissioner together 13 with a copy of the approved portions of the pzo ram. A co y of 14 the approved portions of the program must be submitted to the 15 state planning agency and Minnesota housin finance a ency. 16 (h) A revitalization program mav be modified at anv time by 17 the city after a public hearing and approval by the review 18 board. Notice of the public hearing must be published in a 19 newspaper of general circulation in the citv and in the targeted 20 neighborhoods not less than ten days nor more than 30 days 21 before the date of the hearing. If the review board determines 22 that the proposed modification is a significant modification to 23 the program originally certified under paraqraph (g) , it must 24 require the implementation of the revitalization ro ram 25 approval and certification process under this subdivision for 26 the proposed modification. 27 Sec. 15. [469.204 ] [PAYMENT; CITY MATCHING �IONEY; 28 DRAWDOWN; USES OF STATE MONEY. ] 29 Subdivision 1. [PAYMENT OF STATE MONEY. ] Upon receipt from 30 a_city of a certification that a revitalization rogram has been 31 adopted �r mudified, the commissioner shall, within 30 davs, pay 32 to the city the amount of state monev identified as necessarv to 33 implement the revitalization pro ram or program modification. 34 State money may be paid to the citv only to the extent that �the 35 appropriation limit for the city specified in subdivision 2 is • 36 not exceeded. •Once the state money has been paid to the city, - 80 , .. � . . . � . � �o-s� � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 it becomesl targeted neighborhood money for use by the city in 2 accordanc with an ado ted revitalization ro ram and sub 'ect 3 only to thje restrictions on its use in sections 12 to 18. 4 Subd.� 2. [ALLOCATION. ] Each city of the first class, as 5 defined ir� section 410.01, may receive a part of the 6 appropria�ions made available that is the proportion that the 7 population of such city bears to the combined population of such 8 cities of the first class. One city may agree to reduce its 9 entitlement amount and to make it available to another city. 10 For the purposes of this subdivision the population of each city 11 is determined according to the most recent estimates available 12 to the cort�missioner . Interest earned by a city from money paid • 13 to the ci�y must be repaid to the commissioner annually unless 14 the revit�lization program identifies the interest as necessary 15 to implement the revitalization program and the requirement for 16 city matcD�ing money is satisfied with respect to the interest. • 17 Subd�. 3 . [CITY MATCHING MONEY; DRAWDOWN AND RESTRICTION ON 18 USE OF ST�,TE MONEY. ] A city may spend state money only if the 19 revitaliz tion ro ram identifies cit matchin mone _ to be used 20 to im lem nt the ro ram in an amount e ual to the state 21 a ro ria ion aid to the cit . A cit must kee the state 22 money in ja segregated fund for accounting purposes. 23 Sec.l16 . [ 469 . 205� [CITY POWERS AND ELIGIBLE USES OF 24 TARGETED �NEIGHBORHOOD MONEY. J , 25 Subdivision 1. [CONSOLIDATION OF EXISTING POWERS IN . 26 TARGETED NEIGHBORHOODS. ] A city may exercise any of its 27 corporate, powers within a targeted neighborhood. Those powers 28 shall inqlude, but not be limited to, all of the powers 29 enumerate�d and granted to any city by chapters 462C, 469, and 30 474A. For the purposes of sections 469 .048 to 469 .068, a 31 targeted neighborhood is considered an industrial development 32 district.j A city may exercise the powers of chapters 469 .048 to 33 469.068 i�n conjunction with, and in addition to, exercising the 34 power� gxanted by sections 469 .001 to 469.047 and chapter 462C, 35 in order �to prbmote and assist housing construction and 36 rehabili ation within a tar �ted nei hborhood. For the ur oses � 81 CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 . 1 of section 462C.02, subdivision 9, a targeted neighborhood is 2 considered a "targeted. area. " 3 Subd. 2. [GRANTS AND LOANS. ] In addition to the authority 4 qranted by other law, a city may make grants, loans, and other 5 forms of public assistance to individuals, for-profit and 6 nonprofit corporations, and other organizations to implement a 7 revitalization program. The public assistance must contain the 8 terms the city considers proper to implement a revitalization 9 program. 10 Subd. 3 . [ELIGIBLE USES OF TARGETED NEIGHBORHOOD T1 MONEY. ] The city may spend targeted neighborhood money for any T2 purpose authorized by subdivision 1 or 2, except that an amount L3 equal to at least 50 percent of the state payment under section 14 15 made to the city must be used for housing activities. Use of 15 target neighborhood money must be authorized in a revitalization 16 program. 1.7 Sec. 17. [469.206] [HAZARDOUS PROPERTY PENALTY. ] L8' A city may assess a penalty up to one percent of the market L4 value of real property, including any buildir�g located within �0 the city that the city .determines to be hazardous as defined in Z1 section 463.15, subdivision 3 . The city shall send a written 712 notice to the address to which the property tax statement is 7�3 sent at least 90 days before it may assess the penalty. If the �4 owner of the property has not paid the penalty or fixed the �:5 property within 90 days after receiving notice of the penalty, ..26 the penalty is considered delinquent and is increased by 25 27 percent each 60 days the penalty is not paid and the property 28 remains hazardous. For the purposes of this section, a penalty 29 that is delinquent is considered a delinquent property tax and 30 subject to Minnesota Statutes, chapters 279, 280, and 281, in 31 the same manner as delinquent property taxes. 32 Sec. 18. [469. 207 ] [ANNUAL AUDIT AND REPORT. ] 33 Subdivision 1. [ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT. ] In 1989 and 34 subsequent years, at the end of each calendar year, the 35 legislative auditor shall conduct a financial audit to review 36 the spending of state money u�der sections 12 to 18. Before 82 � _ � � ��� ��o � CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 spending �tate money to implement a revitalization program, the 2 cit must �consult with the le islative auditor to determine 3 a ro ria e accountin methods and rinci les that will assist 4 the legis�ative auditor in conducting its financial audit. The 5 results o� the financial audit must be submitted to the 6 legislatiwe audit commission, the commissioner, the state 7 planning �gency, and the Minnesota housing finance agency. 8 Subd: 2. [ANNUAL REPORT. ] A city that begins to implement 9 a revital�.zation program in a calendar year must, by March 1 of T 10 the succe�ding calendar year, provide a detailed report on the 11 revitaliz�tion program or programs beinc� implemented in the 12 city. Th$ report must describe the status of the program 13 implement�tion and .analyze whether the intended outcomes 14 identified in section 14, subdivision 1, clause ( 4) , are being 15 achieved. The report must include at least the following: , � 16 ( 1) the number of housing units, including lost units, 17 removed, �Created, lost, replaced, relocated, and assisted as a 18 result of� the program. The level of rent of the units and the 19 income of the households affected must be included in the 20 report; 21 ( 2) Ithe number and type of commercial establishments 22 removed, +created, and assisted as a result of a revitalization 23 program. l The report must include information regarding the 24 number oi new jobs created by category, whether the jobs are 25 full-time or part-time, and the salary or wage levels of both 26 new and expanded jobs in the affected commercial establishments; 27 ( 3) a description "of a statement of the cost of the public 28 improvem�nt projects that are part of the program and the number 29 of jobs �reated for each $20,000 of money spent on commercial 30 projects 'and applicable public improvement projects; 31 ( 4) �he increase in the tax capacity for the city as a 32 result o� the assistance to commercial and housing assistance; 33 and 34 ( 5) the amount of private in.vestment that is a result of • 35 the use of public money in a targeted neighborhood. 36 The' report must be submitted to the commissioner, t�ie _ , 83 CHAPTER No. 328 S.F. No. 522 1 Minnesota housing finance agencv, the state planninq agency, and 2 the legislative audit commission, and must be available to the 3 public. 4 Sec. 19. [REVITALIZATION PROGRAM MONITORING. j 5 The commissioner of the state planninq agenc_v, in 6 consultation with other appropriate state agencies, shall 7 monitor the planning, development and implementation of the � 8 urban revitalization action program. The commissioner shall 9 determine if: 10 ( 1) the process used for developinq the programs is 11 providing adequate neighborhood participation in the planning, 12 drafting and implementation of the programs; 13 �2) the programs are effectively achieving the statutory 14 objectives and the objectives outlined in the pro rams 15 themselves; and 16 ( 3 ) private funding is being used to partially fund the 17 activities established under the programs. 18 The state planning agency shall provide an interim re ort � 19 to the legislature by Januar_y 1, 1990, with a final re ort of 20 its findings due by January 1, 1991. 21 Sec. 20. [COMMUNITY SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC NEEDS. ] 22 The commissioner of the state planning agencv, in 23 consultation with representatives of cities, counties, and 24 school districts, shall identifv significant social and economic 25 needs in the communities throughout the state, includin the 26 future needs of the cities of the first class: The 27 identification of the needs must be done on a county by countv 28 basis using demographic characteristics that will allow social 29 and economic needs to be thoroughly demonstrated. When 30 possible, the commissioner shall also identify the needs of all 31 cities w�th �:,�pulatior�.s of 2,500 or more peop].e. 32 The demographic, economic, and other data utilized in 33 identifying the social and economic needs shall be maintained in 34 a data base that is accessible to le islators, researchers, and 35 representatives of local governments. The commissioner shall 36 provide an interim report on its findin s to the leqislature by , 84