90-565 . y, l • ORI �� NAL . . �`J . . 9�-�s� � Z��Council File # Green Sheet # ��� RESOLUTION CITY OF AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA /� r � ' Presented By r ,�' Referred To ��� ��?� � Q����?��� ; Committee: Date �-��/��� rA WHEREAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul by resolution (C .F. No. 89-1952) declared its desire to participate with other governmental units in a jointly created body named the Children' s Issues Council ; and WHEREAS , the City Council determined that three of its members should participate in the Children' s Issues Council ; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED , that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby declares its intent to increase its assigned representatives by one person to be selected from the St. Paul Archdiocesan Board of Education. Yeas Navs nt Requested by Department of: rU ��z E c� on acca ee ettman une z son � BY= Adopted by Council• Date Form Ap roved by C'ty Attorney � < Adoption Certi ed b Council Secreta� By: � -2 �_ a � \ By: \ „V� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approve Mayor: Date � � Council By: By' . _. , . � 90- ���✓ DEPARTM[NTJOFFICE/COUNGI DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 8 3 3 0 CONTACT PER 6 PNONE. INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIfiECTOR �CITV OOUNpL �� ❑dTY ATfORNEY �dTY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTMIO �BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A86181'ANT) � TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCA710N8 FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REGUESTED: Approval of a resolution increasing the number of ass'rgned re»resentatives to the Children's Issues Council by one. I�COMMENDATION$:Approvs(A) Rsject(F� (;QUN� REP�RT �pT10NAL _PLANNINf3 60MMAISSION _dVIL 8ERV1�COMM18810N ANALYST PNONE NO. _p8 COMMRTEE OOMMENTB: _STAFF _DIBTRICT COURT _ BUPPORTB WNIGI COUt�II OBJECTIVE4 INCf1ATIPKi PR�LEM.18BUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whst.Wlwn.WMn.N�h�: The City Counca�l has determined that three of its members should participate in the Children's Tssues Council and have a representative from the St. Paul Archdiocesan Board of Education. ADVANTAOE8�F APPROVED: The City o£ St. Paul wi11 be assured of adec{uate renresentation on the Children's Issues Council. DISADVANTA�iE8 IF APPROVED: None. DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROV�: The St, Pa,u]. Axchdi.ocesan Boaxd of Education, which provides services to r�any children and young adu�ts in grade� K through 12, will not be represented on the Council and may be unable to appropriately address the recomendations of the Council. ��� (:ouc��cu Kesearcn �en�er ���Q MAR 3 Q 1990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAaT10N = -n- C�TlREVENUE BUDdLTED(CIRd.E ONE) YE8 NO FlJNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) nro � ' d UU - � .� ,/ . . �� (_,�,��� �� s � -� 7- 9� 3. Discussion of 1992 priorities for Committee. A DETAIL OF COMMITTEE PRIORITIES FOR 1992 WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE MINUTES. 4. � Ordinance 91-2048 enacting Chapter 379 of the Legislative Code relating to the licensing of locksmiths. (Referred from Council 11-7-91, laid over November 27, 1991.) APPROVED AS AMENDED, 5-0 (AMENDMENT ATTACHED) BY THE THIRD READING OF THE ORDINANCE, BOB KESSLER WILL PROVIDE IN WRITING A RECOMMENDED BOND FEE. " 5. An ordinance amending Chapter 344 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code updating regulations concerning pawnshops. THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER TO A FUTURE MEETING. 6.V Ordinance 92-103 establishing an Office of License and Inspections within the Mayor's Office. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-2 - (AYES - LONG, NEID, THUNE; NAYS = MACCABEE, RETTMAN) Green Sheet 18344 establishing a Division of Business Regulation in �the Finance Department. % - /6� 7. Committee administration - withdrawal of pending items. va. Resolution 90-63 addressing the issues and procedures related to liquor licensing. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL, 3-0. ' /b. Resolution 90-565 -adding a non-governmental member to the Children's V Issues Council . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL, 3-0. �. Resolution 90-604.related to the community festival revolving loan fund and grant program. _ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL, 3-0. . Ordinance 91-263 amending the charitable gambling regulations in Section 409.22. � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITNDRAWAL, 3-0. � Resolution 91-613 related to the consolidation of police services within Ramsey County. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED WITHDRAWAL, 3-0. �/ ' � w , 1 •• .. ��• �D _ � (// � +p177 O. �� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � i�'iiix . OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY r �O ♦ l�s• JANE A. MC PEAK, CITY ATTORNEY 647 City Hall,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 JAMES SCHEIBEL MAYOR February 28 , 1990 Council President William Wilson 7th Floor City Hall Dear Council President Wilson: Pursuant to your request, please find enclosed a resolution which provides for the increase in the City Council ' s repre- sentation on the Children' s Issues Council by one additional person to be selected from the St. Paul Archdiocesan Board of Education. Yours truly, \...J4� '�' C ` �� PAUL F . MC CLOSKEY Assistant City Atto ey PFM:cg Encl . �� D �AR 1 ��yts E31LL WILSO�V