90-555 0 l � I � �1 Y�"1 �,,, Council File � �� '3!3✓� Green Sheet � 5861 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUt, MINNESOTA ;���`�„��,�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID ��44033) for a State Class B Gambling License by Te�th Street Boxing Club at The Manor/Casey's Bar & Restaurant, 2550 W. 7th Street, be and the same is hereby approved/denied. Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: smon o�Zo�z —�- � acca ee � e man une z son By� Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 9 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney - Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy; . 2-�7 90 BY= � �' G� ��`'�-""'�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayor: Date� APR 2 3 1990 Council By: �',s�,..�<-� By� �tiSHE9 AP R 2 $ 1990 i�� . . � C�y°"��33 C^ DEPARTM[NTIOFFlCE/COUNqI . DATE INITIATED �A�1� � GREEN SHEET No. 8v CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �NFTUIU DATE INITIAUOAIE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Christine Rozek-29$-5056 N�� �CITY A7TORNEY �dTN q.ERK MU3T BE ON COUNGL Af3ENDA BY(GATE) ROUTINp �BUD(�ET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MCaT.SERVICEB DIR. 4-5-90 ��,roA coA�►ssis�r�rm p cauncil lt TOTAL�OF SI�iNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS ROR 81ONATUR� ACTION RECUEBTED: Approval of an application for a State Class B Gambling License. Hearing Date: 4-5-90 Notification DAte: 3-19-90 RECOMMENDATIONS:APP►ove(W c►Rsl�IR1 COUNCIL COMM17'1'EE1R�A�M REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNINO OOMMISSION _dVIL BERVIt�OOMMIBSION ANALYST PFIONE 1�. _q8 COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMEPIT'8: , _D18TAIC'T COURT _ SUPPORTS WHlqi O�JNGL OBJECTNE? INITIA7IN(i PF�BLEM.ISBUE.OPPORTUNIiY(Wlq.Whtl.Whsn�WMw�Wh�: Lou Danna on behalf of Tenth Street Boxing Club requests City Council approval of his application for a State Class B Gambling License at The Manor/Casey's Bar & Restaurant, 2550 W. 7th Street. Eroceeds from the pulltab sales will be used to support youth boxing activities sponsored by the box�.ng club. Investigative fee of $367.25 has been paid. �owwr,u�s iF��a If Council approval is given, Tenth Street Bo�cing Club will operate a pulltab booth at The Manor/Casey's Bar & Restauran�, 2550 W. 7th Street. DISADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: DISADVANTIKiEB IF NOT APPROVED: RECEt�D �our►c�r ttesearcn c:en�et ��i� MAR 211990 CtTY CL�RK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION = l`AST/REVENUE oUD�TED(qRq.E ONEry YE8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANCIAL INFORMATlON:(EXPWI� d� _ - # , , ; . .. , NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED�1N ThIE flREEM SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AW1tUBLE IN THE PURCHASINO OFFICE(PH�DNE NO.2'98-4225). F�IJTINCi ORDER: Below aro prefsrred rouNn�b►the Nve most frequent typss of doCUtr�l�nts: :. . CONTRACTS. (aswn�authorized COIJNqL RE30LUTION (Amsnd.BdgtsJ budg�ex1�a) �°►ccspt. aranta) L Outside Agsncy 1. Deperbelsnt Dfr�Ctor 2. InitiaUnp DspartmeM 2. Budpst Dlreator 8. qty Attomsy 3. CItY��sY 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAe�istaM 5. Ffnsnce fl M�r�t Svcs. Di►ec�r 5. Gty Council 8. Finance AccouMir�q 8. ChiM AccouMaM� Fln d�M�mt S1res. ADMIWI3TRATIVE ORDER {Bud�et COUNqI RESOLUTION (�l othsra) Revision) snd ORDINANCE 1. IniNadng Depertment Dirsctor 2. Dspa�Rrrisnt�AccouMetnt 2• �Y�no►�Y 3. Dspertrt�ent Diroctor 3. MayoNAttistaM 4. Budyst DI►sctor 4. qty CoUncil 5. City Gerk 6. Chief Accountent,Fln&Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATi1/E ORDERS (ali others) 1. Initi�tirp Dspartm�nt 2. Gty Attorney 4. q�derk TOTAL NUMBER OF SI(3NATURE PA(iES Indicate the�of pagsa on which aignsturos are required and�cli eech of thsM peoes. ACTION REOUE8TED Deacribs what ths proj�Unqwst eseks W acxomplish in eithsr chronolopl- cal ordsr or ordsr of importarws�wMcF�ever fs most appr�riats br th� issue. Do not wrks oomplete ssntences. 8�gin oach kem in your Iist wl� a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complste if ths feeus in queatio�has beon prseerned before any body,pubifc or private. SUPPORTS WHICfI OOUNqI OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Counai ob1�(s)f�'��P►ol�re4��+PP�bY��� the key word(s)(HOU3INO, RECREATION,NEK3H80RHOOD8, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUOOET,SEINER SEPARATION). (SEE OOMPLETE UST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) OOUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REQUE8TED BY OOUNqL INITIATINO PR08lEM,188UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain ths situMbn or oondidons tfad c►e�d a r�d for your projsct or request. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED Indicats whether this ie simply an annuel budgeR proc�dure requirod by law/ cheRer or vrhedtK there aro sp�ciAc wa in which the City,of SsiM Paul and its citizens wlll b�nsflt from this pro�t/ection�' , . DISADVANTAaE8 IF APPROVED i'�.• What nepative Nlects or major changss to exbtiny or�dt pibCesaes mi�M thia projsct/nqtro�t pooduce if R is p�ssd(e.g.,traffk delays, rwise, tax increass or aaasn�enM)?To Whom?Whs�?F�or how bng? DI3ADVANTACiE3 IF NOT APPROVED 11Vhat wiU bs the negative conssqusncss H the promissd action is not approved?Inabllity to deliver,asrvics?Continued hi�traiflc, noise, axidsnt rats?l.oss of revenus? FlNANqAL IMPACT Although you must tailor ths in�ormetion you prwide hero to the issue you ere addreafn�� In pansnl you must answK two qwstions: How much is it poinp to oost7 VVho is�oin�to�y? . . . . ���� DiVISION OF LICENSE AND P�RMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � / � I °2" � / �-/ INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn r cessed/Rec ived by Lic Enf Aud � Lau �kr, n� Applicant jU � oz� • Home Address � (s�U d L)4�2n �ud� Rusiness Iv'ame Home Phone � 7 / � 7G 7V �usiness Address � (�v . ��� Type of License(s) ��S 'g Business Phone � h'�I'����'' Z 1� UPS� • ` �' '�� Public Hearing vate � J� /� License I.D. 4{ �-' y��3 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Ch mbers, q 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� c� SS S S� I llate l�otice Sent; Dealer �� � �� to Applicant ���-�j� a I'ederal Fixearms �� �� / Public Hearing DATE I.NSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D j ��� , Health Divn. � ►�14 ' , Fire Dept. � � � ��� i � Police Dept. S-Q n� °����y� � ��� J 5� a /�" i License Divn. � �/� � � �� City Attorney � O� ���7���t Date Received: Site Plan �IA� �� To Council P.esearch � �t Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord �i A' --r CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Warkers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . �� . . . � �,G-ya-ss s- Citq of Saiat Paul • Departa�nt of Fiaaace and Msnagement S�rvices .• Dtvision of Licenae and Psrait Registrstion ZNFORMATION REQIIIRED 1�ITH•APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO COND[TCT PULLTAB/TIPBOARD SALES Iv SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in Liquor Estsblishmeats - N�� Applicstion) I. Full and complete cuas of osgsnizatioa which is applyiag for licensa �!'�/T� � �E� � �o x � � G' o��oa L -� �.��c� . . 2. Does your organization"�set the definition of a "large" orgaaization as outliaed ia the Novembes. 1988 reviaion of Sectioa 609.2I of the Legislative Code? Attsch to thia application partiaant fiaancial and/or orgaaizational information to support• your ansvar to this qaestion. NOTE: Only 5 large orgaaizationa will be allov- ed to opea pulltab operationa undar th�. revised city ordiaaace. If more than S otgani- zations apply, qualified applicancs will be sel�cted rsadomly by the City Council. � ��-�'U u. . 7 s SI� . � =� �... J�S�//�L 3. Address vheT� games will be held ���i k w • 7= S�- . ��� �,�-. .�.f// � . Number - Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and saaage Gambling Games � ll ���✓i✓il Date of Birth 3 - �-3 - 17 (a) Leagth of time maaager has been member of applicant or ani�ation � S. Address of Mana er �L U � 2,��� ���-� . �i4 K..�� �� �1�_ -`�S% �- � 8 � Nuaber Street City Zip �Sl:� �t'.ar. 7�' /v; ��, 6. Day, dates, aad hours this application is for�-�A�/S �F�°_ �(/�C [Z:ou ��l . '�l /a. J��tt� 7. Is the applicaat or organization organized under the laws of the State of 1�1? �i�S 8. Date of incorporation ` � � � � � � 9. Date whea registered with the State of Minaeaota � — � ( - �� 10. How long haa orgaaization baen in existeace? ( 0 yle S 11. How long has orgsnizatioa baea in txisteace in St. Paul? / 0 �� S 1Z. tihat is the purposa of th� orgaaization? 7a %l�it G y1� � �4 �+ C� �� � c�6S �J � �. F_ i4 /t��4 �,cc ie c� a X i a.� c� , 13. Officers of applicaat organization: . � N� �o �.�. i s . . �/}-v,c/A J�2 x..� �•o t,�. � s �, �A-al�/�t �, �adr.�-��3 ���ur �(/� ys'�o � eaa=�.= 3 L 6� 6�-�L..- � .SS"�.�.d' r rsci� �•�' Dos �- 1 D • � � Title �c,e.�, �.w. nos � - a..3 ' ��7 N�.V w�._ � �o*lu� �� � �— x� �i�/��J � . �� �4 ��� Addresa /� ��.'.��✓ ���T Addr,eyss�_��� � ����C��� �� ^'�- �( �_33 Tst�e �. m � �t-z.,t - �� Titla�ev�� ma - . . . �9o-s� - � • 1;.. �ive aamss of officers, or aaq oth�r� persona who paid for services to the orgaaization. Name �� Address Address Titl� ritl� (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) 15. Attached hareto is a list of names and addreases of all msmbers of the organitation. 16. Ia whose custody will orgsaization's records be kep�? M�� /o f � Name Jli�4 Il� ��,1) �(l�S/� dddress�?�S/����c.�[11'w �� �' ya�r 17. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gaabling proceeds: Name �.�s-w b� �L V� r� /�A Nase GI/�d� Y �c7 \7�o w le �ro t N Address��o O d �f����/U��"� � Address�.� �° �"(+��� � S'�: Member of � �i � Member of Dpg ��1 L � �j 3 Organization? ��P�v DOB ��'6 'S 3 Organization? Name �d �t I S �.�c/�/�� St�. , Naae . Address�(, 0 � ��QJ���N ��•.� Address M�ber of Mcmber of DpB 3'�-3��7 Orgaaization? �/-� DOB Orgaaization? 18. Have qou read and do you thoroughlq uaderstand the provisions of all laws, ordiaances, aad regulations goveraiag the operation of Charitable Gamblfag games? % 19. Will your orgaaization's pulltab operation be operated/managed solelq by aembers of your organization? yea a � 20. Has your organization sigaed, or do�s it iatand to sign, a conanitiag agreemeat or a managerial agreement with aay person or coapany to asaist qour orgsaization with the � pulltab sales and/or recordiag keeping? yes no � If answer is qss, give the name aad addr�ss of the parson and/or campany contracted. �� Addnss ��s Address - If anavez is yes. hcv will such a consultaat be paid? (pezceatage. flat fee, gambling fands, geaezal..,fuads, etc.) Attach a copy of aaid contzact to this application. 2I. Operstor of premises wheze gsmea will bs h�ld: C��u K • ��`U� �� " W N� ' � a2 N� ..Y s A-R. � � —i' F� Business Address ��71S � • �� `�' ' � °� S��U � ' ? � �. Soma Address � � �--� �i) � �% � � . � . . . �i-:�yo��ss . 22. a) Does your or anization pay or iatsad to paq accountiag feas out of gambling funds' � ye s _ �/ � b) If you d� pay accountiag fses, to whon vill auch fe�s b paid? � . — ,� Na�s L � Address � 1e� (1�li� Gfs��� � Dpg I�lqber of Organization? �/p . �.�_ c) Sow are th• accounting fees chargsd out? (flst fee, hourly, •tc.) F�R� �/��i d) What do you aaticipata vill be your. average �onthly deduction for accountiag fees? � �, S b �.�t..�( • ��� 23. Amouat of rent paid bq applicaat organization for rent of the tull: 24. The proceeds of the gamea will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: • �� F� � ����o �2T Q � �+c�'i ✓�i�s i4-�� �o �c /_- Q u i��, � F� 2 %� �. �I-� S � � � ►� 6 D � i��' �,���2,�r� 6 � �/�`' ��,�/l 1f �� � a �, :v +�'i � u 6 . 25. Has the premiaes where the games are to be held beea certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? y� S� 26. Has your organization filed federal form 990—T? N a If aasves is yes, please attach a copy arith thia application. If ansver i� no, ezplain why: /l� C� � t�.2 � �C. k �/Q �� .,G�X�/�.G�. � � Aay chang�� desired by tha applicant associatioa may be made onlq with tha consent of the Citq Coaacil. /� `-`s�� �e �� N � L;�.k6 .. . organsz:cion Naaa Date y `'!� B7� " ` � � 1Ksnager ia charge of ga�e �-o �� s�� a a�.�. J�e � Orgsnization Pr�sident or CEO � . ( "/'- f U �,�c3 SI .. ��� � . !/ HIGHLAND AREA COMMUNITY COUNCIL 790 CLEVELAND AVE. S. SUITE 208B ST. PAUL, MN 55116 (612) 690-0866 � T0 : Councilmember Long FROM: Michelle Lichtig DATE : March 7 , 1990 RE : Pull Tab License Request for Casey Bar The City COuncil is scheduled to revtew the application for Pull Tabs at Casey Bar on April 5th . The charitable organization is the lOth Stree Boxing Club . The Highland Area Community Council would like to review and discuss the application for Pull Tabs ; however , the City Council hearing is a week before the . board meeting . The Highland Area Community Council request,s that this issue be postponed until the board can look at this issue at the April 12th meeting. Please call if you have any questions , 690-0866 . �.;-��\ �o �. � . G,y � �� � ����<<?y� ti� � o� � o � � �yo _;�s SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE LICENSE APPLICATI4N R���,�,�p � �16i�0 CITY CLERK FILE NO. Dear Property Owner: L81624 Application for a Class B Gambling Location license. This license will allow the liquor establishment to lease PURPOSE space to a non-profit organization (lOth Street Boxing) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tipboards. A P P LICA N T The New Manor Inc dba The Manor Restaurant � Casey's Bar LOCATION 2550 W. Seventh Street HEARING April 5, 1990 9:00 a.m. City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and N O TIC E S E N T Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Oivision. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.