90-544 0 R I G I N.� 1.� A Council File � d- �7
Green Sheet # �pQ,�j`/�i
� � (�
Presented By
Referred To Coc�nnittee: Date
BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby
certifies and approves the action of the Property Code Enforcement
Board (Saint Paul Board of Appeals & Review) pertaining to the following
listed property and as shown by the Excerpted Minutes of said Property
Code Enforcement Board, and dated February 13 , 1990 and marked EXHIBIT
A, and attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference :
2/13/90 16-90-H 1542 7th St. W. Marrel G. Hathaway
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time to do the repairs ; mal-
functioning of heating equipment thermostat, defective
plaster on ceiling to wall of stairway to second floor,
improper electrical wiring, illegal spliced lamp cord,
open electrical junction box, shut-off valve on gas line
to water heater missing, install temperature relief valve
on water heater, clean dust laden heating e.quipment,
provide heat to a minimum of 68 F. , remove extension
cords , insufficient outlets , install smoke detectors
on separate circuit to prevent malfunction. Extension
of time until May 1 , 1990. Building must remain vacant
until repairs are complete.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Sheldons Re-Arrangement
Ex. St. Lot 1 and NELY 1/2 of
Lot 2.
2/13/90 4-90-F 271 Summit Ave. Thomas Moellerman
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time for one year (July l , 1991 )
to design and finance a second exit from the third floor.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Auditor' s Subdivision
No. 52 St. Paul , Minn.
Lot 20
0 R I G I �lA L .� ..- �y�_��`�`
2/13/90 9-90-F 168 Summit Ave . John F. Sauro
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time to April l , 1990, until
the Fire Department determines what should be done
regarding the exit door on the north side of the building
to allow the doors to remain locked at all times .
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Culver & Farrington' s
Subdivision of St. Paul , Minn.
NELY 5 Ft. of Lot 1 and Ex
6th St. Lot 2
2/13/90 11-90-F 293 N. Wilder St. Jeffrey J . Seidl
BORRD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until July 1 , 1991 to install
a second exit from the third floor.
Ramsey Co. , Minn.
Lot 13 Blk 18
2/13/90 13-90-F 433 Ashland Michael Winer-Cyr
BOARD ACTION: Granted an extension of time until June 30, 1990 to
complete the outside items ; repair front steps , install
outside rails , plane door, raise firewood from ground.
PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Condominium 1Vumber 194
The Ashland Condominium
Unit No. 1 thru 5
�o Y�e1s_ Navs Absent Requested by Department of�
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acca ee -�
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APR 5 Form Ap oved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date i99Q
Adoption. Certified by Council Secretary _�
By' �`� Approved b Ma or for Submission to
Council � �
Approved b Mayor: Date QpR A q(�
r �T
�.«�,�'��, By; a����
PU�I.ISHED AP R 14 1990
�� REC�IVEC� �-.�o,�y�
Propert �clr�En��oAceean�t&B . _ _ GREEN SHEET����N � ���. ���J�
°��2—7 7 7 5 Review � oEPaR�er�r aRecroA 'cm cou��
ASAP [�nu►voa con�srnrm �
Resolution approving the actions of the Property Code Enforcement Bd.
(St. Pau1 Board of Appeals & Review)
_aB�M�,�E _ MAR 2 3 1990
Approving the action of the Property Code Enforcement Board for the
m�eting of February 13, 1990.
5 - extensions �
EXt2y�31C�Ti� io the t�roa�zrty wi'll be ratified. �
None �uurica� t�eS�arch Center. �
MAR 2 8199p
The action taken by the Property Code Enforeement Board will be returned
to the Board by the City Council for further action.
FuN�o sou� n�a ncrnnTr NuMeEn 3 3 2 6 3
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ST. PAUL, N�9(7�P, 55101
(612) 292-7775
N.�Jt�FS, 1�,'rING OF FF�t[�RY 13, 1990
;�RS PR�TI': Rpn Glas_�an, c1�a.irnt3n
�nald Ankeny
william Tilton
�bert Viering
Donald Wei.da
,7ames Laughl�n
AL9� PRESII�Tr: Pat Fish, Fire & Safety D�}aar�rerit Clifford SorerL9en
S�e Tb�s)sey, Fire & Safety D�'�'it Carolyn Sorensen
Carrolyn She�aher+d, Public Health �s NY�elle.rn�n
Ibn Miller, Public Ha31th Mir.hael Winer-�yr
Clifford SorerLyon Jeffrey Siedl
Carole Baoon Virgini.a Zink
Mary Kelly John NY.C'arthy
Deiuiis Srose John Mel�egarye
Ray Faricy Mrs. Brose
S�AF'F: BAFrB KC�.STAD. J[�7Y N�S'III�'�,N. & N�E (�'2F�T
c�airn�n Glassn�n called the meeting to order at 1:30 p.m. Febnx�y 13, 1990.
He wplaaned tl�e Appellants ar�d explained the proaechires, stating that �at the
ba3rd cbes is r�eoamier�d actioaz to the City C7o�.mci1. tie also asked that
statarents be brief, ar�d tl�at the board was there as fellaw citiz�s to help
than in a fair m3nner.
(�airn�an Glassn�n has aorrespoc�i�ae fran bath hi.s offi.oe and the city
reqard;.ng the n�ne cl�anqe. It has again bei.ng rer��t',�d to a��cii President
Wilsori tl�at the named be rhangad t�o "Praperty C�ocie Ehfo��ent Ba��d of
Appa3ls," or the "P�perty CJoc]e F7iforaerent Appa3ls Ba3rd." It is felt that
sanething in the title should relate to propezty. Zl�e Board sl�uld haar a
re�e to their request slx�rtly.
Ct�a.irn�i Glas.sm3ri stated fi1�at the BaaYd is still la�d.ng for oc�e rrore msnber.
He tMught it wauld be be�rficial to get sa�or�e relating to general
ao�n.struction, plunbirig, e�tc. Ro�nald Aril�y reoam�rlad TerYy NbGraff. Don Wei.da
aam�ted that a wrxnan may be interes�i-.ed in the position. (1�a.irn�ri G1ass�n
�;�7 that it really dicbn't �tter, that ar�ne interested, shauld oontact the
Maynr`s Office.
1. A�praval af the mim�t-.es of the Jar�y 9, 1990 meeting as su�n.itted in
Mr�tiosz n�ac]e by Fion Anla�y to apprdve the minites af the Jai�uaiy 9. 1990
meetiryg as su�nitted in writing. Se�aa�ded by Fiabert Viering. NDI'ICN
�. �E ���`�:
16-90�1 1542 W. Se�renth St. M�-rel G. Hathaway
(1 unit)
S[7H7�7C.T: Aplaellant is requesting an ext.ension of time to cb� the r�saiy
r�g �rtaininc� tA: F�T FL� - �'1�1t1Y1CJ �Ul�ITleClt �TJSt3t IYJt
f1ux.•tionirig pra�.rly, defective plast.er on ceilir7g to ctiall of stait�c.ay to 2r�d
floor. BASII�Nr - inpr�pP_rly irLStalled electrical wiring, illegal spliced larcp
aord, q�� electrical j�ux.-tion box, no shut-off valve on gas line to water
heater, water heater has m tac�aerature pre�ure relief valv�e, heati.ryg
�?T�t du.�t laden. C�1�iERAL - prnvide heat to a mini.mm of 68 F, in�ficient
autlets, r� ext.ension cords, install sroke detect.ors on a different cit�,vit
to prevent m3lfiu�ction c�ue to blaan cin.•uits.
PFt�]C�Il�1GS: The �ellant stated that his tenants have been a larye problen,
ar�d that he didn't realize all the problans t1�at exis� at the property. He
claimed that the inspectJor w�nted everything bnx�t � to C1ode as if it c,as
new. He claircwd that it waa_ld be a finar�ia]. hamiship. Mr. Hathaway stat.ecl that
it.ans #7, 8 & 9 of the violation list pP�+a�n„�,� to the heating, has rr�w been
oorrect.ed. The t-,e.nants now renting thi.s prop�ert.y awes him $1,625, arid he ryaeds
this money to cz��lete the wnrk. He is willing to dr� th�e wr�rk, but r�eeds mc�re
Carrolyn Sh��d, an ins�pec.•tor for Fhvirorm�tal H�aalth, said she �.as willirig
to grarit him more time, as long as all the illegal wiring was ramved before an
exten.si�n of time ctias granted, as it �s a definite hazard. Mr. Hathaway
oa�ted if she wauld get his t.enants out, th� he oauld do the work. Mr.
Hath�,-�ray has sennad his ter�ants with an ewicti� r�atice to va�c.ate by tl� e�r�cl of
February. If upoa� reinspaction Nhr�h 1. 1990, if the tenants have tx7t vaaated,
then Carrolyn Shephercl oauld initiate a cond�aimation, and ramve the tenants in
that rn3nr�er.
BC.l�lZD .�C.'rICN: Nbtion was m�1e by F�.xt Vieririg to allaw Mr. Hatl��away 60 days
(Nhy 1, 1990) to c�plete the neaessary rqa�irs, with the provision that the
prop�erty r�at be rsented durir�g that time. Seaorxled by Will.ia�► Tilton. M7I'ICN
. - � 90-s�y
145-89-F 415 Slmnit Ave�uae Dennis Brose
(4 Lm.its)
SU87DC.T: �pellant was at the Januaiy meetu�g ar�d after r.uch discvssion, the
�pellant was r�u�t.ed to meet with Fire Prevention, aryd be allc�,aed to return
to the meeting in Febnaaiy for furtl�er di.gcussian �rt-a;n;ng to: having to
provic� a sec�orxl exit fran the thircl floor.
PF�JCF.EDIl�S: Pat Fish, rePre�tin9 Fire Preventioa�, stated tliat she met with
Mr. Bi�nse, aryd that it was Fire Prevention's � g th�t he orginally
int.ended to use alternate prot,ection, in lie� of the 2nd exit fran the 3n3
f loor. Ar..aordirig to the position of the Fire M�rshal, this mearLS the sprink].irYg
of the entire building, r�ot just the oantrm ar�s. Ms. Fish distirx.-�tly
rac�nbers telling Mr. Brose nat to do the wnrk, imtil he had pulled his permit.
The Bu.ilding D�a�rent v�uld not issue his permit, because they di�3n't
urx3erst�-�r�d why the pemtit being pul led, was only for the stairway sprinklers.
Mr. Birose h�l mt yet gotten Baard appn�val. Mr. Brose has a canbination heat
and smke detector systgn in the staiiways. NLs. Fish �aent on to explain to the
Bor��i that the problan is aac�pting a variar�ce on spri.rilslirYg the stairway alone
n�ean.s that the sprinkler h�d.s cb not go off, imless the fire is ric�t in the
imnediate a�.�ea. Mr. Brose told the Board that spririlslirig the �tire buildiryg
would cost approxim3tely $30,000, as it ma3nt alot of . Mr.
Srose stated that if sare�thing activated any one of the smke detec,-tors, the
entire systan c�ould go off, which is mxlitored 24 haurs a day, by a central
monitoririg station.
BC�RD ACI'ICN: Ronald Ankeriy n►�c.ie a m7tion to grant a variarr.e, as he didn't
see a diffe.rer�e betw�aen t1�e 3�d floor ar�d the 3r+d floor. He stated tl�at Mr.
B�rose w�t thrazc�i alot of �rk to see that there was alot af snd9e detection
arxl water pratecta.on for that one exit. Seaor�ded by I�bext Viering. A fri,�clly
�t was �c�d�ed stating as lcxig as tk� 3�1 floor was owner oac��ied. Zhis
Was a�pt�ad by tKr. �. t�rlrnt � ta�t�rn►�cTS�,x.
7-90-F 596 Fbrtland Av+e. Rayimnd Heichel
(4 imits)
S[�JD�T: Appellant is r�ting a variarx�e on Stave/Refrigerators in four
roans: light furrLiture storage o�n third floor ar�d house repair �terial tA be
stored in bass�t.
Pf�JC�Il�: Pat Fish, Fire Preventioa�, told the board that Mr. Heicl�el had a
�9 P�1Hn. Chairm�n Glassn�n told Mr. H�rlan Heichel (son of Raymorrl
Heichel), that he hacl to talae care of the zanixig problen prior to aaning t�o the
board. Zl�e buildiryg is presently oo�ryad, but vacate date has been ext.esxied
LaYtil a decision is nrade. No detennination can be n�c1e, tmtil Zoninc3 apprav�s
tl,i� buildir�g as a 4 �it bldg.
BC1�RD A�.'1'ICN: c�ai.rn�n Glassn3n told Mr. Heichel, that if he oould fir�d proaf
that this building was used aonti.raxxasly as a 4 tmit building prior to 1956 •
2-90-H 669 E. Thi� Street Renr�eth J. Nelson
t 2 wzits)
SUBJDCT: A��ellant is appealing the "Ordex to Vacate." Vacate date was January
15, 1990.
Resolved - Ca.se with�drawn.
6-90-H 1022 James Ave. Michael Pegue
(2 im.its)
SUBJDCT: Appellant is appealing the ,�Oreler to Vacate." Vacate date was
Deo�nber 31, 1989.
Taken Carn of.
137-89-H 368 D�,ilce St. F�nilys-tyle af St. Paul
(RoaYting Haa_�e) Je3nnette Jarr�cek
S[JB.7DCT: �ellant is r+equesting a variarr,e on having fi�o in.stall an additional
Pf�JCEmIlVGS: Jeannette Jaryeaek stated thexe were 7 residertts on the first
floor, 2 residents �stai.rs (oocu�ied by mentally ill men) F1�11 bathroan on
first floor, and full bathrocan on 2rr3 floor. Don Miller, Health D�rtr�t,
stated that the y�stairs h3throan is within the oonfir�es of the �astairs tmit,
therefore, all 7 resi3ents clrxar�.�ta.irs, only have use of the dawnstairs
bathroan. (2 aver tl�e limit).
BQ�D AICTICN: Irbtion �as m�1e by Ron Aril�eny to ramve the lack frcm the 2rr3
floor door going irYt,o �er imit, so there is pern�r�t. �ssibility, 24 hairs
a day to the �stai.rs bathroan, arxi the vari.ar�e wauld then be c�anted.
Seooar]ed by I�be.rt Viering. M7TICN (�REtgD I�NIlKX75LY.
143-89-H 339 Oolborne St. Familystyle of St. Paul
(F�Oaniryg Hcxas�e) Jear�nette Jar�c
SC�.TFX.T: Appellarit is request�ing a variar�e � the sleepirig roan heic,�t of
only 6'6" aryd the inad�aqirzte wirx�ow size, as this wvuld cause fi.nar�cial
Pf�JC�IlWS: Je�nr�tte Jar�eodc statsd that there i.s a full size door oci 2nd
floor, with aaoess to a fire escape ftrm tl�e sleepirx3 i�oan, so a persoci c�ould
escape in r.ase of are.��x.y.
BQ�2D A�.TICN: bbtion was m�cie by Ci�airn�an Glasstt�n to allaw one person to
ooc�y this roanirg w�it on 2rr1 floor, far the life of the ca.ur�t a�►�er.
Seoond� by Rabert Vieriryg. 1K7�ICN C9Rft.gD t]NAIKIl�DUSLY.
� � �o -.���
144-89-H 1596 Eiaaitt Av� Rachel Dlelson
t Roanu-ig Iiou,se)
SUBTF7CT: A�ellant is reques-ting a variarx� on the mmber of ka3ths for the
nu�er of oa�aant.s.
Withdrawn - reschechale. C��aima�l Glassn�ri stated that Ms. Nelson shauld be sent
a st.e�ni letter r�uesting hex to a�}�r at the next meeting, as she has
alre�y rnt appeared the last tko meetings.
T��ere was a brief discussion regarding an additional filing fee applied wt�
applicants cb ryot str�w �. It tias agreed that it �xxald be delayed imtil Josie
was ba�ck ryext month, and axild go thraugh the proae�ure.
10-90-H 1471 C�nr� Av�u�e �e Salvatiari P,iTCy
tRoc-ming Ficx�se) Carole Bacon
SUBJf��CT: P,ppellant is requesting a �rariaryce on the de�dbolts on roan-i.xig Lmi.t
cbors, also a variarx.•e on having se�arate toilet ar�d h3throan facilities for
each sex.
PF�JCF.EDIlVC�: Carole Baaon stated this �sas a residential facility for
arotianally ar�d mentally distiu�bed acbl�ents. There are 3 Lmits set up for 8
to 10 resid�nts, 11 to 17 that are s-�ervised 24 haurs a day by staff, for 8
lx�ir shi.fts. Ms. Ba�oon stated that with arotionally ar�d mentally di.s4ui�ed
�tients, th�y cb nat HarYt thc�► to be able to lock staff aut of their roaY►s.
Z'hey m�st have visual vprification evety 30 mi�ztes. She feels dea�bolts wc�uld
be v�ry Lmnecessary. Don Miller, Haalth D�e�t., stated that she had a valid
pc�irYt and probably shauld be granted a variarr�e.
BQ�2D A�.TICN: rbtioci has tn�de by Robert Vi.ering to grant the varianae for
deadl�olt locks. Seaorr]ed by Bill 1'i.lt�. N11�ICN Tn��iS C�RRgD L�,NIl�D[RSLy.
FL�I�R DI9CT�SICN: CC.�role Baaon went on to discu.�s bathroan facilities. Far.h
wlit ir�clix3e.s a bathroan, with 3 sinks, 2 shawers & 2 toilets. She stated tl�at
tl�e units wer� c7o-ed, but when �les ��e ooca�ying the bathro�an. theY u�tilize
a sic� � the door, and the �m�n hav� the s�ne gt�ooec�+e. Nis. Baoan stated
that the c�rre.nt wing beirig u�d may be disaorrtiruaed, and arx7ther vacarYt wing
rerodeled, �ich wwld allaa mast of the n��s to have a private batlu+oan.
BQ�F� ACTIQV: Nbti�on has macle by Bill Tilton to c�rarYt a 2 year vari,�nce on the
b►3thtnats for or�ly their use of t1�e buildirx3. Seaaided by Do� tn�i.da. M7�ICN tn�fS
M'rRE DI9C[]SSICN: Ms. &'roon al�o discaassed the r�eed to have anre ele�ctx;ral
autlets installed. She stat;ed that there would be a yreater c�,�ortLaLity to have
these resident.s electirocute the�elves. F�ctension a�rrl had been nsmv�d frcm
or�e resident's roan. Resid�ts can �ly plug in a radio, so the naed for
eut�sion ooras is w�nea�y.
BC1�D AL'TICN: Mation was m�cle by Bill Tilton to grant a 2 year variar�oe on the
electrical aitlets for a�].y their use af the builclirig. Seoonded by Don Weida.
-6- °
1-90-F 723 4�bodlawn Ave. Cliffo�l C. Sore�..�en
t 32 tmits)
SCIDJDCT: ?�ellant is �ing a �ariar�e Fe a;p�g to: extend ts�erature
pressure relief valve on boiler to 12 iryches fmn floor.
Pf�OCEmIlVC�: Cliffon� Sorensen. Owner, and Carolyn Sorer�n, Attorney, �aexe
present. Ms. Sor� stated that the r�irernnt is only that the piping be
safe, there �s rx� specific specification. State Coc1� allaws the current
venting, arxl tl�e City intPxprets "safe" to itx7orporate the idea of venting
dawra�d. S1�e w�ent on to say, that the problsn with venting duara�azrl, is that
it would be vented into a wall�raY alongside the boiler, arXi laclders,etc. are
carried back and forth in this a�aea. Also the piPin9 �xild have to be very
heavy, ar�d if it was accidently hit, it �uld probably n�t.i�re• 'I'he current
venting is cher�ced frequently, and has never failed. SUe 'Ibskey, Fire
Prevention, stated that th�e State Mechar�ial Coc1e cavers this issue, arxl it is
diz-ect.ed to )seep hat st.aam a�y frcm the face, ar�d vented down� tawards the
B(�fRD A�.TICN: Nbtion was m�de by James Iau�lin tA grant variance if eitl�r the
P�P�9 9� � or to the back by add.irig an elbaw and nipple, at lea.st a minuYUn
of 7' hic�. Seaor�3ed � D� Weida. NLmICN inY�S CARRIID L�NlI�DLISLY.
3-90-F 21 thru 27 S. St. A1}aans Elizabeth Krueger
(7 imits)
Resolved�i.�e withdrawn.
4-90-F 271 Stmnit Aver�aae Than3s Nbellern►�n
(9 Luiits)
SUBJF)CT: Appellant is re�ae.sting an extension of time for or�e year to d�icy�
arxl f inance a seaond exit fmn the thirel f loor.
PFdOCEEDIl�S: Mr. Nbelle.rn�n wazld li}ae a 1 year exten.si� to pravide a 2rxi
floor exit f�n the third floor. S'�e �bslcey, Fire Prevention. aannente�d that
she didn't hav� arry abjection to Mr. Nbellernr�n's request.
BQ� A�.TICN: M�tion was m�1e by Bill Tilton to grant o�ne year ext.�sion fran
July 1, 1990 to July 1, 1991. Seoonded by Rrabert Viering. M7�ICN v+�1S CA1�t�D
5-9p-F 2105 Stillwater Av�ae Dor�al.d Ha�ding
(�urh Praperty) C�amch of St. Zixxnas
the �ostle
S[�TEX.T: AppellarYt is r��;*+� a variaryce o� the rlxu�ch having to irtistall
panic bars on all five s�e�t.s af double doors, because of the aost.
As per St.eve Zaacard - Resolv�d - witlxlydwn.
, . �yo..���
9-90-F 168 Stnmit Averrue John F. Sauro
SUBTDC.T: Appellant is r�uesting a variarxye on the e�t clpor on the north side
of builcling to ran3in locked at all times.
PfdOC'FmIl�1t�S: Mr. Sauro stated that he has 4 entrar�ces, but he wants to kee� the
cbor on the New Kellogg sic� locked at all times. There are only 2 a�s. that
c�xald use that cbor (the rest of the bu.ildirig have three exits). In ca..se of
fire, l�e said that the glass in the clpor owld be broken. Iie went on to say,
that the cbor has been left c�pen, ar�d in the aolder t�aerature, his Pip�s
froze which was very aos�tly to repair. Also peal�le have the t�cy to
trespass. If re�uired e�cit, a panic bar alarm aa�ld be installed. Mr. Sauro
agreed to have Sta�e Zbskey chec�� t�o see if this was a recluired exit, ar�d if so,
he has agreeable to installing a paruc bar alarm. His m3in oor�ern was to keep
that cbor locked, and cb wi�at.ever Has ryeaessaiy to aaaatplish that.
BC� A�CTICI�T: M�ti� was � by Bill Tilt.oa� to grant him a 30 day extension
until April 1, 1990, imtil Fire deterntir�es what shauld be cbr�. S�corr3�ac� by Ron
Ank�y. 1K7�ICN (n�1S C1�2IED L�NIl�'DUSGY.
11-90-F 293 N. Wilcl�er Street Jeffrey J. Sei.dl
SUBJDCT: Appellant is r�uestirig a variaryce on having to install a se� exit
cm the third floor bec�,ause of the aost.
PFdOCF�EDII�It'�: ThP_re was rr� current Certificate of O�ncy on buildirig, and Mr.
S�irll rer�uested an ins�ec.�tion. ITT Finar�ial tpreviaus aw►�ers) told him that
thP�-e c�re rr� oode cl�eficiencies � the c�lling. Stae 7.bskey, Fire Prev�tion,
stated that she re�nbers the biailding► ar�d has been i-hrazgh the building
before. Mr. 5eid1 has taken care of most of the deficier�cies, b�xt in ord�� to
;ncfa 11 a seaond exit, he definitely wauld require a substanti.al ama�t af t�me
bey�nd the N�rh 20, 1990 dea�dline.
BC� A�C'IZCN: Nbtian was m�cle by Bill Tilton t�o deny vari,�nae, but c�ant him
imtil July 1, 1991 to acnplete wr�rk. Seaorrled by Robert Vieririg. NII�ICN 4�f5
� I�iDTIlrDilS[.Y.
13-90-F �33 Ashlar�d Avenue Michael Wir�er-Cyr
(=� units)
SUSTEC.T: �}�ellant is r�uesting a variar�e on ha�-ing to provici� a Ke7 Box,
fire s�ration aver furnace, s�ond aYit frrm thin3 floor, rgrove rcmex
wiring, provictie dirt leg. Also ryeed an extension of time to catplete the
r�irs pertainirig to r�ir front st.eps. Install autside rails, clean rear
furnace, rarnve oanbia_stible storage, provide awrn� info. post C of O, t-,est tag
fire e.�cti:rvguishers, plane c�oor, r�ir autlets, replace tile, ranave h�tteries,
& raise fires�od.
PFtOCEIDIlVI:�: Ntike Winer-c.yr stated that most of the it�ns are catpleted,
outside it-,� have beeri exterx3ed tmtil weather pennits, aryd that he is r�ot
a�pealing tmst of the it.gns mentior�ed. He is, h�ocaever, a�pealing the key box.
This is a 4�lex, b�t 2 Lm.its have their awn private entrar�ce fran the
aztside. Ti�e front cbors are large glass doors, ar�d to enter Mr. Wir�ex-C�r's
�it and the neigYil�ors �it, are lazge glass cbors. Sl,ie Zbskey, Fire
Prevention, had r�o objection to c�ranting this variar�ce for these tw� Lmi.ts.
� ACTICN: Nbtion Wds m-u� by Bill Tilton to grant a variance on the key box
for the twn tu�i.ts, as long as the builcling is awner occ�ied. Seoor�d by
(�ai�tt�n Glas_�n. M7TICN G�iS CAF2E2IID iA�NIl�DUSLY.
�R DI�ICN: Mr. Winer-Cyr discussed the tc�o fire se�rations aver the
fur7�ace, ar�d the di.rt legs on the v�ater heater ar�d f�u�..-e. �e 7.bs19ey. Fire
Prevention, stated that the furnace that serves itself, doesn't r�eed any fire
sq�aration. She also said that t1�e roan that serves twn fiu-naces is ad�ate
in size for a�e sprinkler t�acl, arr3 is not in violation. It �s deleted fran
the list of deficiencies, ar�d :�e said she �uld check further to m3ke sure.
Nh. Wirnx-Cyr thaa�t it was unfair, as �11 as e.xpensive, to provide a dirt
leg. Mr. Tilton stated that it was a safety feature, and rr�t that expensive.
BC1�,RD A�.TICN: M�tion was t�de by Bill Tilton to dexiy t1�e variar�e on the dirt
l�g. Seoorr7ed by Don Wei.da. M7TICLJ 4�S C`PiRRiID L�LII�'Di7SL,Y.
NLE2E DI9C[1SSICN: Mr. Wir�er-C�r stated that the n�nex wiring yoes fn�n the
j�u�tion box, iu�dex the joist to a crawl s� in the bac-�c furnaoe roan. 1Jaboc�y
ra�].ly aroes in dimct oontact with this wiriryg. It's stapled to the iur]ersic3e
of the joists. Mr. Winer-C.yr agreed to strap the rarex to a 1" by 2" baat�d,
rat.her than disoonnecting it oat�letely.
BC�FiD ACTICN: M7tion was m�c3e by James Iaughlin to c�ant variarre as la�g as a
the ranex is strap�cl to a 1" by 2" baard. Secx�rr3ad by Bill Tilton. NII�ICN Ing�,S
DI9QlSSICN (�TI'IlVqID: Ser�omd exit frrm the third floor - tl�re are twn bedt�ocn�
�irh op� into part af the 2r�cl arr3 3rd floor. which is oac��ied by Mr.
t�finer-Cyr. Zi�ere is approxim�tely 300 or 400 sq. ft. of usable s1�e. Zl�ere are
�crake det.eet.ors pr�esent. T�e Baan3 clid mt. thirilc that he r�eacled to hav�e a
variar�e, ba�cause it was part of his imit, ar�d the bedt��s are nat i.r�t.err.�,d to
be r�ented azt. It has r�oatmended that Sue Zbsl�y verify the i�nan size, and
rrwtify the Hoard and Mr. H�iryer^-C.�ir af tl�e aut�oane. He asi9ed ttye Board tjo c�ant
an ext�.sion af time far the ait.side it.gns. He has a M�rh 22r�d de�adline.
BC�iFtD AICi'ICN: Nbkion was made by Bill Tilton to c1rant an extension af time to
arYplete w�tside itans imtil Jia�e 30, 1990. Seaoix�ec� by Don Weida. M7TICN
. �yd -3�y
14-90-F 894 St. Clair Avenue Frar�ise Jacqu�
(33 imits)
S[IATDC,T: AP1aellant is requesting a vari,arx� on t1�e present deacmolts.
P�X.'EmIlV�S: John NtCarthy, Manager & John M�hegane, Ter�ant of 894 St. Clai r
Avenue atteix�ad. Mr. � read a letter to the Ba3rd stating haw m.�ny titnes
he has been rok�ed ar�d what it,� were stolen. He wants a better security
systen. Mr. �,-Car�thy stated that all the apartmPnt Lm.its have deac�olt loc,ks
t1�at are 5/8", rathPx than the 1" deadE�olt �uired by the City. S1�e �bskey.
Fire Prev+�ition, stated that the 1" deadbolt re�uirerent is a E3r,�using �
requirerent. Fire has to call it, and rr� variar�e can be granted by than. Mr.
1�Carthy t.haught the existirYg c�lts w�ere sufficient, ar�l that the mx�ey to
re�ir than, axzld go to a bett.ex use.
BC�tZD AiLTICN: Nbtion was nt�de by Ron Ankeny to grant variaryce. exce�t that
n�nag�t be foi�ed to install 1" deadbolt on Mr. r�S�hegane's door to start
with, ar�d then r+�lace t.hem as t,hey �r aut to 1" �olts. Secorx�ed by Bill
There beirig rb further busixyess, meeting adjaurned at 3:30 p.m.