90-528 O � I'V I �\�+� �' Council File � �J`�d Y 1 Green Sheet ,� 5863 RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT AUL, MINNESO A � �-O ��- Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (1F61773) for renewal of a State Class B Gambling License by St. Bernard's Grade School at Rudy's Tin Cup, 1220 Rice Street, be and the same is hereby approved/�z eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: �sw�� �— on — –� acca ee "�- e man --� une �- z son �- BY� �– Adopted by Council: Date ApR 3 �ggp Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY; ` 3��`/- y� By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date '���;��%� APR 3 �gg�ounci� By: � � By: Ptf�ltS�IED a`tJ� 1 . �9°-.����- DEPARTMENTIOfFICElCOUNqI DATE INITIATED p Finance/License GREEN SHEET NO. �06'3 - CONTACT PERSON 8 PFIONE INITIAU DATE INITUWDATE �OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CRY COUNpL Christine Rozek-298-5056 �� �cm�r�Ner �GTY CLERK MUST 8E ON COl1NGL ACiENDA BY(D/1'1� ROU7k10 �8UD(iET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVICE8 DIR. �MAYOH(OR A8618TAN1) � ('.rntnr i 1 jt TOTA�#�OF SIQNATtlRE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SH3NATURE) �C7�oN aEOUES�o: Approval of an application for renewal of a State Class B Gambling License. Hearin Date: ''� ' q0 Notification Date: 3 al 9'}( RECOMtiIENDATI0N8:MD��+(N a FNNa(I� COUNCIL REPORT OPTtONAL _PLANNII�K�OOMMIBSION _dVIL 8ERV1�COMM18810N ANALYBT PHONE f�. _qB COMMITfEE _ _8TAFF _ ��� _DISTRICT COURT • _ 8UPPORTB WHICN OOUNqI OBJECTIVE7 INI7IATIPKi PF�BLEM.186UE.OPPORTUNITV(INho�What�Whsn�WMro,Wh�: Dennis Donovan on behalf of St. Bernard's Grade School requests City Council approval of their application for renewal of a State Class B Gambling License. at Rudy's Tin Cup, 1220 Rice Street. Proceeds from the pulltab sales are used to support educational purposes at the school. All fees and applications have been submitted. IIDNMITA�iES IF APPROVED: If Council approval "` a°Yn�rd�s Grade School will continue to operate a pulltab bo eet. � � �,����o: �6��� RF�Fnrc� N�R261g9Q ��i r l:LtrcK DI8ADVANTAGEB IF NOT APPROYED: _ - - --_— t;our�cii �tesearcn t;enter. MAR 211990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONlh YES NO FUNOIN�SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FlNANdAL INFOfiMAT10N:(EXPLAIN) �� � . ��� -5�� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE � � �U /3� (� INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL REVIEW (:HECKLIST Appn cessed/Rec ived by Lic Enf Aud I� c_r �,hQv�i CIC:.� Applicant �-�, ��rr�t�vds �y�� �ch00 � Home Address � �1 (,(�. �prQn�l,(� Rusiness lvame �(,(���n C Home Phone Z-} � $- (p"]33 Business Address � aa� �1CQ;c�� Type of Lic.ense(s) �Q 12Q�c,� Business Phone ��It�SS � �QVY1Y��inc, t-�C2nSv Public Hearing llate 3 �� License I.D. �{ �� 773 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 4� g '�'ClajU� llate Notice Sent; � �� �� Dealer �� l��A' to Applicant � rederal Firearms �� � �� Public Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVtEW �IEKFIED (COMPUTER} COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � � �� � Health Divn. ' � i, � � i Fire Dept. � i I � � � �.,,;t 13��.. qv Yolice Dept. I �� i License Divn. � � �° 5v ; 6 i� City �ttorney � �IIti y-p� (��C.� Date Received: Site Plan 3 � l I�� p To Council Research � 0�0 /L Lea�e or Letter q Da e from Landlord 3 a� l � CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers:. Insurance: Bond: - Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . . � yU _sa� � � " ' , ' City of Saint Paul Department of Finance and Management Services Division of License and Permit Registration INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH APpLICATION FOR PERMIT TO SELL PULLTABS & TIPBOARDS IN SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambliag License in Liquor Establishments - Renew) 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applying for license St _ Sernard' s Grade SCh0o1 2. Address where games will be held 1220 Rice St. St. Paul, MN 55117 � Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who Will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games „onnis n�nnvan Date of Birth 6-20-51 (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organization 8 yea rs 4. Address of Manager Num er Street City Zip 5. Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws of the State of MN? ��� 6. Date of incorporation 1R 91 7. How long has organization been in existence? 99 yea rs 8. How long has organization been in existence in St. Paul? 99 years 9. What is the purpose of the organization? Educational Advancement 10. Officers of applicant organization: Name _�teven J. Martin Name Rupert Strobel Address 197 W. Geranium Ave. Address 197 W. Geranium Ave. Title �_F_� DOB 10-4-52 Title Treas . DOB 12-20-30 Name Fr _ Rranna n Ma i c�r� O_S .B. N�e Edward Mielech Address i cL7�n1 r_er�nium l�v� Address 1 97 W. Geranium Ave. Title ui����,�6 DOB 4-27-36 Title Secretary Dpg 6-14-48 11. Give names of officers, or any other persons who paid for services to the organization. Name Name Address Address Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) . : �ya .s�� 12. ` Attached hereto is a list of names and addresses of all members of the organization. 13. In whose custody will organization's pulltab records be kept? Name St. Bernard'.s Address 1167 Albemarle St. 14. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name Shari Cich Name __Dennis Donovan Address 116 W. Lawson Ave. Address 1167 Albemarle St. Member of Member of �B 8-1 -63 Organization? yes DOB 6-20-51 Organization? e�� s Name Kath� A. Wi11 � Name Janet Hanson Address �1 n 7 .'rn�cP �t _ Address 2 5 5 W. Maryland Ave. Member of Member of DOB q_��_r,� Organization? �PG DOB _1 1 -5-49 Organization? yes 15. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling games? ves 16. Attached hereto on the form furnished by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which itiemizes all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepared, and verified bq Shar i C ich 1167 Albemarle St. St. Paul , MN 55117 Address who is the of the applicant organization. ame 17. Will your organization's pulltab operation be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes XX no 18. Has your organization signed, or does it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any person or company to assist your organization with the pulltab sales and/or recording keeping? yes no xx If answer is yes, give the name and address of the person and/or company contracted. Name Address Name Address If answer is qes, how will such a consultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attach a copy of said contract to this application. 19. Operator of premises where games will be held: Name pete Schnichles and Tim Saaer Busineas Address 1220 Rice St. Home Address 96 Hawthorne Ave and 277 W. Ivv Ave. .� : . � � ya _s.�� 20. a) Does your organization pay or intend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no XX b) If you do pay accountiag fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name Address DOB Member of Organization? c) How are the accounting fees charged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) d) What do you anticipate will be your average monthly deduction for accounting fees? 21. Amount of rent paid by applicant organization for rent of the pulltab sales area: $600 .00 a month 22. The proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: Educational Advancement 23. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? No If answer is yes, please attach a copq with this application. If answer is no, explain why: Tax Exempt #41-0757844 Anq changes desired by the applicant association may be made only with the consent of the City Council. St. Bernard's Grade School • Organization Name Date 1/30/90 By; ��'���/�vr..Go Manager in charge of game � Organiza on President, or CEO . . Clty of Saiat Yaul P�g� 1 �� d • Departaant of Finanee and Managemenc Secviees � Division of Lieeasa aad P�ssit Adainistracion �U".J� Ut7iFOR!! CHAAITA6LE CAMDLINC F2NANCIAL ttEPOR? aac. 1/30/90 1. Nas� oi Or`utlsation Rt Rornarr� � c (`raric Cnhnnl 2. Addr�s• vA�r• Charitabl� Ca�bliat i• eoeduet�d � 2 2� R i c e S t. 3. R�port tor psrlod cov�sia� Mav � 19 $� ehrou�h31 December 19� 6. Total number of days playsd 2 4 5 S. Cro�• r.�eeipts Lot abov� psriod = 1 , 16 4,8 3 7.7 5 6. Ctoss priss pqouts for abw� p�riod (iaelud� ca�h short) = 9 2 4,0 6 8 .�� 7. Nec ree�ipcs - lin� S sinu• lin� 6 = _ 2 4 0,7 6 9 .7 5 8. Expense• laeurred ia eonduetia� and op�ratin; �a��: A. Ccoss va6es paid. Attaeh vosk�e list vith � 3 ,9 0 5 .2 5 nam�s. addrsssas, �ro�s wases. au�bsr of dours i vorksd, and amount paid psr hour. H. Rent fot _�_X►� months ; � ��o .08 C. Lieensa f ee ; 3 5 3.0 0 f ----------- D. Insurane� . ------------ E. Bond = ' t. Diihonoted eheeb uot racovared f 1 �6��.�� G. Aeeouatinj Bxp�aas : --------- —— H. Esplor�rs l.I.C.A. ; --------- I. Pulltab ia: Paid to D�parta�nt of R��seu� i 3� �8 2� .�9 _ --------- J. Minr. U.C. ?ax R. T�dscal Lxeisa ta: i Sta�p _ --------- _ --------- L. Stae� Cublin� 'fa�t M. ltisc�llao�ous E:p�asss. Id�ntif� tM a�ount aad to vha� paid. 1•Western Bank charg�s- 96 _ 5'7 Z,Lucky Seven = 17 ,747 .76 3.Jackpot ; 7 , 110 .43 �.Lean Year s 3 .327 _4R 9. ?oeal l.�sn�a , TO?�►(. i 8� . '�R _�R to. lt.c Ivea.. - lsa. 7 �sa�s. lso. 9 f 1 5 7 ,5 3 1 .4 7 11. Cheekbook balaaea bs�imia� of p�riod � ; � •�� u. Toe.i at uo. io �na u s 157 ,531 .47 ' � 13. 2ota1 eoncributiona (iro� attuhed vorkaA��t) s 156 , 'l 94 . 1 5 16. Ch�ckbook balsnea end of rsporcin� p�riod - 1 ,3 3 7 .3 2 line 12 less lina 13 ; �. � � ur �� . rn�� � UnIFORM CHARITABL� G,aMBIING FIvAr�CiAL RE�ORT /J�yQ_��� - L�IWFUL PURPOSc CONTRIBUTIONS - WORKSHEcT ��� Line #13 • 7ota1 Lawful Purpose Contributions. S List below all checfcs written from gambling funds which are charitable iawful purpose contributions. The total dollar amounts of these chetks must match the artrount claimed in line �f13. Use additional sheets as necessary. ' CHEC�C # OA?E PAYEf CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE - I• 1 5/8/8 � St Bernards Schools $4 ,000.0 Educational Z• 1003 5/16 " " 3 ,500.0 Advancement 3• .1004 5/22 " " 5 ,000 .00 " 4• 1007 6/7/89 " " 6 ,000.00 " 5. 1009 6/12/89 " " 4 ,500.00 " 6. 1010 6/27/89 " " 5 ,000.00 " 7. 1013 6/30/89 " " 3 ,000 .00 . " 8• 1018 7/17/89 " " 7 ,000.00 " 9• 1020 7/24/89 " " 4 ,000 .00 " 10. 1021 7/31/89 " " 6 ,000 .00 " 11. 1024 8/15/89 " " 6,000 .00 " 12• 1027 8/21/89 "� " 7 ,000 .00 " 13. 1028 8/28/89 " " 5,000 .00 " (SEE ATTACHED SHEET T07AL CHECK AMOUNT S NOTE: These expenditures wi11 be provided to Cauncil Memben at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financiai report is complete and accurate. � r _ —r � � � � � � '� � i s • 'r� � + � � : ' a : � : w : s� �t:.v rwam.-a � • „p . �. .. w • � • � � � �• � •, �� � � . e w=_� r.. 1 � � � i O � • i i � � a i �; :lf�. 3 3 • � w s .. � s � s� .� '��<�� � w � � � _ � � s }�� � r � � _ `, :^; , - � �I � � � r � � IV � � � O �! r' `-? '�� -�•i � � ^ r : — � � = � L ; �. � �• � .. �s f � � ~ � � � � = I. ! "8 `5+ _:'' �.I� . a � i � s � � � ! =� S ri:;.� `_•`� w ! .' • • � � � A � r�� i 7 �•1�:.r��';. � � � ^ • •�p 7 i 7 � : . : � �.� `_ � �1 v '� : � , � .+ y u;ij ! � > r 7� � � �-';• �� � � � � i � 3 � � � � -%j::> .-'�; � s 7 `^ . • '• — _ � � �.;rV� V J • � w 3 I+ � � � � R � -� �:�{.�.',i ! w � s� � . � .`�.l ::i "' '� + ! � ?'� = s .:.� ,, 1� � ( � '� y 1�Y`��lf�F'avV'� � � � s � � i a �� s � i► i �' � s �t i ♦ � � ; y � _ � . �yo_5�� LAWFUL CONTRIBUTIONS PAGE 2b�7- CHECK # DATE PAYEE AMOUNT PURPOSE 1029 9/5/89 St Bernard' s School $6 ,000 .00 Educational 1035 9/18/89 " " 7 ,500 .00 Advancement 1036 9/25/89 " " 6 ,000 . 00 " 1038 10/5/89 " " 1 ,500 .00 " 1040 10/9/89 " " 5,000 .00 " 1041 10/16/89 " " 5 ,300 .00 " 1042 10/23/89 " " 6 ,500 . 00 " 1043 10/31/89 " " 7 ,000 .00 " 1047 11/14/89 " " 9 ,000 .00 " 1049 11/22/89 " " 6 , 100 .00 " 1050 11/27/89 " " 8 ,000 .00 " 1052 11/27/89 " " 22 .80 " 1056 12/13/89 " " 5 ,000 .00 " 1057 12/19/89 " " 8 ,000 .00 " 1059 12/27/89 " " 74 .00 Sign 1060 12/27/89 " " 8 ,000 .00 Education SUBTOTAL----------$154 ,996 .80�. 1011 6/27/89 Monica Michaelsen 7 .45 Supplies 1016 7/13/89 Gopher Cash Register 775 .00 Purchase Register 1019 7/17/89 Monica Michaelsen 5 .70 Supplies 1046 11/14/89 Wholesale Club 210 .60 Supplies 1051 11/29/89 Racy Printing 5 . 60 Prize Slips 1058 12/21/89 Mike Doebel 186 .00 Sign paint SUBTOTAL-------------$1197 .35 GRAND TOTAL------$156 , 194 . 15