90-512 0 � 1 � 1 �l ,� L � _ ,� C�uncil File � / 5 Green Sheet # �3 8 0 3 RESOLUTION ��'��. CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��{ � 1 � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED, That upon execution and delivery of a release in full to the City, in a form to be approved by the City Attorney, the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay out of the Tort Liability Fund 09070-0511, to Travelers Insurance Company the sum of $6,290.79 in full settlement of. its claim of damages sustained on or about October 18, 1988, as more particularly set out in the Notice of Claim filed in the City Clerk's office on November 15, 1988 . Y� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: irrron osw.ztz �. on �+ acca ee � et man �— une � i son —� BY� O . Adopted by Council: Date APR 3, �9� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gy: By= Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date ' /�APR 3 �gg�ouncil By: /� c� By' PU�iISliEQ A P R 1419 90 � . (�'`"90 -�'�.2.. DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED cit Attorne 3-22-90 GREEN SHEET No. 8803 CONTACT PERSON 6 PNONE INITIAU DATE INITIAL/OATE �DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �CITY OOUNqI L n n e M. Kn u t s o n 2 9 8-5 4 7 5 ��p� ❑�ATfORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENOA BY(DA'f� ROUT11�1 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.S MOT.8ERVICE3 DIR. �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81QiNATURE) AC710N RE�UES7ED: Resolution approving the settlement, of a Claim against the City of Saint Paul by Travelers Insurance Company RE�MMBNDATWNB:MD►�+W a IMI�(Rl �IL MITTEE/REAEAI�f1 REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _pVIL SERVI�COMMISSION �Y3T PNONE NO. _qB OOMMITTEE _ COMMENT8: _STAF'F _ _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPOFiT8 NfHK�H COUNpI OBJECTIVE4 INITIAflNG PROBLEM�188UE.OPPORTUN�TY(Who�NIMt,1NMn�Whers.N�h�: On October 18 , 1888 , at I-94 and Dale Street in Saint Paul , a City of Saint Paul fire rig driven by Firefighter Michael Unkelsbay, while pro- ceeding to an accident with injuries , went into a skid on the freeway entrance and struck a vehicle owned and driven by Cynthia Werner, which had stopped on I-94 to yield to the emergency vehicles . As a result of the impact, Ms . Werner ' s vehicle sustained damaged i� the amount of $6,290 . 79 . The City Attorney ' s office has settled with Traveler ' s Insurance Company , Ms . Werner ' sinsurance com an for the ro ert dama�� to Ms . Werner ' s vehicle. ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: _. _ 2 �6 � I DI8ADVANT�I(iES IF APPFiOVED: �.I� / � Kesearcn (:enter. �AR 2 61�90 , ` DIHADVANTACiE8 IF NOT APPROVED: � �__- - RE�EI�CC� IIM�271� CITY TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT�N a 6 � 2 9 0 _ 7 9 C�T/pEyENVE t�TEp(qpCLH QN� .RES� NO �! �N��� mor� r.; abi i; ty /��YNV�p 09070-0511 FINANCIAL INfORMATION:(EXPL.AII�