90-505 � � 1 G��� L Council File � 9�-.I�OJ Green Sheet # 7763 RESOLUTION � CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3l.}..`�, Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� RESOLVED: That application ID4�30593 for an On Sale Liquor-A, On Sale Sunday Liquor, Restaurant-D, and Entertainment III license by Division Three, Inc. , DBA Mangini's Restaurant (Mary M. Waste, President) at 1177 Clarence Street be and the same is hereby approved. Yeas Navs Ab�sent Requested by Department of: on o w - �— on __ � License and Permit Division cca ee �_ e • man une z son BY� Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 � ��� gorm Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY; � b BY�` `�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by or: Date - MAR 3 U fv�� Council By: .�,-������ By: 't�tlSHED AP R 7 1990 � .. � 9o-soa�" DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCII DATEINITIATED GREEN SHEET NO. i'� � COMTACT PER3�1�PHONE INITIALI DATE �111AL1DATE ��PARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNpL — — ��� �CITY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� lIOUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICE3 DIR. March 29, 1990 ❑"""Y���"�T""� OCouncil Re TOTAL i OF SiQNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: Application for an On Sale Liquor-A, On Sale Sunday Liquor, Entertainment III, and Restaurant-D license. ID4f30593. F�OOMMENOATION8:Approw(p a Rsjsct(f� (�J� pEpppT �TIpNA� _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _qVIL 8ERV1�COMMISSION �µYBT PFIONE N0. _qB COMMITTEE _ _3TAFF _ COMMENT8: _DI3TRICT COURT _ BUPPORT3 WIiICN COUNpI�JECTIVE9 INITIA7IN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�Wh�t.WMn.WMre�Whyg Division Three, Inc. , DBA Mangini's Restaurant, Mary M. Waste, President, request council approval of their application for an On Sale Liquor-A, On Sale Sunday Liquor, Entertainment III, and Restaurant-D license at 1177 Clarence Street. All required fees and applications have been submitted, ail required departments have reviewed and approved this application. License fees of $3,359.88 were paid. ADVANTAOE8IF APPROVED: D18ADVANTACiE8 IP APPROYED: DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: R���lVED �aur►c�► t��..:�_... �n (:e� MAR1419.9p MAR o y �99a CITY �LERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI�1 a COST/REVENUE SUDGETED(CIRCLE ONL� YES NO FUNDINti SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM� FINANdAL INFORAAATION:(EXPUUN) �✓V . .� ' • . �o '✓`�� DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.DMINISTRATION DATE �(Llj�(O l "1 C INTERDF.PARTMFNTAL f�,VIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud � Applicant ��Ut5lG1'l � �Yf'� ��_ Home Address 1U �i0 �. •�- I� �j�--��� y�� C -r_ Ausiness lvame �Q,� Y1L� ,�(,c_f�'TC_ Home Phone �(D (D - 3 �/ Business Address � ��� ��{yP�� c;� . Type of License(s) ('j � t.��_� Sc�� Business Phone `1✓1 `� � �j `��� (�n �10 �_�,�-�, _ � 7�.� Public Hearing Date ���� �� License I.D. 4F — �J ,`?���C���� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counc,il Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� a�{� � ��( 3 llate ATOtice Sent; Dealer 4� ✓l �� to Applicant Pederal Firearms 4� � Public Hearing a ��t�,< <t(,� � i DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS Ap roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D a�a � t ' � Health Divn. ! , ! , i Fire Dept. � � � ; � a� � I Q�, � �'�y� ,, � � Police Dept. � I � C. License Divn. 3} � � �/ i b ! � City Attorney �a � � �i Date Received: Site Plan ����¢1 �t?� To Council Research Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �,a�Q ��v ��,,_����¢ C��-4�tes� - 0 , __ . , . .. CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOI2MATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: . : � . . � Qo_,�3 , Application No. Date Received By CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTO%ICATING LIQUOR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE PRIVATE CLUB INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTORICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 5� in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (type of license) ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LISCENSE 2) Located at (address) 1177 CLARENCE STREET, ST. PAUL, MN. 3) Name under which business will be operated DIVISION THREE, INC. / MANGINI'S RESTAURANTE corp./sole prop./partnership DBA �) True Name MARY MONICA SHELDON WASTE Phone 612-566-3361 (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) Anyone having a 5� interest or more must fill out a separate application. 5) Date of Birth g-14-55 Place of Birth ST. PAUL, MN. (Month, Day, Year) 6) Are you a citizen of the United States? YES Native Naturalized 7) Home Address 723 81st Avenue North BK. Park, MN. Home Telephone 612-566-3361 8) Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? Business/Employment Address HOMEMAKER 9) Married? NO If answer is "yes", list name and address of spouse. , : : . ��'p",yosJ �10) Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of any city ordinance other than traffic? Yes No X Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence 11) Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Federal Tax Stamp will be used. 12) Closest 3.2 Place MANGINI 'S Church 2000 FT + School 2 MILES UOGELS PARKSIDE LOUNGE MARCUS LI UOR 13) Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale Off Sale Q 14) List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. Name Address Mr. and Mrs. MARK MENTH 1416 ANDOVER BLVD. N.W. ANDOVER, MN. 55304 Mr. Michael Tomascak y7yo �v�►;� f�,ENo, G',.Ys��, �°n,� �'y�-� Mr. and Mrs. John Hoerning 4741 Perry Avenue North, Crystal , MN. 55429 15) Address of premises for which application is made 1177 CLARENCE ST. ST. PAUL, MN. Zone Classification B2 Phone 612-774-8725 16) Between what cross streets? CLARENCE ST. & MARYLAND Which side of street? W/SO 17) Are premises now occupied? YES What Business? MANGINI'S RESTAURANTE How iong? 25 years 18) List Iicenses which you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. N/A 19) Have any of the licenses listed by you in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No Zf answer is "yes", list the dates and reasons 20) If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation JANUARY 8 � 19 90 and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 21) List all officers of the corporation, giving their names, office held, home address, and home and business telephone numbers. MARY MONICA WASTE, PRESIDENT, 723 81st Avenue North, Bk. Park, MN. 55444 612-566-3361 BETTY LOU WASTE, TREAS & VICE PRES. , 7464 Abbott Ave. No. , Bk. Park MN. 612-560-4138 MICHAEL ROGER WASTE, SECRETARY 723 81st Avenue North, Bk. Park, MN. 55444 612-566-3361 22) If business is partnership, list partner(s) , address, telephone number, and date of birth. Name Address Phone DOB Name Address Phone DOB 23) Are you going to operate this business personally? YES If not, who wi11 operate it? Name Home Address Phone 24) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? YES If answer is "yes", give name, home address, home phone and date of birth. SCOTT THOMAS WASTE 4106 JOYCE LANE Bk. Center, MN Name Address Phone612-533-0674 DOB 9-6-59 ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTED WILL RESIILT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I herebq state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise, other than alreadq disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) County of Ramsey ) ✓� Subscribed and sworn to before me this . ' a a- o ���h� � \ Signat e of Applicant / Date da of �J�,G(J� , 19 lJ / - � ��;: ���:S.P!UhtB � Notary Public, County, MN �,�•:�y:'" `�;'�"=�_;'°_`�',.�':���TA �. Ii'�.i t�. �L�1F•.r� �iy Ccr�missi�n Expfres Sept 20, 1995 My commission expires g.aC7"' � � rr Rev. 2/88 .� , � �. � G,c q� `sD�- Application No. Date' Received Bq CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION FOR ON SALE INTO%ICATING LIQIIOR LICENSE SUNDAY ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE PRIVATE CLUB INTORICATING LIQUOR LICENSE OFF SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LICENSE ON SALE MALT BEVERAGE LICENSE ON SALE WINE LICENSE Directions: This form must be filled out with typewriter or bq printing in ink by the sole owner, by each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of 57 in the corporation and/or association in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC 1) Application for (type of Iicense) ON SALE INTOXICATING LIQUOR LISCENSE 2) Located at (address) 1177 CLARENCE STREET, ST. PAUL, MN. 3) Name �nder which busiaess will be operated DIVISION THREE, INC. / MANGINI 'S RESTAURANTE corp./sole prop./partnership DBA 4) True Name BETTY LOU JOHNSON WASTE Phone (612) 560-4138 . (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) Anyone having a 5� interest or more must fill out a separate application. 5) Date of Birth 11-24-28 Place of Birth NEW CAMBRIA, KANSAS (Month, Day, Year) 6) Are you a citizen of the United States? YES Native Naturalized 7) Home Address 7464 ABBOTT AVENUE N0. BROOKLYN PARK, MN Home Telephone 612-560-4138 8) Including your present business/employment, what business/employment have you followed for the past five years? ' Business/Employment Address PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE COMPANY HIGHWAY 12, MINNEAPOLIS, MN. 9) Married? WIDOWED If answer is "yes", list ngme and address of spouse. ; , . (�,�---- Q�SoS— 10) Have you ever been convicted of any felony, crime, or violation of anq city ordinance other than traffic? Yes � No X Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge ' Conviction Sentence 11) Retail Beer Federal Tax Stamp Retail Federal Tax Stamp will be used. I2) Closest 3.2 Place MANGINI 'S Church- 2000 ft. + School 2 MILES VOGELS � 13) Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale PARKSIDE LOUNGE Off Sale MARCUS LIQUOR 14) List the names and residences of three persons of Ramsey County of good moral character, not related to the applicant or financially interested in the premises or business, who may be referred to as to the applicant's character. � Name Address Mr. and Mrs. John Hoerning 4741 PERRY AVENUE NORTH CRYSTAL, MN. 55429 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Menth 4717 QUAIL AVENUE NORTH, CRYSTAL, MN. 55429 Mr�._ Michael Tomascak �/'��p ��i4i'�, Av� /(f�, C��,�,/j�jv Ss��� 15) Address of premises for which application is made 1177 CLARENCE STREET, ST. PAUL, MN. Zone Classification B2 Phone 612-774-8725 16) Between what cross streets?� CLARENCE ST. & MARYLAND Which side of street? W/S0. 17) Are premises now occupied? YES What Business? MANGINI 'S RESTAURANTE How long? 25 YEARS 18) List licenses which you currently hold, or formerly held, or may have an interest in. NONE 19) Hane any of the Iicenses listed by you in No. 18 ever been revoked? Yes No If answer is "yes", list the dates and reasons • - , . . � � �j0-5os JANUARY 8, 90 20) If business is incorporated, give date of incorporation , 19 and attach copy of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. 21) List all officers of the corporation, giving their names, office held, hame address, and home and business telephone numbers. ab ��SMARY MONICA WASTE, PRESIDENT, 723 81st Avenue North, Bk. Park, MN. 612-566-3361 0 g�6ETTY LOU WASTE, TREASURER/VICE PRES 7464 Abbott Ave. No. Bk. Park, MN. 612-560-4138 0 ���MICHAEL ROGER WASTE, SECRETARY 723 81st Avenue No. Bk Park, MN. 612-566-3361 22) If business is partnership, list partner(s), address, telephone number, and date of birth. Name Address Phone DOB Name Address Phone DOB 23) Are you going to operate this business personally? N� If not, who �ill operate it? Name MARY M. WASTE Home Address 723 81st Avenue No. Phone 612-566-3361 24) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? YES If answer is "yes", give name, home address, home phone and date of birth. Name Scott Thomas Waste Address 4106 Joyce Ln. Bk Cent��one 533-0674 �B 9-6-59 ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATERIAL SUBMITTID WZLL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have answered all of the above questions, and that the informatioa contained therein is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I herebq state further under oath that I have received no money or other consideration, by way of loan, gift, contribution, or otherwise, other than alreadq disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. State of Minnesota ) ) County of Ramsey ) Subscribed and sworn to before me this � d Signa of pplicant ate � day of , 19 � Notary Public, �tJ County, MN a M�in�MnMnnMn.v�MMMrnnMnnMP:�-� �1�2.. ` �n'° �,rr � n �>� � Mq commission expires s e r�.... _, � a;if.�•� . .. ... _ .. . . . .:i:i? � ,.` + 4 . , � � �..:.y:l .!'�'r :.,�i .... �.;. :' Rev. 2/88 4 . x�^•�%o vY`��vv�n�v'v��.•,•,,vy�/V,r:vYVV•s'�r V.���ll l'��� -��� SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE . LICENSE APPLICATION RECEIVED ��s��o � CITY CLERK FILE NO. Dear Property Owners: L30593 Application for an On Sale Liquor(A) , Sunday Liquor, PURPOSE Entertainment III & Restaurant(D) license. APPLICANT Division Three Inc dba Mangini's Restaurant (Mary Waste-President) LOCATION 1177 Clarence Street March 29, 1990 9:00 a.m. HEARING City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Hall - Court House, Saint Paul , Minnesota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowiedge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.