90-453 �a � � � � � 1 � � �� � �1i1`�i � ' � Council l�ile #` �� J�,3 Green sheet # ���/� SOLUTION `'� ITY OF S I T PAUL, MIN ESOTA I� - 4 � �-- Presented By � j/ Referred T ��� Committee: Date ��� ��� U v WHEREAS, The Department of Community Services, Division of Libraries, will receive funding from the Friends of the St. Paul Public Library for the Launch a Young Reader Program, and WHEREAS, This program will target child care centers primarily in the Thomas-Dale and Summit-University areas of St. Paul to help develop a positive attitude toward books and reading among young children, and WHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget, and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget: COMMUNITY SERVICES - LIBRARIES C�nent Budget Changes Amended Budget FINANCING PLAN 350-33422 - Friends of the Library 6905 Donations-outside 174,000 55,000 229,000 $174,000 $55,000 $229,000 SPENDING PLAN 350-33422-0121 Part-time Cert. -0- 19,048 19,048 0219 Fees-other -0- 5,000 5,000 0221 Postage -0- 252 252 0241 Printing-Outside 3,000 700 3,700 0369 Other-office supp. 6,000 640 6,640 0381 Books, Period., etc 55,000 28,503 83,503 0439 Fringe Benefits -0- 857 857 various other codes 11 110-000 174,0(� 55,000 229,000 , ORIGINAL�. �� �9° �5� RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. Appr d as t d ng: Approval Recommended: � ,I irector Budget ector Finance an Management Services Y� Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: imon _�_ oswi z I on �— acca ee � e ma une s. son BY� ; V � Adopted by Council: Date MAY 2 2 1990 Form Approved�by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: � v� , �-; BY' L�i�i�'!/f �-v Oi � 'J APProved by Mayor for Subanisaion to Council Approved b Mayor: Date ��MAY 2 3 i990 �� � j By: %✓.c'�i/���"/. By: .�!,���-s//�' Pli�l.1SHED J UN - 2 1990, � � c rn �r�'�5� � DEPARTM[NTIOFFICE/COUNpI DATE INITIATED R6CEIVW Communit services - �ibrary o2/t4/90 GREEN SHEET No. 5510 OONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �NmAU DATE INITIAUDATE = DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Gera 1 d Steenber 292-6211 �� cm�rroRNer _ �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNqI AOENDA 8Y(DATE) ROU71N0 BUDOET DIl9ECTOR�_�A 'B�VICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSIST ��� TOTAL#�OF SIONATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81�NATURE� �AE�,E�D: REC�I FEB 2 i yg�;� Approval of Counci 1 Resolution FEB 1 4 19 0 .r � oO�eNOnnoN8:Mw�W a�1�(� COUNCIL REPORT _PIANNINO COAAMISSION _pVIL SERVK�COMMI8810N ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIB COMMIITEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _D18TRICT COURT _ BUPPORTS N1Fi1CH COUNpL OBJECTIVE7 INITUTINO Pi�BLEM,�86UE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.Wh�t,WINn.WMn.Why): The Friends of the Library have granted $55,000 for the Launch A Young Reader Child Care Project. This project will be located in the Lexingt� Branch Library. It will develop preplanned storytime kits that will be used by child care centers, purchase materials appropriate for infants thru 6 years and develop reading lists. L�brary staff paid for by this grant will work directly with child care centers on developing and implementing this project. ADVM(TAt�E81F APPROVED: This projects aims for early intervention to attack beginnings of illiteracy. Target area will be primarily the Thomas-Dale and Summit-University areas, at least 15 child care centers, preschools, and Headstart programs which include an:' estimated 650 children are in this area and would benefit from this project. . v�� DlSADHANTA(iE81F APPROVED: �,41�0 � NoNE '� ��,R� RECE1vED C��� G �EB 231990 BUD�EY OFFICE OISADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED: Children in child care centers will not have a special project aimed at promoting their development of a reading appetite. �` (:ouncU Kesearch Center, MAR 131990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANi11CT10N = SS.rOQA C08T/11EV�lUE lUDOETED(CIRCI.E OlIE) YEE � ����� Friends nf thP I i hr�r� gr�nt �cnv�rr N� 331422 FlNMIdAL INFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) �/y � � r f /� t � ! -a '�"�� ����� �� . r-, , r' � �� Council File # (�� ,5,3 Green Sheet # ���/Q � SOLUTION ��-� ITY OF S 1 T PAUL, MINNESOTA ;, I fj �' � - �.-. �__ P esented By , Referred T �-,f ..GGLC�i'� Committee: Date � �-2'� � WHEREAS, The Department of Community Services, Division of Libraries, will receive funding from the Friends of the St. Paul Public Library for the La.unch a Young Reader Program, and WHEREAS, This program will target child care centers primarily in the Thomas-Dale and Summit-University areas of St. Paul to help develop a positive attitude toward books and reading among young children, and VVHEREAS, The Mayor, pursuant to section 10.07.01 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget, and ' �� WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget: t . : COMMUrTITY SERVICES - LIBRARIES C�rrent Budget Changes Amended Budget FINANCING PLAN 350-33422 - Friends of the Library 6905 Donations-outside 174.000 5 0 0 22_ 9.000 $174,000 $55,000 $229,000 SPENDING PLAN 350-33422-0121 Part-ti.me Cert. -0- 19,048 19,048 0219 Fees-other -0- 5,000 5,000 0221 Postage _a 252 252 0241 Printing-Outside 3,000 700 3,700 0369 Other-office supp. 6,000 640 6,640 � 0381 Books, Period., etc 55,000 28,503 83,503 0439 Fringe Benefits -0- 857 857 various other codes 110,000 110.000 174,000 55,000 229,000 i � o � i �� NA � . �� � �9°�-�5� RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. ` Appr d as t d ng: Approval Recommended: n �� Financeran Management Services Budget� � ector � � �_ :... Yeas Navs Absent Re ested b De artment of: .zmon � y p oswitz � � on tacca ee � ettman une .z son By: � � / � f � y I l Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved' by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary � ,� By: By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor: Date / ' gy; �. :���L�l'�i�/ By: p ����� DEPAATM[NT/OFFICEICOUNCIL ' DATE INITIATED n�C����Q � Communit services - �ibrary o2/14/90 GREEN SHEET No. 5510 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE . INITIAU DATE� INITIAUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR I�I � ASSIf3N Gera l d Steenber 292-6211 NUMBEA FOH cirr ArroaNev �c�TM c�ERK MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY(OATE) ORDER O BUDCiET DIRECTOR _ f� A p�I,��I�s"�,��qy�CES DIR, � 1 MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN �� TOTAL�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) _�� � � ��'� ACTION REQUESTED: . F�� 2 � . R�CEI i9�� Approval of Counci 1 Resolution � � FEB 1 4_ 19 0 � ! :'�� �' "r'i?��'•r a�-•� RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Rejeet(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ' ' ' ° '�-'t t:`:L„ • @S _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT CpURT _ ' SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OB.IECTIVET - � INITIATING PqOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Wh�n,Whero,Why): , The Friends of the Library have granted $55,000 for the Launch A Young�Reader Child Care Project. This project will be located in the Lexington Branch Library. It will develop preplanned storytime kits that will be used by child care centers, purchase materials appropriate for infants thru 6 years and develop reading lists. L�brary staff paid for � by this grant will work directly with child care centers on developing and implementing this project. - _ ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: �� ` This projects aims for early intervention to attack beginnings of .illiteracy _ Target area will be primarily the Thomas-Dale and Summit-University areas, , at - � least 15 child care centers, preschools, and Headstart programs which include 'an:' esti�mated 650 children are in this area and would benefit from this project. . �:, ...., , „'r:- - � ,�� .: .=. " . _ ..�.z VFt? , : - DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: , ���0,90- . NONE . ��� ���� . .:;.RECEIVED . . _ . . -- �`�� � _FEB 2 31990 . - � . : : BUDG�7 OF�10E , OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: . , _..... "' ..' �. � - •> _. �•, Children in child care centers will not have a special project aimed at promoting��_their . development of a reading appetite. ,� .', ' � �� - _ . � :. �auncii t�esearch�Center, � _�:- . . . '� � MAR 13 i990 � . ; . � �TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s S�i Q,O(1 � e COST/REVENUE BUD(iETED(CIRCLE ONE) . YES _ � FUNDING SOURCE Fri Pnds �f thP I i hr�r�r grant ACTIVITY NUMBER ��a77 " FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(D(PLAIN) . -• - - ll.w . . ��o- �s� ,�_ GITY OF SAINT PAUL '°�i'�;a'"- OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL x �. �...�" . PAULA MACCABEE Counc�lparson SUSAN ODE Legisiative Aide Members: Paula Maccabee, Chair Bob Long Janice Rettman _ Date: May 9, 1990 COMMITTEE REPORT HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES, AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Human Services, Regulated Industries, and Rules and Policy Committee for: March 28, 1990; April 11, 1990; and April 17, 1990. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL,3-0 �; ��--2. Advisory Committee on Aging. Resolution 89-2297 (substitute) . Laid over l - ' ' from February 14, 1990, Human Services, Regulated Industries and Rules & Policy Committee. FOR ACTION. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS, 3-0 3. Taxicab Licenses. Recommendations and Draft Ordinance. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A ONE-MONTH LAYOVER TO THE JUNE 13, 1990, HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING, 2-0, 1 ABSTAINING 4. Conflict of Interest. Ordinance. FOR ACTION. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED A ONE-MONTH LAYOVER TO THE JUNE 13, 1990, HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES _AND POLICY COMMITTEE MEETING, 4-0 __ _ __---- - ---- -_. __ --- . _ 5. Young Reader Program. Resolution 90-453. FOR ACTION. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 / -- ---- __ ______ —___-----._____. __ 6. Resolution 90-614 and 90-634 -- Application for Off Sale 3.2 Malt Beverage License. Applied for by Walgreen's, 734 Grand. Application I.D. #98232. FOR ACTION. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF LICENSE APPLICATION (RESOLUTION 90-614), 3-0, AND COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF LICENSE RENEWAL (RESOLUTION 90-634), 3-0 CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 S�46 Printed on Recycled Paper