90-448 Return copy to: � 0 R i G I N A L Council File � 0 '��O R�al Estate Division - Room 218 City Hall (JS) (Beverly) Green Sheet � ��,�.3 _ RESOLUTION ,--�--�� '' l CI OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ' ( i � U ' ��J Presented By a�'�=� �. Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS , the City Council adopted Council File #90-267 dated February 241, 1990, said resolution being the Ratification of Assessments for the SIDEWALK RECONSTRUCTION on Southwest Side Beverly Road from Eustis Street to approximately 760 feet southeasterly of Eustis Street identified as Finance and Management File No. 5-88-11; and WHEREAS , the property at 2436 Beverly Road being legally described as: SEly 1/2 of Lot 45 and all of Lot 44 , Block '22 , Desnoyer Park with the Property Identification Number of 32-29-23-24-0072 , was assessed the amount of $92 . 16; and WHEREAS , after investigating the complaint of the proper.ty owner, said Assessement amount should be changed to $50. 4P! based on a reduction in the front foo.tage of his property. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the assessment is changed from $92 . 16 to $50 . 40; and FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $41 . 76 to be funded by the 1988 Public Improvement Aid Funds. �Y,��s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: s n on sw z �'— on � Finance nagement Serv' e acca ee e man � une i son �_ T BY� ' ector � �y'7J Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 2 1990 Form App ed by ity A torney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By. , `�� BY� ����/.U�.,c. i/J� 1�L7'.l� �" ����7(� � '�� �� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date MAR � 3 E��i�% Council , ? ���,� -� By. �/��� By: ���� � PUBiiSHED i`�di�,R � 11990 - - (,'r!a - ��d� PAR [NT UNqL DATE INITIATED �in�,.�e'�ea�l Est�te Division 3/2/90 . GREEN SHEET No. $9��T�A� ��A��R�ohn�aumweber 298-5317 �J DEPARTMENT OIRECTOR �cmr coun2�� �M�� �CITY ATTORNEY Q CITY CLEFiK M�lST 8E ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(OATE) ROUTNiO �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MOT.SERVIf�3 DIR. , �r�voa�oR�srnrm [� Council Research TOTAL�k OF SIQNATURE PAOE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REWJESTED: Approve the attached Council Resolution to reduce the assessment amount for a property assessed for the reconstruction of sidewalk on Beverly Road. Finance File No. 5-88-11 Assessment No. 3526 REO�MENOn�s:Nx+�+W o►�(� COUIiGt.COIMMI OPTIONAL _PLANNINO CObiM18810N _qVIL 8ERV1�COMM13810P1 �NA�Y8T PFIONE NO. _q8 COA�IIITEE _ � A sT� _ — °°�"'E"'�: MAR 6 1990 � _DISTAICT COURT _ SUPPORT8 WNICH COUNdL OBJECTIVET (1F1��il.t l`3t� r H�. UIF�ECTQR C I TY aT��,����� Ward 4 k INRIATINO PROBLEM,�ssue,o�oRn,Nmr�,wnu,wn.�,wn«.,wn�: ,��y� �ANAG�MENT SERVICES Property was incorrectly assessed for sidewalk:reconstruction. � �ov�r�r�oes iF�veo: Property will be assessed correctly. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The reduction amount will have to be financed • by 1.988 PIA and not from assessments. DISADVANTAGE8IF NOT APPROVEA: To not approve the correction would leave incorrect assessments on the property. ����� Council Research Genter �15�� MAR ].31990 ' _ TOTAL AMOUNT.OF TRANSACTIOM i �S 41.7 6) COST/REVENUE�1lDOETED(GRq.E 01�) YE8 NO FUNDING SOUl�E 1988 PiA ACTIVITY NUMSER 2���3 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPlA1N) ��