90-412 S P'r ! 9t `t � � �E 0-��f+ �•��� � . � . ° Council File � �� ` Green Sheet # RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � \ �' Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 RESOLUTION CONCERNING STATE LEGISLATION 5 DEALING WITH DOMESTIC VIOLENCE 6 7 8 9 10 11 WHEREAS, domestic violence continues to be one of this country's most serious problems; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has expressed its concem about this issue and passed a 14 resolution on September 21, 1989 requesting the City Attomey's of�ice to create a special Family 15 Violence Prosecution Unit to enhance domestic abuse prosecutions; and 16 17 WHEREAS, the abuse of alcohol and controlled substances is often a contributing factor in 18 domestic violence; and 19 20 WHEREAS, there is legislation currently being considered by the legislature concerning domestic 21 violence; 22 23 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of 24 Saint Paul supports legislation that would require city and county prosecutors to develop and 25 implement a written plan to improve prosecution of domestic abuse cases; and 26 27 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council supports legislation that would address 28 problems involving Order For Protection violations; and 29 1� OR1 � � � .- - ��o ��.� ! N A�L 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council supports an increase in state wide funding 3 for programs to aid the victims of domestic violence and to expand the availability of domestic 4 abuse advocates for battered women; and 5 6 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council calls upon the Saint Paul Legislative 7 Delegation to publicly support this type of legislation; and 8 9 BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Clerk of the City of Saint Paul send a copy of this 10 resolution to each member of the Saint Paul Legislative Delegation at their offices at the State 11 Capital. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon �- oswi z �— on �— acca ee � e man une � i son --- By' Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 2 199 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary gY: � / �BY� � �2�-�' �'�"��-�/� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date MAR 2 3 i��u Council B � ��✓�G�1'��j By. y• � rl�l.iSHED ��AR 311990. . . � ��� `'',� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6111'lli'll ' . OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: Bob Long, Chair Paula Maccabee Tom Dimond BOB L�NG Councilmember COMMITTEE REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE MARCH 2, 1990 1. Resolution 90-308 concerning state legislation dealing with "once through" heatin4 and coolin4 svstems. Approved as amended 2. Resolution concerning state legisiation dealing with domestic violence Newly introduced resolution+approved CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 s�aa Printed on t00qa Recycled Paper �2 a''� ...:ri, L `, ��� /�� ^1 �� I'� ! _�`_ s f'�y`�;�.':. `��! � '`Q v �,��•� \�V'� � � -'wf"*i "; � c� Ci l � , ,: �.:{ . {�:r •; �� March 15, 199� � t f�- ' F :� ' h t R a i l Transit line in the � ; r ;� ._;. � o���g construction o f a U g h state an d fe de r a l ,� . s � g0�413 - S�P P qvenue to be f un d e d t h ro ulonal prope�Y tax e s ,�� R e s o l u tion - U�i v e r si t y o r re g 1!: �j returned later:� �• � Corndor a lo n g Re9��nal Trans i t B o a r d's � . i Midway o osing use of fa a� S'�pportin9 n�� . sources� PP o be laid over one ,, � . , � finance the LR7, s B and C separate. (r, ,:.� -,. � io ;n Group :; ��ommendations in k fo a�ion - Intergovernmental Comm�tte6 recommende ' i0 of the Legislatiue- ' week to March 22nd ��S �tem be laid o �;; � ln le al descri roval) �'�� 4 9 9 P�„�. . aPP i,1.: "'een Armstrong ar� ". pfter some discussion Counciimember Dimo�Nays V� �,`�ij , `� ' indefinitely Yeas - 6 q�; iwitz, this ordin� � Adopted � �nued. ` �id over indefinitely. ressmen to publicly ;��� � Cong reement. � � _ - ��14 _ Calling upon Senators a�podd Ghild C�'e Ag ;_� i Resolution " levels set by Ha��n� ►ntergovernmental ' t 19' se reduction of fundin9 x� i y f� o f t h e L e g i s l a U v e . .o p P� �. ! a �a;d over on e w e e k t o�'March 22nd �Of a�1O� . '� S _on the east side; (fo b rov ) } ' Street to the so Committee recommends aPP tion. ' ° ` ° ' La,id over to March 22nd for adop � er and gurdick,members ;�� .�r,` , u on Senators Durenburg �� � �tM : �� } , r,; - Resolution -9p-415-Ca��'�g p one week to March 22nd for 20. ittee on the Environment Ve d Pubiic Works to st�►ke Sect►on '' ' int. � � of the Senate Comm o be laid o }3� roval) :�_ � ' S19 ftom the Ciean Air Ac�• C�. ,�. t � vw� overnmental Committee recommends app �--�; action - Inter9 tion. :�:� � i,;��y; Laid over to March 22�d for ado p ��; r: s on'once through'- � '�� ` ittee recommends � PUBLIC HEAR�NGS h Vance for a lot sp��W�h variance for �-�; � � uest of Josep � y j t , Goswitz and Wilson /Z�, � Hearing to consider the req � o�Stating his off�ce ' resented his staff rep � x;: _ properry located at 12�� ea ed and P 12 Gr�g9s, hborhood with concerns on ° ""�� ining to financial Chuck McGuire of PED app eO 1e in�e neig He eXp�ained the �. ` � a - has received 38 phone ca��s ftom p p ��t and he said it appears the � `4 `` � n d itions, ma�ntenance and operation of the building• ^ �' `:resolution. . the co 1 in for the lot sp over in order for staff to {�, �� ,: �s � applicant's intent when first apand he requested a lay �5 :'`: '� , inteM is not the same today hborhood concerns as wel► as the 1� ' ' ested a minimum of � det fac�s before us. �, ' rt '": Ciry and Couniy. investigate and m�nt and he suggn of neig over to g � .': rove prosecution of.: ` intent of the app oke in suppo�of lay uested when i��S t:�, t * � oke in suppo�of lay over and req ��g problems invoiving Councilmember Wilson also sP hcant's financial capabdities and ' 22nd for action =_ : _ Councilmember Rettman S hotographs,the app k` before Council again that p over. ,; y �� , o rt s b e made available. _ ,'; _ all inspection re p rov a l o f a 6 0 da Y �a y for se v e n y e a r s f � ^ fO e� for three 4:,;� Councilmember Macca bee moved app � Joseph Vance appeared and said he has owned�te P P ne into the 'i� ed in his job he has been �ou�t oawork andJnioeyY �b ers .�, ; and he explain �t an e�ensive a ears vvith Potentia uY ��F"�° - years. He said he has p ' .� �: have been o vA an FHA loans because of two homes on . z ro erties and they _ � u`h � who have had trouble obtaining S "� ,;� � - (Discussion continued on follow►n9 pa9e) �: �#� �:. 'l � � `� ��, 165 I! r- t r k ;� -yS . . t� .�; w� . � �' - � .� ��` � - �1`��q '? ...�_"�l . -— �� � ' . -- _ . ''... .. -- 4 :... � ._'"... _'_ } ' ' �_'t.