90-390 , 0 R I�G 1�N A L Council File # �;� l� Green Sheet � 5859 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �q� � _, Presented �B Referred To � Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 4�30163) for renewal of a State Class C Gambling License by Our Lady of Guadalupe Church at 408 Main Street, be and the same is hereby approved/t�e�e�. Y� Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: zmon oswz z �— �n �— acca ee e ms � ane –� z son BY� a �R 1 � '��� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: 2��-�d By' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date MAR Council glr; ��i�a�°�c' By' �.��i�E� � ; . ;� � i . Q . .. . ��a-�g� DEPART�A[NTlOFFI�EICOUNCII DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 5 8 5 9 Finance License iNm�v a►re INITIAUDATE OONTACT PER�N 8 PMONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV OOUNpI Christine Rozek-298-5056 N�� �ciTV ATro�N�' �CITY Ct.ERK MUST BE ON CWNCIL AQENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO �BUDGET DIHECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERVICEB OIFi. 3-13-90 ❑�Y�����TA� � Cetmr i 1 R TOTA�#�OF SIQNATURE PAQES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SK4NATURE) ACTION REOUESTEO: Approval of an application for renewal of a State Class C Gambling License. Notification Date: 2-23-90 Hearing Date: 3-13-90 RECO�AMENDA7�ONS:Mparo W a R�a(i� COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCFI AEPORT OPTIONAL _PLANPqNO OOMMISSION _pVll 8ERVICB COMMI8810N ANALY8T PFIONE PIO. _dB OOMMfiTEE _ _BTAFF _ COMMENT8: _D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORT8 WHICH OOUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 INIM7IW(i PROBLEM�188UE�OPPORTUNITY(Who�Nfhtl.When�WMes.Why): Marie Snyder on behalf of Our Lady of Guadalupe Church requests City Council approval of their application for renewal of a State Class C Gambling License at 4f�8 Main Street. All fees and applications have been submitted. Gambling sessions are held Thursday afternoons between the hours of 1:30 - 5:30 PM. Proceeds from the bingo session are used to support Guadalupe Church & School. �wvnHrnoesiF�w�o: If Council approval is given, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church will continue to sponsor a gambling session at 408 Main Street. as�wv�rrr�s��o: DISADVANTIU�ES IF NOT APPROVED: RECEIVED 1�AR01��� t;uunc�► Kesearcn �;en�ter, c��r c1.�K FEB 2 719�0 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/pEYENtlE SNDOETED(CIRq.E ON� YE8 NO FUNDtNG SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMeER FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) �� � . . _ . . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS AIaE INCLUDED IN THE(iREEN SHEE�IN3TRVCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINCii OF�ICE(PHONE NO.29�-4225). FiOUTINCi ORDER: Bebw are pref�rred rouNnps for ths fhre m�t frequent types of dxumeMs: CONTRACTS (aswrtiss auttwrized COUNGL R�SOLUTION (Amend, Bd�ts./ budqst exiqs) Accept.GraMS) 1. Outside A�enCy 1. DepsRmsM Director 2. Initiating Department 2. Budgat Diroctor 3. City Attomey 3. City Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. MayodA�ant 5. Finarx:e&M�mt 3vca. Director S. qty Coundl 6. Flnance Accpunting 6. Chief AcrAUntaM, Fln�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE�iDER (�t, OOUNC�L RESOt.UTION (�O�)N�� 1. kctivity Mane� 1. Initiatir��partment�recta� 2. D�peRment/►ccouMant 2• �Y An��Y 3. Deputmont Dinctor 3. MayoNAabtau�t 4. Budqst DireCtOr 4. City COItnCit 5. qry Clerk 8. Chi�f AccouMant.Fi�d�Nlgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (eH ott�srs) 1. Initiating Dspartmertt . 2. City Attomsy 3. May�oNA�Nent 4. Gty Gerk TOTAI.NUMBER OF SI(iNATURE PAQES Indicds ths#of pagse on whkh�natures are required and�a�CN e�ch of these ee. ACTION REQUE3TED paecribe what th�project/roquNt s�eks to axomplbh in sithsr chrorwlopi- cal order w order of imporhncs�wh�hswr is most appropriate�ths iasue. Do n�wr1M oomplets ssnte�. 8sgfn each itsm in y�wr Ilat with a verb. RECONAMENDATIONS Complete if ths isws in qusstbn ha besn preMnt�d b�foro ury body, public a private. 8URPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indk:aM which Council ob)sctivs(a)Y�P�nQ��PP�bY��� ths key word(s)(HOUSINO, RECFiEATION. NEIOHBORHOODS.EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET, SEWER 3EPARATION).(3EE COMPLETE U3T IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITTEFJRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIOIdAL A3 RECfUE3TED BY COUNqL INITIATING PROBLEM, 18SUE,OPPORTUNiTY Exptafn the situation or caMitions that created a need for your project or requ�t. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED � Indicate wrhethsr thfe fe Nmply an annwl budp�t procedure roquirad by law/ chaRer or wh�ther tMre aro spsciHc in which the qry of Saint Paul and its citizens will beneflt from thb pr�t/action. DISADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED What negative effects or major chenpea to•xtstirip or past pra�sses might • this project/requsst produce if it is pe�sed(s.g.,traiflc delays, noiee, tax increasss or eassstme�ts)�To Whom?When4 For hoMr bng? DISADVANTA(3ES IF NOT APPROVED 11Yhat will be ths neyetive cans�qwnces if the prornised action is not approved?Inability to dsliver asrvice4 CoMinued hi�hh traHic, noise, axident rats?loss of rovenue4 FINANGAL IMPACT Although you must teilor the iMorm�tfon you proride here to the issue you aro add�ng,in�sneral you must answer taro qusstions: How much ie it 9��9 to coat?Who ia qoin�to P�yI . . . . - .��o ;�� DIVISION OF I.ICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ` � (�/ � �7 INTERDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn roce sed/Rece'ved y �U.►�' �ad-� D� l.1Ua�k �k}� (_�uC� w Lic Enf Aud Applicant Address /�Q rl Fi Jy��q� ,•- Rusiness Iv`ame Home Phone `�l..�t.�3 �• c.L ,�pQn-�-e[,c►�- Business Address �� �Q�i� o� � Type of License(s) C�Q SS C �,Utny�� 7 Business Phone 6n I Q m � �� Public Hearing Date � (� License I.D. �l � [� /co3 at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Cha bers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �l �'.J ,L� llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� ��� to Applicant � -�-�'n rederal Firearms 46 �f A' Pub.lic Hearing DATE INSPECTIUN REVI�,W VERFIED (COMPUTER) CUMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D � N�r4 Health Divn. ' ; ��� � � Fire DepC. � ��� � i I � Police Dept. ' s�.,�- i c j ���v � f fy��� o �� License Divn. � ��� � ' �� � City Attorney � -���jt�; �� Date Received: Site Plan NI�- a�-� -�1V To Council Research �- Lease or Letter Date from Landlord � (p �J(� CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOFtMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: - %% • • • � City of Saiac Paul � � . Finance and :ianagement Servicesi License & Permit Division L���-3�0 2NFORMATZON REQUiRID WZTH aPPLiCaTZON FOR PER.�iiT TO CONDUCT C�ARiTABLE GaMBLZ�G GaME iY SAI:JT PAUL (To be used with the following: ;Tew a � C application, renew � S C Licenses, and new and reaew B ia Private Clubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applyiag for license i � �t,l�/' �.�t� �� d.r lc �- ✓C f-� 2. Address vhere games will be held ����,�{/ � �'��,l�/� �l�f�/Q e'� Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application wEto will coaduct� operate and manage Gambling Games �� � � Date of Birth /Z ,?�. � (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organization � g �l�a�� 4. Address of Manager o���3 �o G�L+��l//I��J dh�G[i..��/�/l�/ c��� O q Number St eet City Zip S. Day, dates, and hours [his application is for J�. 4�Q.aai►cr�� l:;3lJ— s% '' d �/� 6. Zs the applicant or organization organized under the laws of the State of MN? � 7. Date of incorporation / 9 'r� 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesota � f 'J r 9. How Iong has organitatioa been in existence? �-� �/ftq�1� 10. How long has orgaaization been in existence in St. Paul? � � �' R�i� 11. What is the purpose of the organization? r � 12. Officers of applicant organization: Name Naae -Pin� Address �3Q �- _ Address �,(, Q� l�G��ix-� Title DOB 7 Titlel��1 /1/ DOB • 3 Name ��,�i Name ,A ��✓�-Q/1� Address �'���? � ��lm,c.2"c.c.c�� Address i��+�,Q' ,�s,yc� �i}ei � �i�,..� �? �---- - Title �'l,Q//i,/ DOB t t� z Title DOB 4 � 13. Give names of officers, or any other persons who are paid for services to the organization. Name �/ Name ,� Addrzss � Address Title Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) ._ � • • • . ��o�9� 14. attached hereto is a Iist of names and addresses of all members of the organization. 15. Ia whose custody wi11 organization's records be kept? Name ��t.v2_ e�- ����/ Adaress �C��3 Co _ o 16. List all persons with the auchority to siga cheaks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: 'Name �I�.A.t.c.¢.� `i� i�� Name ,�-�.�w JI- � - address ��5/ 3 � � Address ��O �/J�� Member oE Member of DOB t z Organization? �� DOB 7 '� Organization? � Name �pw,a�x,ci" �.eM.P�e/ Name Address �2r�r�5� Address ber of Member of DOB / Organization? � DOB Organization? I7. a) Does your organization pay or intend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes no �,U b) Zf you do pay accounting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name � Address L� �pg ✓ Member of Organization? �/ c) How are the `accoanting fees charged out? (flat fce, hourly, etc.) l� 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the pronisions of all laws, ordi aaces, aad regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling games? 19. Attached hereto oa the fosm furnished by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes alI receipts, expenses, and disbnrsemeats of the applicant organiza— tion. as well as aIl organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepared, and verified by y��s, e � ,�-;-=�—�..c� �'�f�� � .l�'.r.•e� � Address who is the � /� of the applicant organization. Name 20. Operator of premises where games will be held: Name � /1�--.� �� /.��Li1i�tJ Busiaess Address c-�/� � , Home Address � ,���":.��"-J . r ' ' ' ' q�p _3?p 21. Amount of rent paid by applicant organization for rent of the hall : . : . . . . . . . . . � ,/ m�.c�� . �. . . : . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . 22. The proceeds of the games will be dis6ursed after deductirtg prize lalyout costs and operating expenses for the followiqg purposes artd�_uses: � � � Any changes desired by the applicant association may be made only with the consent of the City Council . � . r nizat on ame i�'�� `� Date: / � a gy; � Manager in Charge of G me �,�".Gt> �h �I:Q�Bv�sLJYY1�.Z2«J Organi�tion President or CEO � o°r a° z r� �o . � c z � oAi o � � c rr e+ !D rr ,� c a �G et -s fD fD Or (�D O '�S A � 'G O � cG e+ � Cf � �G � � � � 3 e,�, . � � ^ �� -+� Q' fD + S C � O �n,MnMMM a , r, 1A G . . p„ �p � � cp —� -�N . 3 3�' '=�� . 7 G. O � � � m 3 7 t* f�D tn � � � �e � ;t!.h � ,i� '�'A C, � ty ..�i. p � N N z �- �p �• � I et � A � fD O � o � 'xC � f N � 7' O � \- � � �+ �<_ �.� O e'h 7r N � `!' a � C'� 'S tA � �S � fD• Q► � vvv � c�i���' � (�I►.�C � N � � �. N K 1�T � � � N �o O I a -•. O � � S O a��o A • C Q [D tn r. c ��N '� �7 fD '� fD � � y � � � N tG O S O e* ? j� in o .+. lp fD •� 'S I 7 S � ► gD fAD C� � 3 � � 3 9�r fl+ e* \ �IWVVVVVNVW w ? (p -r- � � � y � 0 I r. N 1D e'h 7r e'f < 7• fD V� V� � O S � fD fD� � � � N � f0 Q1 G. Or � N N O � c1• � C. O 'L •� -�• p � �h O ;. . N 1 „ '• . , . . City ot Saint Paul Pa�s 1 /��_ Deparcaene ot Finaaee and I�anagam�nc Serviees / �QQ�3 9� • Dirisioo ot Licaasa md Yessie Adsiaistration �v� tJNIF�D6li CIiARITAELE G�Il�LI�C TINAtiCW. REYOR? Dat� � t. Ra�a o! Orpni:acion �w���t.��[/ �� • • 2. Addr�ss vhers Qusit�bl� Ca�blin� is eosdaet�d y�� `��c� �.� �(1�� 3. R�pose fo� pesiod eov�rins U 19,� ehsou�it /(�v � � 1�� • . �. rotal nwbat ot ds�s pla�sd �� •.� . S. Cso�s neeipts fos abov� p�ziod = _�����°�' �O 6. Csoss pris� parouta for abo+� pariod (laelud� eaah sbose) i ,T"/. o�'f� - d� � 7. N�c c�esipes - Iine S aimu� li� 6 i � � � 8. L�cpsa�e• ineurs�d ia eonduetiaf aod operatiat ;a�ss A. Ccoss va`�s paid. Attach �rorkas liae vith names. adds�sa�s. 6ro�s vsses. nu�r oE honss i vocked, and amount Qaid pes hour. � • B. Rent for � veeks ; �� C. Licenee fee ; ..., �' � `'' D. Insuraoce S � � E. Bond f / Q � • � O T. Dishonoced ehecks �t rseovared i ��• � 0 . C. Accounting Facpeaaa = � . N. Faplor�rs F.I.C.A. _ . I. Pulltab Ta�c Yaid to D�put��nt ot Rr��aus = _ � ' J. lYlaa. O.C. Taz : . R. Ted�sal F�ceis� ta: i Sea�p S � • L. Stat� Cmblin` rax : �. � 9 �• Q � li. Kiscsllansou� Exp�n��s. Id�neil� Ws asouot . . and to vha� psid. �. s �6� 0 � 2.�ivH i�w�� i CS'� D O � 3,c�� �P�.� : z3 �.�� � t,C�.� : 10 � o 0 9. ioeal E�cpsn,as - ToTAL i �r � /�• � O 10. N�L 1�eoa� - lin� 7 �Sou� lins 9 : ���'��' 0� 11. Ch�ckboot balanes ba=imtlu� ot p�riod i �: �f'��• O U 12. Total oE lin� 10 aud il = � �”��� � � "'•"`. 13. Total conssibutions (lsoi atucded vorksh��t) _ ����• 0 � . •• 14. C6�ekbook balanes end of repostiaf ptsiod - �� �.d� • • Iins 12 las lin� 13 . ; ..,,� UNIFORM CHARITABIc G�1M6LING FINANCiAL REt�ORT .. . . � Lr1ylFUl PURPaSE CONTRIBUTIONS - '+IORKSHE�T' /�,�-�,p_��d c,,- Line #I3 - Total Lawful Purpose Contributions. S • List below all checks wrftten fraa qa�linq funds which are � charitable lawful purpose contributions. The total dollar � amounts of theu checks a�st match the aaaunt claimed in line �13. Use addttional sheets as necessary. CHEC K � DATE ' PAYEE CHECK PURPOSE - 1• � Gf.� c��0 Z� � ��'� � 2. ��� ��''-� �z� �� � �� 3. qt�fl ''�'_°.J-� � �'� �-d '�' ,, I_ 4. q �-� ��' �-7 �- o ✓1� 5 . �' � I �� ��„�',`'� ��' � e � '� ' . v � ✓. ��°`�,.Q/ � � � � =- � 9� 6. l ��� �. Y'2� (�`'``�`� �� l ° � � ' : � 3 � � ���q � �� $. 9�- � ;� �.3d . �° `� °° ,� . ,Q.� 9. �� a �.J1� 4' � ��a io. � . � — •� G,,?,�, "'t.�') . � � � ��9 �� . I I2. . ' . . 13. � � � ✓� AL CHECK AI�UNT S s Ir �.� NOTE: These expenditures will be provided to Councfl Members at your Council hearing. • Be sure that your financial report is coaiplete and accurate. . _ '� i i r aC � = � � � 3 s w �i ^ j � .�i ! �(�'� i • � /~I � �� � , • � A ` I`J � � � e ` �y � • 1 � � • O � � ' ! � � 1 O! tI��M� _ ♦ � � � � r � •� • = 3! � � � � ��'`tl � .� • .. s � s T s ? � a� e /' � r ,. s a 2 � e + � s • A ;� � .��/i � � � � N : � + • • a i . � �s 0 0 � � � i i � • � � > �a -. � w s w � � � �C • s c, i�� � � � � � � � � � `^ -' � � � i � j � � � � � .r�rv a ! 7 - '.,v,.� r � � ` � .��r�► .� � 1 iC ! • � 4� c � � w • j2 �-' -�--���?i i � r w : � .�j ; 'f e � 1�� r t� -. i� D � � � i ' Q � 2 � � �� < c '- > > � • r 9 552 p' �� '� � • a • � '�../ r� . �=> < � � -'.T � f � �« I 21 � ;� . � F � A I � s� C � � � „r. - � ! � w 1 � � • � � � � � �. , L ;�;� � i i� � 7�1 ; t L � t I � � � 7 W�.�v�lv v�rV�.■ 7� i L