90-358 WIi1TE - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANG-E G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT File NO. ��J � BLUE - MAVOR ` � Council Resolution z3�1 Presented By —" ; Referred To Committee: Date ._ Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That Application (I.D. 4�79235) for a Health/Sports Club License-A applied for by The Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area at 1375 St. Paul Avenue be and the same is hereby approved with the following stipulations: 1) Health portion of approval is for existing facility only. 2) Must comply with rules and regulations of the Division of Public Health. 3) Must receive approval from Health Division Plan Review and Approval prior to making building changes. COUNCILMEN Requested by Depactment of: Y ag�s� Nays Long � In Favor Goswitz Rettman � _ Against BY Scheibel Sonnen A� Council: Date MAR 8 1990 Form Approved by City Attorne . � ` _ D '� Certified a. e Counci , cr y BY �'� By Appro ed by 1Aavor. Date 3 0 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY BY ��:��u��� :;;,�,i�. 1 � I�y�9. ' . f �. ////��_ ��'�wl��/ �/ . . • � DEPARTMENT/�FlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED ' ent L��ense GREEN SHEET No. 5634 CONTACT�RSOM 6 PHONE �N�V�T� INITIAUDATE Kris VSri HOrri�29H—SOSE) ❑DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV OOUNCIL �� �CITY ATTORNEY �GTY CLERK MUBT BE ON C011NGI AOENDA BV(DAT� lIpUTINO �BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. a 1 1 r �1 � �"l� � ❑Mnvoa��ssisrnNn 0 Council TOTAL M OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SiGNATUR� ' ACf10N REOUE8TED: Application for a Health/Sports Club-A License NOTICE SENT: '�yrb � �c�c�v HEARING DATE: rn�rcX� Y l�f�t0 riEOOUAMENDI►TIONB:Approvs(Al a Rs1�1 c� C�COMM�1 REPORT AL _PLANNIN(i COMMI8810N _qVIL SERVICB OOMMIS810N �YBT PI�ONE NO. _dB COMMIITEE _ _�� _ COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE7 tNITiATIMG PROBLEM.ISBIlE.OPPORTUNITY(Who�Whet�WNan.When.lAlAy): The Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area requests Cpuncil approval of their application for a Sports/Health Club-A License at 1375 St. Paul Avenue. AL1 applications and fees have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and approved this application. ADVANTAOES IF APPROYED: D18ADVANTA(�E8 IF APPROVEO: ! 018AOVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: ' RECLiV�D . �g141990 �°unc�i Kesearcn C:enter. Cti'� CWtk� FEB 121990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMSER FlNANGAL INFORAAATION:(EXPWN) dw ���-3�� UiVISZON OF LICENSE ANI) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE ��,--1�'l l /(� asl �j INTERDF,PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud ApplicanC j , ��/�Home Address a �3� �l�a��.�p�.. �� �� � Rus iness 1�'ame ,�(��� Home Phone l D�Gj - ('j1 a Business Address i?��5 �k,,.�� � , Type of License(s) �I� SQp(�C,p l�C� Business Phone �Q'_ (j`1,�� ��� \ Public Hearin Date � g � ��f�1� License I.D. �{ � a3� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chamb�ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. 41 �5 o�a,�s� llate Nutice Sent; p �-/ Dealer l� Y��Ft to Applicant �.e.{� ��S , �� �� p� r I'ederal F�.rearms �� }/� /�- Public He�.�ring � 0 , �� "l� DATE INSPECTIUN REVIEW VERFIED (COMPUTER) COMMENTS A roved Not A roved � Bldg I & D ',I � + � � Health Divn. ' �� � , -- u �` � .� �- l-� ' � Fire Dept. ; �� � � i � � � � � Yolice Dept. (D l3, I �� � License Divn. � II( � ; v City Attorney � � � a� ' v � Date Received: Site Plan ����� (�j To Council Research Lease or Letter Date f rom Landlord 1(��vZ�F `6�1 CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFORMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: __ New Officers: Stockholders: . . � ci�r o�•�nn�: PAUr. �"�D -3 5� DEPARTl�'NT OF FINAITCE A1�ID MANAGIIKErTT SERVICES � • • LICENSE AND PF.It1�IT DIVISION These statement forms are issued ia duplicate. Please aaswer all questions fully and completelq. This application is thoroughly checked. Aay falsification will be canse for deaial. , � 1) Application for (type of Iicenae) sports and Health Club ' 2) Nsme of appliCant The Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area 3) Applicaat's titl�� (corporate officer, sole owasr, partner, other) Execucive Director 4) Name uadsr which this busiaess will be conducted: � The Jewish Community Center of the Greater St. Paul Area � ,.'�,.., Applicant Company Name Doing Business As � ;� � Tj N �'��� �T�'I 698-0751 � ~ r 5) Business telephone number ._„ ��� �a -- �=� 6) Zf applicant is/has been a manied female, list maiden name N/A � .: 7) Date of birth 11-25-37 Age 51 Place of birth Malden, MA _ 8) Are you a citizen of the IInited States? Yes Natine X Naturalized 9) Are you a registered voter? YeS Where? St. Paul 1�0) Some address 2139 Pinehurst Home Phone 699-0721 I1) Present business address 1375 St. Paul Ave. , 55116 Business Phone 698-0751 . . au 12) Including your preseat businass/emploqment, What busiaess/emploqaent have you followed for t�e paat five years. Businesa/Emploqment Address Executive Director JCC, St. Paul 1375 St. Paul Ave. 13) Married? YeS If aaswer is "yes", list name and address of spouse. Lucille Garr 2139 Pinehurst St. Paul. MN 55116 I4) Have you ever been arrested for aa offenae that has resulted ia a conviction? No If answer is "yes", list dates of anests, wheze, charges, confictions, aad seateaces. Date of anest , 19 Where Charge • Conviction Senteace � � - . (�'qo<.3�' � Date of arrest , 19 Where Charge Conviction Sentence IS) Attach a copy bereto of a lease agreement or proof of ownership for the premises at which a lfcense will be held. See attached Eertificate of Title 16) Attach to this application a detailed description of the design, location, and square footage of the premises to be licensed (site plan) . See attached 17) Give names and addresses of two persons who are local residents who can give information coacerning you. Name Address Herman Birnberg 36 N. Mississippi River Blvd. , St. Paul 55104 Gary Bloom 1919 Worcester Ave. St. Paul 55116 18) Address of premises for which License or Permit is made. Address 1375 St. Paul Ave Zone Classification 19) Between what cross streets? Edgcumbe & Davern Which side of street? South 20) Are premises now occupied? Yes WhBt business? Jewish Community Center gpw long? 25 Years 21a List Iicense(s) , business name(s) , and location(s) which you currently hold, formerlq held, or mgy have an interest in, aad locatioas of said Iicense(s). None 22) Have any of the Iicenses listed by you in No. 21 ever been revoked? Yes No If answer is "qes", list dates and reasons. 23) Do you hane an interest of any tqpe ia any othez business vr business premises not Iisted ia #21? Yes No X If answer is "qes", list basiaess, business address, and tele— phone number. � February il 29 24) Zf business is incorporated, give date of incorporation , 19 and attach copq of Articles of Incorporation and minutes of first meeting. , . � . - . . ��a�..�� 2,5) List all officers of the corporatioa giving their names, office held, home address, date of birth, and home and busineas telephone numbers. � D.O.B. Herman Birnberg, President, 36 N Miss. Rvr. Blvd. , 55104 H: 644-3453, B: 645-1313 �-24-33 Sidney Abramson, V. Pres. 1690 Bohland 55116 H; 698-2840, B: 349-8500 5- 8-36 Earl Bailey V. Pres. 2086 Timmy St. 55120 � H:'�'454-4111, B: 228-0456 11-15-41 Howard Bream V. Pres. 1775 S LexinQton #24, 551.18 H: 454-2782, B: 298-1044 12-13-44 Allen LeviAe Treasurer 777 Emerson, 55118 . H: 457-0556, B: 725-2000 8- 1-49 Irene Goldman Secretary 2170 St. Clair 55105 H: 690-4997 B: - 6-22-48 26) If the business is a partnership, list partner(s) address, phone number, aad date of birth. N/A 27) Are you going to operate this business personally? N� If not, who will operate it? Give their name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. Jewish Community 28) Are you going to have a manager or assistant in this business? YeS If answer is "yes", give name, home address, date of birth, and telephone number. . Burt Garr - Executive Dire'ctor 29) Has anyone you have named in questions #23 through �26 ever been arrested? NO If answer is "qes", list name of person, dates of arrest, where, charges, comrictions, and sentence. 30) I Burton A. Garr uaderstand this premises may be iaspected by the Police, Fire, Health, and other city officials at anq and all and all times when the business is in operation. State of Minnesota ) . � i County of Ramsey ) Signature of Applicant / ate Burton A. Garr being duly sworn, deposes aad says upon oath that he has read the foregoing statement bearing hia signature and kaows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his oi�a knowledge except as to those matters therein stated upon iaformation and belief aad.as to those matters he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to before me . this 19 day of October � lg 89 __r........ ....--«--- - � ���. � � _ PAUL C. SOLB:F.G � a ���.,`, NOiARY .ULL,C-MIn��E50TA Notarq Public, Hennepin County, I�IN ����.;;- HENNEPIN COUNTY 3 '�i_� ry�y commission expir��s 6-25-91 � My commission expires 6-25-91 Rev. 2/88 . , �qo-�� SAINT PAUL CITY COUNCII PUBLIC HEARINC NOTICE LICENSE APPLICATION F1LE NO. � Dear Property Owners: L79235 Application for a Health-Sports Club(A) license. PURPOSE RECE�VED FE'B131990 c��r�' c4.E��c APPLICANT The Jewish Community Center of the Greater St Paul Area LOCATION 1375 St Paul Avenue March 8, 1990 9:00 d.m. HEARINC City Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall - Court House By License and Permit Division, Department of Finance and NOTICE SENT Management Services, Room 203 City Ha]1 - Court House, Saint Paul , Min�esota 298-5056 This date may be changed without the consent and/or knowledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call the City Clerk's Office at 298-4231 if you wish confirmation.