90-341 (2) �i�--w`� Council Fi1e # 9Q —�y 1 oR�i � f �vq�, Green Sheet# S�gg RESOLUTION ,��`��;���� G'll F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � �'�' ' _ .� � r Presented By: Referred To: Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS,The Mayor has hired a person to coordinate City sponsored activities for youth and design new ways for the City to 2 work with young people,and 3 4 WHEREAS,The person will work with the Director of Community Services in an effort to focus more city attention on youth issues, 5 and 6 7 WHEREAS,The person has been hired on a provisional basis and is being paid with salary dollars from a temporarily vacant 8 position until it can be requested on a permanent basis in the 1991 budget process,and 9 10 WHEREAS,The Mayor,pursuant to Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1990 General Fund 11 budget: 12 CURRENT BUDGEf CHANGES AMENDED BUDGEf 13 TRANSFER FROM: 14 General Government Accounts 15 Contingent Reserve General 16 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 206,000 (29,078) 176,922 17 18 19 TRANSFER TO: 20 Community Services-AcJministration Division 21 03000 Community Services Administration 22 03000-0112 Full Time Not Certified 0 29,078 29,078 23 03000 All Other Spending 326,409 0 326,409 24 All Other Fund Spending 132,695,229 0 132,695.229 25 133,021,638 29,078 133,050,716 26 NET CHANGE 0 27 28 RESOLVED,That the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Departmer�t of: � Dimond Goswitz ���v//"1 YA��� ��2 Vr�G�� Long Maccabee ReKman By: Thune v wilson � ` p Approval Recommended by Budget Director: Adopted by Council: Date J U L 2 6 1990 By: Adoption 'fied by Council Secretary: Form Approved by City Attorney: By: By: Approved by ayor: D te � � Z 7 t990 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council: B �G�L��'�/C� --- B Y• Y• ♦UD��JRW �`��+ - 41990 700:TRANSF3.wkt.all Budget O(Tice 7/13I90 .rW ..;, q6.��� �����, � ' � �' ,'� CITY OF SAINT PAUL °� „arEatain : ""� �'° ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL � PAULA MACCABEE SUSAN ODE Counc�lmember Legislative Aide MARK BALOGA Legislative Aide Members: Paula Maccabee, Chair Bob Long Janice Rettman Date: July 11, 1990 COMMITTEE REPORT HUMAN SERVICES, REGULATED INDUSTRIES AND RULES AND POLICY COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the Minutes of the Human Services, Regulated Industries, and Rules & Policy Committee for: June 27, 1990, and July 2, 1990. COMMITTEE APPROVED, 3-0 2. Budget Goals and Policies -- Items Laid Over from June 27, 1990, relating to Focus on Families. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 3. Budget Goals and Policies Review relating to Regulated Industries, Festival Funds and Citizen Participation. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 � esolution 90-341 -- Amending the 1990 Budget by transferring $29,078 from contingency to Community Services for Youth Initiative Program (Referred from_Finance Committee) . COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 � 5. Concept Approval of the "Families First" Program. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL AS AMENDED, 3-0 6. Ordinance 90-607 -- An Ordinance to amend Chapter 359 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code relating to sound trucks. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL, 3-0 CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 Sa�46 Printed on Recycled Paper :<...,��++sr.,:, ...,_v, . ._ ...: .,...:., ...�.. � .:_-.� ,. .� .. .. .- .: . . , -_ . ..- .. r.,.-..,, _ .. 0 R �G ! �J A �. � , Council File # q0 -3 l Green Sheet# sZ$�� RESOLUTION CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA I ► t � P sented By: Referred T Committee: Date �_�— � 1 WHEREAS,The ayor has hired a person to coordinate City sponsored activities for youth and design new ways for the City to 2 work with young p le,and 3 4 WHEREAS,The person ill work with the Director of Community Services in an effort to focus more city attention on youth issues, 5 and 6 7 WHEREAS,The person has be hired on a provisional basis and is being paid with salary dollars from a temporarily vacant 8 position until it can be requested o a permanent basis in the 1991 budget process,and 9 10 WHEREAS,The Mayor,pursuant to S 'on 10.07.4 of the City Charter recommends the following transfers for the 1990 General Fund 11 budget: 12 CURRENT BUDGET CHANGES AMENDED BUDGET 13 TRANSFER FROM: 14 General Government Accounts 15 Contingent Reserve General 16 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 206,000 (29,078) 176,922 17 18 19 TRANSFER TO: 20 Community Services-Administration Division 21 03001 Child Care Initiative 22 03001-0121 Part Time Certified 0 29,078 29,078 23 03001 All Other Spending 47,069 0 47,069 24 All Other Fund Spending 32,974,569 0 132,974,569 25 1 ,021,638 29,078 133,050,716 26 NEf CHANGE 0 27 28 RESOLVED,That the City Council approves these changes to the 1990 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Depart nt of: Dimond Goswitz Long MacCabee ReKman By: Thune wlson Approval Recommended by Budget irector: Adopted by Council: Date By: ��;�Q�� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: Form ppro d b City Attorney: By: By: Approved by Mayor: Date Approved y Mayor�"� ission to Council: By: By: 700:TRANSF3.rrkl.all Budget Office 2/9J90 . , . q�a 3�/ � DEPARTM�NT/OFFl COUNCIL DATE INITIATED Communit Services 2/8/90 GREEN SHEET NO. �8a8 CONTACT PERSON 3 PMONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNpL Roy Garza 298-4431 ��F� �(�7'y p�ppNEy �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON OOUNCIL AQENOA BY(DATE) p0U71Np �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BEFiVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A8818TANT) � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGE8 1 (aIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATUi� ACTION REGUEBTED: Approve transfer from Contingent Reserve General to fund youth issues coordinator position for 1990. RECEIV RECOMMENDA :MP��(N«�I� COUNCIL REPORT _PLANNINO CCAAMI881pN _CMl SERVIC:COMMIS810N �Y� PFIONE�.E� 2 0 i990 —aB��,� _ �: _sT,�F _ C1TY �TTORNEY _DIBTRICT COURT _ 3UPPORTB WNICH WUNpL�JECTIVE9 INITIATIN(i PFiOBLEM�ISBUE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.Whtl.�Nhsn�N1Mro.M�h�: Mayor Scheibel appointed person to coordinate city-sponsored activities for youth •and design new ways for the city to work with young people. No positio existed in 1990 budget . Salary dollars were available from temporarily vacant. position to pay person on provisional basis. Contingent Reserve General transfer will cover salary for 1990 and the position will be requeste on a� permanent basis for 1991 in the budget process. nov�wrnc�es�F nP�a Spending authority will be available for Mayor Scheibel ' s youth issues coordinator appointment . � �,_ Y�'d,,,e ois�ov�r�r�s��aov�: ° �C t� N �;,1��� � RECElV����"``��� ���i:���v1;�. � , �627�r,�gp�� � � ���'Y CL DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROYFD: Mayor will not be able to accomplish his initiative. �ounc�i �tesearch (;enter . F E B 2 61990 Tor��ouNr oF Tnu�snc�rioN a 29,078 coar�u�suoo�r�o�c�a.e r�s No �N���� Contin�ent : Reserve General ��ry�Ty N�p 09060 FlNANpA4 INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Salary includes est . 4� cost of living increase for 1990 settlement . dw r � , NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTION3 ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET IN3TRUETIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHI0.31NO OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: 8elow are preferred routinps hx the ffvs most frequent types of documsMe: CONTRACTS (a�urnss�uthorized COUNC:IL RE30LUTION (Artwnd, Bdgts./ bud�et exisis) Accept.Cirants) 1. Outside/�enCy 1. DepartrneM DireCtor 2. Initlatl�DepartmeM 2. Budgst Director 3. City Attomey 3. Ciy Attorney 4. Mayor 4. MayoN/►ssiatant 5. Finence&M�mt 3vca. Director 5. City Cour�cil 8. Flnance/►c�ouMfnp 6. C:hief AccouMaM, Fln&Mgmt S'vcs. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDER R�) OOUNCIL RESOLUTION end ORDI�NANCE 1. Activity Manapsr 1. Inftiating Depe�tmsM Directa 2. Dspsrtmsnt AocouMant 2• �Y A��Y 3. Osp�rtm�M Dinctor 3. Mayor/Aaistant 4. Bud�et Dfrector 4. dty CoUt►cil 5. City Clsrk 8. ChiN/�countant.Fin&Mgmt 3vca. ADMINI3TRATNE ORDERS (aN arthsrs) 1. Initfatiny D�panment 2. City AtEomey 3. Mayor//►ssistant 4. Gty Cbrk TOTAL NUMBER OF 3iCiNATUFiE PAQES Indicats ths A�of p�pss on which signaturos eu's►equired and ppaperd P sach of dt�e psyss. . ACTION REWESTED Dwcrfb�vvhat ths projectlroqu�t seeks to e�ornplbA in eitNer chronologi- cal ord�r or order of impo�tance�whichsver is most�prop�lats for ths �sus. Do not wrPos oomplste ssMences.Begin�ach item in ycwr Iist with s verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Completa H th�issw in que�tion has besn preesnt�d befo►e any body.Public or priv�. 8UPPORTB WFNCH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE? Indic�s whk�h Council obJsctivs(s)Y�+�i�l��u�a�PP�a bY��rW ths It�y word(s)(HOUSINti, RECREATION, NEI(3FiBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDQET, SEINER 3EPARATION).(3EE COMPLE?E LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OP'1'tONAL A3 REQUE3TED BY OOUNCIL INITIATIN(3 PI�BLEM.tSSUE.OPPORTUNITY Explain the situstion or cbndidons that crostsd a need for your pro�ect or request. ADVANTA(iE3 IF APPROVED Indicate whsther thia is simply an annual budpat procedure roqufrad by law/ charter or whether thsre an p�aciflc wa tn which the City of SaiM Psul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�t/a�ctfon. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED Whet negative effects or mejor ch�ngss to exi�ing or past proeeases might Mis projecHnqusst prod�ff ft is ps�ed(e.g..trafflc delays, noise, tax incrsaaes or a�snNnts)?To Whom?When?For how lon�? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Wl�at will be the negttive consequencsa if the promiaed action is not epproved? Inability to dsliver�vice?Continued hbh trsfffc, noise, accideM rate?Loss of revsnue? FINANCIAL IMPACT ARhough you_muat tailor the informetlon you provids hKe to the issue you are addrossing,in gensral you must answer two questfons: H�much ia it going to c�st't Who is poing to pay4 ��y CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��r�t a':���r ��'" �" `' OFFICE OF THE C1TY COUNCIL JANICE RETTMAN Members: JOECOLLINS Counciiperson JaniCe Rettman, Q�i9lativeAssistant Roger Goswitz KATHYZtEMAN Paul a Maccabee Leg;slacive Assiscant COMMITTEE REPORT FINANCE, MANA , PERSO MMI7TEE MARCH 18, 1991 1. Call to order; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of siqn-ua sheet: approval of minutes of March 4, 1991, meeting. Minutes were approved 3-0 2. Policv discussion on capping the hourlv rate aaid to outside counsel Motion for suspension of rules to accept resolution carried 3-0. New Resolution was approved 3-0. The resolution will be placed on a City Council agenda and will be laid over at the Council meeting until notification has been received from Ken Peterson and the Mayor's Office regarding employees and_�- 'ts. see attached) _ _.—_--- _ ��--�Resolution 90-341 - amending the 1990 budget by transferring $29,078 from contingency to Community Services for Child Care Initiative Program. (Refer'red from Council 3/6/90, laid over in Committee 6/11/90} , Committee recommended withdrawal . q� --_____ -- �l�� Resolution 90-771 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $109,770.37 to the � Financing and Spending Plans to allow Public Works Sewer Maintenance Division to purchase equipment. (Referred from Council 5/8/90, laid over in Committee 7/9/90) Committee recommended withdrawal . Resolution 89-2147 - amending the Civil Service Rules concerning Examination Procedures. (Referred from Council 12/7/89, laid over in Committee 3/19/90 and 4/16/90} Connnittee recommended withdrawal . CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT'PAUL, MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 « a�.sa • Printed on Rccycled Paper . . . . � � -��i - :?:;::::::::�:::::v::::::::::::::::::::::::�:::::.::�::::::::::::::::�::.:::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::�:;�::::::;:::::::::.:::�::::::F:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::�.::::::::::::::::::�:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::::::::::::�::::::::::.::::::::: ♦':i::;. 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Robin Hickman, formerly the assistant director of the Inner City Youth League, will join the staff as a youth issues coordinator. She will coordinate city-sponsored activities for youth and design new ways for the city to work with young people. "I 'm excited about hiring Robin and and moving forward with a youth agenda for St. Paul, " Scheibel said. "She's got a great background. She knows the community. She'll be a real asset. " In addition to working at the Inner City Youth League, Hickman was a student career counselor at Howard University in Washington, D.C. , where she received her bachelor's degree, and a sports publicist for the University of the District of Columbia. She will work with Roy Garza, director of Community Services, the department that oversees most of St. Paul 's youth programs. It is a new position''that Scheibel created, on a provisional basis, in an effort to focus more city attention on youth issues. Garza and Scheibel will seek approval through next year's budget process to establish the job on a permanent basis. Hickman will begin her duties Wednesday, Feb. 7. Also joining the staff this week is Shar Knutson. Knutson, who started Feb. 5, is a policy analyst in the mayor's office. Among her areas of responsibility will be health issues and concerns of the disabled. For the past 9 years, Knutson has worked in the city's Publia Health Division, assisting with the design and implementation of a Health Information System for medical programs. She has been a leader in the city's public employees' union and served on numerous community-based boards. She also is an instructor at St. Mary's Junior College. In a related announcement Tuesday, Scheibel said that Ora Lee Patterson, who was an assistant to former Mayor George Latimer, will work for him on a part-time, contractual basis through June. She will coordinate the Anti-drug Task Force, a group of community members and law enforcement officials that Latimer created more than a year ago. She will assist the task force in completing its research and making its recommendations. �.T� 00502 � Budget No. 1� - - Requisition No. � � Personnel Requis�tion Office of Personnel and Labor Relations �1�0 ���� Citp of Saint Paul * 1. DEPARTMENT/OFFICE:_ Community Services D�IpN; Administration 2. TTTIE OF VAC'ANCY: Management As st. I I I Ni7N�ER OF VAC„ANC�S: 1 3. TYPE OF AP'FOIlV�T RD9UESTED: Regular Provisional X RECEIVED 4. TYPE OF VACANCY: (Check one) (Separate requisitions must be completed for each type) F E B 6 1990 Replacement with same title Replacement with Lower Trtle Reclassification Newly Budgeted Position _ X BUDGE� L��Fl�.E Other (Explain) 5. IF NOT A NEWI.Y BUDGETED POSTTION, COMPLETE THE P'OI.Z,OWING: Name of Cu�reM or Former Incumbent: Trtle: Grade: Reason for Vacancy(i.e.retirement,transfer,promotion,etc.): 6. CI.AS.SIFICATION INFORMATION: IF NOT A REPLACEMENT� COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: Is this action the result of a classification study? Yes No X H yes, is reallocation of the incumbent being requested? Yes No (If more than one incumbent will be reallocated, submit a separate requisition for each.) If yes,provide incumbent name and Social Security number: Name Soc.Sec.No. 7. BUDGET INFORMATION: Activity where spending for this position will occur: Trtle:_ Community Services Administration Number: 001-03001-0121 Has this po�sition and class'rf�ation and the total cost of this transaction bee� approved in the current budget of this activity? �.— �yes,pravide position tide: If no,enter added cost and FTE(sj: Salary Cost: �2 7. 9 5 9. O 1 Fringes Cost: $7.2 6 9. 3 4 No.of FTEs: 1 pl ns for financing these costs and FTE(s): ��� .l�c,� �YU�a�C�ln� ' � ��� _ . � . ) 8. TF�PERSON(s)EI.IGIBI�FOR Z�IIS VA�ANCY SHOULD REPORT TO: Roy Garza 545 City Hall 298-4431 Name Place Phone * 9. APPROVED BY: cL � � �� - =�M A ointing A ty' Date 4 2_ _ O ,Z_ �._ �' _ _�8ee reverse side � for instructioas Budget ctor Date �. i: :: Revised: 9/12/89 ClassiIIcatioa dc Compeasation Maaager Date Form Number. 15 . ,, ;;; „ , . . . . . �.... , �... - . . .� �� y .. .. ...'. . . ....�.���+ � ' . . ... } ... ♦ , � . . . .� '•.t��.) 1��:�:. �! , .� t ��: S '.1'.. .. . � , • - , � ��,o-��l COUNCIL ADOPTED 1990 BUDGET GENERAL CONTINGENT RESERVE (09060-0537) as of February 9, 1990 Council Changes/Transfers Adopted ------------------------------- 1990 Council Budget File Date Amount Available ---------- --------- ------- ------------ ------------ Beginning Balance 206,000 Youth Issues Coordinator Pending (29,078) ----------- ------------ ------------ Ending Balance 20b,000 (29,078) 176,922 ___________ _�__________ ____________ pending - Pending action by the Finance Committee or identified but not yet submitted by the department. withdrawn - Request withdrawn before council action Budget/BJ 700/GRESRV90.wk1.a11 2/9/90