90-338 ,0 R I G I N A L 1 w C�uncil File � �"3�� Green Sheet # 5544 RESOLUTION ,--_ , � �CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ��� _ ' � �� , �� Presented By � � . � ���it c� - ��,., ��� ' �--,, �ferred To � Committee: Date � �CO- 7 v An Administrative Resolution establishing the ��\ rate of pay for Marina Manager in the Salary � �,, Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. �i," , � i� RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title ,6f Marina Manager be set at the rate set forth in Grade 11, Secti'�on ID4, of the �; Professional Employees Supervisory S�ndardr�Ranges in the Salary Plan ; and Rates of Compensation; and be i � .� FINALLY RESOLVED, that thi es�a�ution shall take effect and be �;;, in force on the first pay per� �fter the passage, approval, and / publication of this resol�,r'� � � �� �� \ � � �\ V �\ � Yeas a s Absent �equested by Depart nt of: .unon oswi z on o n 1 nd L acc e � e m n J-' ane (r i son � Adopted by Counci : Date �C Form pro ed by City Attorney e Adoption Certified by Council Secret ry gY: � By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor: Date Council � �������� BY. By: - - � - , - �=1D�3�3� DEPARTM[NTlOFFlCEICWNpI DATE INITIATED 5 5 4 4 Office of P GREEN SHEET No. INITIAUDATE CONTACT PER R E �"DffPARTMENT DIRECTOR � �qTY COUNCIL Sher 1 L and Ro e' — ��p Q�A1TOFiNEY _ _ �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA 8Y(DAT� ROU7N10 �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.BERVK:EB DiR. (�MAYOR(OR A881STANT) � TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PAtiES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 81GNATUiiE) ACTION E D: �sta�lishes the rate of pay for the title of Marina Manager in the Salary P1an and Rates of Compensation in Grade 11 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. �C��� oOMMENDA :Mwa•(N o►�(R) COUNC�.COMM l�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINQ COMMIS810N _GVIL SERW�OOMMISBION ��Y� PMONE . _CIB OOMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COM�AEWT3: _DIBTRICT COURT _ 8UPPORT8 NMlf�l OOUNpI OBJECTNE7 INITIATING PF�BLEM.ISBUE.OPPORTUNITY(YVho�WhY��Nhsn.�NhM�WIM: This action is the result of a compensation study requested by the Division of Parks and Recreation to determine if the position of Recreation Gente� Director, assigned to manage Watergate Marina, was properly classified. The Classification and Compensation Division of the Office of Personnel and Labor Relations conducted a study and, as a result, recommends creation of a title and classification which is appropriate for this position. No current class exists that describes the work required of this position. ADVANT/�E81F APPROVED: Establishment of equitable compensation for this position. � RF��i�,�n � DISADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: � Y�� Additional salary costs (see attached sheet for cost deCai.�.$) will be inc�red. This will be a single-incumbent class and is not anticipated to impact any other class. 018ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The position will be inadequately compensated, based on the assigned duties and responsibilities. l;OUflCll I�esearch C:enter, F E B 2 fi 1990 TOTAL AM011NT OF TRANBACTION = 4467 c��u�euoc��o�cn�cu or� res No �o sa�� �crrvmr Nu� FlNAPNYAL INFOFU�AATION:(EXPWN) �W " NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE GREEN 3HEET lNSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAIUBLE IN THE PURCHASINii OFFlCE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(3 ORDER: Below are prsfensd routi�qs for the Nve moet hequeM typ�oi documsnts: CONTRACTS (assumes authorizsd. COUNqL RESOLUTIQN (Amend, Bdpts./ budqet exista) Axe�.(irants) 1. Outside agsncy : 1. Dap�rtm�M Dirsctor 2. InRiating Dep�rtmeM 2. Budgst Dinctor 3. 4. M�ayor � 4. MayoN�Asai�staM 5. Flnsn�e 8 Mgmt 9vcs. Df►ector 5. qty Council °8. Flnance AccouMinp 8. Chief/lccountaM� Fln 8�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINI3TRATtYE ORDER (Budpet OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) . Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity ManagK 1. Initiatin�DspanmeM DIre�Kor 2. Depertmsnt Accountant 2• �Y A�MY 3. Dep�trt�snt Direc:tor 3. MayorMaiNant 4. Budgst DireCtor 4. Gty COUP1Ci1 5. City Clerk 6. Chiof Accountant� Fin&Mgtrtt 3vt:s. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all ott�srs) 1. Initiating Dsp�rtment • 2. City Attornsy 3. MayoNA�ant 4. (�iy�k TOTAL NUMBER OF SICiNATURE PACiE3 Indk�te ths#�of p�es on which eignatur�are requirsd and papsrclip e�c�of tlrs�e� ACTION REOUE3TED Ds�c�ibs what Me proj�ct/roqusst sesks to a000mplish in ekher chronalogi- qi adsr or order of imp�oRa�s.whicl�rer is most appropriate for the issus.Do not writa oomplete seritencee. Bepin eoch Rem in your Nat wkh a verb. RECOMNIHNDATIONS ComplsM if Ms itsw in q�n has been pr�eMed betore arry body. Public or private. SUPP�iT3 WHICH COIJNdI OBJECTIVE? IndicaM which Coundl obJectNe(s)Y��W'ol�nQuest supports by Iisting the key word(s)(HOU8iNCi,RECREATION,NEKiHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUO(3ET, SEWER 3EPARATI01�.(3EE OOMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNqL COMMITTEEIRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A$REGIUESTED BY COUNCIL INiT1ATINCi PF�BLEM,133UE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situadon or oondidoru that croated a need i�or Y��Prol� or requeat. ADVANTA(iES IF APPF�VED IndiceN whsthK thb is simpy an annual budyet procedure required by Iaw/ chsrter or whsthsr thsre an spsciflc wa in which ths CHy of Saint Paul and its citizens will bonsiit from Mis�actbn. DISADVANTMiES IF APPROVED What ne�ative sffects or msjor changes to exiating o►pest processes might this project/reqwst producs ff it is passed(e.g.,trafHc dslsys, noise, tax incrseees a as�srt�ents)4 To Whom?Whsn?For hoMr long? DISIIDVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What will bs ths nsgative conesqusrrc�s if the promised action is not approvsd9 Inabiliry to dsNver service?Continued htgh traffio, noi�, accident rete?L.oes of revenus� FlNANGAL IMPACT AMlfouph you must taibr the fnfortnation you provide hero to the issue you ah`addrossing, in psneral ycw muat anawsr tvro questions: How much is it �oi�9 to cost?Who is 9��9�P8Y� � , �.F' S� -33� CITY OF �AINT PAUL iui�i i°n OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JANICE RETTMAN Members: JOE COLLtNS Coundlperaon Janice Rettman, Chair I,�gis(auveAssistant �r Roger Goswitz KATHYZIEMAN � Paula Maccabee I,egislative Assistant COMMITTEE REPORT FINANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND PERSONNEL COMMITTEE DECEMBER 16, 1991 1. Call to order; introduction of inembers, staff, guests; announcement of sign-up ' sheet: approval of minutes of October 7. 21. and November 18. 1991. meetings. Minutes were approved 3-0. 2. Ordinance 91-1789 - amending Section 5.04 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code by establishing an administrative offense office. (Referred from Council 9l24/91. laid over in Committee 11J18J91) Laid over indefinitely 3-0 Ordinance 91-1780 - amending the Legislative Code to add a new Chapter entitled "Administrative Offenses" and amending Section 1.05 of the same Code entitled "Penalty". (Referred from Council 9/24/91, laid over in Committee 11/18/91) (Continue layover to allow Councilmember Wilson to continue work on this process.� Laid over indefinitely 3-0 .�t.�:���f-�`''✓ � � ��_�y-9/ � Resolution 90-338 - establishing the rate of pay for Marina Manager in Grade 11, Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in thQ Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council 3/6/90, laid over in Committee 6/11/90) (To be withdrawn - See 91-1430) Committee reconmended withdrawal 3-0 4. Resolution 91-1430 - establishing the rate of pay for Marina Manager in the Salary� Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council 8/6/91, laid over in Committee 11/18/91) Laid over at the request of the Divis9on of Parks and Recreation 3-0 CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s�i,se Pr(oted on Reeycled Paper • � �gp -�33 8� Cost Breakdown for Marina Manager Base Salarv 5 Year Rate Proposed Salary of Position $28,091.70 $36,943.92 1989 Annual Rate Grade 11 (SPSO Bargaining Unit) Current Salary of Position $23,623.86 $30,985.24 1989 Annual Rate Grade 33 (Technical Bargaining Unit) Dollar Difference $ 4,467.84 $ 5,958.68 � Difference + 18.9 +19.2 Assuming the incumbent moves into the proposed title, the additional salary cost would initially be approximately 5$ based on Civil Service Rules/procedures for salary increases upon promotion. Using the difference in starting salaries between the current class used for this position and the proposed class, the additional cost for one year would be approximatley $4467. C. : �o -�3� _ � _ ^ r,`�, �.� � ��,� �� •.. :�-e°����_ ,�,..� , � :��: � -� � � � ,... F t� 2 0 i��,� CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �,I M�� _, ����� ��;r�� " �� ��';.��' TO: Councilmember Janice Rettman, Chair Finance, Management and Personnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director �'� 1 ,Jt��� � DATE: February 12, 1990 - - RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Recommended Change in Employee Salary R�tes ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Ma�ina Manager DATED: 1/24/g0 Regrade Existing : :�::;;Create New Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs �:;:X`J�:;:;::Change in Costs General Fund Strest Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund Other: Parks Grant Fund/Watergate Maiina 5,492 1,373 7,106 1,847 Other: Other: TOTALS 5,492 1,373 7,106 1,847 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Salary Reserve In Specified Contingency In General Fund. :»XX;:;:::Money Available In A Position In Authorized Budget: Rec Centei Diiector budgeted in Parks&Rec C,rant Fund(33193) Money Available By Underspending Appropriations For Other Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget For Special Fund Is Attached <:>:;7laC:>::>:Other: Promotion reserve in Parks&Rec Grant Fund(33193) NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: Increase Property Taxes By: Increase Strest Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: ::::�:::::Increase User Charges For: Marina services,sales or rentals ane�: COMM ENTS: This position was budgeted in the Parks&Rec Grant Fund/or 1990 as a Rec Center Director. Assumptions- Technica!1990 nego[iated increase at 44b, 1991 negotiated increase at 4.54fi 1990/ringes at 259b, 1991/ringes at 264fi eHective date o/March 12, 1990 (21 pay periods for 1990) 1990 sa/ary cost calculation: (1518.40-(1208.53'1.04)J'21 1991 salary cost calculation: ((1518.40'1.045)-((1208.53'1.04)'1.045))'26 cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Kathy Zieman DepartmenUOffice Director: Ray Garza Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046lMARINMGR 02/12/90