90-319 City of St.Paul CO �L o. 90 3/9
Resolutio Approving Assessment By �
and Fixing ime of Hearing Thereon
and Fixing Ti e of Hearing on the Award File No. 18558E
of Damages .,� -��,
Voting In the matter of � � C���
Ward \J�
Condemning and t king permanent utility easements for the FAIRVIEW/MONTREAL
Sewer Separation Project , subject to easements of record and existing
structures on , under and across that part of the Southwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of Section 16 , Township 28 North, Range 23 West , Ramsey
County , Minnesota described as follows :
That part of Tr�ct 1 (which is described below) lying southeasterly of a
line 20 feet Norlthwesterly of and parallel to the Southeast line of Lot
15 , Block 2 Edgecumbe Heights .
All of Lot 14 and the following described portion of Lot 15 , Block 2 ,
Edgecumbe Height Plat recorded as document number 292545 at the Office
of the Registrar of Deeds , Ramsey County , Minnesota.
Commencing at the Northwest corner of Lot 15 , Block 2 ; thence
southwesterl along the westerly line of said Lot a distance of 380. 15
feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot , thence southeasterly along
the South li e of said Lot through a curve to the right of radius 310
feet a dist nce of 110 feet to South corner of said Lot ; thence
easterly alo g the South line of said Lot a distance of 19 . 33 feet to
the Southea t corner of said Lot ; thence northeasterly along the
easterly lin of said Lot a distance of approximately 180 feet to a
point being the Southwest corner of Lot 16 ; thence northerly a
distance of 156 . 85 feet to a point located by traversing from the
Northwest co ner of Lot 15 a distance of 83 feet along the westerly
line of said Lot , thence perpendicular to said Lot line to the left a
distance of 82 feet ; thence northerly a distance of 114. 5 feet to a
point locat d by traversing from the Northwest corner of Lot 15
easterly alo g the North line of said Lot through a curve to the left
with a radiu of 1 , 176. 28 feet a distance of 10 feet ; thence westerly
along the ab ve described North Lot line to the point of beginning.
Also , that part f Tract 2 (which is described below) lying within the
following descri ed lines :
Commencing t the Southwest corner of Lot 16 , Block 2 , Edgecumbe
Heights , the ce northeasterly along the west line of Lot 16 a distance
of 200 feet ; thence northwesterly along a line perpendicular to said
lot line a istance of 10 feet to the point of beginning ; thence
northweste ly along said perpendicular line a distance of
approximatel 25 feet to a point located at the intersection of said
line with a ine that is 30 feet East of and parallel to the west line
of said Trac 2 ; thence northerly along said parallel line a distance
of approximately 70 feet to a point on the North line of said Tract 2 ;
thence weste ly along said North line through a curve to the right of
radius 1176 . 28 feet a distance of approximately 28 feet to the
Northwest co ner of said Tract 2 ; thence southerly along the west line
of said Tract 2 a distance of 114 . 50 feet ; thence along a line through
said last de cribed point which is perpendicular to the west line of
Lot 16 to a point which is 20 feet west of said West Lot line ; thence
southwesterly along a line parallel to the west line of Lot 16 a
distance of approximately 75 feet to a point being the intersection of
said parallel line with the westerly line of said Tract 2 ; thence
, 1