90-308 .� U� >� T�:r. � � � �� �� � Council File � � � Qd Green Sheet #` RESOLUTION CITY O AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � , , , , Presented By < Referred To Committee: Date 1 WHEREAS, the ity of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota have been experiencing a prolonged 2 drought; and , 3 4 WHEREAS, this c�rought has had a significant impact on both surface water and aquifer levels, 5 lowering lake and �ver levels, affecting wetlands and wildlife throughout the state; and 6 7 WHEREAS, nearl 11 billion gallons of Minnesota's purest water is being used for "one-through" 8 heating and coolin of major buildings in the metropolitan area each year, enough to supply every 9 household in St. P ul with water for 1 1/2 years; and 10 11 WHEREAS, tech logy for cooling and heating systems exists today to save up to 95% of this 12 water; now, theref re, be it 13 14 RESOLVED, Tha the City of St. Paul supports legislation placing restrictions on "once-through" 15 cooling and heatin systems, eliminating new water use permits for such systems after December 31, 16 1990, and eliminat ng renewal permits after December 31, 1995; and be it 17 18 FURTHER RES LVED, That such legislation should include an adequate tax credit or financial 19 assistance for m g such conversions. Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon Goswitz � on �+ acca ee e man T une Wi son -� By= C� Adopted by Counci : Date MAR i 5 19g0 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary gy: , By� � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b ayor• Dafte MAR 16 199� Council By: � ` By� �t�IISNED MAR 2 41990 ' "`"-`'� Council File # 90 "c�Od �I Green Sheet # 0 R I GI NAL i RESOLUTION � - � CITY F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA ; y �� � � � . . �'Present`�d By ' Referred '�p Committee: Date a � � � � /"� 1 WHEREAS, the�`E�ity of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota has been experiencing a prolonged 2 drought; and 3 ��� 4 WHEREAS, this qirougfrt, has had a significant impact on both surface water and aquifer levels, 5 lowering lake and i,river lea�ls, affecting wetlands and wildlife throughout the state; and 6 ' 7 WHEREAS, near�y 11 billion�allons of Minnesota's purest water is being used for "once-through" 8 heating and cooli g of major bu�lydings in the metropolitan area each year, enough to supply every 9 household in St. P�aul with water foi; 1 1/2 years; and 10 11 WHEREAS, tech�ology for cooling ari�l heating systems e�st today to save up to 95% of this water; 12 now, therefore, be'I it ` 13 14 RESOLVED, thatl the City of St. Paul suppoi'�s proposed legislation placing restrictions on 'bnce- 15 through" cooling a d heating systems, eliminatii'rg new water use permits for such systems after 16 December 31, 1990 eliminating renewal permits a�ter December 31, 1995, requiring building owners 17 to use cooling tow rs or other technology providing••.�imilar savings and providing a ta�c credit to 18 corporations for c nversion to new systems. `��., '��. , ,,� � \ .,� .ti � \ � Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Departl�ent of: Dimon � oswitz on lacca ee Rettman T une B : . i son y Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci : Date Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary gy: By= � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayor:l Date By: By� . G��c-qd '3°�' „ j11z���n CITY OF ►S'AINT PAUL `F1° 11id OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Members: I Bob Long, Chair Paula Maccabee Tan Dimond BOB LONG Councilmember '� COMMRTEE REPORT INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS COMMITTEE , MARCH 2, 1990 i i 1. Resolut on 90-308 concerning state legislation dealing with "once through" heatin and coolin s stems. Approve� as amended 2. Resolution concernin state le isiation dealin with domestic viole nce. Newly introduced resolution approved as amended I i CITY HALL �EVENZ'H FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 a�4e Printed on IOOg'o Recycled Paper