90-292 . o R � V� N A , ' Council File # ���� � '/ Green Sheet # 6864 RESOLUfi1�N ��- F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ; -- Presented By I eferred To J �� Committee: Date �'�� �d WHEREAS, �ouncil File 89-2003 (Improve Streets Within Seventh-Otto Area Street Paving and L ghting Project) approved November 9, 1989, included reconstruction of Victoria Stre between Juno Avenue and James Avenue to a 40' width with parking permitted on both sides; and WHEREAS, rthe City of Saint Paul requested a variance from the Municipal State Aid standard of 4�' with parking permitted on both sides for Victoria Street between Juno Avenue and .�ames Avenue; and WHEREAS, �'he variance to 40' with parking permitted on both sides of Victoria Street between Junq Avenue and James Avenue was denied by the Commissioner of the Minnesota D�partment of Transportation; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, I hat the City Council directs that Final Order 89-2003 be modified such that the prop sed width for Victoria Street between Juno Avenue and James Avenue will be 44' wit parking permitted on both sides. I ,I� Y as Nays Absent Requested by Department of: �on �'oswz Publ ic IJorks (PAS) 1-30-90 on � acca ee _�n —R`l�une � z son � BY� � � Adopted by Counci : Date APR 3 199p Form App ved by City Attor y Adoption Certifie� by Council Secretary By: By' Appro e by Mayor for Submission to � �� 3 �9�ounci , Approved by Mayor� Date ��� �n � r / .�,����t�lY/' By: l',,,� By� �11�LtSHEO A P R 141990 ��� �� : �b��wo�s : �� c���� ���r : �. �ss� CON7ACT PEi180M t , , • �� i:11Y001�ICL Paul St.Matttn(292-8�80) ,,,� c�rxnawEr cmc�ac � �t se o� s�t �t a�oa_ �_ fw.a�crr.�aw, As Soon As PoS6dble "�' _ �ars�toR�� _ � TOTAI.f O��NA1UR�' 1 'ALL L,DQ#T10lM fd�,� . , .. � _ .;. . Amend Fir�al4�+der� (Sever�hh-Otto Pavirg and�Pr�ject)lo ro�e wld�of Vk�cxia S�set be�n Ju�`A�rer�e arx#James Av�nue from feet to 44 feet. � � � � ,� ..� � � ���� � ��� � � . � � _.. � ;� r �� �vUwNwo CdNM�ION � �iVK�CQNY18elON _ : : NO . `CiB OOMM[T'IEE � , A sTU� �, : ��T�� � ClTY ATT'C}f���Y ��„�,�� a�AYOas oF��c� Neighbart�oods , Vic�or�i��reet be�ture�rt ���artd�e�n Aver�e Is�'i��i�p�t1�J.fid rou�etd vri�6e Cecot�st�ed-a� part of t!�Seven�t-4tto P Project. Pudic Wo�1c8 proposed a wi�'v14t�ts�t w�t�aide pe�cifq ot�t�8e�tbn�i��ia Street from Juno l4�ce�e Aver�ue,which re�lred a vsuiattfoe f��N�J1�r�d ttf 44 teet. '1`t�e�i►e�st�ce f�ues! was�nied by the t�'c�f the D�artment of TranBportatio�. (�se�. �c�r��s�c�nov�a: Pfojec:t cat►p�ed. Bumpout wiq tys t�ort� to Sa�te+e�c�tinp 3�.tnch f�ee. �ist�g l4�CN�t�e►+r��o�in plaGe at a 41 fovt width. lt w�prevbusty tt��w�oukJ be neo�ssary�o remorre'�14 ie��at S 44�ovt wl�Et. • OISAOV Fl�e trees vWU be tr� t4 ott�er parts of the c�r,t�ut smaMer tre�w�t his p��o reptat�:them�part ot it�e project. ��0 ' o�saov �No _ Municipal S'tate Aid t�u� tt�s Prolect w�be lost. ' i�ECE1�1fD . �ouncii t��ear�i� Cent� ���� �� C�l.E� FEB 4 9.199a TOTAL AMOIJlfT OF TRANSACi'ION �� OOai!l�1�IIt1E�(�tt�R1 Yp') N� FiiNDMki�OURCE A�dTMRY 1�i�EJ1 : FINANCtAi.MrFORMATION:IEXPLANI ' �� I . . .. . _�.Mi: P F9?� �Y F�t'�CF� � � ,1�. , 1�...1 a @'.,,4. _ �f' _i.� 4 �.�� . , ,. ����� �� �� lr�NN�T,9 O D ° Minnesota Department of Transportation !�� � � ;� � Transportation Buiiding, St. Paul, MN 55155 MuvNesorwi�o ~TOF TFtP� �'_ °�, - . . January 7, 1990 '� '�`,:w:.'--,y-=.L�';��'J°? i i ' JA,�� 2 3 1��� � Thomas J.i Eggum � Director ;of Public Works �,,��� ,��,�i+;� �r�. r �`./„ ; 600 CityiHall Annex as West �tn Street �q� � 3 1990 -�•• : St. Paulr MN 55102 - In reply refer to: Request �or Variance S.A.P. 1�4-210 CITY OF �T. PAUL Dear Mr. Eggum: Upon the advice of a Variance Committee appointed expressly for the purp�se of recommending to me the validity of the City of St. Paul"s request for a variance from the Minnesota Rule 8820. 991a so as to permit a street width of 40' with parking on both sid�s instead of the required width of 44 ' with parking on both sid�s for the reconstruction of Municipal State Aid Street 210 (Vici�oria Street) located between West Seventh Street and Jefferso�h Avenue, I hereby DENY the variance. The Vari�nce Committee said that narrowing the width would save only two � trees, a 36 inch elm and a 14 inch maple. Sinc , LEONARD . LEVINE Commissi�ner An Equu!Oppor�uiurv£�ttp!<��•er . . L. �y� � a4z - 8. Re�olution - 90-343 - Authorizing proper Ci y officials to execute the release Approved 4-0 an temporary easement of property lo ated at 528 Blair Avenue. (Referred to Committee 3/6/90) . 9. Re olution - 90-281 - Directing the Dilvision of Parks and Recreation to Approved 4-0 re ame the S. Mississippi Blvd. en rance to Hidden Falls as Hidden Fallls Drive and the Prior Street en�trance to Hidden Falls Park as Loj�ver Hidden Falls Drive. (Referred ta Committee 2/22/90) . (Laid over in Committee 3/7/90) . 10. Fi!rst Reading - 90-354 - An ordinance amending Chapter 357 of t he Legislative Approved as Cqde pertaining to the regulation of Amended 4-0 b�ckyard composting of yard waste. (Referred to Committee 3/8/90). 11 . PMesentation regarding considerable c�nstruction by MNDot on I-94, e$pecially in front of tfi e Capitol . Tihere are also scheduling concerns-- m�king sure that some projects are f nished prior to the "Taste of M�nnesota", and other projects are n�t started until after the 1990 O�ympic Festival . 12. R solution - 90-292 - amending Final 0 der 89-2003 to revise width of Approved 4-0 V�ctoria Street between Juno and J�mes Avenues from 40 Ft. to 44 Ft. � � , I . � - ,' . � yo-ay� ./ ° .4�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL N►embers: $ C1Tt 01 �,�r � I OFI7CE OF TH�CITY COUNCIL Roger J.Goswitz,chair �� ., David Thune,vice chair �� iiii�sii�ii o� To BOb' Long �° Date:March 2J, 1990 RECEtvFn a„o �,.• II� Committee Report ������� � �` ,' # , : To: S�aint Paul City Council "�Y � ��`� From: P�ublic Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Rloger J. Goswitz, Chair 1 . A�proval of minutes of March 7, 1990 Hearing Date 2. 4/3/90 Final Order: Acquiring permanent utility easements and temporary Approved 4-0 cbnstruction easements for the Cpncord/Congress Area Storm Sewer P�oject. 3. 4/3/90 F�nal Order: Acquiring permanent u�ility easements and temporary Moved out cpnstruction easements near Starkey without Sitreet between Plato Blvd. and Concord recommendation Sitreet for t he Concord/Congress Alrea Storm Sewer Project. 4. 4/3/90 F'inal Order: Acquiring property in tjhe vicinity of E. Seventh and Etna Laid over S�treets for public purposes. To be four weeks bnown as the Belt Line Pond. 5. 4/3/90 inal Order: Acquiring permanent tility easement for the 1989 Approved 4-0 lbemarle/Nebraska Area Storm ewer Project. 6. 4/3/90 atification of Assessments: For nstallation of storm sewer service Approved 4-0 qonnections, as requested by property ¢wner, in conjunction with the Jackson/ (�lagnolia Area Storm Sewer Project. 7. 3/27/90 atification of Assessments: For the rading and paving of Upland Avenue, akridge Street, Fir Street and Howard Approved 4-0 treet. Also, constructing a sanitary ewer and connections in a part of �akridge, Fir and Howard Streets. Also, �or installation of water main and water �ervice connections in Upland Avenue, akridge, Fir and Howard Streets.