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,�� /� �- �' ' , �,; ! Council File �` ��aZ� . ORIGINAL i �a� "� Green Sheet �` ��p9-3 ,._.-..- • RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT,PAUL ESOTA , , ��, , „ - Preaented By �-��� '�>��—�� Referred To Committee: Date WHEREA5 , on November 21 , 1988 , the Division of Public Health of the City of Saint Paul inspected the property at 768 DeSoto in Saint Paul and determined that a nuisance existed on said property consisting of an unlicensed blue Renault; . and " WHEREA� , the Division sent written orders on November 22, 1989 tq Richard Scalise of Neeser-Sudmeier Investment Co. , 1332 Glen Road, Newport, Minnesota 55055 , the interest holder in the praperty, advising him of the nuisance and directing that it be �bated by December 13 , 1989 ; and WHEREA$ , Richard Scalise filed an appeal of the orders on November 29 , 1989 by notice to the City Clerk; and WHEREA$ , the City Council on January 9 , 1990 conducted a public h�aring on the appeal and upon consideration affirmed the Division' s order and determined that the condition be corrected within one week from the date of publication of this resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLV�D, that the order of the Division is hereby affirmed except that Richard Scalise is given one week from the date of publica�ion of this resolution to correct the condition; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the work is not completed � � within the time specified herein, the City may proceed to perform or complete the work with the costs incurred therefrom collected as provided by law. Y�as Nays Absent Requested by Department f: oswitz �_ '� �_ �" ���/� acca ee �"'� et man � une i son � By� ��� v a Adopted by Counci�.: Date FE� 2 7 t99n Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certifie� by Council Secretary g � �_ �-� r Y� � BY� �/4�''�z'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by yor Date �� �- ���1 Council ?�G�' ��.4'. By° � , By: ��i��'-� '� ' pU6L1SH�0 i�;;A�i 10 i990__ i _— �.__�....� ,�,. .. >(�-' jQ -o? �� �. DEPARTMENTlOFFI(�/COUNqL � DATE INITIATED Eo�unity Service/Pu lic Health 1/31/90 GREEN SHEET NO. Z���E CONT CT PER80N 8 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIHECTOR �CITY COUNqI John Betz 292-7771 N��� . ITYA1TOqNEY �CITYC�ERK MUST BE ON COUNpL A(iENDA BY(DA ROUTING BUDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.8ERV1�3 DIR. A/S/A/P �tiu►voR�oR�ss�sr,4r� TOTAL#�OF SIQNATURE PAG 8 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR SIGNATURE) �c�naa RECwesrea. FEa 8 �94,� Council Approval of he Attached Resolution �I FEB O6 1ygO TY ATTQ�N RECOMMENDATIONS:llpprow(A)or (R) COUNCIL CO�AMITTEE/RESEARCN f�PORT OPTIONAL —PLANNINO OOAAMIBSION _ ML SERVICE COMMISSIWd ��YST PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE — COAAMENTS: —3TAFF _ _DI8TRICT COURT _ BUPPORTB WHiqi C�UNqL OBJECTIVET INITIATINO PROBLEM,183UE,OPPORTUN (Who,What,Whsn,Whsro,Wh»: On November 21, 1989 the Division of Public Health inspected the property at 768 Desoto and determined a nui ance consisting of an unlicensed Blue Renault existed on the property. On Novemb r 22, 1989 orders were issued to the owner of the property. On November 29, 1989 th owner appealed and on January 9, 1990 a public hearing was held. The order of the Div sion was affirmed and the owner given 1 week from the date of publication to corre t the nuisance. If the work is not done the City will perform the work and collect the costs. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The nuisance will be abated. DISAOVANTAGES IF APPROVED: The City ma.y have to expend time and money. DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: The nuisance may be llowed to remain. RECEiVED ��::..L.; �;:;���u;cri ��:r3ter �16�� FE B 151990 �ITY CLERK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION ; 1 S O.00 COST/REVENUE BUD3ETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE Summar Abatement Fund ACTIYITY NUMBER 03230 FlNANWLL INFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) �� '+�, 'd' � � r NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL • MANUAL AVAILABIE IN THE PURCHASING OFFICE(PHONE NO. 298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent types of documents: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept. arartts) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiating DepartmeM 2. Budget Director 3. Ciy Attomey 3. City Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayodAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. City Council 6. finance Accounting 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTFlATIVE ORDER (Budget COUNCIL RESOLUTION (ali others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activiry Manager 1. Initiating Department Director 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attomey 3. DepaRment Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin&Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Meyor/Assistant 4. Ciry Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES Indicate the#of pagea on which signatures are required and paperclip eaCh of these pages. ACTION REQUESTED Describe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in either chronologi- cal order or o�der of impoRance,whichever is most appropriate for the fssue. Do not write complete sentencea. Begin each item in your Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete 1f the issue in question has been presented before any body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest supports by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOODS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific wa in which the City of Saint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this pro�icUactbn. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past processes might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffie delays, noise, tax increases or aseessments)?To Whom7 When? For how long? DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED What wili be the negative consequences if the promised action is not approved? Inabiliry to deliver service?Continued high traHic, noise, accident rete? Loss of revenue? FINANGAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to cost?Who ia going to pay? t „ ir 3 '�. 4 a �; � �.5� �-f� � r 2E�} � � t _ � , .� _ y �'� ,t � .t 6 � �` ±1 3 � ) � Y '`�' ��j > i r 1.aC: r ; t ' ,_1 .' ,�-f : £�` iR \� . 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It is in �h prosses of being restord. the car is f� the street in storage , coverd The vehicle has not ben abandon. ` TuAE . :. ..:.. .......::.. . ...:,,.. .... ;: .. . ..:.. _. . '.p: �"i� ..' ;� ........ ; ... ,. . ... .; ..:.::.;.;..,,� L �+:''. .�.:.;>.::•" .,.ti+. . .�.... ♦ `;'�::.�•..�:ti+Cr�;.<:'�' �;,ti;� , ...:: ` ..., tY'. .�:.' � ti.i;::y:.�...`. R�.$�.�:� ..�. �.•1!$�e���,�r,�`�:�.;;:: . . .. ��•.�. . •...,,.,>��2.�ti;..�..,.:�`.'.�`s � "�:'�., cc :;E:.,ti. •+•:�;t>::•.. '>\a..,.? _a,..,.....tir;::;>i:'':::;<:::;�;i ,;�^':Qi;::n:. \ � .'k • � ,"\,•: ,..;,�;.�.:,;:�:... �c"` ';`�,, •. •�.• •q:t::,.w,::i�:. .`,.....w+.\,'�\;6'+.;,;' �'�,���:. ..w �..`.,..`.fi. "�'�::•R..�...,.h`„>;V;:.r::t:`.:;�i::: •,:yi. • '.,� {•'��'•�ut�,ti. ...\., ..\S��\,:�\,., t. w�?.+:'•�+�..��•:,•; •�:����'�;'<', • w.�?.+.,..::.:,:.. +:?:::ti':,� -.... :. �ti£,+`;•�. �•x+.•` , .� C`�..'�•�.. ...L�y., .�„,t�` $;;:.:«..: '<�'�':J•:�::.��.`'Z., '? ' w:•'. i .:.•.. `k�:�' ,\�'�c`'.'kr. �..� \'� 'ti. 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':.^, . 4.n.. . ,t ".iSC>:.v��'�.,ii�::`\'.� n`:)..... . ....,..... . . ::::..,�:., ,��...... a. � �. ::... �.... •. . •. .w+.. .. .�:�t'A'.\'k:��f�?i�. �'�:+.�'�t.`�'.,y..,,.,• +�y.,k.; +efi;Jb, �. �:•:::•:::•........ ....w............... .... .... .>..:a::•::i�::.:\r,a:�x�:�::`�3 �\�:s..•::fi.: t`- ... .� ....�E'�.�+. .... >. . ....:c....'�o'Rk.,.:.?:$>:'�'r�:,•9.::�%`�;<i . y. . . r .l L t �' . . � � � � • � �. � �.. . . . � �itM. .... ��.y �'..¢ ' � INSTRUCTIONS T� CITY CLERK'S OFFICE 1. Do not accept application after appeal deadline or without copy of order� � """""'°"""°"'° The appeai deadline is 7 days after wvrw w�wa�a�r�r � or��w.r• °"�'rMior�rs�e orrrr . . p���. . . R.�Y14��1� /1M M � � . SUMMARY ABATEMENT ORDER T, - -- the date maiied, or the same as T- - r. tir.. �-w•�--��-- the deadline given in the order . r,,..A.N1,i.d...d.r....1�.�.�Jrr .:—_ - . �: - . . . . . -.. ... . . .:. . . : � �. __ -.._ - _ . _.. ._ .,.... .. . . . . . �__.. .. ,. �- -�_ ., -..� ._�._�er-�-� �_.,. _...re�.<:�'�..*�oeti�riG. whichever comes first. 4; MNIINMlwIwIM �� � ��MwMYY"� � . . .. � wn.w r a+ww w.�.w �...r.M�+�.MNMf ��x�w�M• . . - . .. b�MMO�1�M�N�N� . . . . � /MLIM TO C01�p rRT AllD � .. . �"'""°°'"�'""°" ""`� 2. Within 2 weeks, set hearing date�� � M 1�Irr�,,'CiR!M� FN�ebr.rr w�b�r M iN1YM . y"'"'►''""'..�.�t..rw �.'n" `'"""'""'"" and place on agenda, w.�.�:�:�.'ti.:�.°�::.�:ur�..,�:ii.w �-��---���-�w�����- Mark hearing date on front of n��wrw:�.arw.ra�" wa.no�.aMa.wM+,w.ti+.w.+ee YYY n,.w�..w�.�.r��w,�.r��t MDM��qM M f W MM�IN�v�/YrA. ..»�,,..�..�,.:....,«........�...�....�...,�,...�, aPPlication w+�.ww n.�.nrr.�»..ws+aua 3. Determine the City Council district and citizen participation district � in which the nuisance is located (census tract is marked on order) Mark nuisance location and districts on the front of the application in the shaded area � . _ - _ __ __ , � . ,- --- . _ _ _ -_-� _ , � . _ . .,� . t. :�.�. �,� , _. 4. Send notice of hearing, with copies of application and o�der attached, to: 1. The applicant � 2. Any other party to whom the summary abatement order is addressed 3. Office which issued the order ' 4. District council office for the district where the nuisance is located 5. Councilperson's office for the district where the nuisance is located �, 5. After hearing send copy of the resolution to the same parties that received the notice of the hearing . ' W . 4-23-87 . ,:�g°1�T�+9;tr�.„ ,,�. �.:�.; . � . . eF c���}�1vi.�fll'i�i z�sx� _, �� vi^:e � .�.r'.. . _ �� . .� . . _ :..;, . �. � ��'� p � � �p'��t `� ��'�' ' � ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES , e pection :. / �/oZ 8� Date Mailed: • � 9 � • + DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH rlssued,�r: ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH SECTION By: Y ll CT: �'{�����,�, �' 555 CEDAR STREET. �s "' SAINT PAUL; MINNESOTA 55101 qF�i �k�,:�:��'�s' .. ' 292-7771 .� ' ;����: � � � � ��� ���.�� ` ��� `� VE ICL� ABATEME�NT �RDER � �,�.,* , r F . ���To �` 1 cH,42p Sc C,f SE �`Address: �"�G S� D�So�-a s-��a J h . ���r To � 'N�S��2 '�SuX1M �ER 1�.,!v�=STMCNT t''Address: /3�� G L�N' /e!� �JN�.JP.A�T �-�;�55 �tp*TO.���,` � �a CO, AddfeSS: . S�k�,^'r°kt.4. `' . �� �y_#,�� (: � '.. • . �r ���4 �� t� � .,� , , �(��c�' bG,S'o?'b � � As owner or;`person respo sibie for: ����,�,��.?g� j' „ � ` : ` . � � y �j y� ' nate the foilowing nuisance ( Abandoned Vehicle Violation). � , ourare hereb not�fied to elimi , , v hi . L����p` i.� .. _ .�_..._ ,.�..�... �.�-: �_:.—..�.w ..,.._._-�–. �. . .:._...__ ...�—., .._�..-..� __ _.. .__.._....".__" ...,.,..._.__._.___......�...___..---.–'....._....._..._.... i� ,,:���CLES LEFT N �THE FOLLOWING CONDITION ARE ABANDONED VEHICLES {�,�° , . ' AND ARE �N VIOLATION OF CHAPTER 163 ��F���cn ����.` ; , : � < � L�NO CURR�NT LICENSE PLAT�S ❑ DISMANTLED (COMPLETE OR PARTIAL�rCOS�� 't� ,�� .� r��.. ��'� ' �'�''I� OPEN TO�NTRY ❑ MISSING VITAL COMPONENT PARTS �� w .,� , CI�Y ��.�.FiK g ",�i ' � � ' � � ��: : " ❑ APPEARI G UNDRIVEABLE ❑ ON PROPERTY WITHOUT PERMISSION OF OWNER �,. <t, ��. .1. MAKE: /,�N�(1�- 2. MAKE: 3. MAKE: '� ^;;" . � ,�`,, COLOR: � L UE ' COLOR: COLOR: UCENSE:� S a UCENSE: LICENSE: ,� ,,;� � �° CQRRECTIVE ACTI N REQUIRED ,�'�.�; ``�$�.�� s 4 � y � R AIR TO CORRECT ALL THE VIOLATIONS LISTED ABOVE,OR a e,,�y a � � . . . . . � '. ci i i ` � . . . ., '- .. . . . , . . �, '�, �, ';��� ,r� �� --► ST, RE IN'AN ENCLOSED GARAGE,OR � �._' , �4 � � r� ,�`� � �. �� 3�e F�K z� � � p� h��� < ,� �� �Cw —�► R MOVE �Y S � i'" "` k:;�'i�,a��p.� 8, ,. �,� � .. . . � � _.. R � � f �,/ a� ' �f,�y o u c fi o�n a t c o�r e c t t�e,v i o l a,�i o,n b y s /a r /�3` �/ or file an a p peal,the Cit y will remove and , impo�i�d� "`epab v�`vehi 1e��la`nd charge all costs againsf the property as a special assessment to be coilected in_the °Y1R 1 d.a� �P H, .�'L.L � . .. . . , :' I � ,'s,"�am�'�e w�a , as�t r�operty t ,xes��"(�;Appeal Intormation Below) � �. : ? t � �'�� �S.u�� h . � A' { t ' .' ._. ��; . /�� y �- Yy 4 , ;. '� IL � �E�TO r OMPLY�MAY ALSO .: � ..r. >.: Issued by: � ��'��'�C, •°� ; <,<`��IECESSITA E�COURT ACTION . �:.. ::::..:�:. , - .: ,�y %. ' : .' ,.; ��. r.•'r.:r,;.i.:::tii!!:�. �. _::.:. ' :.. .:., ,.;. .:... . :.� .., . . . . .• *3�,� �� �, t,.�, , .. • ":;•' �x l�you,have;any'ques ions regarding this order, the requirements or the deadline,you may contact the inspector ,by calling;'292-7771 tween the hours of 8 and 9 a.m.� Monday thru Friday. ,�;��; • '�' ��(o'�u�ay.�appeal this.ord r and obtain a hearing betore the City Council by filing a written request with the city clerk before the appeal eadl ne`which is the de dline above or seven calendar days after the date mailed, whichever comes first. No appeals may be filed � te at dateY t '` ,t- `�, � �, I f f���� ,Y�� � � � . .. y�,obtain,an appli ation from the City Clerk's Office, Room 386, City Hall, St Paul, Minnesota 55102. The telephone number 231�You must submit a copy of this order with your application. ;i t C�,ts '.: , r::� '.- . .� .. . � �... . � . . � k ' p�ounds the vehicle(s),the charges assessed to the above property will be approximately$150.00 for each vehicle. This i`s es ot.`inc ude impound fees and other related costs for release of vehicle(s). , �,;: rk�; �� �:� �` �' ' ' ;'� a��a�i, r, . , y���� . . _.... R'7') gl.�' i i . . . . . . � . df}�L�I�:�'_ t