90-288 I f, OR4 � � ��AL �� � � ►p Council File # q�-o7�� Green Sheet # ���� RESOLUTION CITY SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � ► Presented By ' - Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVE�, that the Saint Paul City Council consents to and approves of �the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Marcia Reller to serve on th� Saint Paul Affirmative Action Advisory Committee, representinq� the Office of the Mayor. This four-year term shall expire on D�cember 31, 1994 . II _.. . I � YT as Navs Absent Requested by Department of: iaron o w z �— on � acc e � e man � — iune �- z son By� T � Adopted by Counq'il: Date FE B 2 7 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney , Adoption Certifi�ed by Council Secretary gy; � �.., `��,z�c.- ,Z��y!�D BY� ��" Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayqr: D,ate �A� � ��go Council , ' / .l �,�i ! �_��2�/ - By: �',''h/;,�,��� gy; :� ��f ; '1�311SHED +_'1�� 1 � 1990 . ��'o-�Z F��', oePnRrMCNrro�c�ioouNd� �- ' rEo Mayor Schea�be�, � s o����e z:.s�.90 GREEN SHEET No. 75,�9 A� CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE �bEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNCIL M'olly 0 � Rouxk.e/2 $z4�3�. � �� �CITY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MU8T BE ON COUNqL AOENDA 8V(DA NOUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.8ERVICE8 aR. �MAYOR(OR ASS�STANn � TOTAL#►OF 81GNATURE PA S 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) A ION RECU� D: �ounci� approves o� the appo�,ntinent o� Marcia Ke11er to serve on the Affirmati.ve Act�. n Adva.sorx Cozr►zni�tee , serving as the Mayor' s Office Representa�ive. This �.s a 4-y�. term which expires on December 31 , 1994 . F�OOMMENDATIONS:App�ars(N a� (Rl COUNCIL GOMM�CFI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMISS�ON _CIVIL SERVI�COMMIS810N ��'YST PHONE NO. _pB COMMIITEE OOMMENTB: _STAFF _D18TRICT COURT SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTI 9 INITIATINO PROBLEM.188UE. (Who�Whst�WMn,VYhsro,Wh�: ADVANTAOE8 If APPROVED: DISADVANTAOES IF APPROYED: RECEtVED F�'81619� CITY CLERK DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: �.uu;;�:;i ���;��urcn �:enter FE B 151990 TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACT � C�T/REVENUE BUOOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YE8 NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMOER FINANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIt� d� . � � y�o- ��� . _ ..0:: CITY Of SAINT PAUL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM TO: Sa'nt Paul City Councilmembers FROM: Mo ly O'Rourke!l��_ DATE: Fe ruary 14, 1990 RE: AF IRMATIVE ACTION ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT Attached i the resolution appointing Marcia Keller to serve as the Mayor' Office Representative on the Saint Paul Affirmative Action Adv sory Committee. This four-year term expires on December 3 , 1994. Mayor Sche'bel requests your consideration and approval of this appointmen . MOR:dl'1m Attachmen i cc: Jos phier Brown, Human Rights Cou cil Research Mar ia Keller Jim Murphy A1 lson, City Clerk [for Council Agenda) i I � � � I