90-264 O ���G F N A�L� � �� �ouncil File ,� �` �
Green sheet � 6862
P sented By
� Referred To ' �%��v"�`-`` � Committee: Date � -aU -�lJ
WHEREAS, �fhe improvements on Trunk Highway 5 (Minnehaha Avenue) from
White Bear �venue to Hazel Street and from Pedersen Street to McKnight Road will
be under the�supervision of the City and in accordance with City Project 90-P-1040
(Final Order �pproved March 21, 1989); and
WHEREAS, lfhe City of Saint Paul desires to enter into a cooperative construction
agreement w�th the Minnesota Department of Transportation.
RESOLVED,�;That the proper City officials are authorized to sign the agreement.
Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of:
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Adopted by Counci]�: Date MAR 2 � 1994 Form A roved by City Attorne
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Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By:
By' �"�`"`' � Ap rov d by yor for Submission to
PP Y Y ,MAR 2 1 1990 c°"
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9. 3/13/90 � FINAL ORDER: Improve Pinehurst Avenue from Approved 3-0
Fairview to Howell as part of the Fairview/
I Montreal Area Street Paving and Lighting Project.
10. 3/13/90 I FINAL ORDER: Improve parts of Clifton, Fulton Approved 3-0
� and Tuscarora as part of the Seventh/Otto Area
, Street Paving and Lighting Project.
11 . 3/13/90 'i FINAL ORDER: For new sidewalk construction on Approved 3-0
the south side of Watson Avenue from 340 feet
I west of Chatsworth to 190 feet west of Chatsworth.
12. 3/13/90 �, Ratification of Assessments: For improving Approved 3-0
', Virginia Street from Idaho to cul-de-sac.
� Work completed during 1988 construction year.
13. RESOLUTION 90-62: Authorizing proper city Approved 3-0
� officials to execute a lease agreement with
I the Soo Line Railroad Company for a strip of
land located in railroad right-of-way adjoining
the east end of Emma Street to allow barricade
� at end of street to remain. (Referred to Committee
� 2/20/90) .
14. ' RESOLUTION 90-263: Requesting the State Approved 3-0
jDepartment of Transportation to include in
; their bridge design of I-94 at Marion and Western
Ito include ornamental railings and lights at
Icost to the City.
15. RESOLUTION 90-264: Authorizing proper City Approved 3-0
officials to enter into a cooperative construction
agreement with the State Department of Transportation
for proposed reconstruction of Minnehaha Avenue
between White Bear and Hazel and between Pedersen
and McKnight. (Referred to Committee 2/20/90) .
16. RESOLUTION 90-265: Indemnifying, saving and Approved 3-0
holding harmless the state of Minnesota for
reconstruction of Front Avenue between Western
' and Rice with a variance from MSA standards.
I� (Referred to Committee 2/20/90) .
17. �'IRESOLUTION 90-280: Directing the Division of Laid over to
Parks and Recreation to rename the South Mar. 21,1990
' Mississippi Blvd. entrance to Hidden Falls as
IHidden Falls Drive and the Prior Street entrance
to Hidden Falls Park as Lower Hidden Falls Drive.
(Referred to Committee 2/22/90) .
18. RESOLUTION 90-282: Authorizing acquisition of Approved 3-0
tax-forfeited parcels for ponding purposes
associat3d with the City's storm water management
projects for the Birmingham/Minnehaha Pond,
Birmingham/York Pond and Etna/Third Pond.
(Referred to Committee 2/22/90) .
9. 3/13/90 FINAL ORDER: Improve Pinehurst Avenue from Approved 3-0
Fairview to Howell as part of the Fairview/
Montreal Area Street Paving and Lighting Project.
10. 3/13/90 FINAL ORDER: Improve parts of Clifton, Fulton Approved 3-0
and Tuscarora as part of the Seventh/Otto Area
Street Paving and Lighting Project.
11. 3/13/90 FINAL ORDER: For new sidewalk construction on Approved 3-0
the south side of Watson Avenue from 340 feet
west of Chatsworth to 190 feet west of Chatsworth. .
12. 3/13/90 Ratification of Assessments: For improving Approved 3-0
Virginia Street from Idaho to cul-de-sac.
Work completed during 1988 construction year.
13. RESOLUTION 90-62: Authorizing proper city Approved 3-0
officials to execute a lease agreement with
the Soo Line Railroad Company for a strip of
land located in railroad right-of-way adjoining
the east end of Emma Street to allow barricade
at end of street to remain. (Referred to Committee
2/20/90) .
14. RESOLUTION 90-263: Requesting the State Approved 3-0
Department of Transportation to include in
their bridge design of I-94 at Marion and Western
to include ornamental railings and lights at
cost to the City.
15. RESOLUTION 90-264: Authorizing proper City Approved 3-0
officials to enter into a cooperative construction
agreement with the State Department of Transportation
for proposed reconstruction of Minnehaha Avenue
between White Bear and Hazel and between Pedersen
and McKnight. (Referred to Committee 2/20/90) .
16. RESOLUTION 90-265: Indemnifying, saving and Approved 3-0
holding harmless the state of Minnesota for
reconstruction of Front Avenue between Western
and Rice with a variance from MSA standards.
(Referred to Committee 2/20/90) .
17. RESOLUTION 90-280: Directing the Division of Laid over to
Parks and Recreation to rename the South Mar. 21,1990
Mississippi Blvd. entrance to Hidden Falls as
Hidden Falls Drive and the Prior Street entrance
to Hidden Falls Park as Lower Hidden Falls Drive.
(Referred to Committee 2/22/90) .
18. RESOLUTION 90-282: Authorizing acquisition of Approved 3-0
tax-forfeited parcels for ponding purposes
associat3d with the City's storm water management
projects for the Birmingham/Minnehaha Pond,
Birmingham/York Pond and Etna/Third Pond.
(Referred to Committee 2/22/90) .