90-258 , _ � _ ,�,�- ���r ' ORICINa � . _ . L Council File # 0-�� Green Sheet # 3 a � RESOLUTION �CITY O AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA j� , � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, on C�ctober 24, 1989 the St. Paul City Council adopted resolution Council File 89-1609 3 . releasing a lien frpm property described in that resolution as 715 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, MN; and 4 5 WHEREAS, city qfficials have been informed that at the original levy of the lien in 1966, the 6 subject property v�as known as 719 Dayton Avenue, not 715 Dayton Avenue, and was legally 7 described as Lot 24, Block 2, Holcomb's Addition; now, therefore, be it 8 9 RESOLVED, that, resolution Council File 89-1609 is hereby amended to release the described lien 10 on property more specifically described as follows: 11 12 Lot 24, Block 2, Holcomb's Addition 13 also known as 719 Dayton Avenue 14 15 and that in all oth�r respects, resolution Council File 89-1609 shall remain in effect. Y� eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz on �_ acca ee �_ et man une Wi son � By' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Counci : Date Adoption Certifie by Council Secretary By: � '� BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to ' Council Approved by Mayor� Date By: By� h ������� f�' < ��'q <. ,.�-G�, �' d ��e� riH1T - CITY CLE�iK • 9� r�V - PI --FIN4NCE '� - (j I TY OF SA I NT �A U L Council /� C ARV - DEPARTMENT �j�[//(J/ UE -MAVOR .� F11C �O• /v/-/ � � �'o ncil Resolution � � , .��}- �- C� Presented �`3//" / Y _ � �'-�� Referre o =''�����-�� Committee: Date �� c Out of Committ�e By Date WHEREAS,�in 1966 the City of St. Paul filed a lien for $1,528.07 for the demolition of a building lo�ated at 715 Dayton Avenue; and _ WHEREAS, since 1966 this property has been transferred numerous times between private parti�s and has gone through tax forfeiture proceedings; and WHEREAS,�I despite these numerous transactions the demolition lien has never been extinguished �and removed from the record; and WHEREAS, this lien is over 20 years old, and neither the city, county nor the state has been able to determine whether or not the lien has been paid; and WHEREAS, the current property owner is attempting to sell this property but this lien has created � cloud on the title; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED�, that the City of St. Paul hereby removes the lien for demolition of a � structure on xhe property at 715 Dayton Avenue in the amount of $1,528.07 and any interest fees �nd/or other penalties that may or may not have accumulated. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays' Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman q B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen .�i5lsew �r,T 2 4 �9(l7 Form Ap City At rney Adopted by Council: Date � B � Certified Pas e � oun il retar _ By ' Approv d y Ylavo : t �C� 2 � RJQt9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By . BY �� P��u - !. i ; _ . ��O cJ� TO CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE: ❑ FINANCE, MANAGEMENT & PERSONNEL ❑ HOUSING& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ❑ LEGISLATION a PUBLIC WORKS, UTILITIES 8�TRANSPORTATION COMMUNITY 8�HUMAN SERVICES ❑ ULES 8 POLICY ❑ H SI REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ACT N ❑ OTHER DATE 2 FROM � _ � ,��� . DEPARTMENTlOFFICElCOUNGL ~ OATE INITIATEO GREEN SHEET No. 8 3 2 8 INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE OONTACT PER 8 PMIONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �qTY COUNGL, �Vil l iam Wi 1 so ��� �cmr�rroANev �cm c�RK MUBT BE ON OOUNqL AOENDA BY TE� ROUTINO �BUOOET dRECTOR �FtN.d MOT.BERVICES aR. 2-15-9 0 �n�uvoR�a+�sv►rin ❑ TOTAL#�OF$KiNATURE P GE8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REOUEBTED: Approval of a esolution amending C.F. 89-1609 by clarifying the property description. RECOMMENDATION8:Approvs(A)a (R) (�llNC�COMMI1�rEE/RE�EARCN REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNINO COAAMISSION dVIL SERW�COMM18810N _qB COMMITTEE COAAAAENTS: _8TI1FF _D18TRIC'i COURT SUPPORT8 WHKXI COUNCIL OBJE ? INITMTINO PR09LEM,188UE. NITY(Who,WhN.WMn.Wf�sre.Why): C.F. 89-1609, approved on 10-24-89 r.eleased a lien for demolition. At the time of the demolition th property was known as 719 Dayton Avenue, not 715 Dayton Avenue as it is now known. ADVMITAOES IF APPROVED: As it stands, the lien is a cloud on the property title. Approval of this resolution clears the ti le. D18ADVMITA(iES IF/1PPH011ED: lvone. RECEIVED FEB1319,90 CI'i'� C�.�f�K DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVE Property own r will be unable to sell the property as the lien a.s a cloud on the title. 4�uncU Kesearcn �enter, FEB 12199Q -o- � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA ION = W8T/F�tlENUE 01lDl�TED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 1� FUNDINd SOUFiCE ACTMT1f NUMBER FINANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAI ' r O Council File # �'�✓�� R I GI;N AL Green Sheet # 3 a � RESOLUTION �CITY O AINT PAUL, MINNESOTA L.�. � i Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 1 2 WHEREAS, on O�tober 24, 1989 the St. Paul City Council adopted resolution Council File 89-1609 3 . releasing a lien from property described in that resolution as 715 Dayton Avenue, St. Paul, MN; and 4 5 WHEREAS, city o�ficials have been informed that at the original levy of the lien in 1966, the 6 subject property w�s known as 719 Dayton Avenue, not 715 Dayton Avenue, and was legally 7 described as Lot 24, Block 2, Holcomb's Addition; now, therefore, be it 8 9 RESOLVED, that resolution Council File 89-1609 is hereby amended to release the described lien 10 on property more �pecifically described as follows: 11 12 Lot �4, Block 2, Holcomb's Addition 13 also �nown as 719 Dayton Avenue 14 ' 15 and that in all oth�r respects, resolution Council File 89-1609 shall remain in effect. I Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: Dimon Goswitz Lon 7acca ee ettman T une i son $y' Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney , Adoption Certifi�d by Council Secretary g � � Y= BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by Mayo : Date By: By: NMIT - C�TY CIERK COURCIl •` PIN =F�NwNCE '� � G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L �j� C ARV - OEPAFTMENT -' UE -MAMOR File NO. /�/� . - -Co ncil Resolution - � � �� �� Presented y , �'3�� r ,. � �-1�'-�% Referre o - �-''�'��-� Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, in 1966 the City of St. Paul filed a lien for $1,528.07 for the demolition of a building located at 715 Dayton Avenue; and _ WHEREAS, since 1966 this property has been transferred numerous times between private parties and has gone through tax forfeiture proceedings; and WHEREAS, despite these numerous transactions the demolition lien has never been extinguished and removed from the record; and WHEREAS, this lien is over 20 years o1d, and neither the city, county nor the state has been able to determine whether or not the lien has been paid; and WHEREAS, the current properiy owner is attempting to sell this property but this lien has created a cloud on the title; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City of St. Paul hereby removes the lien for demolition of a � structure on the property at 715 Dayton Avenue in the amount of $1,528.07 and any interest fees and/or other penalties that may or may not have accumulated. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman b B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen .1i5tsew �1CT 2 4 �9� Form Ap r City At�,Orney Adopted by Council: Date / Certified Pas e ouncil retar B C 1 B � --- ; Approv d y \�1avo : te ��T Z 5 Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �^ �'O� _ � � BY " �u��� r . � � ��� DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 8 3 2 8 � - - INITIAU DATE INITIAIJDATE CONTACT PER N 3 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL �Y111131R W11SOI1 ' ASSION �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK NUMBER FOR MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINfi �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. Z-1 S-9 O �R�� �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN� � TOTAL fi�OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Approval of a resolution amending C.F. 89-1609 by clarifying the property description. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a R ject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEElRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL ANALYST PHONE NO. _PLANNING COMMISSION _.� CIVIL SERVICB COMMISSION _CIB COMMITTEE �_ COMMENTS: _STAFF —.� _DISTRICT COURT _� SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTI'VE9 . INITM?INa PHOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORT�UNITY(Who,Whet,When.Whero,Why): C.F. 89-1609, �pproved on 10-24-89 released a lien for demolition. At the time of the demolition the property was known as 719 Dayton Avenue, not 715 Dayton Avenue as it is now known. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: As it stands, Ithe lien is a cloud on the property title. Approval of this resolution clears the tit'le. � DISADVANTAGES IF APPHOVED: None. R�C�IV�D . � �EB�31990 j � ei�i� c�E�� � DISADVANTAOES If NOT APPROVE : Propexty ownQr wi�ll be unable to sell the property as the lien is a cloud on the title. lr0!lf1C1l h�CSBaYCCI l:8fli@i' F E B 121990 -o- TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAG"fION S COST/REVENUE BUDtiETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFOfiMATION:(EXPLAIN)