90-239 , city� Attriy/EPS . . � � � �RIGINAL Council File # �Q—a39 Green Sheet � 7o a � RESOLUTION , TY OF S AUL, MINNESOTA I � . Presented � Referred To Commi e: Date I RESOLUTION APPROVING AN AMENDED REDEVELOPMENT �I PLAN FOR SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT ' PROJECT AREA SUPPLEMENT TO THE CITY WIDE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN AND AMENDING THE NEIGHBORHOOD REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX INCREM�NT PLAN AND TAX INCREI`'fENT FINANCING DISTRICT AND APPROVING A HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SUBDISTRICT FOR THE SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD DEVELOPr�NT PROGRAM WHER�EAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul (the "Council") has the tatutory responsibility under Minnesota Statutes Section 469 . 028 �o approve redevelopment plans and projects of the Housing and Rede elopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul , Minnesota (the "H ") , and under Psinnesota Statutes Section 469 . 175 , Subd. 3 to appro e tax increment financing plans and districts proposed by the housi;ng and redevelopment authorities within a city, in each case afteir a public hearing thereon; and WHEI�EAS , the Council of the City of Saint Paul has approved the redevelo ment plan for the Saint Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project "Project") as a supplement to the City Wide Redevelopment Plan, a edevelopment �roject pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1987 Sections 469 . 001 to 469 . 048 by its Resolution Council File No . 87-348 adopted March 17 , 1987 ; j�Tf?E . EAS , the City Council has approved an amendment to the Redevelo�ment Plan for �the Project addin� eleven areas to the Yeas Navs Absent Requeated by Department of: irrton oswi z on acca ee ettman un e i son By Adopted by Councf.l: Date Form Appro d by Ci or ey Adoption Certifi�d by Council Secretary gY: By� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council i ' Approved by Mayo�: Date ��''/v��� � �%/ By: BY� . � � . . � ��-� �� �. �ORiGINA�. ; ' _2_ i Project b� its Resolution Council File No . 88-846 adopted May 26 , 1988 ; and WHER�AS , the HR.A proposes a second amendment to the Redevel- opment Pl�.n for the Project, a proposed Tax Increment Financing Plan for �the Snelling/University Tax Increment Financing District and Hazar�lous Substance Subdistrict, dated December , 1989 ("Tax Increment, Financing Plan" and "District") ; and WHER�AS , the proposed amendment to the Redevelopment Plan would ame d the Project Areas by expanding the boundaries of the Snelling/ niversi�y Area as described in the said Redevelopment Plan and y adding a new redevelopment area known as the Phalen Shopping enter to the Project ; and '� ✓ WHER�AS , the Tax Increment Financing Plan proposed by the HRA contains �.n identification of need and statement of objectives for the i�iprovement of the District ; a list of the development activitie� ; estimates of project cost , includin� administrative expenses , �, amount of bonded indebtedness , sources of revenue , most recemt gross tax capacity of the District at completion and duration of the District; statements of alternative estimates of impact ! on all af�ected taxing jurisdictions , recites that studies and analy�is which indicate the proposed development would not reasonabl� be expected to occur in the reasonably foreseeable future so�.ely through private investment , and identification of all prope�'ty in,cluded inthe District; and WHER�AS , HRA has submitted to the Council its Resolution No . 89-12/I3-7� approving an amendment to the Redevelopment Plan for, and adopt�.on of a Tax Increment Financing Plan within and for, the Saint �Paul Neighborhood Redevelopment Project and Snelling/ Universit�t. Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistri�t ; and WHERF�AS , the HRA has provided an opportunity to members of the Ramsey� County Board and Independent School District No . 625 to meet wi�th the HRA and has presented the Board members of said County anc� School District its estimate of the fiscal and economic implicatiqns of the proposed Tax Increment Financing Districts ; and WHER�AS , the Saint Paul Planning Commission has reviewed the said amended Redevelopment Plan and approved the same as being in conformity� with the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the general plan for the d�velopment and redevelopment of the municipality as a whole ; and i . � � � . �,� y�o..a 3 � _.� 0RIGINA� ' i -3- i WHEF�EAS , the Project and District will assist in the redevelo�ment and prevention of the spread of blighted, substandard, deteriora�ted or deteriorating conditions , and permit the remediation and remo�,tal of hazardous substances existing in the subdistrict portion f the District, by acquisition of property, removal of hazardou� substances , clearance of blighted, substandard or obsoletejstructures , provision of site and public improvements and sale ,of land for private redevelopment for uses in accordance with thelRedevelopment Plan thereby promoting the public health and gene al welfare of the community, preserving and enhancing the tax se and expanding employment opportunities ; and WHE AS , the project activities in the expanded new project areas wil result in no displacement of persons or businesses and should an� subsequently occur, feasible means exist to relocate those few as might be so displaced by the Project as amended; and WHER�AS , on February 8 , 1990, the City Council conducted a public he�.ring upon the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Snelling/university Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict in conjunction with a public hearing upon the amend�d Redevelopment Plan, all after published notice of a hearing on both such plans in the Saint Paul Pioneer Press on January 2$, 1990; and WHER�AS , at such public hearing the Council heard testimony from all �.nterested parties appearing on the approval of the �mended R�development Plan and Project proposed on the creation of the Di�trict and on the cupplemental Tax Increment Financing Plan and �iazardous Substance Subdistrict ; and WHERIAS , the Council has considered the findings and determina�ions of the Saint Paul Planning Commission, and of the HRA respe¢ting the Project , District , Amended Redevelopment Plan, the Suppl�mental Tax Increment Financing Plan, the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict, together with the documentation submitted in suppor ' of said plans and has taken into account the information and knowl dge gained in hearings upon and during consideration of other mat ers relating to the developments proposed for said Project a�d District . NOW '�HEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� , Minnesota, having reviewed and considered the documents submittedjand the recitals , representations and provisions contained therein, �.s follows : i � � • , . - �I,c .�jo -a13 `� -.- ORrGINAI� I -4- I rm' e . 1 . Tt is hereby found and dete in d• �. That the Redevelopment Project undertakings and '� the Redevelopment Project Area, as described in the Redevelopment Plan, as amended, constitute , a "Redevelopment Project" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section 469 , Subd. 14 , �! and that the Project Area of the �,.inended '� Redevelopment Plan constitutes a "blighted j area" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes ' Section 469 . 002 , Subd. 11 ; �. That the land in the Project Area would not be made available for nor would redevelopment be i financially feasible without the public im- ; provements and the financial assistance proposed for the Project ; � . That the Amended Redevelopment Plan for the � development area in the locality will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the locality as a whole, for the redevelopment of such area by private � enterprise; and I�. That the Amended Redevelopment Plan conforms ' to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan, the � general plan for the development of the � locality as a whole. � . That the displacement , if any, of individuals , families or businesses resulting from property ' acquisition proposed under the Redevelopment Plan is minimum and feasible means exist for �� providing required relocation assistance ; �. That the creation of a tax increment financing district and the creation of hazardous substance i subdistrict are necessary in order to finance property acquisition, property clearance and site improvements , and the provision of ' public improvements necessary to remove conditions of substandardness , blight and deterioration and to encourage and induce private investment and redevelopment of the � Project in accordance with the Redevelopment ' and Tax Increment Financing Plans . ' I . � . _ � yo -a39 ��- oR1 � iNA � , -5- 2 . 'It is hereby found and determined for reasons set forth lin the Amended Redevelopment Plan, the �upplemental �Tax Increment Financing Plan, the Hazardous Substance ',Subdistrict Plan and the HRA Resolutions being; incor- !porated herein and made a part hereof: IjA. That the Tax Increment District contains twelve I parcels of which ten (84%) are occupied by buildings , streets , utilities or other improve- ments , and five of seven (72%) of the buildings in the District are structurally substandard, that two of the seven (28%) of the buildings in the District do not require substantial renovation or clearance, and that, consequently, the Tax Increment Financing District constitutes a "Redevelopment District" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes , Section 469 . 174, Subd. 10(a) � �2� � �. That within the District is a riazardous substance ! site and that the property parcels containin� ; hazardous substances and the property parcels , immediately adjacent to said parcels are iden- ! tified. �. That the redevelopment proposed in the Tax Increment Financing Plan and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Plan would not in the opinion of the , Council reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment within the reasonably ' foreseeable future without the public financial , and other public assistance proposed, that the usual sources of public revenue are not adequate to provide the required level of public assistance and that, therefore , the use of Tax Increment � Financing as proposed in the Tax Increment Financing Plan and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Plan is necessary; I�. That the Supplemental Tax Increment Financing Plan I and the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Plan within , it conform to the Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan which is the general plan for the development i of the municipality as a whole; il �� ' _ � �°"�3 9 _.- ORIGINAL �!, -6- iE. That the Tax Increment Financing Plan and Supplement will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole for the the development or redevelopment of the Redevelop- ', ment Area and District by private enterprise; and that the assistance provided pursuant to the Tax Increment Financing Plan and Supplement is a necessary and desirable encouragement of private I development to effectuate the redevelopment and revitalization of the affected neighborhood commer- cial areas and the adjoining residential parts of ' said nei�hborhood; �F. That the City elects the method of tax increment computation set forth in Minnesota Statutes , Section 469 . 177 , Subd. 3 (a) . 3 . 'The Amended Redevelopment Plan, the Supplemental Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Hazardous Substance , Subdistrict Plan each are hereby approved as in the jpubli.c interest and as necessary in order to carry 'out the development and redevelopment of the Project Area and District in accordance with the objectives and purposes in said Plans provided thereby elimin- !�ated the conditions identified in said Plans and accomplishing the provision of public improvements and private developments contemplated by said Plans ,in the furtherance of the general welfare of the Icitizens of Saint Paul . 4, The HRA is authorized to file copies of the Amended Redevelopment Plan, the Supplemental Tax Increment 'Financing Plan and the Hazardous Substance Subdistrict ,Plan with the Commissioner of the Department of Trade and Economic Development of the State of Minnesota, to file copies of the Supplemental Tax Increment Financing Plan and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Plan and this Resolution with the Ramsey County ,Department of Taxation and Records Administration ',and Ramsey County Auditor with its request for �I I - � y��a� ORIGINAL! � _�_ aertification of the ori�inal assessed valuation af the Districts , and thereafter to undertake the Program and Project in accordance with the Amended l�edevelopment Supplemental Tax Increment Financing I�lan and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict Plan hereby aidopted and supplemented. � - ! I � Yeas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: i.mon oswi z on acca ee ettman une i son BY' - � Adopted by Counci : Date FE B ' 8 �g� Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption C tifie by Council Secretary gy; BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved b Mayorj: Date ' 9 �990 Council g � -- -- By• . - Y� �.!�!�ED F��' 17 1990. : , � . ��o��� OEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/COIINCIL DATE INITIATED P.�.o. Z-1-90 GREEN S T �e No. 7026 CONTACT P 3 PHONE . TE� INITIAUDATE � 3 3 �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �7' CITV COUNpI G1 ori� �strom D ve ��ntarek ��� �CITY ATTORNEY m CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COl1NCll A(iENDA BY( T� NOUTINti �BUDOET DIRECT�i �FIN.6 MO CES DIR. 2-08-90 m au►voR coR�srnrm � ,(� TOT/1�N OF SIQNATURE P ES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQNATURE) ACT10N REOUESTED: � Approval of the Sn 11ing-University Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistr ct. �ooM�N�„oNS:�vo►�cN a c� couNa� r�PORt wN� _PLANNII�N'a COMMI8810N CIVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N ��Y� PF�ONE NO. _p8 CONMAITfEE �8TAFF COMMENTB: �D18TRICT COURT g�ppppTg yyHl(�i pp�NdL pgJE , Approval of T x I ncrement and Devel opment Di stri ct for the Tra 1 Crow/Wards P oject wrranno�oe�M.�e,or Nm�nrno.wn.�.wn.�,w►,.r.,wny): The Tax Increment istrict and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict for the Trarr�nel �row/Wards redevelopment proj ct. The H.R.A. has r�viewed and approved this district and sent it to the City Counci for a Public Heari��y and approval . ADVANTAt�ES If APPROVED: �/j � ,, The project financ nc ', root sub-regional Wards Redevelopment can be negotiated and ri �j �onsideration and approval . �� �� 018ADVANTAOE$IF APPROVEO: None RECEIVEp �B05199p CITY CIERK o�wv�wr�s�Nor�rw�oveo: Financing could no be considered and the project would not be built. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI ;"'� � COST/REYENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE . ACTIVITY NUMBER N� h�4._ FlNIINGAL INFOR�AI1T10N:(EXPLAII� i� �.- NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING UPON TAX INCREMENT FINANCING �j P�.AN FOR THE SNELLING-UNIVERSITY TAX INCREMENT FINANCING �yO'�� / DISTRICT AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SUBDISTRICT �(SAINT PAUL NEIGHBORHOOD BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing before the Council of the City of Saint Paul will be held in the City Council Chambers, Third Floor, 15 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Paul, Minnesota at 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 8, 1990, to consider the proposal of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (HRA) , to adopt a Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Snelling-University Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict (Saint Paul Neighborhood Business Development Program) . That the purpose of this Plan is to meet the need that exists to provide for a more aggressive effort to revitalize the City's neighborhood commercial strips. To accomplish this undertaking a new financing program is necessary to provide 1 w cost loans for new development and business expansion as well as to provid� needed public improvements. That the priqiary purpose of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the District and hazardou� substance subdistrict are necessary and in the public interest, as promoting, the public health, safety and welfare through the removal of conditions o blight, substandardness and deterioration, by the prevention of the spread o� such conditions within and adjacent to the Project area and the redevelopmen� of such area for uses in accordance with the Redevelopment Plan for the Project and Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan thereby promoting the sound growth and development of the area and the City as a whole, preserving and enhancing th$ City's tax base and source of municipal revenue and providing employment opportunity. The area of �he Snelling-University Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict, is legally described as follows: -' Beginn�ng at the intersection of the centerline of University Avenue and Fry Street; thence North along the centerline of Fry Street to the intersection with the centerline of alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park Addition; thence East along the centerline of said alley #o the intersection with the centerline of North Snelling Avenue„ thence North along the centerline of North Snelling Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Sherburne Avenue; thence East akong the centerline of Sherburne Avenue to the intersection with tl�e centerline of Asbury Street; thence South along the center ine of Asbury Street to the intersection with the center ine of University Avenue; thence East along the centerline of Uni ersity Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of Hamlin Avenue, thence south along the centerline of Hamline Avenue for a clistance of approximately 760.0 feet; thence due west until intersection with Lot A; thence southwesterly on a tangential curve for a distance of approximately 270.0 feet; thence south on a parallel line with Hamline Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of St. Anthony Avenue; thence west along the centerline of St. Anthony Avenue to the intersection with the centerline of North Snelling Avenue; thence north along the centerline of North Snelling Avenue to the intersection of the centerline with Shields Avenue; thence west along the centerline of Shields Avenue to the i .. ,� � �°'� 3q , intersiection of the centerline of the alley in Block 1, Homer H. Hoyt Co. 's Addition; thence north along the centerline of said alley to the intersection with the centerline of Spruce Tree Avenue�; thence west along the centerline of Spruce Tree Avenue to the irLtersection with the centerline of Fry Street; thence north along the centerline of Fry Street to the intersection of the center�.ine of University Avenue, the point of beginning. Copies of the Tax Increment Financing Plan for the Snelling-University Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardous Substance Subdistrict and related documents are on file in the office of the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, and in the office of the Department of Planning and Economic Development, ' City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, lOth Floor, Saint Paul, Minnesota, and are available during regular business hours. That upon sa�d Public Hearing the Council shall consider the Tax Increment financing Pl$n for the Snelling-University Tax Increment Financing District and Hazardou� Substance Subdistrict and the redevelopment and community development �ctivities in said Plan and determine whether (1) the land in the Project area would be made available for redevelopment without the undertaking of the Proj�e�t and provision of public financial assistance being considered, (2) the Development Plan will afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs qf the locality as a whole, for redevelopment of the Development District are� by private enterprise, (3) the Plan conforms to the general plan for the development of the locality as a whole, and (4) the Plan makes provision toward development of a viable community in Saint Paul, including expanded and, industrial/commercial revitalization and expanding economic opportunities principally for persons of low and moderate income. That further ,upon said public hearing all interested persons will be given the opportunity $o be heard or to submit written comments and the City Council will conside�!, among other matters, (1) whether the Snelling-University Tax Increment Fir�ancing District and Hazard Substance Subdistrict constitutes a development �istrict within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes Section 469.174 Subdivision ],0(2) , (2) whether development of these sites of the Redevelopmer� Area would nqt reasonably be expected to occur solely through private investment wi;thin the forseeable future necessitating the use of tax increment financing, (3) whether the Tax Increment Financing Plan and the Project and District wil]; afford maximum opportunity consistent with the sound needs of the municipality as a whole for the development of the Projects by private enterprise, ajnd (5) whether the Tax Increment Financing Plan should be adopted. '� Dated Januar}r, 26, 1990 (� �II � � 4I/ • � `�F + NIIMIHi ALBERT OLSON �'! �;• _ '� "'e � i TM CITY CLERK �j M, � � ` ~ �� esc o , ° ce���, � � x r a s �� . �..� .3� ..r� : i nel y/ Ea � , ` r� niv sit Unl rs # = y � � ••\ t P � � ^.s �'` ^'�. � �. ' 9 s' �o'o�d/RO � \ �t,�.a ""° / ^°- i �' � ; � w � ', �, � + g,AE ! l �'�,i ' 0 1, - ___. . , o __ a: o Increments collected hom � �t �... Snening/University Area; � � • other area • s Saint Paul Neighborhood 1 � Redevelopment Areas `�. ; �! 1____ . � - - - i� . _ '�, �,.,..y� �- �o -a 3 9 , ,, ,�a CITY OF SAINT P/►UL INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM ' REGEIVED DATE: January 26, 1990 �sl�o To: jAlbert o�son CITY CLERK FROM: Sheri Pemberton ?� RE: City Council Public Hearing for February 8, 1990 Attached isja copy of a Public Hearing which was published in the St. Paul Pioneer Presjs and Dispatch on Sunday, January 28, 1990. Please lacl this Pub ' p � lic Hearing on the City Council Agenda for Thursday, February 8, 'I1990. A City Council Resolution is being routed for signatures and will be forwarded to you by the City Attorney's Office, prior to the City Council Meeting. Thank you. ' SAP:lk Attachment cc: Jim Ha�t Gloria Bostrom Dave G ntarek i I I 0 R I G I N A L Council File # Q-o � Green Sheet � RESOLUTION CITY O SAINT PAUL, MINNESOT � � � Presented By a�"r"- Referred To Co ittee: Date WHEREAS the Junior League of Saint Paul is an organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism and to improving the community through the effective action of train�d volunteers, and WHEREAS, th� Jux�ior League of Saint Paul has assisted the City of Saint Paul in developing tl�e design plans for the Harriet Bishop play structure being planned for Har�iet Island, and WHEREAS, the Junior League has developed a curriculum about the life and times of Harriet Bishop, Saint Paul' s earliest school teacher, for use by fourth grade teachers �n Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, Junior �ILeague volunteers have done assemblies at Saint Paul schools to introduce Harri�t Bishop to students of all ages and to share the excitement about the Harri�t Bishop play structure to be constructed in �he park bearing her name, and WHEREAS, the Ci�y of Saint Paul is appreciative of all of JLSP' s efforts on behalf of the H�rriet Bishop project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council does hereby recognize the assistance �f the Junior League of Saint Paul in bringing Harriet Bishop alive for the ypung people in Saint Paul and in creating enthusiasm for the development of Harriet Island and expresses its thanks to JLSP for their commitment to the Harriet Bishop project. �s Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imon �_ oswi z �� Community Services on � '� acca ee e man �- une --Q-- By: i son � Adopted by Counc�il: Date FEB - g �990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption C tifiied by Council Secretary By: BY� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Maydr: Date, FEB � 9 ��$� Council �,/��%�,-�'� By: By: M�1.iSHED ����� 17 19 90 I