90-220 0 R I G I N A L � _ � � � �ouncil File # � `o o�� � / Green Sheet ,� 7c�0 ` � RESOLUTION ;, ? CITY`Q� SAINT ,,P,AUL, MINNESOTA IO � � � � � , : `� `--�� Preaented By � �' ����%' �'�^ Referred To Committee: Date WHEREAS , the �r��enc r'ood and Nutrition Commission was established by Council Resolution No. F_',F3--1452 on September 29, 1988 ; and � WHEREAS , said Commission was made up of nine members with two-year staggered terms ; and WHEREAS , at the present time there is no requirement that any of the members of this Commission be members of the City Council ; and WHEREAS , the Saint Paul City Council feels that it would be bene- ficial to have at least one council member sitting on this committee ; and WHEREAS , there is presently a vacancy on this Commission with the resignatiory of James Scheibel who resigned upon taking of the Office of Mayor; now, therefore , be it RESOLVED, that the Food and Nutrition Committee is hereby amended by herewith designating the position now vacant as the "council position" and requiring that only a council member may be appointed to this position by the Mayor, with the approval of the Council ; and, be it FURTHER RFSOLVED, that the Food and Nutrition Commission shall be o.fficially com�osed of nine members , one of whom must be a Sain� Paul Council member , with two-year staggered terms as now exist. i �� Navs Absent Requested by Department of: imo osw � �°` �ng� �ilacca�ee e m n �1 une z son � BY� Adopted by Counci];: Date FE B � 3 19� Form App o ed b City Attorney Adoption Certifiec� by Council Secretary � ^ By: � �„ By= �i '� ���1�(-��-'l ✓ G�LL�; Approved by Mayor for Submission to Approved by Mayor; Date I f E g j Q ��i�� Council ' � �/ / ' ����A���� By: ''�-���-�.�`�'� By' '���u�GD (-�r"n / Y 1990 A - - ; ������ DEPARTM[NT/OFFICE/COUNCIL OATE INITIATED Mayor Scheiia�el s O��i,�e 2.�1-90 GREEN SHEET No. 7604 CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE INITUU DATE INITIAUDATE M o 11 O ' R o u r k e (2 9 8-4 7 3 6) � �°�'��""E�r aRECroa ciTV couNCi� y pVM�� �qTY ATTORNEY CITY CLERK MUST BE ON WUNpI AOENDA BY T� ROUTNKi �BUDQET DIRECTOR �F�N.8 MOT.SEpVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A881STAN71 � TOTAL N OF SKiNATURE P G�ES (CLIP ALL LOCATION8 FOR 81ONATUR� �aEm°Uen�� the m mbership of the Food & Nutrition Commission to require tihat 1 member be fr m the Saint Pau1 City Council . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approv�(N a► (� COUNqI COMMITTEEIR�EARCFI REPORT _PIMININf3 COAAMIBSION GVIL SERVI�COMMIS810N ANALYST PFIONE NO. _CIB COMMITTEE _STAFF COMMENT8: _D�TRICT OOURT SUPPORTS WHlpi OOUNpI�J 7 INITIATINfi PROBLEM.688UE. NfTY(VUho.YVhN.When,WMn,Wh1�: The opportunit a.s a vacancy on the Food and Nutrition Commission caused by the resignatio of �i.m Scheibel . � ADVANTA(�E8 IF APPROVED: 1 . The greate coordinat�ion and cooperation between the Food & Nutrition Commission and the City Council . 2 . Continued ity Council presence on the Food & Nutrition Commission . oisnovnNrna�s��'+AOVeo: . None RECEtVED . FE6051�,90 CI I`( l;l.tKl� DI8ADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVE . Current commun cation between the Food &._Nutrition Commission and the City Canci� may not continue . ��'�i���� �����arcn �:enter_ FE B 0 21990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA = C08T/REVENUE�k1GETED(dRq.E ON� YES NO FUNDIN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUNBEA FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) ��