90-211 � -�M✓ ORIGINAL �. �� ���} `� � Council File # �' /� ' Green Sheet � �,�Q R OLUTION � ;-� CITY OF SAI PAUL, MINNESOTA , , �� '' , Pr�sented By ' Referred To Committee: Date !1 ���/ � / WHEREAS, Kathlee!n A. Stack, former Director of the Department of Community Services, will return to t�he title of Library Services Manager effective January 10, 1990; and, WHEREAS, Expendiltures will be funded from Fund Number 363, Activity Number 53403 - Rella Havens Mer�orial Fund; and, WHEREAS, Expenditures for this position will exceed the existing budget by $24,000; and, WHEREAS, The Ma or pursuant to Section 10:07:1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are avail�ble for appropriation revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1990 budget; and, WHEREAS, The Ma,�or recommends the following changes to the 1990 budget; FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 363-53403-9890 Use of Fund Balance $24,003 $24,000 $48,003 $24,003 $24,000 $48,003 SPENDING PLAN 363-53403-0111 Full-Time Certified $ -0- $32,049.36 $32,049.36 53403-0121 Part-Time Certified 11 ,803 (11 ,803.00) -0- 53403-0161 Reserve for Negot. Inc. 295 966.98 1 ,261 .98 53403-0219 Fees-other Prof. Serv. 2,800 ( 2,800.00) -0- 53403-0241 Printing 5,000 ( 5,000.00) -0- 53403-0234 Type I - Mileage 500 -0- 500.00 53403-0369 Other Office Supplies 3,000 ( 711 . 18) 2,288.82 53403-0439 Fringe Benefits 605 7,722.84 8,327.84 53403-08�7 Data Processing Hardware -0- 3,575.00 3,575.00 $24,003 $24,000.00 $48,003.00 FURTHER RESOLVEn, That the City Council approve these changes to the 1990 budget. Approval Recommended: Bu get D tor ORIGINAL � � . �yU-°�'� Yeas Nays Absent Requested by Department of: imon oswi z on Community Services � acca ee .__ �,/, ,, e man �- , l une i son �— BY� G'� v � Adopted by Counc�l: Dat Form App v y C�ty Attorney r� .� : � Adoption Certified b J cil Secretary B �° -� Y� � �' BY� Appro�ed by Mayor for Submission to Approved by May Date Council ` A �. � � ������ By: By: � �90 -��� DEPARTM[NTlOFFICE/OOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Commur�it � servic s - �ibraries 1/16/90 GREEN SHEET No. 5508 CONTACT PER30N 6 PHONE � D INITIAUDATE PARTMENT aRECTOR � �TY COUNCIL Get^a 1 d W. Steenb r 292-6211 W,�� �C�TN AITORNEY �qTY CLERK MU8T 8E ON COUNpI A(�ENDA BY(D �pOUTINO �BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 M07.SERVICES DIR. MAVOR(OR AS8ISTANn ❑ TOTA�#�OF SIONATURE PA (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR S�GNA ACTION REOUEBTED: Approval of Counc' 1 Resolution JAN N 5 1990 REC�iVEDT RECOMMENDAT :Approw(/y a (F� �N� ��y�yp� ANALYST PNONE NO. _PIANNINQ OOMMIBSION —�GVGfrGI�` M�$SION _CIB COMMITTEE • _STAFF � COMMENTS: _DISTRICT COUiiT SUPPORTS WMICM COUNGL OBJECi1VE M YOR'S OFFlC INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTU (Who,Wh�t.WMn.VYMn.Wh�: Kathleen A. Stack former Director of the Department of Community Services has returned ��"' " e January 10, 1 0, and the activity _ � an adequate bud�et to cover said TO CITY OUNC L COMMITTEE: i FINANCE, MANA MENT & PERSONNEL ❑ HOUSING& ECON MIC DEVELOPMENT � the necessary expenditures in an ❑ LEGISLATION ❑ PUBLIC WORKS, ILITIES&TRANSPORTATION ❑ COMMUNITY&HU AN SERVICES ❑ RULES 8 POUCY � ❑ HOUSING& REDE ELOPMENT AUTHORITY ❑ ACTION � ����� ❑ OTHER � ' �pN l� 1990 r-� ' tCE i DATE 2 I� � ��Q, . tr011CiCll I�QS2afCC1 C:@Clt@C FROM ; JAN 3 p 199�J 1�e011�9� � CCtY f.L�RK TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION 24 000 cosTn�yE�t��uao�r�o�p�E o�� � �o �N��� Re 11 a Hav ns Memor i a 1 Fund ��,�,�„�,,,�, 363-53403 FINANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWI� d�v .,: ; ��-e`-=-t- �� l��'�/� � ��� ._ cv D-10810 - Se�tting policy for Assistants to the Mayor to follow for milea4e reimbursement Clarified us�e of mileage reimbursement by more than one staff person 3. Update on is�ues raised at February 5th meeting pertaining to Recreation Leaders. F Laid over tollMay 21 for additional information 4. Resolution 8 -2212 - amending the 1989 budget by adding $194,122 to the Financin an S endin Plan for Real Estate Mana ement Fund Cit Hall Annex. Withdrawn as�, resolution was adopted by Council on 1 . Resolution 9 -211 - amending the 1990 budget by adding $24,000 to the Financing an Spending Plans for Community Services Library Services Manager. Referred fr m Council 2 8 90 Withdrawn asithe request was no longer necessary 6. Claim of Alo�zo Chess (Referred from Council 2/8/90) No Committee action required - claim will proceed in the City Attorney's office 7. Ordinance 89+1917 - amending Section 125.02 (a) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertain�ng to Street Obstructions; Permits. (Referred from Council 10/24/89, la�d over in Committee 11/13/89,� Approved as mended - Substitute Ordinance will be submitted 8. Resolution 9 -276 - establishing the rate of pay for Lead Ski Instructor in Section I B of the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. Referred fr m Council 2 22 90 Discussed and laid over to May 21 for additional information 9. AFSCME letten on Pavroll Clerk Laid over in�efinitely. The issue of the classification of Payroll Clerk was referred to �he Civil Service Commission. No pre-judgment will be made on Finance Comm ttee. 10. Resolution 8 -2049 - establishing the rate of pay for Payroll Clerk in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council 11 2 89 laid over in Committee 12 4 89 Laid over in efinitely. Referred to the Civil Service Commission