90-189 WHITE - CiTV CLERK COIlIICll /�'+` G PINK - FINANGE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT � ��///��/ 7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �V r- _ Cou cil Resolution ��� Presented By erred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, THAT THE PROPER CITY OFFICIALS ARE HEREBY AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH IND�PENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 625 WHEREBY THE CITY WILL PROVIDE SCHOOL PATROL SERVICES SUBJECT TO THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN SAID AGREEMENT, A COPY OF WHICH IS TO BE KEPT ON FILE ANp OF RECORD IN THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGII�IENT SERVICES. C a�n�'90� COUNCIL MEMBERS R uested by Department of: Yeas Nays � � � �� i ond D1IC10Cld �z [n Favor �cZ Re an �}' O s� �� Macc�bee -- Against BY �!�:.�G'�^� �� Retttliac7 Thune 19�� i1SOn FEB � 6 Form Ap by City orne Adopted by Counc�� Date � � Certified Ya se Counc' , c ar BY B� t#pproved avor. athe FEB - � �990 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B ��',a�� � By `. lZl����-C.�� Y PU�ilSHED , ;,� 1 '� i�9Q . _ �� �� DEPARTMENTlOFFlCE/COUNpL DATE INITIATED � �i�� 01-09-90 GREEN SHEET No. 7 2(�� CONTACT PERS�1 8 PH�IE INITIAU DATE 1 I UDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR m qTY�.UNCIL Chief McGtztcheo 292-3588 �� CITY AITORNEY �GTY Cl@RK MUBT BE ON COUNdI I�OENDA BY T� lbUTINO BUOOET DIRECTOR FIN.6 MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR A881STANTI� ❑ TOTAL N OF 81ONATURE 5 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACTION REOUE8TED: Approval of the ttached Council Resolution and contract with School District 625. pE�aarnoHS:�prws w« (� 'ry� COUNCIL R�ORT —wwrarx;ooe+wxs�oN av��a�����i'�a '�vsr _pB COMMITfEE —$T� 2 � »an ��NTS: J AN 18 'i�90 _��,� $��,��,�� n��-��s o��rc AT�Q R N EY n�m,,,,r+c�v�oe�.�. ,�,v�v�.,nn,xs.+�r,: Th� City of St. aul Folice Department will provide school patrol services during the 1989-1990 s 1 year. . ADVANT/1GE81F APPAOVED: The St. Paul P� ice Department will be reiml�ursed $13,727.40 by Independent School District 625. o�s�v�wr�c�s��rAOVEO: None appaxent. � � � ��� _. ���� CiTY CLct�K �����F� The Folice Dep ment will be unable to carry out this contract with the Independent School District 625. � �ouncii t�esearci� Center JAN 2 51990 TOTAL AMO!!NT OF T s 13,727.40 ������p�� �s � F�p�a�� Schoo District 625 ��N�R 04100 & 04307 �wwci�n�wawu►nor�:c«Pw 4�W . ;�y�,-� �9 ° . � � �l��� G � AGREENIEN'r THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of 1989, by and between INDEPENDENT SC�OOL DISTRICT No. 625, hereinafter referred to as "District" , and CITY OF SAINT PAUL POLICE DEPARTMENT, hereinafter referred to as "City" , WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board of Independent School District No. 625, has by virtue of Board File No. approved , authorized an agreement with the City of Saint Paul Police Department for the purpose of providing services relating to school police patrol; now therefore, IT IS HEREBY AGREED, by and between the parties, as follows: I. District will pay City for services listed on Exhibit A attached hereto, which are rates, periods of time and duties. II. Persons connected with the program will remain employees of the City and, therefore, covered by the City' s workers' compensation program; will be paid by the City and entitled to City fringe benefits. III. City will perform services in accordance with Exhibit A attached hereto, as directed by District. IV. Cost of services for said program shall not exceed the sum of thirteen thousand seven hundred twenty-seven and 40/100 dollars ($13,727.40) . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, parties hereto have signed this Agreement this day of , 198�. . G,� yo,��9 Approved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,��/� By_ /v.���� 1����_-. ssistant City Att rney Mayor In Presence of: By . Its Director, Department of Finance & Management Services By �92�r,c�.L«�IG..��� zts Police Chief Approved as to Form this �°G`- day of ��- � , 1989 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 625 B �7�- j %�.� Y c�effrey G. Lalla hairperson ol Board Attorney gy ����v,-i�r t;:;.. � ,�.,�:z.tC�.� �.Treasure� Approved as to Form and Execution � �`'r-��,=-Z�./ By ��day of , 19�� Clerk J rey .� Lalla � ol Board Attorney , . � �a-��9 Exhibit A Office of Elementary Education St. Paul Public Schools St. Paul, Minnesota The contract betwe.en the St. Paul Police Department and the St. Paul Public Schoals for the Police Department to provide services for the elementary school patrol program shall include: 1. A 37-week contract - up to 15 hours per week, not to exceed a total of 555 hours for 1989-90. Inclusilve dates would be September 5, 1989, to June 8, 1990, excluding December 25 - January 8, , winter break; and April 9 - April 16, 1990, spring �break. 2. Provida services to the schools in the areas of: a. Swearing in of school patrol officers. b. Training of school patrol officers. c. Assistance to and for teacher school patrol supervisors. d. Periodic supervision of school patrol corner __ crossings. e. Assist in determining safe route to school(s) . 3 . Salary: Salary will be hourly rate of pay plus fringe benefits. Officer Jim Wicklund is currently assigned. His 1989 hourly wage is $18.26/hour, plus 6.02/hour fringe benefi�s = $24.28/hour. Estimated salary for 1989-90 school year is as follows: September 5, 1989 - December 25, 1989: 16 weeks @ 15 hours/week = 240 240 hours at $24.28/hour = $5,827.20 Janu�ry 8, 1990 - June 8, 1990 21 weeks at 15 hours/week = 315 .hours (Estimated increase 3�) 315 hours at $25.09/hour = $7,900.20 Estimated 1989-90 salary = $13 ,727.40 � 4. Mileage: Up to 400 miles/month for 10 months not to exceed 4,000 miles at .23 per mile or revised figure if rate of mileage is raised by the Board of Education. Estimated cost: $920.00