90-176 WFiITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � . CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR . FIIC NO• O� /�� � Council Resolution �3, Presented By Referred To... Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: Tha� Application (I.D. 4�16848) for a Ma.ssage Therapist License by Mar� Berry DBA Sister Rosalind's Professional Massage Center at 1999 Ford Parkway be and the same is hereby approved. � i I I I 8���&3N� CO�TNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Y � Nays i im nd Di�nd on �swi�z � In Favor G s it z �,ong � � R tman �accab�� � _ Against BY S eibel Rett�n So �en i;���e ■ Adop e��y Co��n Date J„� 3 �' ���� Form Approved by C' Attorney Certified Pas e n il retar By � �! � By Approved by vor: D r��t4� � � ���� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B G��������� BY Y PIfBUSNEO F�? 1 � i 9 9 0 . . ' • ��-t'o� 7(0 DEPARTM[NT/QFFICE/WI�NGI °"TE'"'�"�° � GREEN SHEET NO. �O�O Finance & .Mana ement License INITIAUDATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON R PHONE �pEPAHTMENT DIRECTOR �qTY COUNqI Kris Van Horn/298-50 6 �� �cmr�rra+Nev 0 CITY CI.ERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AQENDA BY(DA ) ROU71N0 �BUDOET DIRECTOR flN.8 MOT.SERVICES DIR. �MAVOR(OR ASSISTANn � Council Research TOTAL N OF SIONATURE PA 8 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIQiNATURE) ACT10N REGUESTED: Application for a ssage Therapist License (I.D. �C16848) ►� �i I�RD RECOMMENDAT�ONB:Approw py or (i� COUNCIL COMMITTEE/�ARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PIANNINO COMMIBSION __ VIL SERVI�OOMMI8SION ANALY8T PHONE N0. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _BTAFF CON —asrpict couRr � SUPPORT$WHICH COUNpL OBJECTIVE INITIATINO PROBLEM.ISSUE.�PORTU (Who.Whet.WMn,Wh�` Mary Berry requests Council ap'� Pherapist License at 1999 Ford Parkway� ( ister Ros � 11 required fees and applications have b en submi' — iewed and approved this application. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: \ DISADVANTIlOES IF APPROVED: RECEIUEp J�iN2219.90 CITY CLERK DISADVANTA(iE8 IF NOT APPROVED: �ourtcil l�esearch Center JAN � 21�9p TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANBACTION : I�ST/I�VENUE 011DOETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM9ER �Naran�iNFORau►�:�exwuN� d � r � . � y NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN 8HEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASINi3 OFFICE(PHONE NO.29�-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Bslow are preferred routings for the five most frequent rypss of documents: CONTRAC�S (aesumas authorfzed COUNqL RESOWTION (Amend, BdptsJ budyet exists) Accept. arants) 1. Outside Agency 1. Department Director 2. Initiatfng Department 2. Bu�Jget Director 3. Cfty Attomey 3. Gty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayarM�stant 5. Flnance d�Mymt 3vca. Diractor 5. Gty Council 6. Fnance Accountlng 6. Chief ACCOUMaM, Fin�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTWITIVE ORDER (Budpst, OOUNCIL RESOLUTION (��DINANCE f�evision 1. Acthdty Manaper 1. Inftiatf�DepertmeM Dirsctor 2. DspaRmeM�uMaM 2. City Attorney 3. Me /Assistant a. s�a� a. ary councu 5. Gty Clerk 6. qdef AxouMant, Fln�Mgmt Sres. ADMINI3TRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Departmsnt 2. City Attorney 3. Mayar/AssistaM 4. City qerk . TOTAI NUMBER OF SIONATURE PACaES Indicate the�k of pag�on whbh signatures are required and pa e�rcOp eech of these� ACTION RE(�UESTED D�c�ibe whet the proJscU►puset sseks W accompliah in either chro�ologi- cal order or oMer of importance,whfchswr ia rtwst appropnate for the i�us. Do not write complste aeMences. Begin each item in ycwr list with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS CaripleM if the issus in queatfon has bssn pr�ented before arry body, public . a private. SUPPORTS WHlqi OOUN(�L OBJECTIVE? Indk:ets wh�h Council objsctive(s)!��prol����PP�bY���W the key word(s)(HOUSIN(i, REdiEATION, NEIGHBORHOOD3, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER SEPARATIOI�.(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL NIANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEFJRE3EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSIJE,OPPORTUNITY Explafn the situation or oonditions that created a need for your proJect or roquest. ADVANTAC3E$IF APPROVED Ind�ate whethsr this is simply an annual bud�et procedure requirod by law/ � charter or whether then an spsciflc wa in wh�h ths Cky of Saint Paut and its citizens will benetit from thia pro�t/action. DISADVANTA(3ES IF APPROVED What neyative efFecte or major chanyes to existing or past proceases might this prqect/roquest produce if h fs passed(e.g.,treffic deiays, noise. tax increases or asssssments)?To Whom?When?For how bng? DI3ADVANTAQES IF NOT APPROVED What will be ths nepative consequencss if ths promised action is not approvsd?Inebility to dsNver service? Condnued high traffic, noise, accidsnt rats4 t.oss of revenue? FlNANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the infortnatbn you provide here to the issue you are addressing, in gensral you muat answer iwo questlons: How much is it pofny to coat?Who is 9a��PM . � �90- ��� DIVISION OF LICENSE ANl) PERMIT ADMINISTRATION DATE �/o? ��S`I / � �j INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST A.ppn Processed/Rece ved by Lic Enf Aud Applicant Cl l:�. � Home Acldress y?j�3 1 ► \��rU �L• ' ` '„T ' Rusiness Ivame S� � � �c�Home Phone �9Cj� _ („� /5— r. �� Business Address L, t Type of License(s) `��`S��, �hQrc;`2c's-� Business Phone ���-�j/a?� Public Hearing D�te �C(�'� License I.D. 4f l (,p�� at 9:00 a.m. in �he Coun 1 Chambers, 3rd floor City H�11 and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �1 v�ZC�2�0 Q -�t 3�0 llate Notice Sent� Dealer �� ✓1 (/-�- to Applicant rederal Firearms 4� ✓1 'fl Public Hearing ' � DATE II�SPECTIUN REVI�.W VERFIED (CQMPUTER) CUMMENTS ' A proveci Not A roved � Bldg I & D i pj� � � o�.�j � + � ` ;( Health Divn. i ' ��I�2U �'�;-� l.� � �c� .(�s-1:�°�`� ; , ��f� ' � _ Fire Dept. '� � ` !1 j � '\ I l�� �g.��'�t�Cy . I `^' I I, � Yolice Dept. � I �' I ►� �� � License Divn. � � I i � �ao O� City Attorney �� �\ � �w � �� I li Date Received: Site Plan ' 1 \ A To Council Research Lease or Letter j Date f rom Landlord �'�� ���( CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOIZMATION Cur�ent Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: New Officers: Stockholders: - � - (r,��o_��� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ANT MANAGF.MENT gERVICES LICENSE AND PERMIT DIVISION Please aasver a11 questions flilly and completely. This application is thoroughiy checked. Any falsification �rill be cause Por denial. Date - /Q 19� : 1. Application for � �7�� e. ��. .•� Ce,�/LS� (License)(Pe - rmf t) 2. Name oP applicant�(�,�('l.� �, �jp�`�/� 3. If applicant is/ha,s been a married female, list maiden name � �$T- �+. Date of birth 1j'`ti'�dd Age�Place of birth cNlQ.�j -� 5• Are you �. citizen of the United States Q� Native�Naturalized 6. Are you a registered voter_ uP� Where �- c 7. Home Address �3� � � r,(,r'�('Q.,t,� �(. Ji Q.�,t�� Home Telephone b�0 ��l� _ _ 8. Present business address ��j4°i �ZJI'�v '� "' ' ' G � ' -- �f Business Telephone�[��/�� 9. Including your present business/employment, what business/employalent have you followed for the past iive yeaxs. ' --, Business/emplo�ent, Address ., N�SS�an� l�iz ss� e l:P.ra� �3� ��A�'D �(/� ��; . (�2 ��-uevU �i - . , 10. Married�if ansxer is "yes", list name and a.ddress oP spouse _�`,�I�s l� � ��.,► �i�. l�S�3 �u.r� �T �r- o�. �(/1,•�. 11. If this application is for a M assage Therapist License, list time so occupied. � Years � Montns. ! 12. Have you ever been axrested�If answer is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, ! charges convictions and sentences. Date of axrest� 19 Where ,-; ,a iChaxge - Conviction Sentence - � Date of arrest 19 Where �-: Charge ' I !�J1 Conviction Sentence � . 13. Give names a.*�d addresses of �wo persons, residents of St. Paul, Minnesota who ca.n give inPormation concerning you. N�'� ADDRESS (/� 9D�/7�/ a.� �u,v�r�s J'u.� �e 1.��- � ��� 4 .� _ ����c � ,�c�.r� ST. -� �. s /D� SS/�6 State oF Minnesota ) ��� I �� `��7 7 � Sj County of Ra,msey ) ��� �, �� (� � being first 3uly sworn, 3et�oses a.nd says upon oath that ce ?�as read t'.:e foregoi._g�statement bearing his sigaati;re a.nd knows tr.e contents thereof, and that �he same is true of his own �snor.riedge except as to those naz�ers therein stated upor. informatior. and belief and as to those matters he believes then to be true. Subscribe3 ar.d sworn to bCf02'� �e � ignat�,Lre oi Applicant t. �s day f 19 � CLIFTON A. GUSTAFSM�, ^�1ot J o , � a:as y ouz�twr, n es ta 1� � • � r � • `._ NOTARY PUBLIC—MINNESOTA - - � � fi��P T t�NLY `�MY CommisswnMExpira�i uiTM18.1940. r�iy Cc�miss_on expires l.1'B�RTY STAT �(��( x „ CLIFFS HARDWARE, tT�t�C. �+CCI.kQ,fll•206-2