90-167 0R � GINAL � - �� � � Council File � d-�(o� Green Sheet � 7�p e� � RESOLUTION C OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date RESOLVED: That application (ID 4�46981) for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License by Abrahamson, Biglow & Spector Post ��354 at 408 Main Street, be and the same is hereby approved/de�ed. Y�eas Navs Absent Requested by Department of: in►on ��- � � cca ee � e ma �_ une i son T- BY� Adopted by Councile Date .1AN 3 0 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: �'�G -� By° Approved by Mayor for Submission to pp y y JA N 3 � 1990 Council A roved b Ma or: Date By. �i�la'��f�-�i� BY� �t.lSHEO `=r� 1 6� 1990_ � . �-- q�..��.. DEPARTM[NTlOFFICEICAUNCIL • DATE INITIATED � ' Finance/�. cense GREEN SHEET No. 76:28 COPITACT PERSON 3 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNCIL Chri sti ne Rozek-298-5056 ��� �c�Tr�rronNer �cm c�RK MUST BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(OA ROUTq�Ki �BUOOE�DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.BERYICES�R. 1-30-90 ❑"�"Y°"�°R"ss'sr""n ��Ci 1 TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PA S (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGISNATURE) �crioN�euesreo: Approval f an app1ication for renewa} of a St�te Class A Gambling license. Hearing D te: i-3o-90 Notification Date: i-16-90 RECOMMENDATION8:MP�(N o► � (� C01lNCIL REPORT �TWMAL _PLANNINO COMMI8810N _ VIL BERVICS OO�My118SI0N ��YST PMONE 1�. _qB COMMITfEE _STAFF _ ', �� -� OOMMENT8: _DISTRICT COURT _ j _ SUPP�IT8 WHICH OOUNpI OBJECII' ' , _ INI'M71NO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOI I � __ Charl e' `�'^zt#354 at 40�' ��ti on for r �lications have ^ ; veterans reha I �'—' � ADVANTAQE8IF APPROV�' I� #354 w _\ _____` _—\ SADVANTAOES IF APPFiOVED: �\ RECEIVFD � JAN191990 C�TY CLERK ��$���: t�OUncil Kesearch Center, JAN �71990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAl�ACTION : COST/REVENUE BUOOETED(GRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTMTY NUMBER FINANGAL INFORAMTION:(EXPLAIN) C,/rY CURRENT INFORMATION NEW INFOKMATION Current Corporation Name: New Corporation Name: Current DBA: New DBA: Currer.t Officers: Insurance: Bond: Workers Compensation: - - New Officers: Stockholders: City o� Saint Paul /�,.� /}�,/� � � Finance and Management 5ervicesiLicense & Permit Division �� � 6 INFORMATION REQUIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT CHARITABLE GAMBLI�G G?,�KE Iv SAI.(T PAUL (To be used with the following: New A � C application, renew A � C Licenses, and new and renew B in Private Clubs.) 1. Full and complete name of organization which is applying for license ,Abrahamson,Biglow & Spector Post #354 Jewish War Veterans of the U.S.A. 2. Address where games will be held 408 Main �t. St.Paul,Minn. 55102 Number Street City Zip 3. Name of manager signing this application who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Charles Waldman Date of Birth 8/22/1919 (a) Length of time manager has been member of applicant organization 3 2 yea rs 4. Address of Manager 2194 Pinehurst Ave St.Paul,Minn. 55116 Number Street City Zip 5. Day, dates, and hours this application is for Frida March 1990 to Feb.1991 . o . . . 6. Is the applicant or organization organized under the laws of the State of MN? ye s 7. Date of incorporation 1 95 0 8. Date when registered with the State of Minnesota 1 950 9. How Iong has organization been in existence? 4 9 ye ars 10. How long has organization been in existence in St. Paul? 4 9 ye ars lI. What is the purpose of the organization? Veterans rehab, Social Services and Community work that can be done by the Post. 12. Officers of applicant organization: � Name David Leventhal Name Morris Munic Address 2092 Hartford Ave. Address 1291 St.Paul Ave. Title Commander Dpg 1/30/1939 Title 2nd Vice Comm. DOB Name Jerome Axelrod N�e Melvin Labovitch Address 2080 Hartford Ave. Address 1�i50 Watson Ave. Title lst Vice Comm.D�B 4/23/1922 Title 3rd Vice CommD�Bl/25/1917 13. Give names of officers, or any other persons who paid for services to the organization. Name Bernard 5'herman Name Address 1805 Eag1e Ridge Hr, Address Title Auditor. Title (Attach separate sheet for additional names.) � � . . - D,c qo -/l� 14. Attached hereto is a Iist of names and addresses of all members of the organizatien. 15. In whose custody will organization's records be kept? Name A1 Brand Address 629 Pascal St.S. 16. List all persons with the authority to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: �Name �arles Waldman Name Melvin Labovitch Address 2194 Pinehurst Ave. Address 1650 Watson Ave. Member of Member of DOB 8�22�1919 Organization? Yes DOB 1/25/1917 Organization? Yes Name Name Address Address Member of Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 17. a) Does your organization pay or intend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes Yes tlo b) If you do pay accounting fees, to whom will such fees be paid? Name Bernard Sherman Address 1805 Eagle Ridge Dr. Mendota Hts. DOB Member of Organization? Ye s c) How are the accounting fees charged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) Flat Fee 18. Have you read and do you thoroughly understand the provisions of all 1aws, ordinances, and regulations governing the operation of Charitable Gambling games? Ye s 19. Attached hereto on the form furnished by the city of Saint Paul is a Financial Report which it .emizes all receipts, expenses, and disbursements of the applicant organiza- tion, as well as all organizations who have received funds for the preceding calendar year which has been signed, prepared, and verified by Cha rle s Waldman 2194 Pinehurst Ave. ,ST.PAUL,MINN. 55116 Address who is the gambling manager of the applicant organization. Name 20. Operator of premises where games will- be held: Name Knigths Of Columbus,North Star Building Assc�ation Business Address 408 Main, St. Home Address � . - . ��o-i� � "L1. Amount of rent paid by applicant organization for rent of the hall: $105.00 per week 22. The proceeds of the games will be disbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following purposes and uses: Veterans Rehab. ,Youth activities,and Community work 23. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? Ye s 24. Has your organization filed federal form 990-T? Np If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If answer is no, explain why: Sectio 513 (F) of Internal Revenue Code exe;npt Bingo Profits of Veteran � organizations from income tax (Form990 T) .Form 990 is filled for 1985 a . Any changes desired by the applicant association may be made 'only with the consent of the City Council. Abrahamson,Bicrlow & Spector Post#354 Organization Name Date .r/oJ� 2 �/��� By; ���LQ,�^�" � er in charge ame _ � � Organization President or C 0 ` � ' � 5 � 9 < � ! (� � � � � ti + ? e�r ^► r9 '+ �t� S , J a � '� � f0 A � '! ti I 1 A '� + � � � � � � n 3 < � = '0 � `� = � 3 �.I �' � i� T ;9 = + — � � -� '� .. � A -, a c `� � z n 9 a T � 1 � � � 9 m �� � S 3 � �� „ � = � � r'► _ � + y � n a i�� - � . - �+ �c-+y �� ' � _ ; + -�s ��'ey � ��v � i� a a � I z � � 's ���� � �Q = -. r �s = f =� _ � � � ( �� .� : � ,a m ; '9� � �� ; �� = .a s � � � .. .. .. . o' ~' — I �"� �� � ` � ° = ' f I � �. ,-. K — � � , u� � I � -� ;� � r A "f � � r ^ A ' � � � j i1 P: ; �I � � �� '1 S Z � > > � � 9 ( C` a � � � � � �+ � ' � � A � —� � 7 � 9 � �D I ( y ^ 'i �� � 3 ^ 3 � i � I � I '� C �+ � T T A � 9 � I ^ � 7! ; < �A � O I � � r+ A ; I .�.� � a � i � b — Z I � I O� � � � 7 7 I � �^ � A 1 y ,� � r� �0 C :O � , � { ' � � � " ' �D •• I t 9 , City af Saint Paul Page 1 , Department of Finance and lianagemenc Service� � Divisioa of License and Permit Administration �G y"Q��(p � (A- UNIFORH CHARI'LASLE GAlIELINC FINI►NCIAL REPORT Date 1. Nams of Organization ,-� �I��fi Hfi/ysC�� �/C-��cw �- Sr't4.T�i� � o.ST 3,-✓ 2. Address vhtre Charitabl� Ca�blia� is eondacted �/C � /����� ST � 3. xeport for pariod eovesing ���N � 198� ehrough SK'j�T 3`� 19 S 4. Total number of daqs played ��� � � ��,. �13'.30 S. Cro�� receipts for abova pariod i 6. Grosa prize payouta for abwe period (ineluda eash short) � S�4-i 12�j.� � �7; ?�5.,��r�. 7. Net receipts - lin� 5 sinus line 6 = 8. Expsnse� ineurred in condueting snd oparating gams: A. Gross wagea paid. Attach rorker list vith }�.,4�.Q.00� namaa. addreeses, gross vages, number of hours 3 � vorked. and amount paid per hour. � • B. Rent fot �'7'veeks � �A9��-0� C. License fee ; �'��•�� D. Insuranee ; ��1•�� E. Bond ; ��:�n F. Dishonored checka not recovered i �g' �Q G. Accounting Expenee ; ��a�O� H. EmQloyera F.I.C.A. ; ����: 92 I. Pulltab Tax Paid to Departaent of Revenua i �Z��� ' J. Kinn. U.C. Tax = ���� 12�q�.2 0 - . R. Fedsral Excis� Tax 6 Stamp = L. Stat• Gamblicg Taa ; �g���� H. Hiscellaneous Facpensea. Identify tha amoune . and to vhom paid. 1M�. T�$SQAR� CO. ; .�3�.��0 2• �b�r�4 �u_,�_Z ' 1� _ � ' �, � PP �e.sz �- `T7�'g?�;, .. , ,5,.1�, 3. M,��,.�'I#�'I'�E�''S'ALES ; ''"'= �,. t .-� , .. 9. 'fotal Expenses 'fOTAL i �=��: '�i 2 T'_1 9 10. N�t Incooe - lin� � dnu� lias 9 ; ���'��•�� 11. Checkbook balance beginning of period ; �3; 5k1:83 . 12. ?otal of liue 10 and ii ; `�������'' ' : 13. Tatal coatributions (froa attaehed vorluhset) s �`�`�q 77 16. Checkbook balanee end of reporting pesiod - �7��g'�, ' line 12 lesa lina 13 . ; �` ' ' • :•� , UNIFORM CHARITABLE GAM6lING F LVANGIAL REPaRT LAWFUI PURPOSE CON�RIBUTIONS - WORKSHEET �--90�/� 7 . � Li ne #13 - Total Lawful Purpose Contri buti ons. S �; '��"�• � List below all checks written from gamblinq funds which are � charitable lawful purpose contributio�s. The total dollar amounts of these checks must match the amount claimed in line �13. Use additional sheets as necessary. CHECK # DATE ' ' PAYEE CNECK AMOl1N P� �--9 . I. /G 3 s" �/3f y� i ��'�'`'�'"`� �3' .3° � G , � 2. � / .s^7 ��/ / % " ,` r J"""'r l.6 � � �, i�;NZ`.t�`.�-c�-� �, � � ��,y�yy ,�.����r���-'` ��-�- ��<<� � 3. � , - � ,�/����-� Z��C�y�"�G� � o o ,o�, �,�,�.1���"'�' 4. � �G � �;�a��;�„�, 12.t ,a-��' ��---� �y�� s� �/�-7/�� �.� � � s . 3,/��i ��.� ����� ��L`� � `"> 6. I�i 7� � fL �� , 3 " � �j�� ��� ��.��-� �.�y� �`��N��,ti,:�,- y��, t,, . S/�y/�% �-� 8.��� � 7 j.c�:--u�-�°�''� �,�; l��,. 9. � 3w �/������ 2�/2`� �,w`� ���,>.u-� . p ,� �vv • r�� � �L LQ. �� 5 1 ��3c/�'y ��..2'�uc(,�-�: '`'�ur/�G�-tCQ !�Q ., (�/3���"� C� Le""�"�� � �(�'s�`�'' 11.�b ��� �r �'� 7�u'.�'"`""���-�� 1� �� �r�litc.-,.�-�"�P �'�L� 12.��-�° ��/ �, �,�,,;.�;�,�-vi,*�:-�' ��` 3 b��� 13. �0 3 '� '. �� �'y /�-� ����' .�� .�� v �Y �'' � �� ,�-�-._ � �y � �j:�i/�y �� `"� ��'' �b�'�' TOTAL CHECK AhbUNT $ u�`I,�� NOTE: These expenditures will be provided to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial report is complete and accurate. � � • � rt s � �_� - � - • -� a � = � ; : � > - ; = � � i C > � o � � s C w � � � w .Zi l7 ` � � + � i 4 ` ~� � � .� a � 1 0 r Z. ! i i � , O i � � � • � v o v � � �• .� ♦ w �. � � : � � �� 3 f � � ._. w � r i � � ' � � �' �" ^ � ! F a '� � ! � � � • �� � � � �j � � � � � � � � s �,R � � t "' �� � � �7 � � ., . o � s � �A � � • a �Z � v..v s .. � r � � �- � i .rvv '� ,� � �70 � s w s � 4 � � � .� w • O � �Q ♦ V • 7�� . � + • � � g�'� Q � � 4 A � �� i + � � 3+0>D1 � � + 1 H � � � s � ��Qi � � � � � ; ;� O � �� s '�� 3 �� � �. C : � n�. � � ^ � � � � � - � � � 3� � � i a�� " ° Z � i L i � � o �Z 1