98-730Coimcii File # � '" � / �0 ORlGINA� Presented By Referred To RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # CO t b 1 (5 Committee: Date 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2$ 29 30 31 32 33 34 VJfIEREAS, the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code is adopted for use by the City of Saint Paul, Deparhnent of Fire and Safety Services, in Legislative Code § 55.01; and WFIEREAS, Appendix lA of the Minnesota Uniform Fire Code, entitled "Life Safety Requirements for Existing Buildings", in ParC 3(c) entitled "Corridors", provides that cozridors in multi-family residential occupancies with an occupant load of ten (10) or more be comprised of one-hour fire-resistive consixuction, including 20-minute fire doors; and WI�REAS, many apartment buildings in Saint Paul were constructed before these fire code provisions were in effect and aze not therefore equipped with 20-minute fire doors which makes the financial impact of compliance with this requirement substantial; and VJHEREAS, the purpose of the fire doors is to confine a fue to a single apartment unit until the fire deparhnent can arrive to ea�tinguish the fire; and WI3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul's Department of Fire and Safety Services has consistently demonstrated an average response time of less than four (4) minutes to a fire emergency; and WHEREAS, eighty-iwo (82%) of all fires in 1995, the last year for which such data is available, were confined to the room of origin; and WHEREAS, there has not been an incident of an apartrnent fire spreading through the exit corridor due to Che lack of a 20-minute fire door; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to Minnesota Staxutes § 299F.011, Subd. 5(b) and Saint Paul Legislative Code § 18.01, the Council of the City of Saint Paul directs that the City's Legislative Hearing Officer may grant appeals by the owners of multi-family residenual buildings, with an occupant load of ten (1Q) or persons, from the Mimiesota Uniform Fire Code requirement for 20- minute fire doors in the corridors of such residential buildings so long as the appeal involves: (1) an e�sting door and; (2) is subject to the condirion that in the event the door is subsequenfly replaced for whatever reason, the door shall be replaced with a 20-minute fire door conforming to the requirements of Appendix lA of the Minuesota L3niform Fire Code; AND BE IT °f FINALLY RESOLVED, that these appeals shall only be granted when a11 other requirements of the Certificate of Occupancy renewai inspection have been met. ORIGINAL Re, by Department of: By: Porm Appxo City Attomey BY: ��� �����f Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council $}' � Fire & Sa£ety Services ;OMACT PERSON & PHONE Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshal 7I1ST BE ON COUNCIL AGEN�A BY (DA'f� DATEINRiA1Fp 4/20/98 ARSif.� ���� a�� �. TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET no�xrrert unECtort q � _�3 0 No 651_01 arrcou+n o �.n� o��K_ ❑�,�� ❑.��.�� � wroa�w,�asm�vn7 ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Pass a resolution directing the Council's Leqislative Hearing Offiqe� to grant appeals of fare door requirements in certain instan � _ 1lOV� P' �UL 3 9.199$ PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION t50NAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TNE FOLLOWING ( Has ihis perwnlfirm tverworkecl under a coMractfa ihis departmentl YES NO 2. Has this peraon/firm ever been a city empbyee? YES NO 3. Does this persoMmi possess a sldll not nortnallypossessetl by airy cuneM cily empbyeel YES NO 4 Is this peisorJfirm a tar6etetl ventla? YES NO Mangvr.o�d�� apartment buildings have non-compliant apartment doors and replacing them would be a substantial cost that is unreasonable considering the fire department's demonstrated response time and performance. The City Council has authority to grant such a variance under Minnesota Statute 299F.011, Subdivision 5(a)& 5(b). Less costly to affected apartment building owners. Appeals would only be granted upon completion of a11 other'correction orders, creating an incenti for compliance. State Fire Code requirement for 20 minute apartment £ire doors will not be technically met �+AN7AGES IF NOT APPROVED It will be costly for apartment building owners to replace agartment doors. It will be costly and time-consuming for the city to enforce this state C11LL11G1LLGlll�• - O AMOUNT OF TRANSACiION S CO37/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ON� YES NO SOURCE ACTNITYNUMBER