90-156 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUflCll G �j� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. •� O /`� i Council R tion -i��q� Presented By �����- - �, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Port Authority has spent approximately $2.5 million in acquiring, operating and demolishing the buildings at the Hospital site; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has received a little over $1 .3 million to reimburse them for those costs--that sum represents the acquisition of the main buildings by the state; and WHEREAS, there is a one-acre parcel along East Seventh Street that was acquired by the Port Authority from the Hospital and remains in i�s ownership; and WHEREAS, the State has an option to purchase the parcel between now and December 29 of 1990 for $600,000, after which time the purchase price will go up to $650,000; and WHEREAS, it is in the State's interest to own all of the property on that block in order to protect their investment and allow maximum room for expansion and site planning; WHEREAS, the Metropolitan State University Capital Improvement Budget contains $600,000 for the property option to be exercised, but does not contain the $400,000 to $500,000 that would be required to reimburse the Port Authority for expenses they incurred in relation to this project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports the Port Authority in their efforts to get the capital bonding request for Metropolitan State University increased to cover the Port Authority for expenses incurred in relation to this project. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays m d D7.T[lOrid Goswit2 In Favor � Long � Re n � e;�i Maccabee Against BY en Rettmc3ri � ° Thune Wi180n �EB ' Ej �� Form Ap ov d by City tor y Adopted b Council: Date Certified Pas e ou cil r By sy A►pproved 1+lavor: D te F�B ' 7 j�90 App oved y ayor for Submissi,on o Council BY /�./4�e��-��_ gy �C�l��` ,. �-���,. -� ,'r rR q '� j`7_7 V ,°, '��-i. .. . .. - : - . �9�� 's� WHEREAS, the Port Authority has spent approximately $2 . 5 million in acquiring, operating and demolishing the buildings at the Hospital site; and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has received a little over $1. 3 million to reimburse them for those costs -- that sum represents the acquisition of the main buildings by the state; and WHEREAS, there is a one-acre parcel along East Seventh Street that was acquired by the Port Authority from the Hospital and remains in its ownership; and WHEREAS, the state has an option to purchase thee parcel between now and December 29 of 1990 for $600, 00 after which time the purchase price will go up to $650, 000; and WHEREAS, it is in the State's interest to own all of the property on that block in order to protect their investment and allow maximum room for expansion and site planning; WHEREAS, the Metropolitan State University Capital improvement budget contains: $600, 000 for the property option to be exercised, but does not co'ntain the $400, 000 to $500, 000 that would be � required to reimburse the Port Authority for expenses they incurred in relation to this project; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council supports the Port Authority in their efforts to get the capital bonding request for Metropolitan State University increased to cover the Port Authority for expenses incurred in relation to this project. a8 . . . . �;��o-��� DEPARTM[NT/OFFlCE/OOUNCIL DATE INITIATED � Ma or� S Office 1/9/90 GREEN SHEET No. 5231 CONTACT PERSOM 3 PHONE �DEPARTMEM DIi�CTOR INmw DAh ❑CITY COUNCII INITIAUDATE Bonnie Balach 29 8 4 32 3 N�� �CITY ATTORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DA ROUTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.8ERVICEB�R. 1-2 2-9 0 ❑�u►va+�a+�ssisT�n TOTAL N OF 81CiNATURE PA 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 810NATUR� ACTION RECUES'fED: Signature of atta hed Council Resolution. JQN 1 1 ��Q� RECEIVEp �ITY RECOMMENDA710N8:Approvs pq a (Fq COUNCIL COMM OPTIONAL _PIANNINQ OOMMISSION _ L�RVI�COMMI8810P1 �ALYBT � PF�IE NO. _��,,,�E x ouncil Le . QF _srn� _ Cotn. cor�erns: Q�PqRTlWENT �RECTOR —as�cr couAr — �5;u�MqiVqGEMENT�NANCE s�,a�rs,�a,ca,n�a��,,ECm�, SERVICES iNmnnNa P�M.�ssue.o�N Mmo,whu.vunen.w►�ers.wnr): Port Authority ha acc�uired one-acre site along E. 7th St. that was part of St. John' s Hospit 1 site. It is in the State of Niinnesota' s interest to purchase the parc 1 an�. assemk�le it as part of the Netropolitan State University Campus The City of_ 5t. naul supgorts the Port Authority in their , efforts to get th capital bon�ing request for 2�iSU increased to cover the Port' s expenses i curred for this T- - ADVANTAOES IF APPi�VED: Port Authori, � expenses as a part of this project. MSL I r I � i � DI8/1DVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: ' � "Zone. RECE(VED � _ __ __ .1AN221�0 � CITY CLER'r( DISADVANTAOES IF f�T�D: Port Authority wi 1 continue to own this property and will not be reimbursed. �ouncil I�esearch Genter. JAN 171990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = � COST/REVENUE 9UDOETED(qRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDiN�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) ' V�Y . � _ - - � �y�o-i.s� ��� . . , ., .. .. ._ � , , , . � � ` : _ ; �." ?.. .. - FAX(612) 223-5198 PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CIN OF SAINT PAUL TOLL FREE (800) 328-8417 � J �� 1900 LANDMARK TOWERS • 345 ST. PETER STREEi • ST. PAUL, MN 55102-1661 • PHONE (612) 224-5686 November 24, 1989 Representative Randy C. Kelly 509 State Otfice Building St. Paul , Minnesota 55155 RE : METRO STATE UNIVERSITY Dear Representative Kelly : I am writing to bring you up to date on the status of the Port Authority 's involvement in the old St. John ' s Hospital site and to ask your help in bringing the last few pieces of this project together. As you are well aware, the Port Authority got involved in this project because it was a community priority and there was a need for someone to help move the project forward while State funding was pending. Up until the present time the Port Authority has spent ap- proximately $2 . 5 million in acquiring, operating and demolishing the buildings at the Nospitai site. To date , we have received a little over $1 . 3 miliion to reimburse us for those costs. That sum represents the acquisition of the main buildings by the State. As you can see, the cost of the Authority to date has ex- ceeded our reimbursements by weil over $1 million . There is one remaining piece of business that would help reduce our outstanding costs , and I believe 1s cleariy in the best interests of the State of biinnesota. There is a one-acre parcel along East Seventh Street that was acquired by the Port Authority from the Hospital and remains in our ownership . The State has an option to purchase the parcel between now and December 29 of 1990 for $600,000 . If the option is not exercised at that point, the price goes to $650, 000 . I have to believe that it is in the State ' s interest to own all of the property on that block in or- der to protect their investment and allow maximum room for expan- sion and site planning. a� . _ . �90�%s� Representative Randy C. Kelly November 24 , 1989 . Page -2- I would hope that the Legislature will approve funding for F4etro State University during this upcoming session and that that ap- proval will include the �600 , 000 for the property option to be exercised . In addition , it would be very helpful if the State could include another �400 , 000 to $500 . 000 in the =�propriation to repay the Port Authority for all of the holding costs that we had on the property. ��lhen we got into this project we thought that we were simply going to be a conduit and that we would not lose money on the transaction . Obviously , there have been time delays and other considerations which were unanticipated and have changed that situation . We would appreciate any help �that might be forthcoming. Although i must admit that the idea of Metro State University at that site and the potentially enormous impact it is going to have on the near east side makes all of the time and work and money seem very worthwhile. Sincerely , Ja es J . ellus ecutive Vice � President JJB : jmo ' �7 � �: . � - � G�i�=qo-��� . . �r _ - �'+.`� LEGISLATION COMMITTEE � JANUARY 8, 1990 COMMITTEE REPORT - PAGE TWO Requlation of Telephone Companies � THIS ITEM WAS LAID OVER TO THE JANUARY 26, 1990, COMMITTEE MEETING. Metro�� �tan State University -- Port Authority COMMIT'�EE RECOMMENDED . Brief Presentations Tax Increment Financinq COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Combined Sewer Separation Proctram (�.;.. NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED State Planning Lectislation NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED /chr , � . %�..,�`' GITY OF SAINT PAUL I � ����i������ ' OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RECEIVEi� 1• 5' � ' � ` � ' � . . ..: JAN091990 ��""'��°"'' Date: January 8, 1990 B O B LD N G CITY CLER�C Couacilmember • Members: Bob Long, Chair Committee-of-the- Whole COMMITTEE REPORT - CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the Minutes of the November 13, 1989, meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 2 . For Discussion and Possible Action Port Authority: Title and name chancte _ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL ��- � �, . Port Authoritv: Leased propertY COMMITTEE RECGMMENDED AFPROVAL Propertv Taxes NO COMMITTEE ACTION REQUIRED . Amateur Sports FacilitY ? COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL Federal Lobbyist - Contract renewal COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL OF RESOLUTION -- CONTRACT AGREEMENT WILL BE REVISED AND SUBMITTED AT THE JANUARY 26, 1990, COMMITTEE MEETING Metropolitan Parks: Capitol Improvement Proctram COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS CITY HALL SEVENZ'H FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4473 6M�+46 Prinud oa�W%Recycied Paper