98-729v Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting oR���NA� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received and accepted a grant from the Minnesota Department of 2 Public Safety for the Criminal Gang Strike Force Overtime and Purchased and/or Leased Equipment and/or Leased 3 Vehicles Program for the period November 10, 1997 through November 9, 1999, and 4 5 VJHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety has amended this agreement to authorize reimbursement for three 6 additionai vehicies for the use by Saint Paul members of the Gang Strike Force in the amount of $25,200, and 7 8 WI�REAS, $10,800 will be applied to the first year ofthe grant in the 1998 budget, and the remaining $14,400 will 9 be set up in the second year of the grant in the 1999 budget, and lo 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the Cily of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: IS 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BiTDGET CHANGES BiSDGET 18 001-General Fund 19 04000-Office ofthe Chief 20 3490 - Other State Grants 171,520 10,800 182,320 21 22 23 , , , 24 SPENDING PLAN: 25 001-General Fund 26 04000-Office ofthe Chief 27 0283-40033 - Rental-Vehicles 33,6�� 10,8�0 44,400 28 29 30 31 � � � 32 33 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these chauges to the 1998 budget. � Yeas Nays Absent Requested by epar ent of: Benanav Blakev ,� PO�1CQ { � Adopted by Co ci1:D Adoption C rtif �by BY: /'� Approved by B ' strikeforce98atld.xls Council File # { O ' � ° l Green Sheet # 61030 Approval Recommende¢ by Financial Services Director: �v . :� . � � -1 � ., � DEP TMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Po�ioe ve ���s�9s GREEN SHEET No. 61030 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INIiIAI/DAFE INfiIALIDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 ;<'=:>::=;?-- :. 1 oevnnnaexro�rsecrors $ crtvcouxca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) - -..� _-.._ �CRYATTO ❑CT'CLERK ❑Z FINANCIALSERNCESOIR �FlWWGINLSERV/pCCTG �MAYOR ASSIST I I TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED ���t�� Approval of the attached Council Resolution to amend the the Gang Strike Force budget for 1998 for gtC� tluee addirional vehicles . ��\ �g CA ��� ,U` �'� RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: 1 Hasthisperson/firmeverworketlunderacontrectforthisdepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/srm ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any cuneM ary employee? YES NO 4 Is thi5 persoNSrm a targetetl vendo�? YES NO E�plain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded three grants to participate in the Criminal Gang Strike Force. The attached council resolution amends the budget for three additional leased vehicles. R���1�� .IUL 23 i99a ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �,�A��,�f� �F�I The Criminal Gang Strike Force will be able to spend the addiUonal grant money for leased vehicles. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED None �rr� _� ::��!r:� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED `„ ��'.; �:,.;' The Criminal Gang Strike Force will be unable to utilize the addirional grant money. ��� ,� 3 �p�9� ����� e t;�`��,. ������d�, �_'', TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ ° 10,800.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMG SOURCE Mi1JR0SOt<1 St3t0 GCdrit ACTIVI7Y NUMBER 001-04000-0283-40033 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) sffikeforce98add ��� ePe �z c. aue� ss � S;�� �♦ _` I Office of the Commissioner I `" `� � 445 Minnesota Street St., Suite t�0�, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5000 \ �' i Phone:612/296-6642 FAX:612297.5728 TIY:612/282-6555 ° �"� oFMNN � s °`� ; Intemet: http://www.dpsstate.mn.us Aicohol & Gambling Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitoi Security Driver & Vehicle Services Emergency Management / Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal / Pipeline Safety Siate Patrol Traffic Safety May 19, 1998 Commander poug Wills St. Paul Police Department 100 E. l lth Street ! St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: Criminal Gang Strike Force Amendment Dear Commander Wills: I am enclosing four copies of Amendment No. 1 to your Criminal Gang Strike Force Joint Powers Agreement. Qnce fully executed, this amendment will authorize reimbursement for three additional vehicles for use by St. Paul members of the Gang Strike Force. Please have Chief Finney sign all four Amendments where indicated and return to me at the above address. Thank you. Please call me if you have any questions at mie R. Zugschwert Equal Opportunity Employer AMENDMENT #1 � �_� a � SFY 1998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Entry Locn Object Code SB00 Requisition No. Contract t3o. Order No. s000-�� ��� g p s000-s2 s000-sz Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 9S $�88-89 $86,400.00 066790002 �89 $176,400.00 ($10,800.00 increase) State of Minnesota Depariment of Public Safety City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department 100 E.11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Amount: $25,200.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT ORDER NUMBER 600Q-82 WHEIZEAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety (STATE) has a Joint Powers Agreement identified as Contract Order Number 6000-82 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (AGENCI�, pertauung to the Crixninal Gang Sh Force, and WI3EREAS, the STATE has awazded additional funds for the initiative; and NOW TF3EREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PAR"I'IES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Secrion B, Paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: Reimbursement to the AGENCY for purchased or leased equipment, and/or leased vehicles through this Agreement shall not exceed c;.,.., co..e,. �-i,,.,....,.,a -r...,. v...,a_va a„n.,..,. �e�-, �nn nm Ninety-Two Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($92,400.00) and shall be in compliance with the Revised Bnd¢et � outline included in Attachment 2,. of this Ageement. The Revised Bndeet is herebv incornorated bv reference and made a nart of this Aereement. 2. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensarion and reimbursements to the AGENCY shall not exceed a�,:.-«.. -r�.�oo -n.,,,....,..a �: u, ..a a a n_., ie�� �nn nm Fortv-Four Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($44,400.00) from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and''''��-*- 'r''-- 'r'� a �' -* a a a^"^'° �Q�� Fortv-Ei�ht Thousand ($48,�OOAO) from November 10, 1998, through November 9, 1999. Funds not expended by AGENCY during the first year of this Agreement may be expended in the second year of this Agreement. 1 0£ 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (Overtime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - St. Paul) T'IFQT, Clause II, Secrion C, of the Joint Powers Ageement shall be amended to read: ��— ��� C. The total obligation of the STATE for ali compensation (overtime) and reimbursement (purchased or leased equipment andlor leased vehicles} to the AGENCY shall not exceed �°°°�� •�'=^° "�'�-�• a e * a d^"°-° �e�.� Eightv-Six Thonsand Fonr Hnndred dollars ($86,400.00) from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1498, and shall not exceed the additional amount of �°^°-� ;� �'=^� '�'�-� a � T a a a�"°-°fe�-',-�9^.�� Nintev Thousand dollars ($90,000.00) from November 10, 1998, tt�rough November 9, 1999. THAT, Clause XV. and XVI. of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: XV. LIABILIT'Y. AGENCY agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the STATE, its representarives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the AGENCY or AGENCY'S agents or employees. Except, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter �O°�o 299A.65, while operating under the scope of Minnesota Statutes Section'O°�o 299A.65, members of the Strike Force aze "employees of the state" as defined in section 3.736 and are considered employees of the Deparhnent of Public Safety for purposes of Chapter 176. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies the AGENCY may have for the STAT'E'S failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. XVI. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. AGENCY certifies that it has complied with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of the Minnesota Statutes, Section 176.181, subdivision 2. Except, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter'° 299A.65, while operaring under the scope of Minnesota Statutes Section''°°�� 299A.65, members of the Strike Force are "employees of the state" as defined in section 3.736 and are considered employees of the Department of Public Safety for purposes of Chapter 176. WEiEREAS, the original Joint Powers Agreement, Attachment 2, Pages 1, 3-5, shall be amended as indicated in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of tlus Agreement. By execution of this amendment, the terms and condirions of the original Joint Powers Agreement are expressly reaffirmed. Except as herein amended, the provisions of the original Joint Powers Agreement remain in full force and effect. 2 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (Overtime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - St. Paul) � . q � -� �1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED 1 GRANTEE_-_- - 2 . DEPARTMEN'i'- OF` Pt3BLIC'S&3FSTY --`_ '_ B : • g�, : . �� Title: Title: Date: Date By: Title: Date 3 ATTQRNEY GEN$RAL 5.. ENCUMBERED BY';;.. Apgzoved to.•sign`,`oii heiialfF`_ ' csf t�e:Attoriiey Gene.ral ' ° `_ a's �o �forai `and execution ." ,. By : By . . .. , . � . . . Date: Date: E - ° Coini[[z:ss�oiier .of "� � Date: 3 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (OVertime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - 5t. Paul) �t�-��� Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 NIINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1997 STATE ONINIBUS CRIME ACT REVISED GRANTS TO EXPAND LOCAL CAPACITY TO COMBAT GANGS This form is to be used as the cover sheet for this application. Submit 10 copies of the complete application to: Rosalind R Sullivan, Grants Coordinator, Department of Pubiic Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-2156. Date received by Council Recommended by Regional Committee Approved by Funding Committee Approved by FuII Counci Public Safety Commissioner September 30, 1997 c�� -� a�� Attachment 2, Page 3 of 5 PROJECT SUMMARY REVISED 1. Provide a snmmary of the plan yon will implement Describe the planned or ongoing efforts to combat gang activity in your area, 2. Describe the need for fnnding throngh this grant The St. Paul Police Deparhnent has been involved in actively combating gang activity for several years. The St. Paul Police Department is the lead agency of the East Metro Gang Task Force and the Asian Crimes Task Force. The deparhnent is going to assign six officers full-time to the Strike Force as well as assign the three officers from the Asian Crimes Task Force to coordinate their investigations with the Strike Force. The department is requesting reunbursement funding for four *officers and overtune reimbursement for the five addirional officers to partially cover the costs of repiacing those officers in the city. The department is alos requesting fundinf for vehicles for six investigators assigned to the Strike Force because there is no local funding available to provide those cazs. The St Paui Police Departxnent pro�oses to use funds under this pro¢ram to lease three(31 vehicle to su�nort each of the three (3� Deparhnent officers who will serve on the State's Criminal Gang Strike Force for two years. Vehicles leased with funds under this �ro�ram will be used solely bv members assig�ed to the Gang Stike Force. The SPPD does not have sufficient vehicles in its existine fleet to nrovide Ganp Strike Force mebers with vehicies. Vehicles leased with funds under this �rogram will be used sole,y bv members of the Gang Strike Force. * Reimbursement funding for four officers is not covered in this agreement. One (1) vehicie will be for Cpt. Ryan, Statewide Commander. [Attach additional pages as needed. Project Summary should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 a8-� Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 REVISED BUDGET REQUEST �rnv�de hndgef�or two yeazs �iote�thatith�'��femg may oniy b�#nnder��u�il�ze.cl far = Sf��eF`orce=�nembersfhatha��beencoafr�Qte��gouriagenc}r;- - _ _ _ - � = Year 1 Year 2 Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Investigative Funds Investigative Funds Vehicle Leasing* $33�88 Vehicle Leasing* �33;y9g $44,400 $48,000 Communicafion Equipment* Communication Equipment* Office Space Leasing Office Space Leasing and Furninshing* and Fumishing* Year 1 Total �3�,688 Year 2 Total $33�A8 $44,400 $48.000 TOTAL YR 1& YR 2 $6�68:A9 $92,400.00 September30,1997 r: Gtg -'12'� Attachment 2, Page 5 of 5 PROJECT BUDGET NARRATIVE REVISED Piease provide a detailed description of each of the budget items listed on Form 4, inclnding an explanantion of how costs were calculated. Year 1 Vehicle Leasing - 7 vehicles at $400 per month X 12 months $33,600 Vehicle Leasing - 3 vehieles at $400 per month X 9 months $10.800 Total Year 1= $44,400 Year 2 Vehicle Leasing -� 10 vehicles at $400 per month $33;689 48 000 Total Year 2 = $48,000 Vehicles will be used by St. Paul police officers assigned to the Strike Force. [Attach additional pages as necessary. Budget Narrative should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 v Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting oR���NA� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received and accepted a grant from the Minnesota Department of 2 Public Safety for the Criminal Gang Strike Force Overtime and Purchased and/or Leased Equipment and/or Leased 3 Vehicles Program for the period November 10, 1997 through November 9, 1999, and 4 5 VJHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety has amended this agreement to authorize reimbursement for three 6 additionai vehicies for the use by Saint Paul members of the Gang Strike Force in the amount of $25,200, and 7 8 WI�REAS, $10,800 will be applied to the first year ofthe grant in the 1998 budget, and the remaining $14,400 will 9 be set up in the second year of the grant in the 1999 budget, and lo 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the Cily of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: IS 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BiTDGET CHANGES BiSDGET 18 001-General Fund 19 04000-Office ofthe Chief 20 3490 - Other State Grants 171,520 10,800 182,320 21 22 23 , , , 24 SPENDING PLAN: 25 001-General Fund 26 04000-Office ofthe Chief 27 0283-40033 - Rental-Vehicles 33,6�� 10,8�0 44,400 28 29 30 31 � � � 32 33 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these chauges to the 1998 budget. � Yeas Nays Absent Requested by epar ent of: Benanav Blakev ,� PO�1CQ { � Adopted by Co ci1:D Adoption C rtif �by BY: /'� Approved by B ' strikeforce98atld.xls Council File # { O ' � ° l Green Sheet # 61030 Approval Recommende¢ by Financial Services Director: �v . :� . � � -1 � ., � DEP TMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Po�ioe ve ���s�9s GREEN SHEET No. 61030 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INIiIAI/DAFE INfiIALIDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 ;<'=:>::=;?-- :. 1 oevnnnaexro�rsecrors $ crtvcouxca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) - -..� _-.._ �CRYATTO ❑CT'CLERK ❑Z FINANCIALSERNCESOIR �FlWWGINLSERV/pCCTG �MAYOR ASSIST I I TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED ���t�� Approval of the attached Council Resolution to amend the the Gang Strike Force budget for 1998 for gtC� tluee addirional vehicles . ��\ �g CA ��� ,U` �'� RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: 1 Hasthisperson/firmeverworketlunderacontrectforthisdepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/srm ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any cuneM ary employee? YES NO 4 Is thi5 persoNSrm a targetetl vendo�? YES NO E�plain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded three grants to participate in the Criminal Gang Strike Force. The attached council resolution amends the budget for three additional leased vehicles. R���1�� .IUL 23 i99a ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �,�A��,�f� �F�I The Criminal Gang Strike Force will be able to spend the addiUonal grant money for leased vehicles. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED None �rr� _� ::��!r:� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED `„ ��'.; �:,.;' The Criminal Gang Strike Force will be unable to utilize the addirional grant money. ��� ,� 3 �p�9� ����� e t;�`��,. ������d�, �_'', TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ ° 10,800.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMG SOURCE Mi1JR0SOt<1 St3t0 GCdrit ACTIVI7Y NUMBER 001-04000-0283-40033 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) sffikeforce98add ��� ePe �z c. aue� ss � S;�� �♦ _` I Office of the Commissioner I `" `� � 445 Minnesota Street St., Suite t�0�, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5000 \ �' i Phone:612/296-6642 FAX:612297.5728 TIY:612/282-6555 ° �"� oFMNN � s °`� ; Intemet: http://www.dpsstate.mn.us Aicohol & Gambling Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitoi Security Driver & Vehicle Services Emergency Management / Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal / Pipeline Safety Siate Patrol Traffic Safety May 19, 1998 Commander poug Wills St. Paul Police Department 100 E. l lth Street ! St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: Criminal Gang Strike Force Amendment Dear Commander Wills: I am enclosing four copies of Amendment No. 1 to your Criminal Gang Strike Force Joint Powers Agreement. Qnce fully executed, this amendment will authorize reimbursement for three additional vehicles for use by St. Paul members of the Gang Strike Force. Please have Chief Finney sign all four Amendments where indicated and return to me at the above address. Thank you. Please call me if you have any questions at mie R. Zugschwert Equal Opportunity Employer AMENDMENT #1 � �_� a � SFY 1998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Entry Locn Object Code SB00 Requisition No. Contract t3o. Order No. s000-�� ��� g p s000-s2 s000-sz Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 9S $�88-89 $86,400.00 066790002 �89 $176,400.00 ($10,800.00 increase) State of Minnesota Depariment of Public Safety City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department 100 E.11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Amount: $25,200.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT ORDER NUMBER 600Q-82 WHEIZEAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety (STATE) has a Joint Powers Agreement identified as Contract Order Number 6000-82 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (AGENCI�, pertauung to the Crixninal Gang Sh Force, and WI3EREAS, the STATE has awazded additional funds for the initiative; and NOW TF3EREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PAR"I'IES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Secrion B, Paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: Reimbursement to the AGENCY for purchased or leased equipment, and/or leased vehicles through this Agreement shall not exceed c;.,.., co..e,. �-i,,.,....,.,a -r...,. v...,a_va a„n.,..,. �e�-, �nn nm Ninety-Two Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($92,400.00) and shall be in compliance with the Revised Bnd¢et � outline included in Attachment 2,. of this Ageement. The Revised Bndeet is herebv incornorated bv reference and made a nart of this Aereement. 2. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensarion and reimbursements to the AGENCY shall not exceed a�,:.-«.. -r�.�oo -n.,,,....,..a �: u, ..a a a n_., ie�� �nn nm Fortv-Four Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($44,400.00) from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and''''��-*- 'r''-- 'r'� a �' -* a a a^"^'° �Q�� Fortv-Ei�ht Thousand ($48,�OOAO) from November 10, 1998, through November 9, 1999. Funds not expended by AGENCY during the first year of this Agreement may be expended in the second year of this Agreement. 1 0£ 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (Overtime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - St. Paul) T'IFQT, Clause II, Secrion C, of the Joint Powers Ageement shall be amended to read: ��— ��� C. The total obligation of the STATE for ali compensation (overtime) and reimbursement (purchased or leased equipment andlor leased vehicles} to the AGENCY shall not exceed �°°°�� •�'=^° "�'�-�• a e * a d^"°-° �e�.� Eightv-Six Thonsand Fonr Hnndred dollars ($86,400.00) from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1498, and shall not exceed the additional amount of �°^°-� ;� �'=^� '�'�-� a � T a a a�"°-°fe�-',-�9^.�� Nintev Thousand dollars ($90,000.00) from November 10, 1998, tt�rough November 9, 1999. THAT, Clause XV. and XVI. of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: XV. LIABILIT'Y. AGENCY agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the STATE, its representarives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the AGENCY or AGENCY'S agents or employees. Except, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter �O°�o 299A.65, while operating under the scope of Minnesota Statutes Section'O°�o 299A.65, members of the Strike Force aze "employees of the state" as defined in section 3.736 and are considered employees of the Deparhnent of Public Safety for purposes of Chapter 176. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies the AGENCY may have for the STAT'E'S failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. XVI. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. AGENCY certifies that it has complied with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of the Minnesota Statutes, Section 176.181, subdivision 2. Except, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter'° 299A.65, while operaring under the scope of Minnesota Statutes Section''°°�� 299A.65, members of the Strike Force are "employees of the state" as defined in section 3.736 and are considered employees of the Department of Public Safety for purposes of Chapter 176. WEiEREAS, the original Joint Powers Agreement, Attachment 2, Pages 1, 3-5, shall be amended as indicated in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of tlus Agreement. By execution of this amendment, the terms and condirions of the original Joint Powers Agreement are expressly reaffirmed. Except as herein amended, the provisions of the original Joint Powers Agreement remain in full force and effect. 2 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (Overtime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - St. Paul) � . q � -� �1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED 1 GRANTEE_-_- - 2 . DEPARTMEN'i'- OF` Pt3BLIC'S&3FSTY --`_ '_ B : • g�, : . �� Title: Title: Date: Date By: Title: Date 3 ATTQRNEY GEN$RAL 5.. ENCUMBERED BY';;.. Apgzoved to.•sign`,`oii heiialfF`_ ' csf t�e:Attoriiey Gene.ral ' ° `_ a's �o �forai `and execution ." ,. By : By . . .. , . � . . . Date: Date: E - ° Coini[[z:ss�oiier .of "� � Date: 3 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (OVertime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - 5t. Paul) �t�-��� Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 NIINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1997 STATE ONINIBUS CRIME ACT REVISED GRANTS TO EXPAND LOCAL CAPACITY TO COMBAT GANGS This form is to be used as the cover sheet for this application. Submit 10 copies of the complete application to: Rosalind R Sullivan, Grants Coordinator, Department of Pubiic Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-2156. Date received by Council Recommended by Regional Committee Approved by Funding Committee Approved by FuII Counci Public Safety Commissioner September 30, 1997 c�� -� a�� Attachment 2, Page 3 of 5 PROJECT SUMMARY REVISED 1. Provide a snmmary of the plan yon will implement Describe the planned or ongoing efforts to combat gang activity in your area, 2. Describe the need for fnnding throngh this grant The St. Paul Police Deparhnent has been involved in actively combating gang activity for several years. The St. Paul Police Department is the lead agency of the East Metro Gang Task Force and the Asian Crimes Task Force. The deparhnent is going to assign six officers full-time to the Strike Force as well as assign the three officers from the Asian Crimes Task Force to coordinate their investigations with the Strike Force. The department is requesting reunbursement funding for four *officers and overtune reimbursement for the five addirional officers to partially cover the costs of repiacing those officers in the city. The department is alos requesting fundinf for vehicles for six investigators assigned to the Strike Force because there is no local funding available to provide those cazs. The St Paui Police Departxnent pro�oses to use funds under this pro¢ram to lease three(31 vehicle to su�nort each of the three (3� Deparhnent officers who will serve on the State's Criminal Gang Strike Force for two years. Vehicles leased with funds under this �ro�ram will be used solely bv members assig�ed to the Gang Stike Force. The SPPD does not have sufficient vehicles in its existine fleet to nrovide Ganp Strike Force mebers with vehicies. Vehicles leased with funds under this �rogram will be used sole,y bv members of the Gang Strike Force. * Reimbursement funding for four officers is not covered in this agreement. One (1) vehicie will be for Cpt. Ryan, Statewide Commander. [Attach additional pages as needed. Project Summary should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 a8-� Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 REVISED BUDGET REQUEST �rnv�de hndgef�or two yeazs �iote�thatith�'��femg may oniy b�#nnder��u�il�ze.cl far = Sf��eF`orce=�nembersfhatha��beencoafr�Qte��gouriagenc}r;- - _ _ _ - � = Year 1 Year 2 Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Investigative Funds Investigative Funds Vehicle Leasing* $33�88 Vehicle Leasing* �33;y9g $44,400 $48,000 Communicafion Equipment* Communication Equipment* Office Space Leasing Office Space Leasing and Furninshing* and Fumishing* Year 1 Total �3�,688 Year 2 Total $33�A8 $44,400 $48.000 TOTAL YR 1& YR 2 $6�68:A9 $92,400.00 September30,1997 r: Gtg -'12'� Attachment 2, Page 5 of 5 PROJECT BUDGET NARRATIVE REVISED Piease provide a detailed description of each of the budget items listed on Form 4, inclnding an explanantion of how costs were calculated. Year 1 Vehicle Leasing - 7 vehicles at $400 per month X 12 months $33,600 Vehicle Leasing - 3 vehieles at $400 per month X 9 months $10.800 Total Year 1= $44,400 Year 2 Vehicle Leasing -� 10 vehicles at $400 per month $33;689 48 000 Total Year 2 = $48,000 Vehicles will be used by St. Paul police officers assigned to the Strike Force. [Attach additional pages as necessary. Budget Narrative should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 v Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting oR���NA� RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: �� 1 WHEREAS, The St. Paul Police Department has received and accepted a grant from the Minnesota Department of 2 Public Safety for the Criminal Gang Strike Force Overtime and Purchased and/or Leased Equipment and/or Leased 3 Vehicles Program for the period November 10, 1997 through November 9, 1999, and 4 5 VJHEREAS, the Department of Public Safety has amended this agreement to authorize reimbursement for three 6 additionai vehicies for the use by Saint Paul members of the Gang Strike Force in the amount of $25,200, and 7 8 WI�REAS, $10,800 will be applied to the first year ofthe grant in the 1998 budget, and the remaining $14,400 will 9 be set up in the second year of the grant in the 1999 budget, and lo 11 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the Cily of Saint Paul, does certify that 12 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 13 14 WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: IS 16 CURRENT AMENDED 17 FINANCING PLAN: BiTDGET CHANGES BiSDGET 18 001-General Fund 19 04000-Office ofthe Chief 20 3490 - Other State Grants 171,520 10,800 182,320 21 22 23 , , , 24 SPENDING PLAN: 25 001-General Fund 26 04000-Office ofthe Chief 27 0283-40033 - Rental-Vehicles 33,6�� 10,8�0 44,400 28 29 30 31 � � � 32 33 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Council approves these chauges to the 1998 budget. � Yeas Nays Absent Requested by epar ent of: Benanav Blakev ,� PO�1CQ { � Adopted by Co ci1:D Adoption C rtif �by BY: /'� Approved by B ' strikeforce98atld.xls Council File # { O ' � ° l Green Sheet # 61030 Approval Recommende¢ by Financial Services Director: �v . :� . � � -1 � ., � DEP TMENT/OFFICElCOUNCIL DATE INITIATED Po�ioe ve ���s�9s GREEN SHEET No. 61030 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INIiIAI/DAFE INfiIALIDATE ChiefFinney 292-3588 ;<'=:>::=;?-- :. 1 oevnnnaexro�rsecrors $ crtvcouxca MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) - -..� _-.._ �CRYATTO ❑CT'CLERK ❑Z FINANCIALSERNCESOIR �FlWWGINLSERV/pCCTG �MAYOR ASSIST I I TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED ���t�� Approval of the attached Council Resolution to amend the the Gang Strike Force budget for 1998 for gtC� tluee addirional vehicles . ��\ �g CA ��� ,U` �'� RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or RejeM (R) PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWMG QUESTIONS: 1 Hasthisperson/firmeverworketlunderacontrectforthisdepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this person/srm ever been a city employee� CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3 Does this person/firm possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any cuneM ary employee? YES NO 4 Is thi5 persoNSrm a targetetl vendo�? YES NO E�plain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHI� The City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded three grants to participate in the Criminal Gang Strike Force. The attached council resolution amends the budget for three additional leased vehicles. R���1�� .IUL 23 i99a ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED �,�A��,�f� �F�I The Criminal Gang Strike Force will be able to spend the addiUonal grant money for leased vehicles. DISA�VANTAGES IF APPROVED None �rr� _� ::��!r:� DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED `„ ��'.; �:,.;' The Criminal Gang Strike Force will be unable to utilize the addirional grant money. ��� ,� 3 �p�9� ����� e t;�`��,. ������d�, �_'', TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSAC710N $ ° 10,800.00 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDMG SOURCE Mi1JR0SOt<1 St3t0 GCdrit ACTIVI7Y NUMBER 001-04000-0283-40033 FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAIN) sffikeforce98add ��� ePe �z c. aue� ss � S;�� �♦ _` I Office of the Commissioner I `" `� � 445 Minnesota Street St., Suite t�0�, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, Minnesota 55101-5000 \ �' i Phone:612/296-6642 FAX:612297.5728 TIY:612/282-6555 ° �"� oFMNN � s °`� ; Intemet: http://www.dpsstate.mn.us Aicohol & Gambling Enforcement Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Capitoi Security Driver & Vehicle Services Emergency Management / Emergency Response Commission State Fire Marshal / Pipeline Safety Siate Patrol Traffic Safety May 19, 1998 Commander poug Wills St. Paul Police Department 100 E. l lth Street ! St. Paul, MN 55101 Re: Criminal Gang Strike Force Amendment Dear Commander Wills: I am enclosing four copies of Amendment No. 1 to your Criminal Gang Strike Force Joint Powers Agreement. Qnce fully executed, this amendment will authorize reimbursement for three additional vehicles for use by St. Paul members of the Gang Strike Force. Please have Chief Finney sign all four Amendments where indicated and return to me at the above address. Thank you. Please call me if you have any questions at mie R. Zugschwert Equal Opportunity Employer AMENDMENT #1 � �_� a � SFY 1998 Fund 100 Agency Number P07 Org/Sub 3356 Appr. Unit 383 Entry Locn Object Code SB00 Requisition No. Contract t3o. Order No. s000-�� ��� g p s000-s2 s000-sz Vendor Number Commodity Code Total Obligation Total Obligation for FY 9S $�88-89 $86,400.00 066790002 �89 $176,400.00 ($10,800.00 increase) State of Minnesota Depariment of Public Safety City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department 100 E.11th Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Amount: $25,200.00 AMENDMENT NO. 1 TO CONTRACT ORDER NUMBER 600Q-82 WHEIZEAS, the State of Minnesota, Department of Public Safety (STATE) has a Joint Powers Agreement identified as Contract Order Number 6000-82 with the City of St. Paul, St. Paul Police Department (AGENCI�, pertauung to the Crixninal Gang Sh Force, and WI3EREAS, the STATE has awazded additional funds for the initiative; and NOW TF3EREFORE IT IS AGREED BY AND BETWEEN THE PAR"I'IES HERETO: THAT, Clause II, Secrion B, Paragraphs 1 and 2, of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: Reimbursement to the AGENCY for purchased or leased equipment, and/or leased vehicles through this Agreement shall not exceed c;.,.., co..e,. �-i,,.,....,.,a -r...,. v...,a_va a„n.,..,. �e�-, �nn nm Ninety-Two Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($92,400.00) and shall be in compliance with the Revised Bnd¢et � outline included in Attachment 2,. of this Ageement. The Revised Bndeet is herebv incornorated bv reference and made a nart of this Aereement. 2. The total obligation of the STATE for all compensarion and reimbursements to the AGENCY shall not exceed a�,:.-«.. -r�.�oo -n.,,,....,..a �: u, ..a a a n_., ie�� �nn nm Fortv-Four Thousand Four Hundred dollars ($44,400.00) from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1998, and''''��-*- 'r''-- 'r'� a �' -* a a a^"^'° �Q�� Fortv-Ei�ht Thousand ($48,�OOAO) from November 10, 1998, through November 9, 1999. Funds not expended by AGENCY during the first year of this Agreement may be expended in the second year of this Agreement. 1 0£ 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (Overtime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - St. Paul) T'IFQT, Clause II, Secrion C, of the Joint Powers Ageement shall be amended to read: ��— ��� C. The total obligation of the STATE for ali compensation (overtime) and reimbursement (purchased or leased equipment andlor leased vehicles} to the AGENCY shall not exceed �°°°�� •�'=^° "�'�-�• a e * a d^"°-° �e�.� Eightv-Six Thonsand Fonr Hnndred dollars ($86,400.00) from November 10, 1997, through November 9, 1498, and shall not exceed the additional amount of �°^°-� ;� �'=^� '�'�-� a � T a a a�"°-°fe�-',-�9^.�� Nintev Thousand dollars ($90,000.00) from November 10, 1998, tt�rough November 9, 1999. THAT, Clause XV. and XVI. of the Joint Powers Agreement shall be amended to read: XV. LIABILIT'Y. AGENCY agrees to indemnify, save, and hold harmless the STATE, its representarives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the AGENCY or AGENCY'S agents or employees. Except, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter �O°�o 299A.65, while operating under the scope of Minnesota Statutes Section'O°�o 299A.65, members of the Strike Force aze "employees of the state" as defined in section 3.736 and are considered employees of the Deparhnent of Public Safety for purposes of Chapter 176. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies the AGENCY may have for the STAT'E'S failure to fulfill its obligations pursuant to this Agreement. XVI. WORKERS' COMPENSATION. AGENCY certifies that it has complied with the workers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of the Minnesota Statutes, Section 176.181, subdivision 2. Except, in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter'° 299A.65, while operaring under the scope of Minnesota Statutes Section''°°�� 299A.65, members of the Strike Force are "employees of the state" as defined in section 3.736 and are considered employees of the Department of Public Safety for purposes of Chapter 176. WEiEREAS, the original Joint Powers Agreement, Attachment 2, Pages 1, 3-5, shall be amended as indicated in the revised pages attached. The Revised pages are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of tlus Agreement. By execution of this amendment, the terms and condirions of the original Joint Powers Agreement are expressly reaffirmed. Except as herein amended, the provisions of the original Joint Powers Agreement remain in full force and effect. 2 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (Overtime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - St. Paul) � . q � -� �1 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this amendment to be executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED 1 GRANTEE_-_- - 2 . DEPARTMEN'i'- OF` Pt3BLIC'S&3FSTY --`_ '_ B : • g�, : . �� Title: Title: Date: Date By: Title: Date 3 ATTQRNEY GEN$RAL 5.. ENCUMBERED BY';;.. Apgzoved to.•sign`,`oii heiialfF`_ ' csf t�e:Attoriiey Gene.ral ' ° `_ a's �o �forai `and execution ." ,. By : By . . .. , . � . . . Date: Date: E - ° Coini[[z:ss�oiier .of "� � Date: 3 of 3 Criminal Gang Strike Force (OVertime & Purchased or Leased Equipment, and or Leased Vehicles - 5t. Paul) �t�-��� Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 NIINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY 1997 STATE ONINIBUS CRIME ACT REVISED GRANTS TO EXPAND LOCAL CAPACITY TO COMBAT GANGS This form is to be used as the cover sheet for this application. Submit 10 copies of the complete application to: Rosalind R Sullivan, Grants Coordinator, Department of Pubiic Safety, Office of the Commissioner, 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1000, North Central Life Tower, St. Paul, MN 55101-2156. Date received by Council Recommended by Regional Committee Approved by Funding Committee Approved by FuII Counci Public Safety Commissioner September 30, 1997 c�� -� a�� Attachment 2, Page 3 of 5 PROJECT SUMMARY REVISED 1. Provide a snmmary of the plan yon will implement Describe the planned or ongoing efforts to combat gang activity in your area, 2. Describe the need for fnnding throngh this grant The St. Paul Police Deparhnent has been involved in actively combating gang activity for several years. The St. Paul Police Department is the lead agency of the East Metro Gang Task Force and the Asian Crimes Task Force. The deparhnent is going to assign six officers full-time to the Strike Force as well as assign the three officers from the Asian Crimes Task Force to coordinate their investigations with the Strike Force. The department is requesting reunbursement funding for four *officers and overtune reimbursement for the five addirional officers to partially cover the costs of repiacing those officers in the city. The department is alos requesting fundinf for vehicles for six investigators assigned to the Strike Force because there is no local funding available to provide those cazs. The St Paui Police Departxnent pro�oses to use funds under this pro¢ram to lease three(31 vehicle to su�nort each of the three (3� Deparhnent officers who will serve on the State's Criminal Gang Strike Force for two years. Vehicles leased with funds under this �ro�ram will be used solely bv members assig�ed to the Gang Stike Force. The SPPD does not have sufficient vehicles in its existine fleet to nrovide Ganp Strike Force mebers with vehicies. Vehicles leased with funds under this �rogram will be used sole,y bv members of the Gang Strike Force. * Reimbursement funding for four officers is not covered in this agreement. One (1) vehicie will be for Cpt. Ryan, Statewide Commander. [Attach additional pages as needed. Project Summary should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997 a8-� Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 REVISED BUDGET REQUEST �rnv�de hndgef�or two yeazs �iote�thatith�'��femg may oniy b�#nnder��u�il�ze.cl far = Sf��eF`orce=�nembersfhatha��beencoafr�Qte��gouriagenc}r;- - _ _ _ - � = Year 1 Year 2 Computer Equipment Computer Equipment Investigative Funds Investigative Funds Vehicle Leasing* $33�88 Vehicle Leasing* �33;y9g $44,400 $48,000 Communicafion Equipment* Communication Equipment* Office Space Leasing Office Space Leasing and Furninshing* and Fumishing* Year 1 Total �3�,688 Year 2 Total $33�A8 $44,400 $48.000 TOTAL YR 1& YR 2 $6�68:A9 $92,400.00 September30,1997 r: Gtg -'12'� Attachment 2, Page 5 of 5 PROJECT BUDGET NARRATIVE REVISED Piease provide a detailed description of each of the budget items listed on Form 4, inclnding an explanantion of how costs were calculated. Year 1 Vehicle Leasing - 7 vehicles at $400 per month X 12 months $33,600 Vehicle Leasing - 3 vehieles at $400 per month X 9 months $10.800 Total Year 1= $44,400 Year 2 Vehicle Leasing -� 10 vehicles at $400 per month $33;689 48 000 Total Year 2 = $48,000 Vehicles will be used by St. Paul police officers assigned to the Strike Force. [Attach additional pages as necessary. Budget Narrative should not exceed 5 pages] September 30, 1997