98-728ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the State of Minnesota for the 2 Pro-Active Auto Theft Program, in fhe amount of $47,000 for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 3 1994, and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has 6een awarded this grant to help combat Auto 6 Theft, and 7 8 WI�REAS, the police department desires to establish a spending and financing plan for this grant, and 9 10 WI�REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WI�EEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the followiag addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FINANCING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operafions Division 3400-40035-State Direct Grantsin Aid SPENDING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 0141-40035 - Overtime 0274-40035 - Self Propelled Vehicles-Repair 0283-40035 - Rental-Vehicles 0298-40035 - Other Equipment-Parts-Supplies CiJRRENT AMENDED BUDGET CEIANGES BUDGET 0 47,000 47,000 0 47,000 47,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 6,000 6,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 47,000 47,00 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $47,000 37 for the Pro-Active Juvenile Auto Theft Program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an 32 agreement with the Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the changes to 33 the 1998 budget. 34 Requested by Department of: �a«�s � Lanfry ,� Reiter � Adopted by Caun ' . Adopfion Certi e by B � Approved by Mayor:3 B y: -� proactauto98-99 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � g � ?� � Green Sheet # 61028 �3 � Approval Recommended Director: , �:i„fi� � �r..s.� . � ��` vl' �� � � �r. �I1 � �IL•� . � -�a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI7IATED PoliceAepartment 7115/98 GREEN SHEET No. 6102$ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDAiE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 OEPMTMFMMRECTO 5�,rr�o�,a� MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) -- __ ... _ __". . _ _ ...f �4IYATIO ❑CJIYCLERK �FWANCWLSERVICES �FYUNCVLSERV/ACCTG , -r penYOR(OR I I u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approve the attached Council Resolurion to accept the State of Minnesota Pro-Active Auto Theft Program and set up spending authoriry for the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a coniract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoN�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3 Does this pereon/firtn possess a skll not nortnally possessetl by any curren[ aty employee? YES NO 4. is this personnrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atlach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Pro-Active Auto Theft Program has approved a grant proposal in the amount of $47,000, for combating auto theft in the city of Saint Paul. T'his resolution accepts Yhe grant awazd and sets up spending for the program. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED Acceptance of grant and authority to spend grant for a��6�m to combat auto theft. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � � � None �RYOR'� OF�IC� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �,".,'S-.�'a t,-T-� tr- �� x � 5 ��� i'�3.'y. �F:r. `i� � Ea � �� � Loss of grant money. �OL�PCf� s�2S°�fC}1 .�"+C��1tQl' JUL 34 l95$ ��� 4 � ��sa ����� ��� � ��' 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 47,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUN�INGSOURCE MIIlIlESOY3SY3LCGI3RY +i y ^ ACTIVITYNUMBER �f�(/f!� FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWI� A07159Sb.�s ORIGINAL :'�ccountinr Information: STATB OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT o��.�a.Y ALCicv Auio Theit 1'rereminu 1'ru�rnrn !�.'w^i l�exr 1999 Vennor :�umhc DGL790001-Ot� To::il Ar,wunt ot Con:rect S»7.600.00 Antount o! Cun:raci F:m Pl': S 47.W�.�U Cbmmodf!q Codc: 0?3-01 Com:nocnv Cbn_' Commodiry� Cutic i Ob)cct Codc. $f360 Ohicct Cotia Oi��cct Codc. .Amoun[ $ 47.000.00 Amount Amounl Accounting bi�tribution i: Accounting Distribution 2: Accountin� Distribution 3: i Punii. 20U FunG. Pund: .\ppr. 700 Appr. Appc Org/Sub 1100 Org/Sub Org/Sub �(lp: (.ai9 RCnI (.�I('. �<C�II C.01g Amoun:: 5 47,000.00 Amounr Amount. Processi�ia L�formatioc�: (Some entries �nay not apply) Requivtion P97000000020 Number � Date 1 Pntry lnrtizls Contrac[. Numbcr / Uatc / En:ry Lvuz!5 Solicitauon: NumUcr / Aa�e / L-nw Inivals Order. 1'97.00000075 Number / Datc / Entry lnniah (Ind�+�'idurs; s+g�+u;g cern(es tl+rt1 fund,a l:m�e becrr enmmrLeredasieq�urcrlb�'M�nn Smf ��1Gd15J \OTICC TO GRa\TFG. You aic rcqu:red by M�nn Stat � 270.GG 10 prov�tic your soaal sccun:y numbcr or 1�cdcral [mploycr ta� idcntifcauot� numocr anc Alinnc5ols tzs idcntiGcallon numbcr if ��ou co Dusncss with thc $tatc of Mmncsota Th;s informauon maq bc u>c<, m Ihc cntorccmcn! of icticral anti s;atc :a� laws Suppl�on_ ihese numbers rouiJ resul; �n action to reywre you Io f ic state tas rc.ums and pay ochnqucnt sta�c t�n 1�aU�IibcS Th a Acrecme�r �v II no' �: 2n�rm ed unlcst ihc<c numh°rs ar� nrnv dcd These numbcrs ��ili bc zva02blc �o fedcrai and staic tax authont�cs ana statc personnN mvolved �� appro�ang :hc Acreemer.t and cl:c paymcrt ofstate ob6eanons Gran�ce K�ame and Address Cl'v nf St Paui - Pniiee Uenarimen; St Pai iALn ecota 55107 Soc�al Scc crFcdcrzl Erplovc; 1.D ?�'a S7-(OO�s�7 A1ir.ncsou7�z I.D No. (itappims37c) THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINSPKIVATEINFDRMATION. EXGEPT AS DEFII3ED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULII NOT BE REPRODUCEIl OR DISTRIBUTED EXTEF�NALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMrSSION OF THE GRANTEE I circulate this Agreenrenr rr�rernall�, onl}� o�ces titar require accesr to the taa' identrficatia� nionber .4A%D alI r�tdii-idrrals/of7ices sigiiirzg rhis Agreemenr should Itcrve access ro tltis page. Guez C Coo*nes Gp nf Si P.n� . i'o�m: Dna�men•, Gv:c.: Co:nie,v P9ZG:si:Xi,:S �nuvn T6e�.: i•+a..co�.n _ c(� -� �Y THIS Agrcrment. ard amcMmentt and supD�cmrnu Ncrno, �a �iw�en Ne Srate of M�nnaota, acung through �tt Au[o Thefl Preveption Boerd (hereiraf•.er 'STATE') and Cit� oC St Paul - PoLCe Denanmeni , address 300 r ilth Se St P� � M� ot ztIU7 (hern�hsr' GR4'.TEE'). - w�mrsse;h that: �+'HERE.4S. ;he $T:.TE, pers�zr.t to ALnn Su�. _�� 1GSt 40 Sutd ?. �s empowero7 io aistrfbme moner fo� amomob Ir Lhefr o•e�•enc o� aa"v i cs, and q�};FRLAS, GR4':TEE represeno'hat n a CWr qua0fitd. au;honzec, and wil7mc to ca:r}' ou: ihe tuks descnhed m Attaehment C.. of fi�s Agreemrn:: and NOR'. 7'HEREFORE, it Ss acreed: GRAIKTEE'$ D'TIE (A[tach addiuonxl paec if necessarr whfch is mco�7arated by re(rrence a� made a par[ o( �'�is Agreemrn: ) GRA'�TEE, snall� GRAh'TEE shali carry out the iasks as descrlbed m GRA�TEE's appliwtion fos F*�nc fuMls whicn �s hereby incosjwrated hy reSerence ancl made z pan of th�5 Aerecment in Anachmem C. It, CO��SIDERATIO�v A�D TEFU.IS OF nAYME�T A. Cortsidera�ion for all services performed and goods or mamrials supptied by �e GRAhTEE pursuan[ to this Agreement shatl tv paid by the STATE as follows: I Compensaeion sha7i ce cons�stem with the budget ouiline contained m Anacnment C.,of this Agreement. 2. When specificsllv approved by tlie STATE, reimbursement for travel a� suhsis4>nce ezpenses ac[ually and necessarity mcurred ay GRANTEE m performance of this Agreement and identified in Anachment C of thit Agreement will be pa�d prov�ded tha: the GR4NTEE shall �e re�mbursed for vavel and subsatence expenses in che same manner and in no 6reaier amoun[ Nan providul m O�e current "Commiss�oner's Plan" promuleaced by �he Comm�svoner of Employee Rclations. Thc total obhgauon of die S7A7E ior a71 com�r_nsation and reimbursemen�s io GRANT"EE shall noi exceal_ F�rtv Sev4n Thousand dollarc and no/cents (S 47.000-00 ). Terms of Pavmen� 1. Payments ro[he GRANTEE wiil be made by the STATE on a quarterty, but noc more ofrer. than mon[hly cose reimbursemern bas�s. 2. Payments shall be made by the STATE promp0y after GRAT'TEE's presenration of itemized mvoices for serwces perCormed. 3. lipon GRANTEE'S request, an advance paymen[ may be made afrer thi5 Agreement u fully ezeculed, m an amount not ro exceed 25 m o` ttie total STATE obligarion, as detexmined xxcessasy Cor ezecuuon of GRAA'TEE's obU¢zuorts. 4. Invo�ces for reimbursement shall be �dentified in approved budget categories and submmecl on a quarierly. but noe more ofien than month!y bass and w�mm 20 days of ;he rnd of the reporong penod. 5. Paymencc are ro be madt from Staie funds obcamed by the STATE throueh Mmnesou S(atu�c 1GSA.40 . If at any :ime such funds bzrome u:ia�ailable, thu Agreement shall be eermmaeed immedia[eiy upon wrinen nouce of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the evem ot such terminauon, GRAATE.E 5ha11 be enuUed co payment, determinetl on a pro rata buu, for sernces sausfacrorily performed for whuh such Stare funds are a��ailable 7'he GRANTEE agrees �o remm any unused funds to the STATE. G. The GRA.NCEE will ezpend grar.t fv�s zllocate� for Nis Agreemen� accordmg eo the budget outlme contained m A;tachment C of tlns Agreemem The GRANTEc will submii a revued budcet for any devia�ion of 10% or more be[ween the aliowabie tundmg ca�egones. The re�as� budee� mus: be approved by the STATE before any ezpendi[ures can be made bazed on th: rev�sed budee[. No dev�auo�s between funCing categones shall exceM ehe total dolla; amount au�norized Po: th�s .4greemem. 7. The GRP.NTEc agrees to reeurn any unused funds co ihe STRTc unless {�nor appro��ai for an eztencron nas been cranced by che STATE's Authonzeci Aepraen[an��e and an amendmene to tnis Agreemene has been duly ezmuted. Unuced funds must ce rcmrneC w ehe STATE wrth�n 30 days of tne erding dace of cl�is Agreemrni I?I. CONDiTIONS OF PAYMEh? All services pro�ided by GRAA'TEE pursuant to �ha Agreemene shall be performed to the savsfacdon of Ne STATE, as demrmmed at the sole dacre[ion of �t� Authorvxd Repruenraove, and in accordznce with a1i appLcab�e federal, sraee, and lotai Iaws, ordinances, ruies and regulauons. GRANTEE shall not recerve paymem for wprk found by the STATE to be unsausfaaop�, or performed m violauon of iederal, s�ata or lowV law, ordmance, rvtes or retvlauon> IV TFRMS OF AGRFE�IE'�T 'I�h�s nercemem sha!1 bc e(fecbve on JW� 1,7995 , or upon thc da�e Na[ Ih° final requtred s�gnaNre is ObumaJ by Uie STnTE, pursuane to llinn. S�at F 1GB.0G. SubG ?, whichever occurs la;er, and shali remam m ef(ea un[il_ June 30 1999 , or until all obhCauons set ferth m th�s Agreement have 6=en sausfaaorily fulfillec, whicneve: occurs firs:. GRANTEE u�erstarrds Iha: NO work should begm under thu Agreemen[ unnl ALL reomred signawms have been obtafneC, a�C GRA;�TEE is nonf:� co tegin work by ihe STATEs Author¢ed Represen�zuve. �n��. L C��orivs Gp� o: s� Pa_; - aoni� !Xra� G.m� com:s� rsw�cm'S Nu o rn�r Pm.�m on eoz>m a��� �;?: ..LAT10� Th�s Agreemrnt may bc cancded by thc STATE or GRA?�"fEE ai any timc, u•�th or without cause, upon thim� (30) days wriaea noucc m Nc oNCr pany. ln the e�rni o( such a cancella�on. GRAhTEE shail be enoticd w paymrn;, desemumd on a yro rata basa, for work o: scrviccs saosfaaorily performcd. STATE may rancel this Agreemrn[ �mmed�aicly if fhc STATE fuds Ihat rherc has becn a failure to comply u�th the yro�icioas ot ihis Agrcemrn; rhat rcasonablc progress hes not been made, or that cfx purposes for which the tu� werc granced have noc b_en os will �[ be fulfill�, Ne $TA1'E ma�� take acnon to procea'he interutc of the Stare of Mmnwou. mduding thc rcfusal m disburse addmonal funds and requving [he remrn of all or pan of �he funds already disbursed. VI. CT'AT 'C A iTHORI D Fp FS '�TATIV The STATE's Au`horvxd Represenwnve fo: the purZwses of adminisvation of this Agreement is Drnni� Roskq or his successor m office. Such reprcsenu[ive sha{I have final authonry for aaepunre o( GRAN'fEE's services and if such services arc accep:ed as sa6sfacmry. shall so cert�fy on each mvoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, paragraph B VII. REPORT'[NG GRANTEE will advise iht STATE wnceming program progress through such reasonable mearu az tlie STATE may find coavemem. These will include: A. 7he GRANTEE will advise the STATE w�ceming Ihe program progress through the submission of quarredy, bue nm morc ofien then monthly reports az reouired by die STATE's Authorized Representative. B. Following basis: Submisswn of a tnal eva7ualion report wifhm 30 days afier the rermina[ion date o� tha Agreement. C. Submission o( a final expcndimre repon within W days afrer the cermination of this Agreemen:. D. Making any project records available to the STATE upon request; this inNudes submission of cop�es of any repo25, data, sucveys (mGuding survey ins[ructions), or other mareriais for rev�ew and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six cop�es of 211 matenais produced by �he projece following production of the ma[erials. E. Permitdng period�c site vi5its by tfie STATE's Authonzed Representative, other STA?E sfaff or od�er employees of the Suce of Minneso�a on behalf of the Sta[e. F. Participadon in vaimng and evalua�on wor}:shops may be required. VII7. ASSIGNMENT GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any nghu or obligaoons under Nis Agreemene wi�hom ehe pnor wrinen wnsent of fl�e STATE. A. Idenufication of soUrce of funding. Ali reporzs, materials, conference documenu. and any other producu made availabie througti this program, shall carry an acl;nowledgment thai it was fw�ded under provisions of if�e Stare of Minnesota (Auto Thefr Prevention Board Program) a� give credit to other party's pamcipauon. IX. AMENDME?�'TS Any amendmenu [o thu Agreement shall be in writing, and shali be ezecuted by the same patties who executN ihe oneinai Agreement, or their svccessors m offire. X. LIA&TLTTY To [he eztend peaniaed 6y law, GRAA''CEE s4all indemnity, save, and hoM tt�e STATE, iu represencadves and emRloyees harniless from any and ali claims or rauses of acnon, includmg all attorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arismg from the performance of �his Agreement by GR4NTEE or GR4NTEE's agena or employces. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for d;e STATE's failure to tulfill its obligadonc pursuan[ ro this Agreement. XI. [1,�OU1vTING AUDIT AND RETENTiON OF RECORDS �+. GRANTEE will establith a separa[e account for this program and will mainuin fiscal records in accordance wnh generally acceptable aecouming principles. GRAI�'TEE'a records, documenu, and accwntinS Pr���� � p�cnces tor th�s projeet shal{ be subjecc w the e�inavon of the STATE's Authonzed Represenrau�e ard the Legislauve Auduor_ °�scal records shall be rerained for a period of three years following tubmistion of the final repoa. B. The booAs, records, documen�, and accounung Prorxdures and pacuces of the GRAhTEE relevant ro Nis Agreement shall be subj^ct io exarninabor. by the STATE's Avthorized Representarive and the I.eg�tla6ve AudROr. Records shall be su�cient to reflec[ ali wsa incurted in perforntance of this Ageemen[. XII.. DATA PRnCt'ICES ACT The GRAA'TEE shall comply wifi the Mmnaota Data Przcoces Att az it appiies io all data provided by rhe STATE in accordantt with Utis Agrcement and az it appiiu to a11 data crcaied, gathcred, generzud or acquired in accordancc with this Agreemem. %IlL OWNERSHIP OF DOCUM,E�TS PRODUCTS AND COPYRiGHT A. Any repons, s[udiu phoeographs, negati��, mstruments, curticulum, vidro�zpes, training manuals. med�a messages. or other documrnes or oroduca (heremafrer called documents or produca) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance o; icc obligauons urder ihis Agrecmem shali be exclusive propeny of the STATE. AII such documrna or producu shail be remined to Ihe STATE by GRANTEE upon mmpieUOn, iermmavon, or canreilauon of ihis Agreemrn�. GRA1.'TEE shali noc use, wilhngly a71ow, or cause ro have such mareriais used for obhgano�s u�er this Agreemrnc withou[ the prio: wriaen consrnt of �he STATE. Cioes E Counimz G�. of St Paul � PNme Depanmen� Gnn� Convxi P92pOdJCA�S IAU o Tnd ➢r�•ca o� Hoa:t qs- ��8' B. Ali ngh; uQe aM m[erclt m aIf wpyngnablc mamnal v�hich GRAI�TEE shafl concerve or ong�rmce a�hcr u�Crvidualty or }omll�� w�iN others. and x•hich arues out of the prr(ormar¢e of N�s Agrmmrnt, u�7I1 bc Nc property o! Ihe STATE and arc by Ws Agrctmem azs�gntd to tAe S'fAT`c a7onF wiN ow'++ership o( am' and ali Wpyr:ghrs of �hc copynghtable ma�erul GRA?�7EE also agrtcs, upon ihe rc�ua� of Nc STATE, io executc all pape:c and pzrfotm all oNer actt necessan• �o ass�s: the STATE co obtain aM reF�s[er rApynghLS on such rttamr�als- VJherc epplreab�e, works of authorship craicd by GRAh'TEE for ihe SThTE i� performance of this Agrecmcn[ shall be consfdered `works made fnr hfre' as dt(ned m �ie G.S. Copyr.gh[ ntt. XI\%. P B 7 1T" Am pubLap� grvcn in che procram, publicauons, or senaca provided resuhme trom ct:is AFreemem, mtludmg, bue not IlmurC w, nouccs. fniormational pampnle�s, press releases, rcscarch, re�ru, signs, a�x s�milar pobhc nonces preparttl be or (or th: GiiA1.TEE or m emplm•ecs individualf;� or �mnily will: oUiers. or any subcramees sha9 identify ihe $TATE as ihe sponsoring aeenq� and shaSt no� be reSrasu+, unless such relea�e is n specific par[ of an appro�ed work Pian included in this Agreemem prior ro its appro��al b}' ihe STATH's Aumorized Representa[n•e. X\'. AFFIRMATI�E ACTION (Wben apphcable) GRA?2TLE certifies tha[ rt has received x certificate of compl�aa:c from the mmmissfoner of Human Rich¢ pursuant to Mmn Scac. � 3G3.073. tt is herehr ae�eed bzeween the parues vhat Mmn. S�ac. Secuon 3G3.07i is incorpciraced mio chis cAnvac: by refere�ce. XVI. hONDISCRIMINATIO?� As a condfuon of receiving support for [his proeram, GRANTEE usures that it will meet all applicable reqwrements of the Civil ILghts Act of 19G4, as amended (nondiscrimination on the bazis of hand�capping rondiiiona), and of any applitable sram avii nghtc stamtes. XVII. �yOR7:ERS' COMPENSATIOV G}iANTEE shall provide accepiable evidence of compliance wiUi the worAers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minn. Stat. y� 17G.ISI, Sutx1. 2. XVIII. 7L'RISD1CT70� AN'J VENliL This Agreement, and amendments aixl supplemencc tl�ere�o, sha11 be governed by the laws o( tlie Seaie of Mmnesota Venue for atl legal proceedmgs arismg out of tlns AF��ement, or breaeh tliereot, shaft be m ehe sta�e or federal cour[ with competent �unsdiction in Ramsey Counry. Minneso�� XIV. OTHER PROVISIO�R A. B. C. When purchasmg equipmen[ authonzed by th�s Agreement, GRANTEE shall comply with ail procurement procedures and laws [hai apply m �he GAANTEE'S purchase o( similar eqwpment in �he Qerformance of i�s duties otl�er than rts dunes under ih�s Agreement. Any equipmen[ purcha5ed under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during die li(e of �he equipmrnt. 7he GRANTEE may no� deviete from this requirement and may no[ dispose of any equipment unless GRANTEE has firsi obtamed wntten perm�ssion from the STATE. The GRAhTEE shall be responsible for all operatmg, main[enance, and repair coses of eompment purc6ased under th�s Agreement IN NITNES$ WHEREOF, the panies have wused ehis Agreement to be duly execu[ed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. GRAn"t'EE: GRANTEE rertlfies that the aporopriate person(s) have executed the convact on behalf of the GRAnTEE as reqmred by apphcable zr[icles, by-lau�s, re5oluuons, or ordma�ces. Bv: Tnlz: Date: Z. STATE AGENCY: IIy; TWr. Date: 3. ATTOFLI`EY GENERAL: Bv: Tule: , Da[r. I av: 1I�C: Daie: Davibucion ACencY - Ongm21 (fufiq ezecmttS) Agreemem Gramee $aie Auehonud Representaenz Grn�s s Co�naa Gn� or si Ywi - PoL��e a:pavmcni G�� � eo�:a:� v9zanr.r�s in:;�� Tn� r•-���-��� � ra�_� � � ATTACHn�E'�T C � '� y � Q R 1 G!�!A � hlinnesota .Aufo Theft Pre��ention Pro�rani ( ��ATPI' ) Grant Applicafion NC}TE: This "Attachment C" form sIiould be used if possible. If duplicated, no chan�e zn forn�at �i�iIl be accepted (no deIefions or portions of' or rearrangements) s 1: Applicanf r n f Type of Governmental A�ency o; Organization; State ❑ County ❑ Cit}� X Private I�on-Piofit ❑ Privatc for Profit ❑ I��ame of Agency or Organization: Sain; Paul Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11` Street City: SaintPaul County: Ramsev State: MN Zip: »101 Federal Identification ?�'umber' 4]-600�521 Total M.ATPP I3ud�et Reauest: �47.000 Project Title ii applicable: Pro-active Auto 77�efl Proeram Geographical P.rea Applicable to Grant Project (identifv stateN�ide county, cit��, other) Cit�� oi 5aint Pau1. located ��'ithin P.amse� Count�' Other Anencies Participa?ing in the Project (lf a multi-a��ency project, attach letters of confirmation bv all eatities) Form AT:01 -1- 98-���Y SECTION �: CERTIFICAT101�'S/SIGNATURES -1 acknowled�e that 1 have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and s�pporting materials and that the informat I am su pplyin� i n this application is true, complete and conect. Type i�Tame and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the grimary contact person for a11 aspects of the grant) Seraeant John Ballis (Name) 292-3734 Telephone Number , ��T���� // (Signature) (Dafe) 292-37] i Fax Number Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Jill Flesher f��/1/ ����/ (Name) (S'ignature) (Date) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) � rorm AT:01 -2- S�CTION 3: Current and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention Responsibilities - F01' e3C11 of the Zuto theft reduction strategies and activities listed belo��, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agenc;�. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP �rant-funding. Check all acti and s t app G( s'"� � STIZATEGIES AND CURRE\'T LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR ACTNITIES (IvTOT MATPP FIINDED} (MATPP GRANT) MUI,TI-AGEI�TCY II�T��OLVEMEi`TT Multipie Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Susinesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active Efforts Decoy Operatzons Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Analvsis Identify T:ends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Az and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education and ,4 wareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaians Other y Trainin � Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Form AT-Ol -3- a�-��8� SECTIf�I\' 4: Granr Purpose and Descriprfon - Pro��ide a summar�� description of the project that is to be funded b}� the MATPP. $riefly describe the �rant objectives and the �rant-funded strate�ies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe ho�a the project meet's priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. lise additiona] soace if n°cessarv. The Saint Paul Police Department r a significant increase in the crime of auto thefr for the years 1995 and 1996 and the first haif of 1997. In an attempt to combat this increase tl�e department rec�uested and received funding from this grant to begin a Pr Auto Theft Pro�ram. In November of 1997 this program became operational and has already increased the number of arrests inade as well as impacted the nm�ber of crimes being committed in the City of Saint Paul. A companion program, the 3uvenile Auto Theft Prevention Program, has also been funded by the MATPP and implemented in t1�e Saint Paul Police Department to combat the juvenile car theft problem. Tn order to continue with this pro-active approach and continue to make an impact on auto theft in the City of Saint Paul, we are requestin� an additional year of funding for the Pro-Active Auto Theft Pi The str ��ill continue to focus on the following: � � � � � intense follow-up on infonnation on cl�op-shops intense follow-up on altered and chan�ed vehicle id numbers pro-active work on the above follow-ups pro-active work on suspects on the above follow-ups pro-active work on an on going identifica�ion of the career auto tl�ief The bud�et request to continue these pro-active efforts include: Overtime for two sergeants at approximately 14 hours per week for a total of 687 hours. (Rate: $42.10 plus fringe benen"ts at 16.7°�0 =�49.13 per hour) �'35, 000 Information (Buy) funds Lease Vehicle (to be used as decoy car for GPS) Maintenance on Vehicle Total � 4,�00 � 6,000 s 2. �011 547, 000 ��e ilave seen the results or solid investieative techniques �a�ork to iinpact this ci and we wish to continue in our eiforts. 1=or.m AT:O1 -4- ' S� �: Statemen� oj A"eed and Currenr Staff ��� !�• Part A. Describe the specific problem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the r.eed by providing the source of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical data should correspond to the neo�raphicai project area described in Section 1. Do not exceed the space pro��ided. The ]ar�e increases in the crime of auto theft in the Cit}� of Saint Paul for the past two years, 1995-1996, requires an equally large effort to eliminate this tlZreat to the quality of life for both residents and visitors to the Capitol City. This program by the Saint Paul Police Department Auto Theft Unit will fund law enforcement personnel with overtime necessary to engage in a vigorous pro-active appiroach in all of the auto theft crime compoi�ents. It will also enable the Auto Theft Unit to callaborate witl� tt�e Saint Paul Police Department Tr Unit to produce a training for all officers in an in-service component as well as training for new recruits. The 17 percent increase in auto theft within the City of Saint Paul and the 13.5 percent increase state wide is indicative that there is a chop-shop industry in stolen veh;:les in the metro area. While nationaily auto theft rates are decreasing, they are skyrocketing locally. This proposal would concentrate investigative efforts in this area by the department's Auto Theft Unit to enable a diminution of this criminal activity. Part B. List current staff (not MATPP funded} that have auto theft responsibilities in your agency. Include the position titie, fu11-time saiary, and percent of time spent on auto theft responsibilities. Position Title Full-time Salarv FrinQe Benefits Percent of Time 3 Sergeznt/investi�ators ��8,381 �19, 849 (34%) 100 �175 �59,�47 Fo.m AT:O1 -5- � o � � �� ',� r �. � U rn -p .� > ' � ' U r O U `-� _�'.. � � � i ..C' O ^ � r � � � � ~ � � � � � r ' `C cU L� . `� � � Y P• N 'U •-= i � � � � U � � � f+ � � �� O G .= O ': 3 a� `� � -= � � � � U i U � ' °' � � � � � •-= - C O U r � �'„ � O � +-. N � N ti � � � ° ° 3 � � '� � � � '� a � � � � o -o � .� , � � w � T � .� : � � � � � � ° � 3 � � •� O 'ti i , ? C'v � N . � � � � z o 'v � � -o � � N � C e1 . p r.i _,.�^ '.-, � ? •, j .-.� U v� �� v; � j .... v c� � y � � � � '�� �' ,.�.� 3 � cC p ^ U pj ti �.=� � ... G U � N � � w ~ N N � � � r " � `� � 0 � r ^ � � r � c -' r � �� U � � � .--" nJ � � "_" "' U 'U ,�, �. ^ � v] 4° -, •�, V 0 ` p ` �, � " u ;. 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U U V N � � � � L r `%-i � � � ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the State of Minnesota for the 2 Pro-Active Auto Theft Program, in fhe amount of $47,000 for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 3 1994, and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has 6een awarded this grant to help combat Auto 6 Theft, and 7 8 WI�REAS, the police department desires to establish a spending and financing plan for this grant, and 9 10 WI�REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WI�EEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the followiag addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FINANCING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operafions Division 3400-40035-State Direct Grantsin Aid SPENDING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 0141-40035 - Overtime 0274-40035 - Self Propelled Vehicles-Repair 0283-40035 - Rental-Vehicles 0298-40035 - Other Equipment-Parts-Supplies CiJRRENT AMENDED BUDGET CEIANGES BUDGET 0 47,000 47,000 0 47,000 47,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 6,000 6,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 47,000 47,00 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $47,000 37 for the Pro-Active Juvenile Auto Theft Program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an 32 agreement with the Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the changes to 33 the 1998 budget. 34 Requested by Department of: �a«�s � Lanfry ,� Reiter � Adopted by Caun ' . Adopfion Certi e by B � Approved by Mayor:3 B y: -� proactauto98-99 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � g � ?� � Green Sheet # 61028 �3 � Approval Recommended Director: , �:i„fi� � �r..s.� . � ��` vl' �� � � �r. �I1 � �IL•� . � -�a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI7IATED PoliceAepartment 7115/98 GREEN SHEET No. 6102$ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDAiE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 OEPMTMFMMRECTO 5�,rr�o�,a� MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) -- __ ... _ __". . _ _ ...f �4IYATIO ❑CJIYCLERK �FWANCWLSERVICES �FYUNCVLSERV/ACCTG , -r penYOR(OR I I u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approve the attached Council Resolurion to accept the State of Minnesota Pro-Active Auto Theft Program and set up spending authoriry for the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a coniract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoN�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3 Does this pereon/firtn possess a skll not nortnally possessetl by any curren[ aty employee? YES NO 4. is this personnrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atlach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Pro-Active Auto Theft Program has approved a grant proposal in the amount of $47,000, for combating auto theft in the city of Saint Paul. T'his resolution accepts Yhe grant awazd and sets up spending for the program. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED Acceptance of grant and authority to spend grant for a��6�m to combat auto theft. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � � � None �RYOR'� OF�IC� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �,".,'S-.�'a t,-T-� tr- �� x � 5 ��� i'�3.'y. �F:r. `i� � Ea � �� � Loss of grant money. �OL�PCf� s�2S°�fC}1 .�"+C��1tQl' JUL 34 l95$ ��� 4 � ��sa ����� ��� � ��' 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 47,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUN�INGSOURCE MIIlIlESOY3SY3LCGI3RY +i y ^ ACTIVITYNUMBER �f�(/f!� FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWI� A07159Sb.�s ORIGINAL :'�ccountinr Information: STATB OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT o��.�a.Y ALCicv Auio Theit 1'rereminu 1'ru�rnrn !�.'w^i l�exr 1999 Vennor :�umhc DGL790001-Ot� To::il Ar,wunt ot Con:rect S»7.600.00 Antount o! Cun:raci F:m Pl': S 47.W�.�U Cbmmodf!q Codc: 0?3-01 Com:nocnv Cbn_' Commodiry� Cutic i Ob)cct Codc. $f360 Ohicct Cotia Oi��cct Codc. .Amoun[ $ 47.000.00 Amount Amounl Accounting bi�tribution i: Accounting Distribution 2: Accountin� Distribution 3: i Punii. 20U FunG. Pund: .\ppr. 700 Appr. Appc Org/Sub 1100 Org/Sub Org/Sub �(lp: (.ai9 RCnI (.�I('. �<C�II C.01g Amoun:: 5 47,000.00 Amounr Amount. Processi�ia L�formatioc�: (Some entries �nay not apply) Requivtion P97000000020 Number � Date 1 Pntry lnrtizls Contrac[. Numbcr / Uatc / En:ry Lvuz!5 Solicitauon: NumUcr / Aa�e / L-nw Inivals Order. 1'97.00000075 Number / Datc / Entry lnniah (Ind�+�'idurs; s+g�+u;g cern(es tl+rt1 fund,a l:m�e becrr enmmrLeredasieq�urcrlb�'M�nn Smf ��1Gd15J \OTICC TO GRa\TFG. You aic rcqu:red by M�nn Stat � 270.GG 10 prov�tic your soaal sccun:y numbcr or 1�cdcral [mploycr ta� idcntifcauot� numocr anc Alinnc5ols tzs idcntiGcallon numbcr if ��ou co Dusncss with thc $tatc of Mmncsota Th;s informauon maq bc u>c<, m Ihc cntorccmcn! of icticral anti s;atc :a� laws Suppl�on_ ihese numbers rouiJ resul; �n action to reywre you Io f ic state tas rc.ums and pay ochnqucnt sta�c t�n 1�aU�IibcS Th a Acrecme�r �v II no' �: 2n�rm ed unlcst ihc<c numh°rs ar� nrnv dcd These numbcrs ��ili bc zva02blc �o fedcrai and staic tax authont�cs ana statc personnN mvolved �� appro�ang :hc Acreemer.t and cl:c paymcrt ofstate ob6eanons Gran�ce K�ame and Address Cl'v nf St Paui - Pniiee Uenarimen; St Pai iALn ecota 55107 Soc�al Scc crFcdcrzl Erplovc; 1.D ?�'a S7-(OO�s�7 A1ir.ncsou7�z I.D No. (itappims37c) THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINSPKIVATEINFDRMATION. EXGEPT AS DEFII3ED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULII NOT BE REPRODUCEIl OR DISTRIBUTED EXTEF�NALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMrSSION OF THE GRANTEE I circulate this Agreenrenr rr�rernall�, onl}� o�ces titar require accesr to the taa' identrficatia� nionber .4A%D alI r�tdii-idrrals/of7ices sigiiirzg rhis Agreemenr should Itcrve access ro tltis page. Guez C Coo*nes Gp nf Si P.n� . i'o�m: Dna�men•, Gv:c.: Co:nie,v P9ZG:si:Xi,:S �nuvn T6e�.: i•+a..co�.n _ c(� -� �Y THIS Agrcrment. ard amcMmentt and supD�cmrnu Ncrno, �a �iw�en Ne Srate of M�nnaota, acung through �tt Au[o Thefl Preveption Boerd (hereiraf•.er 'STATE') and Cit� oC St Paul - PoLCe Denanmeni , address 300 r ilth Se St P� � M� ot ztIU7 (hern�hsr' GR4'.TEE'). - w�mrsse;h that: �+'HERE.4S. ;he $T:.TE, pers�zr.t to ALnn Su�. _�� 1GSt 40 Sutd ?. �s empowero7 io aistrfbme moner fo� amomob Ir Lhefr o•e�•enc o� aa"v i cs, and q�};FRLAS, GR4':TEE represeno'hat n a CWr qua0fitd. au;honzec, and wil7mc to ca:r}' ou: ihe tuks descnhed m Attaehment C.. of fi�s Agreemrn:: and NOR'. 7'HEREFORE, it Ss acreed: GRAIKTEE'$ D'TIE (A[tach addiuonxl paec if necessarr whfch is mco�7arated by re(rrence a� made a par[ o( �'�is Agreemrn: ) GRA'�TEE, snall� GRAh'TEE shali carry out the iasks as descrlbed m GRA�TEE's appliwtion fos F*�nc fuMls whicn �s hereby incosjwrated hy reSerence ancl made z pan of th�5 Aerecment in Anachmem C. It, CO��SIDERATIO�v A�D TEFU.IS OF nAYME�T A. Cortsidera�ion for all services performed and goods or mamrials supptied by �e GRAhTEE pursuan[ to this Agreement shatl tv paid by the STATE as follows: I Compensaeion sha7i ce cons�stem with the budget ouiline contained m Anacnment C.,of this Agreement. 2. When specificsllv approved by tlie STATE, reimbursement for travel a� suhsis4>nce ezpenses ac[ually and necessarity mcurred ay GRANTEE m performance of this Agreement and identified in Anachment C of thit Agreement will be pa�d prov�ded tha: the GR4NTEE shall �e re�mbursed for vavel and subsatence expenses in che same manner and in no 6reaier amoun[ Nan providul m O�e current "Commiss�oner's Plan" promuleaced by �he Comm�svoner of Employee Rclations. Thc total obhgauon of die S7A7E ior a71 com�r_nsation and reimbursemen�s io GRANT"EE shall noi exceal_ F�rtv Sev4n Thousand dollarc and no/cents (S 47.000-00 ). Terms of Pavmen� 1. Payments ro[he GRANTEE wiil be made by the STATE on a quarterty, but noc more ofrer. than mon[hly cose reimbursemern bas�s. 2. Payments shall be made by the STATE promp0y after GRAT'TEE's presenration of itemized mvoices for serwces perCormed. 3. lipon GRANTEE'S request, an advance paymen[ may be made afrer thi5 Agreement u fully ezeculed, m an amount not ro exceed 25 m o` ttie total STATE obligarion, as detexmined xxcessasy Cor ezecuuon of GRAA'TEE's obU¢zuorts. 4. Invo�ces for reimbursement shall be �dentified in approved budget categories and submmecl on a quarierly. but noe more ofien than month!y bass and w�mm 20 days of ;he rnd of the reporong penod. 5. Paymencc are ro be madt from Staie funds obcamed by the STATE throueh Mmnesou S(atu�c 1GSA.40 . If at any :ime such funds bzrome u:ia�ailable, thu Agreement shall be eermmaeed immedia[eiy upon wrinen nouce of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the evem ot such terminauon, GRAATE.E 5ha11 be enuUed co payment, determinetl on a pro rata buu, for sernces sausfacrorily performed for whuh such Stare funds are a��ailable 7'he GRANTEE agrees �o remm any unused funds to the STATE. G. The GRA.NCEE will ezpend grar.t fv�s zllocate� for Nis Agreemen� accordmg eo the budget outlme contained m A;tachment C of tlns Agreemem The GRANTEc will submii a revued budcet for any devia�ion of 10% or more be[ween the aliowabie tundmg ca�egones. The re�as� budee� mus: be approved by the STATE before any ezpendi[ures can be made bazed on th: rev�sed budee[. No dev�auo�s between funCing categones shall exceM ehe total dolla; amount au�norized Po: th�s .4greemem. 7. The GRP.NTEc agrees to reeurn any unused funds co ihe STRTc unless {�nor appro��ai for an eztencron nas been cranced by che STATE's Authonzeci Aepraen[an��e and an amendmene to tnis Agreemene has been duly ezmuted. Unuced funds must ce rcmrneC w ehe STATE wrth�n 30 days of tne erding dace of cl�is Agreemrni I?I. CONDiTIONS OF PAYMEh? All services pro�ided by GRAA'TEE pursuant to �ha Agreemene shall be performed to the savsfacdon of Ne STATE, as demrmmed at the sole dacre[ion of �t� Authorvxd Repruenraove, and in accordznce with a1i appLcab�e federal, sraee, and lotai Iaws, ordinances, ruies and regulauons. GRANTEE shall not recerve paymem for wprk found by the STATE to be unsausfaaop�, or performed m violauon of iederal, s�ata or lowV law, ordmance, rvtes or retvlauon> IV TFRMS OF AGRFE�IE'�T 'I�h�s nercemem sha!1 bc e(fecbve on JW� 1,7995 , or upon thc da�e Na[ Ih° final requtred s�gnaNre is ObumaJ by Uie STnTE, pursuane to llinn. S�at F 1GB.0G. SubG ?, whichever occurs la;er, and shali remam m ef(ea un[il_ June 30 1999 , or until all obhCauons set ferth m th�s Agreement have 6=en sausfaaorily fulfillec, whicneve: occurs firs:. GRANTEE u�erstarrds Iha: NO work should begm under thu Agreemen[ unnl ALL reomred signawms have been obtafneC, a�C GRA;�TEE is nonf:� co tegin work by ihe STATEs Author¢ed Represen�zuve. �n��. L C��orivs Gp� o: s� Pa_; - aoni� !Xra� G.m� com:s� rsw�cm'S Nu o rn�r Pm.�m on eoz>m a��� �;?: ..LAT10� Th�s Agreemrnt may bc cancded by thc STATE or GRA?�"fEE ai any timc, u•�th or without cause, upon thim� (30) days wriaea noucc m Nc oNCr pany. ln the e�rni o( such a cancella�on. GRAhTEE shail be enoticd w paymrn;, desemumd on a yro rata basa, for work o: scrviccs saosfaaorily performcd. STATE may rancel this Agreemrn[ �mmed�aicly if fhc STATE fuds Ihat rherc has becn a failure to comply u�th the yro�icioas ot ihis Agrcemrn; rhat rcasonablc progress hes not been made, or that cfx purposes for which the tu� werc granced have noc b_en os will �[ be fulfill�, Ne $TA1'E ma�� take acnon to procea'he interutc of the Stare of Mmnwou. mduding thc rcfusal m disburse addmonal funds and requving [he remrn of all or pan of �he funds already disbursed. VI. CT'AT 'C A iTHORI D Fp FS '�TATIV The STATE's Au`horvxd Represenwnve fo: the purZwses of adminisvation of this Agreement is Drnni� Roskq or his successor m office. Such reprcsenu[ive sha{I have final authonry for aaepunre o( GRAN'fEE's services and if such services arc accep:ed as sa6sfacmry. shall so cert�fy on each mvoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, paragraph B VII. REPORT'[NG GRANTEE will advise iht STATE wnceming program progress through such reasonable mearu az tlie STATE may find coavemem. These will include: A. 7he GRANTEE will advise the STATE w�ceming Ihe program progress through the submission of quarredy, bue nm morc ofien then monthly reports az reouired by die STATE's Authorized Representative. B. Following basis: Submisswn of a tnal eva7ualion report wifhm 30 days afier the rermina[ion date o� tha Agreement. C. Submission o( a final expcndimre repon within W days afrer the cermination of this Agreemen:. D. Making any project records available to the STATE upon request; this inNudes submission of cop�es of any repo25, data, sucveys (mGuding survey ins[ructions), or other mareriais for rev�ew and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six cop�es of 211 matenais produced by �he projece following production of the ma[erials. E. Permitdng period�c site vi5its by tfie STATE's Authonzed Representative, other STA?E sfaff or od�er employees of the Suce of Minneso�a on behalf of the Sta[e. F. Participadon in vaimng and evalua�on wor}:shops may be required. VII7. ASSIGNMENT GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any nghu or obligaoons under Nis Agreemene wi�hom ehe pnor wrinen wnsent of fl�e STATE. A. Idenufication of soUrce of funding. Ali reporzs, materials, conference documenu. and any other producu made availabie througti this program, shall carry an acl;nowledgment thai it was fw�ded under provisions of if�e Stare of Minnesota (Auto Thefr Prevention Board Program) a� give credit to other party's pamcipauon. IX. AMENDME?�'TS Any amendmenu [o thu Agreement shall be in writing, and shali be ezecuted by the same patties who executN ihe oneinai Agreement, or their svccessors m offire. X. LIA&TLTTY To [he eztend peaniaed 6y law, GRAA''CEE s4all indemnity, save, and hoM tt�e STATE, iu represencadves and emRloyees harniless from any and ali claims or rauses of acnon, includmg all attorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arismg from the performance of �his Agreement by GR4NTEE or GR4NTEE's agena or employces. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for d;e STATE's failure to tulfill its obligadonc pursuan[ ro this Agreement. XI. [1,�OU1vTING AUDIT AND RETENTiON OF RECORDS �+. GRANTEE will establith a separa[e account for this program and will mainuin fiscal records in accordance wnh generally acceptable aecouming principles. GRAI�'TEE'a records, documenu, and accwntinS Pr���� � p�cnces tor th�s projeet shal{ be subjecc w the e�inavon of the STATE's Authonzed Represenrau�e ard the Legislauve Auduor_ °�scal records shall be rerained for a period of three years following tubmistion of the final repoa. B. The booAs, records, documen�, and accounung Prorxdures and pacuces of the GRAhTEE relevant ro Nis Agreement shall be subj^ct io exarninabor. by the STATE's Avthorized Representarive and the I.eg�tla6ve AudROr. Records shall be su�cient to reflec[ ali wsa incurted in perforntance of this Ageemen[. XII.. DATA PRnCt'ICES ACT The GRAA'TEE shall comply wifi the Mmnaota Data Przcoces Att az it appiies io all data provided by rhe STATE in accordantt with Utis Agrcement and az it appiiu to a11 data crcaied, gathcred, generzud or acquired in accordancc with this Agreemem. %IlL OWNERSHIP OF DOCUM,E�TS PRODUCTS AND COPYRiGHT A. Any repons, s[udiu phoeographs, negati��, mstruments, curticulum, vidro�zpes, training manuals. med�a messages. or other documrnes or oroduca (heremafrer called documents or produca) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance o; icc obligauons urder ihis Agrecmem shali be exclusive propeny of the STATE. AII such documrna or producu shail be remined to Ihe STATE by GRANTEE upon mmpieUOn, iermmavon, or canreilauon of ihis Agreemrn�. GRA1.'TEE shali noc use, wilhngly a71ow, or cause ro have such mareriais used for obhgano�s u�er this Agreemrnc withou[ the prio: wriaen consrnt of �he STATE. Cioes E Counimz G�. of St Paul � PNme Depanmen� Gnn� Convxi P92pOdJCA�S IAU o Tnd ➢r�•ca o� Hoa:t qs- ��8' B. Ali ngh; uQe aM m[erclt m aIf wpyngnablc mamnal v�hich GRAI�TEE shafl concerve or ong�rmce a�hcr u�Crvidualty or }omll�� w�iN others. and x•hich arues out of the prr(ormar¢e of N�s Agrmmrnt, u�7I1 bc Nc property o! Ihe STATE and arc by Ws Agrctmem azs�gntd to tAe S'fAT`c a7onF wiN ow'++ership o( am' and ali Wpyr:ghrs of �hc copynghtable ma�erul GRA?�7EE also agrtcs, upon ihe rc�ua� of Nc STATE, io executc all pape:c and pzrfotm all oNer actt necessan• �o ass�s: the STATE co obtain aM reF�s[er rApynghLS on such rttamr�als- VJherc epplreab�e, works of authorship craicd by GRAh'TEE for ihe SThTE i� performance of this Agrecmcn[ shall be consfdered `works made fnr hfre' as dt(ned m �ie G.S. Copyr.gh[ ntt. XI\%. P B 7 1T" Am pubLap� grvcn in che procram, publicauons, or senaca provided resuhme trom ct:is AFreemem, mtludmg, bue not IlmurC w, nouccs. fniormational pampnle�s, press releases, rcscarch, re�ru, signs, a�x s�milar pobhc nonces preparttl be or (or th: GiiA1.TEE or m emplm•ecs individualf;� or �mnily will: oUiers. or any subcramees sha9 identify ihe $TATE as ihe sponsoring aeenq� and shaSt no� be reSrasu+, unless such relea�e is n specific par[ of an appro�ed work Pian included in this Agreemem prior ro its appro��al b}' ihe STATH's Aumorized Representa[n•e. X\'. AFFIRMATI�E ACTION (Wben apphcable) GRA?2TLE certifies tha[ rt has received x certificate of compl�aa:c from the mmmissfoner of Human Rich¢ pursuant to Mmn Scac. � 3G3.073. tt is herehr ae�eed bzeween the parues vhat Mmn. S�ac. Secuon 3G3.07i is incorpciraced mio chis cAnvac: by refere�ce. XVI. hONDISCRIMINATIO?� As a condfuon of receiving support for [his proeram, GRANTEE usures that it will meet all applicable reqwrements of the Civil ILghts Act of 19G4, as amended (nondiscrimination on the bazis of hand�capping rondiiiona), and of any applitable sram avii nghtc stamtes. XVII. �yOR7:ERS' COMPENSATIOV G}iANTEE shall provide accepiable evidence of compliance wiUi the worAers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minn. Stat. y� 17G.ISI, Sutx1. 2. XVIII. 7L'RISD1CT70� AN'J VENliL This Agreement, and amendments aixl supplemencc tl�ere�o, sha11 be governed by the laws o( tlie Seaie of Mmnesota Venue for atl legal proceedmgs arismg out of tlns AF��ement, or breaeh tliereot, shaft be m ehe sta�e or federal cour[ with competent �unsdiction in Ramsey Counry. Minneso�� XIV. OTHER PROVISIO�R A. B. C. When purchasmg equipmen[ authonzed by th�s Agreement, GRANTEE shall comply with ail procurement procedures and laws [hai apply m �he GAANTEE'S purchase o( similar eqwpment in �he Qerformance of i�s duties otl�er than rts dunes under ih�s Agreement. Any equipmen[ purcha5ed under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during die li(e of �he equipmrnt. 7he GRANTEE may no� deviete from this requirement and may no[ dispose of any equipment unless GRANTEE has firsi obtamed wntten perm�ssion from the STATE. The GRAhTEE shall be responsible for all operatmg, main[enance, and repair coses of eompment purc6ased under th�s Agreement IN NITNES$ WHEREOF, the panies have wused ehis Agreement to be duly execu[ed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. GRAn"t'EE: GRANTEE rertlfies that the aporopriate person(s) have executed the convact on behalf of the GRAnTEE as reqmred by apphcable zr[icles, by-lau�s, re5oluuons, or ordma�ces. Bv: Tnlz: Date: Z. STATE AGENCY: IIy; TWr. Date: 3. ATTOFLI`EY GENERAL: Bv: Tule: , Da[r. I av: 1I�C: Daie: Davibucion ACencY - Ongm21 (fufiq ezecmttS) Agreemem Gramee $aie Auehonud Representaenz Grn�s s Co�naa Gn� or si Ywi - PoL��e a:pavmcni G�� � eo�:a:� v9zanr.r�s in:;�� Tn� r•-���-��� � ra�_� � � ATTACHn�E'�T C � '� y � Q R 1 G!�!A � hlinnesota .Aufo Theft Pre��ention Pro�rani ( ��ATPI' ) Grant Applicafion NC}TE: This "Attachment C" form sIiould be used if possible. If duplicated, no chan�e zn forn�at �i�iIl be accepted (no deIefions or portions of' or rearrangements) s 1: Applicanf r n f Type of Governmental A�ency o; Organization; State ❑ County ❑ Cit}� X Private I�on-Piofit ❑ Privatc for Profit ❑ I��ame of Agency or Organization: Sain; Paul Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11` Street City: SaintPaul County: Ramsev State: MN Zip: »101 Federal Identification ?�'umber' 4]-600�521 Total M.ATPP I3ud�et Reauest: �47.000 Project Title ii applicable: Pro-active Auto 77�efl Proeram Geographical P.rea Applicable to Grant Project (identifv stateN�ide county, cit��, other) Cit�� oi 5aint Pau1. located ��'ithin P.amse� Count�' Other Anencies Participa?ing in the Project (lf a multi-a��ency project, attach letters of confirmation bv all eatities) Form AT:01 -1- 98-���Y SECTION �: CERTIFICAT101�'S/SIGNATURES -1 acknowled�e that 1 have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and s�pporting materials and that the informat I am su pplyin� i n this application is true, complete and conect. Type i�Tame and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the grimary contact person for a11 aspects of the grant) Seraeant John Ballis (Name) 292-3734 Telephone Number , ��T���� // (Signature) (Dafe) 292-37] i Fax Number Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Jill Flesher f��/1/ ����/ (Name) (S'ignature) (Date) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) � rorm AT:01 -2- S�CTION 3: Current and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention Responsibilities - F01' e3C11 of the Zuto theft reduction strategies and activities listed belo��, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agenc;�. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP �rant-funding. Check all acti and s t app G( s'"� � STIZATEGIES AND CURRE\'T LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR ACTNITIES (IvTOT MATPP FIINDED} (MATPP GRANT) MUI,TI-AGEI�TCY II�T��OLVEMEi`TT Multipie Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Susinesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active Efforts Decoy Operatzons Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Analvsis Identify T:ends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Az and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education and ,4 wareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaians Other y Trainin � Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Form AT-Ol -3- a�-��8� SECTIf�I\' 4: Granr Purpose and Descriprfon - Pro��ide a summar�� description of the project that is to be funded b}� the MATPP. $riefly describe the �rant objectives and the �rant-funded strate�ies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe ho�a the project meet's priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. lise additiona] soace if n°cessarv. The Saint Paul Police Department r a significant increase in the crime of auto thefr for the years 1995 and 1996 and the first haif of 1997. In an attempt to combat this increase tl�e department rec�uested and received funding from this grant to begin a Pr Auto Theft Pro�ram. In November of 1997 this program became operational and has already increased the number of arrests inade as well as impacted the nm�ber of crimes being committed in the City of Saint Paul. A companion program, the 3uvenile Auto Theft Prevention Program, has also been funded by the MATPP and implemented in t1�e Saint Paul Police Department to combat the juvenile car theft problem. Tn order to continue with this pro-active approach and continue to make an impact on auto theft in the City of Saint Paul, we are requestin� an additional year of funding for the Pro-Active Auto Theft Pi The str ��ill continue to focus on the following: � � � � � intense follow-up on infonnation on cl�op-shops intense follow-up on altered and chan�ed vehicle id numbers pro-active work on the above follow-ups pro-active work on suspects on the above follow-ups pro-active work on an on going identifica�ion of the career auto tl�ief The bud�et request to continue these pro-active efforts include: Overtime for two sergeants at approximately 14 hours per week for a total of 687 hours. (Rate: $42.10 plus fringe benen"ts at 16.7°�0 =�49.13 per hour) �'35, 000 Information (Buy) funds Lease Vehicle (to be used as decoy car for GPS) Maintenance on Vehicle Total � 4,�00 � 6,000 s 2. �011 547, 000 ��e ilave seen the results or solid investieative techniques �a�ork to iinpact this ci and we wish to continue in our eiforts. 1=or.m AT:O1 -4- ' S� �: Statemen� oj A"eed and Currenr Staff ��� !�• Part A. Describe the specific problem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the r.eed by providing the source of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical data should correspond to the neo�raphicai project area described in Section 1. Do not exceed the space pro��ided. The ]ar�e increases in the crime of auto theft in the Cit}� of Saint Paul for the past two years, 1995-1996, requires an equally large effort to eliminate this tlZreat to the quality of life for both residents and visitors to the Capitol City. This program by the Saint Paul Police Department Auto Theft Unit will fund law enforcement personnel with overtime necessary to engage in a vigorous pro-active appiroach in all of the auto theft crime compoi�ents. It will also enable the Auto Theft Unit to callaborate witl� tt�e Saint Paul Police Department Tr Unit to produce a training for all officers in an in-service component as well as training for new recruits. The 17 percent increase in auto theft within the City of Saint Paul and the 13.5 percent increase state wide is indicative that there is a chop-shop industry in stolen veh;:les in the metro area. While nationaily auto theft rates are decreasing, they are skyrocketing locally. This proposal would concentrate investigative efforts in this area by the department's Auto Theft Unit to enable a diminution of this criminal activity. Part B. List current staff (not MATPP funded} that have auto theft responsibilities in your agency. Include the position titie, fu11-time saiary, and percent of time spent on auto theft responsibilities. Position Title Full-time Salarv FrinQe Benefits Percent of Time 3 Sergeznt/investi�ators ��8,381 �19, 849 (34%) 100 �175 �59,�47 Fo.m AT:O1 -5- � o � � �� ',� r �. � U rn -p .� > ' � ' U r O U `-� _�'.. � � � i ..C' O ^ � r � � � � ~ � � � � � r ' `C cU L� . `� � � Y P• N 'U •-= i � � � � U � � � f+ � � �� O G .= O ': 3 a� `� � -= � � � � U i U � ' °' � � � � � •-= - C O U r � �'„ � O � +-. N � N ti � � � ° ° 3 � � '� � � � '� a � � � � o -o � .� , � � w � T � .� : � � � � � � ° � 3 � � •� O 'ti i , ? C'v � N . � � � � z o 'v � � -o � � N � C e1 . p r.i _,.�^ '.-, � ? •, j .-.� U v� �� v; � j .... v c� � y � � � � '�� �' ,.�.� 3 � cC p ^ U pj ti �.=� � ... G U � N � � w ~ N N � � � r " � `� � 0 � r ^ � � r � c -' r � �� U � � � .--" nJ � � "_" "' U 'U ,�, �. ^ � v] 4° -, •�, V 0 ` p ` �, � " u ;. 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U U V N � � � � L r `%-i � � � ORIGINAL Presented By: Referred To: Committee:Date: 1 WI�REAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has received a grant from the State of Minnesota for the 2 Pro-Active Auto Theft Program, in fhe amount of $47,000 for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 3 1994, and 5 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has 6een awarded this grant to help combat Auto 6 Theft, and 7 8 WI�REAS, the police department desires to establish a spending and financing plan for this grant, and 9 10 WI�REAS, The Mayor pursuant to Secfion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WI�EEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the followiag addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FINANCING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operafions Division 3400-40035-State Direct Grantsin Aid SPENDING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 0141-40035 - Overtime 0274-40035 - Self Propelled Vehicles-Repair 0283-40035 - Rental-Vehicles 0298-40035 - Other Equipment-Parts-Supplies CiJRRENT AMENDED BUDGET CEIANGES BUDGET 0 47,000 47,000 0 47,000 47,000 0 35,000 35,000 0 2,000 2,000 0 6,000 6,000 0 4,000 4,000 0 47,000 47,00 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $47,000 37 for the Pro-Active Juvenile Auto Theft Program and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an 32 agreement with the Auto Theft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the changes to 33 the 1998 budget. 34 Requested by Department of: �a«�s � Lanfry ,� Reiter � Adopted by Caun ' . Adopfion Certi e by B � Approved by Mayor:3 B y: -� proactauto98-99 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Council File # � g � ?� � Green Sheet # 61028 �3 � Approval Recommended Director: , �:i„fi� � �r..s.� . � ��` vl' �� � � �r. �I1 � �IL•� . � -�a DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COUNCIL DATE INI7IATED PoliceAepartment 7115/98 GREEN SHEET No. 6102$ CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INITIAUDATE INITIAVDAiE ChiefFinney 292-3588 1 OEPMTMFMMRECTO 5�,rr�o�,a� MUSTBEONCAUNCILAGENDABY(DATE) -- __ ... _ __". . _ _ ...f �4IYATIO ❑CJIYCLERK �FWANCWLSERVICES �FYUNCVLSERV/ACCTG , -r penYOR(OR I I u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approve the attached Council Resolurion to accept the State of Minnesota Pro-Active Auto Theft Program and set up spending authoriry for the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: i. Has this persoNfirm ever worketl under a coniract for this department? PLANNING COMMISSION YES No CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persoN�rm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES NO 3 Does this pereon/firtn possess a skll not nortnally possessetl by any curren[ aty employee? YES NO 4. is this personnrm a targeted vendoR YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate Sheet and atlach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Pro-Active Auto Theft Program has approved a grant proposal in the amount of $47,000, for combating auto theft in the city of Saint Paul. T'his resolution accepts Yhe grant awazd and sets up spending for the program. ADVAN7AGESIFAPPROVED Acceptance of grant and authority to spend grant for a��6�m to combat auto theft. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED � � � None �RYOR'� OF�IC� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED �,".,'S-.�'a t,-T-� tr- �� x � 5 ��� i'�3.'y. �F:r. `i� � Ea � �� � Loss of grant money. �OL�PCf� s�2S°�fC}1 .�"+C��1tQl' JUL 34 l95$ ��� 4 � ��sa ����� ��� � ��' 70TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 47,000.00 COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE� YES NO FUN�INGSOURCE MIIlIlESOY3SY3LCGI3RY +i y ^ ACTIVITYNUMBER �f�(/f!� FlNANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWI� A07159Sb.�s ORIGINAL :'�ccountinr Information: STATB OF MINNESOTA GRANT AGREEMENT o��.�a.Y ALCicv Auio Theit 1'rereminu 1'ru�rnrn !�.'w^i l�exr 1999 Vennor :�umhc DGL790001-Ot� To::il Ar,wunt ot Con:rect S»7.600.00 Antount o! Cun:raci F:m Pl': S 47.W�.�U Cbmmodf!q Codc: 0?3-01 Com:nocnv Cbn_' Commodiry� Cutic i Ob)cct Codc. $f360 Ohicct Cotia Oi��cct Codc. .Amoun[ $ 47.000.00 Amount Amounl Accounting bi�tribution i: Accounting Distribution 2: Accountin� Distribution 3: i Punii. 20U FunG. Pund: .\ppr. 700 Appr. Appc Org/Sub 1100 Org/Sub Org/Sub �(lp: (.ai9 RCnI (.�I('. �<C�II C.01g Amoun:: 5 47,000.00 Amounr Amount. Processi�ia L�formatioc�: (Some entries �nay not apply) Requivtion P97000000020 Number � Date 1 Pntry lnrtizls Contrac[. Numbcr / Uatc / En:ry Lvuz!5 Solicitauon: NumUcr / Aa�e / L-nw Inivals Order. 1'97.00000075 Number / Datc / Entry lnniah (Ind�+�'idurs; s+g�+u;g cern(es tl+rt1 fund,a l:m�e becrr enmmrLeredasieq�urcrlb�'M�nn Smf ��1Gd15J \OTICC TO GRa\TFG. You aic rcqu:red by M�nn Stat � 270.GG 10 prov�tic your soaal sccun:y numbcr or 1�cdcral [mploycr ta� idcntifcauot� numocr anc Alinnc5ols tzs idcntiGcallon numbcr if ��ou co Dusncss with thc $tatc of Mmncsota Th;s informauon maq bc u>c<, m Ihc cntorccmcn! of icticral anti s;atc :a� laws Suppl�on_ ihese numbers rouiJ resul; �n action to reywre you Io f ic state tas rc.ums and pay ochnqucnt sta�c t�n 1�aU�IibcS Th a Acrecme�r �v II no' �: 2n�rm ed unlcst ihc<c numh°rs ar� nrnv dcd These numbcrs ��ili bc zva02blc �o fedcrai and staic tax authont�cs ana statc personnN mvolved �� appro�ang :hc Acreemer.t and cl:c paymcrt ofstate ob6eanons Gran�ce K�ame and Address Cl'v nf St Paui - Pniiee Uenarimen; St Pai iALn ecota 55107 Soc�al Scc crFcdcrzl Erplovc; 1.D ?�'a S7-(OO�s�7 A1ir.ncsou7�z I.D No. (itappims37c) THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONTAINSPKIVATEINFDRMATION. EXGEPT AS DEFII3ED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULII NOT BE REPRODUCEIl OR DISTRIBUTED EXTEF�NALLY WITHOUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMrSSION OF THE GRANTEE I circulate this Agreenrenr rr�rernall�, onl}� o�ces titar require accesr to the taa' identrficatia� nionber .4A%D alI r�tdii-idrrals/of7ices sigiiirzg rhis Agreemenr should Itcrve access ro tltis page. Guez C Coo*nes Gp nf Si P.n� . i'o�m: Dna�men•, Gv:c.: Co:nie,v P9ZG:si:Xi,:S �nuvn T6e�.: i•+a..co�.n _ c(� -� �Y THIS Agrcrment. ard amcMmentt and supD�cmrnu Ncrno, �a �iw�en Ne Srate of M�nnaota, acung through �tt Au[o Thefl Preveption Boerd (hereiraf•.er 'STATE') and Cit� oC St Paul - PoLCe Denanmeni , address 300 r ilth Se St P� � M� ot ztIU7 (hern�hsr' GR4'.TEE'). - w�mrsse;h that: �+'HERE.4S. ;he $T:.TE, pers�zr.t to ALnn Su�. _�� 1GSt 40 Sutd ?. �s empowero7 io aistrfbme moner fo� amomob Ir Lhefr o•e�•enc o� aa"v i cs, and q�};FRLAS, GR4':TEE represeno'hat n a CWr qua0fitd. au;honzec, and wil7mc to ca:r}' ou: ihe tuks descnhed m Attaehment C.. of fi�s Agreemrn:: and NOR'. 7'HEREFORE, it Ss acreed: GRAIKTEE'$ D'TIE (A[tach addiuonxl paec if necessarr whfch is mco�7arated by re(rrence a� made a par[ o( �'�is Agreemrn: ) GRA'�TEE, snall� GRAh'TEE shali carry out the iasks as descrlbed m GRA�TEE's appliwtion fos F*�nc fuMls whicn �s hereby incosjwrated hy reSerence ancl made z pan of th�5 Aerecment in Anachmem C. It, CO��SIDERATIO�v A�D TEFU.IS OF nAYME�T A. Cortsidera�ion for all services performed and goods or mamrials supptied by �e GRAhTEE pursuan[ to this Agreement shatl tv paid by the STATE as follows: I Compensaeion sha7i ce cons�stem with the budget ouiline contained m Anacnment C.,of this Agreement. 2. When specificsllv approved by tlie STATE, reimbursement for travel a� suhsis4>nce ezpenses ac[ually and necessarity mcurred ay GRANTEE m performance of this Agreement and identified in Anachment C of thit Agreement will be pa�d prov�ded tha: the GR4NTEE shall �e re�mbursed for vavel and subsatence expenses in che same manner and in no 6reaier amoun[ Nan providul m O�e current "Commiss�oner's Plan" promuleaced by �he Comm�svoner of Employee Rclations. Thc total obhgauon of die S7A7E ior a71 com�r_nsation and reimbursemen�s io GRANT"EE shall noi exceal_ F�rtv Sev4n Thousand dollarc and no/cents (S 47.000-00 ). Terms of Pavmen� 1. Payments ro[he GRANTEE wiil be made by the STATE on a quarterty, but noc more ofrer. than mon[hly cose reimbursemern bas�s. 2. Payments shall be made by the STATE promp0y after GRAT'TEE's presenration of itemized mvoices for serwces perCormed. 3. lipon GRANTEE'S request, an advance paymen[ may be made afrer thi5 Agreement u fully ezeculed, m an amount not ro exceed 25 m o` ttie total STATE obligarion, as detexmined xxcessasy Cor ezecuuon of GRAA'TEE's obU¢zuorts. 4. Invo�ces for reimbursement shall be �dentified in approved budget categories and submmecl on a quarierly. but noe more ofien than month!y bass and w�mm 20 days of ;he rnd of the reporong penod. 5. Paymencc are ro be madt from Staie funds obcamed by the STATE throueh Mmnesou S(atu�c 1GSA.40 . If at any :ime such funds bzrome u:ia�ailable, thu Agreement shall be eermmaeed immedia[eiy upon wrinen nouce of such fact by the STATE to GRANTEE. In the evem ot such terminauon, GRAATE.E 5ha11 be enuUed co payment, determinetl on a pro rata buu, for sernces sausfacrorily performed for whuh such Stare funds are a��ailable 7'he GRANTEE agrees �o remm any unused funds to the STATE. G. The GRA.NCEE will ezpend grar.t fv�s zllocate� for Nis Agreemen� accordmg eo the budget outlme contained m A;tachment C of tlns Agreemem The GRANTEc will submii a revued budcet for any devia�ion of 10% or more be[ween the aliowabie tundmg ca�egones. The re�as� budee� mus: be approved by the STATE before any ezpendi[ures can be made bazed on th: rev�sed budee[. No dev�auo�s between funCing categones shall exceM ehe total dolla; amount au�norized Po: th�s .4greemem. 7. The GRP.NTEc agrees to reeurn any unused funds co ihe STRTc unless {�nor appro��ai for an eztencron nas been cranced by che STATE's Authonzeci Aepraen[an��e and an amendmene to tnis Agreemene has been duly ezmuted. Unuced funds must ce rcmrneC w ehe STATE wrth�n 30 days of tne erding dace of cl�is Agreemrni I?I. CONDiTIONS OF PAYMEh? All services pro�ided by GRAA'TEE pursuant to �ha Agreemene shall be performed to the savsfacdon of Ne STATE, as demrmmed at the sole dacre[ion of �t� Authorvxd Repruenraove, and in accordznce with a1i appLcab�e federal, sraee, and lotai Iaws, ordinances, ruies and regulauons. GRANTEE shall not recerve paymem for wprk found by the STATE to be unsausfaaop�, or performed m violauon of iederal, s�ata or lowV law, ordmance, rvtes or retvlauon> IV TFRMS OF AGRFE�IE'�T 'I�h�s nercemem sha!1 bc e(fecbve on JW� 1,7995 , or upon thc da�e Na[ Ih° final requtred s�gnaNre is ObumaJ by Uie STnTE, pursuane to llinn. S�at F 1GB.0G. SubG ?, whichever occurs la;er, and shali remam m ef(ea un[il_ June 30 1999 , or until all obhCauons set ferth m th�s Agreement have 6=en sausfaaorily fulfillec, whicneve: occurs firs:. GRANTEE u�erstarrds Iha: NO work should begm under thu Agreemen[ unnl ALL reomred signawms have been obtafneC, a�C GRA;�TEE is nonf:� co tegin work by ihe STATEs Author¢ed Represen�zuve. �n��. L C��orivs Gp� o: s� Pa_; - aoni� !Xra� G.m� com:s� rsw�cm'S Nu o rn�r Pm.�m on eoz>m a��� �;?: ..LAT10� Th�s Agreemrnt may bc cancded by thc STATE or GRA?�"fEE ai any timc, u•�th or without cause, upon thim� (30) days wriaea noucc m Nc oNCr pany. ln the e�rni o( such a cancella�on. GRAhTEE shail be enoticd w paymrn;, desemumd on a yro rata basa, for work o: scrviccs saosfaaorily performcd. STATE may rancel this Agreemrn[ �mmed�aicly if fhc STATE fuds Ihat rherc has becn a failure to comply u�th the yro�icioas ot ihis Agrcemrn; rhat rcasonablc progress hes not been made, or that cfx purposes for which the tu� werc granced have noc b_en os will �[ be fulfill�, Ne $TA1'E ma�� take acnon to procea'he interutc of the Stare of Mmnwou. mduding thc rcfusal m disburse addmonal funds and requving [he remrn of all or pan of �he funds already disbursed. VI. CT'AT 'C A iTHORI D Fp FS '�TATIV The STATE's Au`horvxd Represenwnve fo: the purZwses of adminisvation of this Agreement is Drnni� Roskq or his successor m office. Such reprcsenu[ive sha{I have final authonry for aaepunre o( GRAN'fEE's services and if such services arc accep:ed as sa6sfacmry. shall so cert�fy on each mvoice submitted pursuant to Clause II, paragraph B VII. REPORT'[NG GRANTEE will advise iht STATE wnceming program progress through such reasonable mearu az tlie STATE may find coavemem. These will include: A. 7he GRANTEE will advise the STATE w�ceming Ihe program progress through the submission of quarredy, bue nm morc ofien then monthly reports az reouired by die STATE's Authorized Representative. B. Following basis: Submisswn of a tnal eva7ualion report wifhm 30 days afier the rermina[ion date o� tha Agreement. C. Submission o( a final expcndimre repon within W days afrer the cermination of this Agreemen:. D. Making any project records available to the STATE upon request; this inNudes submission of cop�es of any repo25, data, sucveys (mGuding survey ins[ructions), or other mareriais for rev�ew and comment before they are prepared in final form, and six cop�es of 211 matenais produced by �he projece following production of the ma[erials. E. Permitdng period�c site vi5its by tfie STATE's Authonzed Representative, other STA?E sfaff or od�er employees of the Suce of Minneso�a on behalf of the Sta[e. F. Participadon in vaimng and evalua�on wor}:shops may be required. VII7. ASSIGNMENT GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any nghu or obligaoons under Nis Agreemene wi�hom ehe pnor wrinen wnsent of fl�e STATE. A. Idenufication of soUrce of funding. Ali reporzs, materials, conference documenu. and any other producu made availabie througti this program, shall carry an acl;nowledgment thai it was fw�ded under provisions of if�e Stare of Minnesota (Auto Thefr Prevention Board Program) a� give credit to other party's pamcipauon. IX. AMENDME?�'TS Any amendmenu [o thu Agreement shall be in writing, and shali be ezecuted by the same patties who executN ihe oneinai Agreement, or their svccessors m offire. X. LIA&TLTTY To [he eztend peaniaed 6y law, GRAA''CEE s4all indemnity, save, and hoM tt�e STATE, iu represencadves and emRloyees harniless from any and ali claims or rauses of acnon, includmg all attorney's fees incurred by the STATE, arismg from the performance of �his Agreement by GR4NTEE or GR4NTEE's agena or employces. This clause shall not be construed to bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for d;e STATE's failure to tulfill its obligadonc pursuan[ ro this Agreement. XI. [1,�OU1vTING AUDIT AND RETENTiON OF RECORDS �+. GRANTEE will establith a separa[e account for this program and will mainuin fiscal records in accordance wnh generally acceptable aecouming principles. GRAI�'TEE'a records, documenu, and accwntinS Pr���� � p�cnces tor th�s projeet shal{ be subjecc w the e�inavon of the STATE's Authonzed Represenrau�e ard the Legislauve Auduor_ °�scal records shall be rerained for a period of three years following tubmistion of the final repoa. B. The booAs, records, documen�, and accounung Prorxdures and pacuces of the GRAhTEE relevant ro Nis Agreement shall be subj^ct io exarninabor. by the STATE's Avthorized Representarive and the I.eg�tla6ve AudROr. Records shall be su�cient to reflec[ ali wsa incurted in perforntance of this Ageemen[. XII.. DATA PRnCt'ICES ACT The GRAA'TEE shall comply wifi the Mmnaota Data Przcoces Att az it appiies io all data provided by rhe STATE in accordantt with Utis Agrcement and az it appiiu to a11 data crcaied, gathcred, generzud or acquired in accordancc with this Agreemem. %IlL OWNERSHIP OF DOCUM,E�TS PRODUCTS AND COPYRiGHT A. Any repons, s[udiu phoeographs, negati��, mstruments, curticulum, vidro�zpes, training manuals. med�a messages. or other documrnes or oroduca (heremafrer called documents or produca) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance o; icc obligauons urder ihis Agrecmem shali be exclusive propeny of the STATE. AII such documrna or producu shail be remined to Ihe STATE by GRANTEE upon mmpieUOn, iermmavon, or canreilauon of ihis Agreemrn�. GRA1.'TEE shali noc use, wilhngly a71ow, or cause ro have such mareriais used for obhgano�s u�er this Agreemrnc withou[ the prio: wriaen consrnt of �he STATE. Cioes E Counimz G�. of St Paul � PNme Depanmen� Gnn� Convxi P92pOdJCA�S IAU o Tnd ➢r�•ca o� Hoa:t qs- ��8' B. Ali ngh; uQe aM m[erclt m aIf wpyngnablc mamnal v�hich GRAI�TEE shafl concerve or ong�rmce a�hcr u�Crvidualty or }omll�� w�iN others. and x•hich arues out of the prr(ormar¢e of N�s Agrmmrnt, u�7I1 bc Nc property o! Ihe STATE and arc by Ws Agrctmem azs�gntd to tAe S'fAT`c a7onF wiN ow'++ership o( am' and ali Wpyr:ghrs of �hc copynghtable ma�erul GRA?�7EE also agrtcs, upon ihe rc�ua� of Nc STATE, io executc all pape:c and pzrfotm all oNer actt necessan• �o ass�s: the STATE co obtain aM reF�s[er rApynghLS on such rttamr�als- VJherc epplreab�e, works of authorship craicd by GRAh'TEE for ihe SThTE i� performance of this Agrecmcn[ shall be consfdered `works made fnr hfre' as dt(ned m �ie G.S. Copyr.gh[ ntt. XI\%. P B 7 1T" Am pubLap� grvcn in che procram, publicauons, or senaca provided resuhme trom ct:is AFreemem, mtludmg, bue not IlmurC w, nouccs. fniormational pampnle�s, press releases, rcscarch, re�ru, signs, a�x s�milar pobhc nonces preparttl be or (or th: GiiA1.TEE or m emplm•ecs individualf;� or �mnily will: oUiers. or any subcramees sha9 identify ihe $TATE as ihe sponsoring aeenq� and shaSt no� be reSrasu+, unless such relea�e is n specific par[ of an appro�ed work Pian included in this Agreemem prior ro its appro��al b}' ihe STATH's Aumorized Representa[n•e. X\'. AFFIRMATI�E ACTION (Wben apphcable) GRA?2TLE certifies tha[ rt has received x certificate of compl�aa:c from the mmmissfoner of Human Rich¢ pursuant to Mmn Scac. � 3G3.073. tt is herehr ae�eed bzeween the parues vhat Mmn. S�ac. Secuon 3G3.07i is incorpciraced mio chis cAnvac: by refere�ce. XVI. hONDISCRIMINATIO?� As a condfuon of receiving support for [his proeram, GRANTEE usures that it will meet all applicable reqwrements of the Civil ILghts Act of 19G4, as amended (nondiscrimination on the bazis of hand�capping rondiiiona), and of any applitable sram avii nghtc stamtes. XVII. �yOR7:ERS' COMPENSATIOV G}iANTEE shall provide accepiable evidence of compliance wiUi the worAers' compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minn. Stat. y� 17G.ISI, Sutx1. 2. XVIII. 7L'RISD1CT70� AN'J VENliL This Agreement, and amendments aixl supplemencc tl�ere�o, sha11 be governed by the laws o( tlie Seaie of Mmnesota Venue for atl legal proceedmgs arismg out of tlns AF��ement, or breaeh tliereot, shaft be m ehe sta�e or federal cour[ with competent �unsdiction in Ramsey Counry. Minneso�� XIV. OTHER PROVISIO�R A. B. C. When purchasmg equipmen[ authonzed by th�s Agreement, GRANTEE shall comply with ail procurement procedures and laws [hai apply m �he GAANTEE'S purchase o( similar eqwpment in �he Qerformance of i�s duties otl�er than rts dunes under ih�s Agreement. Any equipmen[ purcha5ed under this Agreement shall be used for law enforcement purposes during die li(e of �he equipmrnt. 7he GRANTEE may no� deviete from this requirement and may no[ dispose of any equipment unless GRANTEE has firsi obtamed wntten perm�ssion from the STATE. The GRAhTEE shall be responsible for all operatmg, main[enance, and repair coses of eompment purc6ased under th�s Agreement IN NITNES$ WHEREOF, the panies have wused ehis Agreement to be duly execu[ed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED: 1. GRAn"t'EE: GRANTEE rertlfies that the aporopriate person(s) have executed the convact on behalf of the GRAnTEE as reqmred by apphcable zr[icles, by-lau�s, re5oluuons, or ordma�ces. Bv: Tnlz: Date: Z. STATE AGENCY: IIy; TWr. Date: 3. ATTOFLI`EY GENERAL: Bv: Tule: , Da[r. I av: 1I�C: Daie: Davibucion ACencY - Ongm21 (fufiq ezecmttS) Agreemem Gramee $aie Auehonud Representaenz Grn�s s Co�naa Gn� or si Ywi - PoL��e a:pavmcni G�� � eo�:a:� v9zanr.r�s in:;�� Tn� r•-���-��� � ra�_� � � ATTACHn�E'�T C � '� y � Q R 1 G!�!A � hlinnesota .Aufo Theft Pre��ention Pro�rani ( ��ATPI' ) Grant Applicafion NC}TE: This "Attachment C" form sIiould be used if possible. If duplicated, no chan�e zn forn�at �i�iIl be accepted (no deIefions or portions of' or rearrangements) s 1: Applicanf r n f Type of Governmental A�ency o; Organization; State ❑ County ❑ Cit}� X Private I�on-Piofit ❑ Privatc for Profit ❑ I��ame of Agency or Organization: Sain; Paul Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11` Street City: SaintPaul County: Ramsev State: MN Zip: »101 Federal Identification ?�'umber' 4]-600�521 Total M.ATPP I3ud�et Reauest: �47.000 Project Title ii applicable: Pro-active Auto 77�efl Proeram Geographical P.rea Applicable to Grant Project (identifv stateN�ide county, cit��, other) Cit�� oi 5aint Pau1. located ��'ithin P.amse� Count�' Other Anencies Participa?ing in the Project (lf a multi-a��ency project, attach letters of confirmation bv all eatities) Form AT:01 -1- 98-���Y SECTION �: CERTIFICAT101�'S/SIGNATURES -1 acknowled�e that 1 have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and s�pporting materials and that the informat I am su pplyin� i n this application is true, complete and conect. Type i�Tame and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the grimary contact person for a11 aspects of the grant) Seraeant John Ballis (Name) 292-3734 Telephone Number , ��T���� // (Signature) (Dafe) 292-37] i Fax Number Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Jill Flesher f��/1/ ����/ (Name) (S'ignature) (Date) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) � rorm AT:01 -2- S�CTION 3: Current and Proposed Auto Theft Prevention Responsibilities - F01' e3C11 of the Zuto theft reduction strategies and activities listed belo��, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agenc;�. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP �rant-funding. Check all acti and s t app G( s'"� � STIZATEGIES AND CURRE\'T LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR ACTNITIES (IvTOT MATPP FIINDED} (MATPP GRANT) MUI,TI-AGEI�TCY II�T��OLVEMEi`TT Multipie Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Susinesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active Efforts Decoy Operatzons Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Analvsis Identify T:ends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Az and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education and ,4 wareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaians Other y Trainin � Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Form AT-Ol -3- a�-��8� SECTIf�I\' 4: Granr Purpose and Descriprfon - Pro��ide a summar�� description of the project that is to be funded b}� the MATPP. $riefly describe the �rant objectives and the �rant-funded strate�ies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe ho�a the project meet's priorities established by the MATPP, if applicable. lise additiona] soace if n°cessarv. The Saint Paul Police Department r a significant increase in the crime of auto thefr for the years 1995 and 1996 and the first haif of 1997. In an attempt to combat this increase tl�e department rec�uested and received funding from this grant to begin a Pr Auto Theft Pro�ram. In November of 1997 this program became operational and has already increased the number of arrests inade as well as impacted the nm�ber of crimes being committed in the City of Saint Paul. A companion program, the 3uvenile Auto Theft Prevention Program, has also been funded by the MATPP and implemented in t1�e Saint Paul Police Department to combat the juvenile car theft problem. Tn order to continue with this pro-active approach and continue to make an impact on auto theft in the City of Saint Paul, we are requestin� an additional year of funding for the Pro-Active Auto Theft Pi The str ��ill continue to focus on the following: � � � � � intense follow-up on infonnation on cl�op-shops intense follow-up on altered and chan�ed vehicle id numbers pro-active work on the above follow-ups pro-active work on suspects on the above follow-ups pro-active work on an on going identifica�ion of the career auto tl�ief The bud�et request to continue these pro-active efforts include: Overtime for two sergeants at approximately 14 hours per week for a total of 687 hours. (Rate: $42.10 plus fringe benen"ts at 16.7°�0 =�49.13 per hour) �'35, 000 Information (Buy) funds Lease Vehicle (to be used as decoy car for GPS) Maintenance on Vehicle Total � 4,�00 � 6,000 s 2. �011 547, 000 ��e ilave seen the results or solid investieative techniques �a�ork to iinpact this ci and we wish to continue in our eiforts. 1=or.m AT:O1 -4- ' S� �: Statemen� oj A"eed and Currenr Staff ��� !�• Part A. Describe the specific problem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the r.eed by providing the source of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical data should correspond to the neo�raphicai project area described in Section 1. Do not exceed the space pro��ided. The ]ar�e increases in the crime of auto theft in the Cit}� of Saint Paul for the past two years, 1995-1996, requires an equally large effort to eliminate this tlZreat to the quality of life for both residents and visitors to the Capitol City. This program by the Saint Paul Police Department Auto Theft Unit will fund law enforcement personnel with overtime necessary to engage in a vigorous pro-active appiroach in all of the auto theft crime compoi�ents. It will also enable the Auto Theft Unit to callaborate witl� tt�e Saint Paul Police Department Tr Unit to produce a training for all officers in an in-service component as well as training for new recruits. The 17 percent increase in auto theft within the City of Saint Paul and the 13.5 percent increase state wide is indicative that there is a chop-shop industry in stolen veh;:les in the metro area. While nationaily auto theft rates are decreasing, they are skyrocketing locally. This proposal would concentrate investigative efforts in this area by the department's Auto Theft Unit to enable a diminution of this criminal activity. Part B. List current staff (not MATPP funded} that have auto theft responsibilities in your agency. Include the position titie, fu11-time saiary, and percent of time spent on auto theft responsibilities. Position Title Full-time Salarv FrinQe Benefits Percent of Time 3 Sergeznt/investi�ators ��8,381 �19, 849 (34%) 100 �175 �59,�47 Fo.m AT:O1 -5- � o � � �� ',� r �. � U rn -p .� > ' � ' U r O U `-� _�'.. � � � i ..C' O ^ � r � � � � ~ � � � � � r ' `C cU L� . `� � � Y P• N 'U •-= i � � � � U � � � f+ � � �� O G .= O ': 3 a� `� � -= � � � � U i U � ' °' � � � � � •-= - C O U r � �'„ � O � +-. N � N ti � � � ° ° 3 � � '� � � � '� a � � � � o -o � .� , � � w � T � .� : � � � � � � ° � 3 � � •� O 'ti i , ? C'v � N . � � � � z o 'v � � -o � � N � C e1 . p r.i _,.�^ '.-, � ? •, j .-.� U v� �� v; � j .... v c� � y � � � � '�� �' ,.�.� 3 � cC p ^ U pj ti �.=� � ... G U � N � � w ~ N N � � � r " � `� � 0 � r ^ � � r � c -' r � �� U � � � .--" nJ � � "_" "' U 'U ,�, �. ^ � v] 4° -, •�, V 0 ` p ` �, � " u ;. 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