90-133 WHITE - CITV CLERK ' , PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L Council CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 Flle NO• �� '/� BLUE - MAVOR � C ncil Resolution ���� � r Preseated By , Referre . o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: Th�t application for the renewal of the various Class III Licenses by the following persons at the addresses stated per the attach- ment, be and the same are hereby approved. �[K�IX COUNCIL MEMBERS Y as Nays Requested by Department of: imo d Dimond L n Goswitz —�— [n Favor G itz Long o Re tman iNlaccabee Against BY S eibel �ettman on en Thune �pN 2 3 � Form Approved by City Attorney A��p��'��y Co���n Date _ - /,� Certified Pas Counci cr y BY �2 ��- �� ( By Approved by Ylavor: Date /2 N � 4 ���'� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By BY P116�lSHED ��� - 31990 �q� -�� �PARTM[NT/OFFI�JNqI � DATE INITIATED p r� Finance/License GREEN SHEET N0. �V0�7 CONTACT PERSON 6 PFIONE INITIAU OATE IN171AUDATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNCIL Kris Van Horn/298-5 56 N�� cmr�rro�ey �qTV CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DA ROUTIN(i g BUDOET pfiECTOR �FIN.Q MOT.8ERVICEB DIR. �MAYOR(OR ABSISTAN�T � ('.rninr i 1 TOTAL N OF 81ONATURE PA (CLIP A�L LOCATIONS FOR SKiNATUR� ACT10N REGUE8TED: Renewal of Variou Class III Licenses (See Attached List) � REO�AMENDATIONB:MP►�e(N a (pl COtlNqL COMAAITTEE/RESEARpI REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i COMMI8810M L SERVI�COMM18810N ANAlYBT PMONE NO. _CI8 COMMITTEE _ _�� COMMENT8: _DISTRICT OOURT 3UPPORTB WHICH WUNpI OB�JECTIVE INITIATIN4 PROBLEM.�SSUE.OPPORTU (Who�N11►et�When�WMrs�Wh�: Request for Counc 1 approval of various Class III Licenses. (See Attached List) All fees and appl cations have been submitted. All required departments have reviewed and appr ved the applications. ADVMITAOEB IF APPFiOVED: DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: REGEIVED �16�� Cl t'Y CLEttK DI8ADVMfTAGE8IF NOT APPROVED: Any applicant not given Council approval will be scheduled for a review before a hearing officer. �ouncii �esearch Center, JAN 121�11 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT = C08T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRq.E ONE) YE8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE ACTIVITY NUM�R FINANCIAI INFORMATION:(EXPWI� �-7� �� , `NOTE: OOMPLETE DIRECTIONS AAE INCLUDED IN THE OREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABIE IN THE PURCHASINa OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Below aro preferred routings for ths Nve most frequsnt typss of documeMa: OONTRAGTS (assumsa autiwrizsd COUNqL FiESOLUTION (Arr�snd� Bd�tsJ budget exiats) Accept. arents) 1. Outsfde Agsncy 1. Depsrtmsnt Director 2. Iniriatinp DepeRment 2. Budgst Dfrector 3. Gty llttornsy 3. qty Attomey 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAesisteM 5. Flnance 8 Mgmt�. Director 5. City Coundl 6. Fnencs AccouMing 8. Chisf Axountant. Fln 8�Mgmt Svca. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budpet COUNGL RESOLUTION (ail others) Revision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manaper 1. Initiating DepeRmern Director 2. DepaRment AxountaM 2. City Attomey 3. Oepartment Director 3. Maya'UssistaM 4. B�xlget Directo� 4. City COUnCiI 5. (tity qerk 6. Chief Acoountant, Fn�Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. IniUsting Department 2. Gty Atbrney 3. Ma�/Assistent 4. Gty Cbr1c TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE PAQES Indfcate the#►of pepss on whiclt si�natur�are reqWred and peperdlP each of th�e a�s. ACTION RE(�UE3TED Dsecribs wFist ths proJ�ct/roqu�t aesks to axomplish in eithsr chronobpi- cal wder or order of impoRanos,whlchsvsr is nrost�pproprlate for tha issus. Do not w�ite complsts sentenose.Bepin each Rem in your Iist with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complete ff the isws fn questbn has been preaent•d beforo any body� Public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNdI OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Counal obJecdroe(s)your project/request supports by listin� tl�key word(s)(HOUSINt3, RECREATION, NEICiH80RFI00DS, ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDCiET, SEWER 3EPARATION).(SEE COMPLETE LIST IN IN3TRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL OOMMITTEEIRE8EARqi REPORT-OPTIONAL AS RE�UESTED BY COUNGL INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM,138UE,OPPORTUNITY Explsin the.situadon or oondidone that croated a nssd for your project or request . ADVANTACiE9 IF APPROVED Indicate whethsr Mis is simply an annual bud�et procedure required by law/ cherter or whethsr there are ap�ciflc wa in which the City of Seint Paul and Rs citizens will bene�t irom Mis pro�t/actlon: DI3ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVED What negative elfects or me�jor chanpss to sxisting or psst procesaes might this projscUrequset produce H it is peasod(e.g.,trefffc delays, noi�, tax incresees or as�sesments)?To Whom?When7 For how bng? DISADVANTAtiES IF NOT APPROVED What will be the nepativs Consequenc�s M the promised action is not approved�Inabiliry to dsliver service?Continued high traf�c, rroise, accident rate?Loss of rsvsnue? FlNANGAL IMPACT Akhouyh you must tailor the information you provide here to the issue you ere addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it going to c�st?Who is gang to pey? � i I , I � ; ' , I . . i i i , i j � ; ' I � � � I I � � I � �u��� � � � � � ��i ' �n aqaa c c c � � c�� , ; � � ; .4, aa i�r� � � � � a�ii� I � r�ac�n � �n a � on� I i u ov�ra� � o.,c�tti�Q m ! a n .mo P�a°�o� i ; . � ' i I � . � j � I � � � � ' , � • ~ ' ' ! ! ' ! ,� � � � � i i � - i � � + , , , � ! � � »�,� , � � � ; , � W 4 ' � � I � i y� I � f ' ��q� � � ( ��W�W�!WW ; � I i � , , � ' O O � � i (�� ` IYIY��<f[H � � ��tO��K�a � I � i � ' � \J � :�i-?F-fA : O I �J� ���� , . 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