98-727�RlGtNAL Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a Committee:Date: 2 Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention Program, in 3 1999, and 4 tment has receiveti a grant irom the State oi Nllnnesota YOr the amount of $48,090 for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 5 WFiEREAS, the City oF Saint Panl Police Department has been awarded this grant to help combat Jnvenile 6 Auto Theft, and 8 WFIEREAS, the police department desires to establish a spendina and financing plan for this grant, and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WIIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FINANCING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 3400-40026-State Direct Grants in Aid SPENDING PLAN: 001- General Fund 0410Q - Operafions Division 0141-40026 - Overfime 0219-40026 - Professional Services 0259-40026 - Other - Travel, Training, Dues 0349-40026 - Other Equipment-Parts-Supplies CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 25,000 48,090 73,090 25,000 48,090 73,090 14,000 16,000 30,000 2,000 22,000 24,000 2,000 9,090 11,090 0 1,000 1,000 18,000 48,090 66,090 Council File # qg —� a� Green Sheet # 61027 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $48,090 for 31 the Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the 32 Auto fiheft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the changes to the 1998 budget. 33 34 Requested � �anvy J Reifer Adopted by Coun ' Adop4ion Ce ied by By: Approved by Mayo : B juvauto98-99.x1s 01': � � � � ' � � • � � � � � . • � `A���Lc'•'���� � � � ., �, • �_ � �� 1.� � � :.� � to r:� . _ ✓ v qe�-���1 DEPARTMENT/OFPICE/COIINCIL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepar�ent �iisiss GREEN SHEET No. 61027 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INfMVDATE INrt7AVDAiE C111efFlnIley 292 - � oevueTUOnaaecroa $ crtrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) - �CTYATiORNEY ❑LTIYCLERK �FWMIOPLSERYICESWt�` �FPNHCW.SERV/ACCTG . �MAYOR(OR<�i5� -� 1 1 u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached Council Resolution to accept the State of Minnesota Juvenile Auto Theft Program and set up spending authority for the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm everworked undera conirac[ forfhis departmentt PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnally possessed by any current aty empioyee? VES NO 4. Is ihis personKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separete sheef and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSIIE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Juvenile Auto Theft Prograzn has approved a grant proposal in the amount of 48,090 for combafing juvenile auto theft in the city of Saint Paul. Tlus resolution accepts the grant award and sets up spending authority for the program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Acceptance of grant and authority to spend grant for a new program to combat juvenile auto theft. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None JUL 3'; 1998 w�,s����� �'�R�i� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ,"' k ���: := a3 ��':,::� �4!!!T�vll t'� ;aQC�'i}S ..�°i2!1tP� t�'lpiY€2R'S' ��FI€3� ` Loss of grant money. ��� ������ A �� 1� e� 3��C1 �., - � �,� , , � 4��� �� �� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 4H COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE M1I1II050T2 SiflTE GIdI1L ACTNITY NUMBER (/OI ��/ W FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAII� A071598aacls � � � � � ��� S�A�TENT AGR.EEMENT ��-�a� Accounting Information: Accounting Distribution 1: Accounting Distribution 2: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: 200 Fund Fund: Appr. S00 Appr. Appr. Org/Sub. ll 00 Org/Sub� Org/Sub: Rept. Catg. Rept Catg: Rept Catg Amount $ 48,090.00 Amount� Amount: Processing Tnformaiion: (Some enh�ies may not apply) Reqmsition: P9Z000060019 Number ( Date f Entry Initials ConhaCt: Number / Date / Entry Imnals Solicitation. Number / Date f Entry Imtials Order: P97.00000074 Number / Date / Entry Iniffals (Irsd�vidunl sigxing cerlifies (hn! funds hnve been encumUered ns required Gy Mirtn. Slat §IGNS.) NOTICi: TO GRANTEE. You are required by Mina Stat. § 270.66 to provfde your social secunry number or Federal Employer tax idenuficahon number and Minnesota mx identification number if you do busmcss with tne State of Mmnesota. 1'h�s �nfocmanon may 6e uted in thc enforcemcnt oC federai and state tax laws. SuPplym5 tbese numbers could resul[ m acnon to reqwre you to file siate tas remms and pay dehnquent state tax liabilities. Th Agree ent 'll not be aporo ed unless these numbers are nrodded Tnese numbers will be ava�Iabic m fedeml and state tax authon[ies and siatc personnel mvolved m appro�ong the Agreement a�d the paymene of state obhgations. Grantee Name and Addre55' Cih� of St. Paul - PM'ce Department Sf. Panl . Minnesota 5�707 Social Sec or Federxl Employer LU. No.: atL005a?I Mmnesota Taz I.D. ho (f applicabieJ THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONT�IINSPRIV�ITEINFOXMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHQUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSI�N OF THE 6RANTEE If you circutate this Agreement internatly, only offices that require access to the tax identifzcation number AND all individuals/offices signing rhis Agreement should have access to this page. Gaes & Coumies Cny of S�. Pxl - Po1xc 9epanr.wm G�am Conea:r MZ�]G Lio Tt�efi 4rcv on floa.dl i q�-�a� TH[S Agreeme�tt, and ame[dments azd supplemenLt therew, is between d�e State of Mincesore, acung throuQh irs Auto Theft Prevention Baard (hereinafrer "57'ATE') ard Citv oF St. Paul - PoGce Deoarrmrnt . address 100 E lli7+ St St Paul M�� ta 55101 (hereinafrer" GRANTEE'), witrxsseth thar. WHEREAS, ihe STATE, punuant to Minn. Stat. ys 1CSA.40 Subd2., is empowered w d�Stribute mo ev for automo5ite theft orevenrion acrivi�es, and F'HEREAS, GRA7VTEE represens tLa[ it is duly quaiified, authotized, and willing to carry wt the taeks dacribed in Attachmem C., of tttis Agreemrnt: and NOW, THEREFOItE, it is agreed: GRAt3'CEE'S DUTIFS (Avach addiaonal page if necusary which is incorporated by reference and made a pan of tltis Agreement.) GRANTEE, shall: GRANTEE shall carry ou[ the [asks as described in GRANTEE's applicaoon for grant funds which is hereby incorponred by reference and made a part of this Agreemenc in Anachmenc C. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENI' A. Considera[ion for all services performed azd goods or materials suppl�ed by the GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreemen[ shall be paid by the STATE as follows: 1 Compencation ahall be consis[em with the budget ovtline conrained in Attactunem C.,of this Agreement. When specifically approved by Ne STATE, reimbursement for travel aod subsis[ence expenses acmaily and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in performance of ihis Agreemen[ and idemified in Attaclunent C of Uvs Agreemmt will be paid provibed ti�at t6e GRANTSE shall be reimbursed for 4ave1 and subsis[e�ce expert5u in the same II�am�er and in no greater amount ihan provided in fie current "Commissioner's Pian promWgated by the Commissioner of Employee Rela6ons. The total obligatiun of the STATE for all compensaROn and reimbursements [o GRANTEE Shall np[ exceed_ Fortv Eieht Thnusand Ninetv dollazs and no/cents ($ 48.090.00 l. B. Terms o£ Pavmenc 1. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by tf�e STATE on a quarterly, but not more ofren than monthly cost reimbursement basis. 2. Paymen[c shall be made by the STATE prompdy aftrr GRANTEE's presentation of itemized invoices for services performed. 3. Upon GRANTEE's reques[, an advance paymen[ may be made afrer Uus Agreement is fully executed, in an amount not to exceed 25 % of [he total $TATE obUgation, as determined necessary for exewfion of GRANTEE's obligatlons. 4. Invoices for reim6ursement shall be idenufied in approved budget categories and submitted on a quarterly, but not more ofren than montiily basis and within 20 days of the end of the reporting period. 5. Payment� aze to be made from S[ate fuuds obtained by the STATE tfuough Minnesota Srnwte 1GSA.40 . If at any fime such funds bzcome unavailable, fhis Agreement shali be terminated �mmediately upon written notice of such fact by Ihe STATE [o GRAlVTEE. 1n the event of such [ermn�atlon, GRANTEE shall be ene[led to payment, determined on a pro rara basis, for serv�ces satisfactorily performed foc which such State funds aze available. The GRANTEE agrees to remm any unused funds to [he STATE. 6. The GRANTEE will expend gant funds allocaud for this Agreement according to the budget oudine conrnined in Attachment C of this Agreemen[. The GRAA'TEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation of 10% or more between the allowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by die STATE before any expe�itura can be made based on the revised budge[. No deviat�ons benveen funding categories sha7i exceed ihe wtal dollaz amount authorized for this Agreemem. 7. The GRAhTEE agrees to retum any wused fulHLc ro rhe STATE unless prior approval for an exrension has been granud by the STATE's Authorized Representauve and an ame�men[ w this Agreemenc hu been duly executed. 13nu5ed funds must be remmed to the STATE within 30 days of the eMing dare of this Agreement. III. �ONDITIONS OF PAYMENT All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to tha Agreement shal] be petformed w the satisfacrion of the STATE, as determined at tAe sole discrerion of its Auchoriz� Represeivadve, and in accottlance with all applica6le federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, ruies and regulatlons. GRAIVTEE shall not receive paymen[ for work fwnd by rhe STATE to be unsafisfacwry, or perfortned in violavon of federal, state or tocal iaw, ordinance, rules or regutauons. N. TERMS OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective on Julv 1.1998 , or upon the date that the final required tignature is obrnined by the STATE, pursuan[ ro Mmn. Srat. § 168-06. Subd. 2, wh�chever occurs later, and shall remain m effect unul_ 3une 30. 1999 , or unel all obligations set forth in this Agreement have been satisfactorily fiilfilled, whichever occurs firse. GRANTEE umierstands thai NO work should 6egin undec ehis A�reement until ALL required signamres have been obtained, and GRANTEE is notified to begm worA by the STATE's Authorized Represenreuve. � Cida & Counucs Gry of St Paul - Police Depanmem Gran� Convar P991JOQ'100'I4 (AU o TM1eft Prcveni on Boa,�C1 2 �$" `17 CANCELLATION This Agreement ma} be cancded by rhe STATE or GRAhTEE at any time, wrth or withouc cause, upon thirty (30) days wntten notire to the other pam�. In the event o£ such a cancellation, GRAhTEE sliall be entiUaS w payment, desermuu� on a pro raia basis. fo* work or services satisfacWrily performed. STATE may cancel this Agreement immediately if the STATE finds rhat Ihere has been z failure [o comply with die pro��isions of this Agreemen[ ihat ceasonable psoeress has not heen made, or that Ne pur(x�ses for which the fiuMs were gsanted have not been or will not be fulfilled, the S"fA1'E mzy ra}:e action to protec[ the mreresGS of the Stace of Muuiesoa, including the rePosal to disburse addiuonal funds and requirmg the remrn of ail or pan of [he funds alieady disbursed. VI. STATE'S AL REPRESE�'TATIVE The STATE's Authoc"v.ed Represen[a¢ve for the purposes of adminisvauon of this A¢reement is Dennis Roske, or his successor in office. Such repruen`a[rve shalf have final authoriq• for acceptance of GRANTEE's services arid it such services are accepted as sa6sfacroq', shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuan[ [o C�ause II, paragraph B. VII. AEPORTING GRAATEE witl advise [he STATE conceming program progress through such reasonahte meax� as the STA'I'E may find comenienc. These will inctude: A. The GRAh`TBE will advise the STATE conceming the program progress through the subm�ssion of quartedy, but mt more ofren fien monthly reportt az required by the STATE's AuUwrized Representative. B. Followmg basis: Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the [erminaoon date of this Agreement C. Submission of a final expenduure repott within 6Q days aher the remilna[ion of this Agreemen[. D. Mak�ng any projec[ records available to the STATE upon requesp this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instmctions), or other materials for review and commerM1 before they are prepared in final form, and a�x copies of all materia}s prOduced by tkie project following production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site vis�tc by the STATE's Authorized RepresentzCrve, other STATE staff or o�her employees of tlie Stare of Mmnesota on behalf of ihe S�are. F. Patticipation in vaming and evaluation workshops may be required. VIII. _ qSSIGNMENT GRANTEE shall neither assign nor tran5fer any right� or obligations under this Agreemen[ wifiout rhe prior wntten consent of tlie STATE. A. Identification of sonrce of fuiMmg. Nl reports, materiats, confere�ce documenu, and any oitier produccs made avaitable through chis program, shall carry an acknowledgment that it was funded under provisions of rhe Srare of Minnesota (Auro Thefr Prevennon Board Prograzn) and give credit m other par[y's participation. 7X. AM£NDMENTS Any ame�menss eo fhis Agceemene shall be in w�iting, and sha14 be ezecuted by tne same parties who execuCeci She origmaf Agreement, or the�x successors in office. X LIABILTTY To the extend pemtitted by law, GRA1V7'EE shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, ics represenra[rves and employees harnile5s from any and att ctaims or causes of ac¢on, includmg aSl attorney's fezs mcurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreemene by GRAIQTEE or GRANTEE's agents or employees. This clause shall mt be construed m bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for ihe STATE's failure [o tulfill its obligations pursuant to ch�s Agreement. XI. 4CCOUATtING AUDIT AND RETENTiON OF RECQRDS A. GRANTEE will establish a separate account for rh�s program and will ataintam fiscal records in accordance w;th generally acceprable accounung prmciples. GRAN7EE's records, documents, and accoundng proeedures and practices for dtis project 5ha11 be sub,Iec[ ro the examinadon of the STATE's Authorized Representztive and the L,egislaove Audrtor. F�scal records shall be retained for a period of three yeazs fotlawing su6mission of the futal repott B. The boo}s, recotds, documencs, and accoun�ng procedures and pracnces of the GRANTEE relevant to this Agreement 5ha17 be sub�ec: to eXaminauon by the STATE's Authorized Represemative and the Legislalive Audimr. Reeords sYiall be sufficirnt to reflect all costs inwtred m Qerfoanance of [h�s Agreement. XII.. DATA PRACTICES ACT The GRANTEE shall compty with the Minnesota Data PracGces Act az it applies ro all dara provided by [he STATE in atcordance with this Agreement and az u apphes to alI data created, gathered, generated or aequired in aceordance wish this Agreement. XIII. OWNERSffiP OF DOCUMENTS. PRODUCTS AND COPYRiGHT A. Any reposts, stud�es photographs, negatives, insvuments, c�rriculum, v�deotapes, vaining manuaSs, med�a messages, or othec doeumen6 or producGS (hereinafrer cafled documents or producrs) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of ia obhganonc under th�s Aereement shall be exclusive propen}' of the STATE. AII such documencs or producrs shall be rem�ned to the STATE by GRANTEE upon comple[ion, [erminanoq or cancellation o; dus Agreemen[. GRANTPE shall m[ use, willmgly allow, or cause to ha�e such ma[erials used for obIiganons u�er ihis Agceement wuhoue the prior wcitten contene of the STATE. Cines & Cwnucs Grv of Si_ Pavi - PoLcc Dqranmem Grmc Comraz: P9Z�00"14 ( 4mn Thefi Prevrni oa Boarot 3 a�'- �a� B, All righc [itle ar�d interest in all copyrightable macerial which GRA�TEE shall wxeive or onginate either ildivSdually or joindy w�rh othe:s. and which ar�ses ou[ of the performance ot th�s Ageement, will be ihe properry of the STATE and are by this Agreemeni usigned w che STATE along w¢li ownership of any and a:l copyrieha of rhe copyrightable ma[erial. GRANTEE also agrees, upon ;he requ°st of tLe STATE, to execute all papers ar� perform sll other aca necess� ro azsfs[ the STATE ro obram aIM rcgis�er capyrigt�s on su:F. matenaLs. V.'here applicabie. works of aumorslup ttated by GRr1?�°I'EE for the STATE in pesformance of titis Agteemrne shall 6e wnsidered `works made for hire" az defined m Ne li.S. Copyright Act. XS�'. PU3LICITY Any publ�city given to �e progrzm, pub6ca:ions, o: services provided resultino from tha A€reement, inciading, but no. Lmit� eo, nonces. inform2tion21 pamphlea, pres5 releasu, research, repocrs. sigrs, a� similar pubhe no�ices prepared by or for the GRA!�'TEE or ics employees ir.G'ividually or jointly with others, or any subgrantees shall idenrifp [he STATE as the sponcor.ng agency a� sha11 not be released, unless sueh release u a specific part of an appro�ed work plan included in this Agreement pnor [o irs approval by the STATE'S Aurhonzed Represenrative. XV. AFFIKMATR'E ACTION (When applicable) GRA\'TEE ceainu tha� it has recerved a certinca[z of compliance from �he commissioner of Humar. Righa �qursuant to Minn. Stat. ,� 363.073. II is hereby ag:eed benveen uSz parties tha[ Minn. Srac SzcUOn 363.073 is incoqwnied inro [his contrace b; reference. XVI. NONDTSCRIMIN.AT[ON As a co:�d�oon of receiving suppon for this p�ogram, GRANTEE usures [hat i, will meet all applicable requiremenrs of the Civi] Righu Act of 1964, as unended (nondiscriminauon on the basis of haz�dicappmg condinons), and of any apphcable state civil righ6 sramces. XVII. lVORiiER ' COMPE�SATION GRANTEE shall provide accepteble ev�dence of compliance wifh Ihe workers' compensa[ion insurance coverage requirement of Mmn. Stat. � 176.181, Subd. 2. XVIIL JLIRISDICTION AND �'ENUE This Aareemen�, and amendments and supplemer.ts thereto, shall be govemed by the �aws of tfie State of Minnesora. Venue for ali ]eeal proceedings arismg out of this Agreemen[, o� breach thereof, shall be in [he siate or federai wurt with competent jurisd�ttion in Ramsey Counry, Mmnesota. RIV. OTHER PROVISIONS A. B. C. When purchasing equipmen[ authorized by Ihis A6�eemen[, GRA!VTEE shall comply witli ali procuremeni pmcedures and law5 that appiy co tf�e GRANTEE'S purchase of similar equipment in rhe performance of its duties other th2n �u du[ies unda tliis Agreement. Any equipment purd�ased under ihis Agreemen[ shail be used foc 1aw enforcement pucposes during the life of the :qmpmenC. The GRANTEE may not deviate from tlus requiremen[ a�d may not dispose of any equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained ���ritten perm�ssion from ine STATE. The GRAN2EE shall be responsible for all operating, main[enance, and repas costs of equipmen[ pure}:aseci under fiis A�reer.meot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parnes have caused th�s Agreement Co be duly executed in[ending to be bound thereby APPROVED: L GRANTEE: GRANTEE certifies th appropriate person(s) have zxecuCed the convac[ on behalf f�e 1VTEE as required by applicable arucles, by-law�, res luuons, or ordinances. By : Title: Date: By: Title: Datz: 2. STATF AGENCY: By: Title: Date 3. ATTORIVEY GENERAL: sy: Title: Date: Disvibu[ion: Agercy - Ori�inal (fully executed) Aereemer.t Grantez Srare Authorized Represennnve Gurs € Co��nes Gry of S�� Paul - PoLec oep�mrm Ga�rz ea�v�� rszaw�oma (n m rnr r.�����u �° n,3�ei < ATTACHMENT C OR�GI��� l�'tinnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant Application �t��a�t NOTE Thzs "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, no change in format wiIl be accepted (no deletions or portions of or rearrangements) SECTION 1: Applicant �nformation Type of Governmental ADency or Organization; State ❑ County ❑ City X Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit 0 Name of Agency or Organization: Saint Paui Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11 ` Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramsev State: MN Zip: 55101 Federal Identificarion Number: 41-b00�521 Totai MATPP Bud�et Request: $48.090 Project Titie, if appiicable: Juvenile Anto Theft Pro¢ram Geographical Araa Applicable to Grant Project (identify sYatewide, county, city, othez) Citv of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv Other Agencies Participating in the Project: (If a multi-a�ency project, attach letters of confirmation by all entities) Form AT:Ol �V r � � � SECTION 2: CERTIFICATIONS/SIGNAT'URES - I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and conect. Type Name and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact person for all aspects of the grant) Sergeant 3ane Laurence (Name) i �� .�c i�—�--�_ 5�2 t �`2 � � Si ature) (Date) 292-3613 292-3711 Telephone Nunzber Fax Number Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Jill Flesher � ��`��`''''�W ►' 2� 1�� 1 (Name) (Signature) (Date) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) Chief William K. Finnev (Name) is7 Form AT:O1 SECTION 3 : Current and Proposed Auta Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For eaCh of t 2uto ` theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agency. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. C heck all activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR ACTNIT'IES (NOT MATPP FLJNDED) (MATPP GRANT) MIILTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT *Note: These efforts have begun under the 1S� year Grant funding. Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active E,�'f'orts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Analvsis Identify Trends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Areas and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education and Awareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaigns Other TraininQ Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT-Ol X* X X* X X* X* X* X X X* X* X* X X* � � � °�g -� a� �ECTION 4 : Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a summary description of the project that � is to be funded by the MATPP. Briefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded ' strategies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meet's priorities estabIished by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if necessary. Utilizing first year funding from this grant, the Saint Paul Police Department begun a dual approach in reducing the frequency of auto theft juveniles by: 1. Creating more effective strategies in responding to first and second time offenders in auto theft and tampering with auto cases. 2. Disseminating information about the consequences of auto theft to a targeted group before they get into the 3uvenile Justice system. The Juvenile Units objectives are: ✓ To reduce the number of youth who steal, ride and break into cars. ✓ To have effective intervention with the first time offender in auto theft. ✓ To develop a profile of the offender for early identification of those likely to commit auto theft. ✓ To provide additional training for police personnel for the identification and investigation of auto theft. s/ To develop a Restorative Justice Conference for the first or second offenders involved in auto theft. Restorative 3ustice allows the victim to meet face to face with the juvenile offender(s). �/ This allows suspect to realize the damage and trouble she/l�e caused the victim as a result of their car being stolen or tampered with. The result is holding the offender accountable and responsihle for his/her actions. ✓ This accountability may involve restitution and/or communzty service. Strategies: The Juvenile Unit will develop an up-to-date profile using past and current interviews, as well as computer data analysis. 0 . qg' -72-�, ✓ The profile will be broken down by age, race sex economic level, education, family makeup and juvenile history. ✓ The profile will show what type of cars are stolen, the frequency they are stalen and the tactic of theft. ✓ The profile will identify what the parents/guardians could have done to prevent the auto theft. The Saint Paul Police Audio Visual Unit will help make a training video for patrol o�cers indicating the tactics and profiles of the juvenile offender. Based the information collected, the Juvenile Unit will operate a program component for the intervention of the offender. ✓ Juvenile Unit personnel will be trained in the early identification profile. In the case of the first time offender, the Juvenile Unit will incorporate the services of the Youth Service Bureau (YSB}. ✓ YSB will aid in the conference for the Restorative Justice Program. s/ The Juvenile Unit will coordinate the Restorative Justice Program. ✓ The following ruies of the conference wili apply: -Reach a duel agreement between victim and suspect. -Full admission to the crime by the suspect. -Written impact statement for both sides. This project will focus on three ofthe MATPP priorities: -Proactive efforts. -Crime analysis. -Education, awareness and training. Form AT:O1 5 SECTI�N 5: Statement of Need and Current Staff �� - �a2 Part ,4. Describe the specific problem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the need by providing the source of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical data should correspond to the geographical project area described in Section l. Do not exceed the space provided. The SPPD Juvenile Unit has recorded the incidents of auto the8 for 1946 at 2,749. This is a 17 percent increase over 1495. Statewide, motor vehicle theft is also on the rise. Most other major crimes decreased in 1996 and 1997, but auto theft has been increasing consistently. With the parallel rise in total number of juveniles within the overall population, and suspicions within the law enforcement community dealing with auto theft and with juveniles that there may be a stolen auto industry within the metropolitan area, the incidence of juvenile auto theft crime becomes a serious problem. Part B. List curtent staff (not MATPP funded) that have auto theft responsibilities in your agency. Include"the position title, full-time salary, and percent of time spent on auto theft responsibilities. Position Title Auto Theft Unit 3 Sergeant/investigators 3uvenile Unit 8 Sergeantlinvestigators at 1/8 time Full-time Sa1arv Frin�e Benefits $58,381 $175,143 $58,381 $19, 849 (34%) $59,547 Total Department funds expended: Form AT:O T $19,849 (34%) $233,524 � Percent of Time 100 8 at 1/$ time � U L� G +� O R�i ^ 3 -^_ a� O :J 'U �U .-. � E � `� ;� .� T l'1 3-i ?� ` � �i - cc c �n ._. � '� 'J V :Il -o _, m .� e� N v �rt tIS iJ �� � SI r�1 � � ^ 0 � Q � G a� s. m u, � � � � � � �+ N !], 3 � � � .� N :J N L ti �-�. �I7 1] N GI 7 !6 -r1 �1 :.J O -.+ }-+ fi - -i iJ �J U1 U (A H U N [A :J N r6 � N }, � � � � � � � 0 !J N W � C -1 f6 1� l6 :J � S-V N �.i (fl ro 3 0 E N N � f?, � N -t 0� CA � � N ro G � � m > -�i N b :-a � �7 A � � U � L f(S :l :a � � : U rt Ut O li @ Ui S-+ 1� -�i N N O� . a q l t� E C7 � \� U/ E 7 C H /l r � N � � � :J � 7 � � m a� rn v „ U .= �, N ,� �.i - �i �fi �a � _+ �:-i S� T� N �'S �7 �� U J TS .� \ U U1 r4 C Jt N 4J U 5 U] Ql L?. 'O C N 1 � rl � J .i -1 � `O v C L E v > v u �-i rt � �fi S. N -: Sa ul y 3 �r� U Gl ri U p � � � � � � 3 'f .l�-� � W � i � � �� � � � QJ :J . U � � 1� Q� C� . �6 iJ !' N Fa L .�-t N 1J � v � Q1 '!'1 '.-1 �. CJ ,P N J.J JJ � N O > ril .0 N �, � O L L� C 3 U � � �;�, ra u E a� -i O �1 N C Q V-1 3 .i �G Sa O C c N U% G : J � � � � v '� � J � J r� �.�t � N a1 � :� n� O C 't7 � U � � �U :.J �O `C3 O r, r a) t� • 1� '6 -.i N � � .� la � N ;: � r O m � .-t (' U :.J J O � 3 � v � � N s� �, � � a ' . � � J m r :� .i .� 'Ci ,--i Ki .� � �l C �.�. .0 �.�t �� � v s _ ? z 0 H E h` � a � � W � W H � W f-� � � \ � �: H F H > H H V � � H a W � H a U � W � H N U � F7 LQ O W a q � a � G� � W H F � N U Cl > f U �ti U -+ N � r <C m • J �J L .+ C i.-i U .-� o c� � � �-� � > .� c C J J Li > � a � v :J �-! :� C1 •-1 4. 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U� � > c�='von oE co . `uF v°'�c-'cp`o.�o .c�a�_�so A E;+ c 5 s � o " � .`"� �� c ,^ � v � > ^' �a a � � `o a�i � `v� `° " � ^' e� m:' c =' � v u a�i � a � o o c p � �m=,o� ..o_.'opj p��v��oocsvp• ot=o?:v`"v` � � •F, �aa�a�a o Eu�Y. ao�a>cs�u� z Q �,m,._? c �v N c a'r �� c,� o o�� E 3 ��s' s v� ov�i v��° c v°' ��a ° a c ° i ° Q z - a c.' o ,ac�d ��a�9 cn o�3 v 3 v au �Q u�r�;,, 0 m� y � o j's � �-, �`�. r-� F diu'c'� �.°_'��. v sv'oLG'_�-`c>E3 oo.�tp, �`0 3�oic° F U c o o a. W`o ��cc� ' �� m,`o n� m h � on�aC dr0.i�� "o U° o enc'm�mmm $.�m U C y G.0 .� ` y� a� nf � a � « U v� 00 J a� C� C G C cE } v L L� O O � y V � 0 U Y N O � N� r.a � Ommn. O� ���.- E o-. �-°�L�'-cCJ�� � 4' F �i C7 � �� C7 � Op a� a oa F a � > a r- r� z ti. � v`', °' x � � w O F'" � � H tr O O ° � ° o ; H cc =' - N rn � � 0. cr) K K cA V ¢ U � q O � � � L � u � Gi7 :r] G � z Z F 'n. n z � � N r N 6 � �( � � � � j ` C V � v U � � L. q rl L'�i Q Q U � rJ! � r l� ` _� Second international Conference on Restorative Justice for ,luveniles November 7-9, 1998 220 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Room 612 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 9541762-5660, Fax 954(162-5693 Hosted by Fiorida Atfantic University in conjunction with the intemationaf Network for Research on Resiorative J�stice for Juvenifes February �, 199$ Dear Colleague: R�CEiV�� ,. M�� t s »sa�' C iCi�G��s Dt�f �1iG With great pteasure, we announce the 2"� International Conference on Restorative Iustice for luvefliles to be he(d November 7-9, 1998 in Fort Laudecdale, Florida. The conference is being organized by Florida AUamic University, in conjunction with the Intemationai Network for Research on Restorative Justice for 3uveniles. Additional sponsors include the Office for Victims of Crime, the Office for 3uvenile 3uslice and Aelinquency Prevention, the National institute of 7ustice and the Genter, forthe Study ofYouth Policy at Nova Southeastem Uni versiR . The first conference held last year in Leuven, Belgium was a great success. Presentations were of exceguonal quatity and discussions were lively and infoanative. It is important that such dialogues continue in order to promoie, critique and enhance research and practice in restorative justice for juveniles. We aze sure that those who participated in last yeax's conference would agree, and wilt not want to miss this year's event. We anticipate that this year's conference will build on last year's achievements and continue to generate considerabie interest in, among and about Ihe restorativejustice community. Expecied conference paRicipants �vill include an exceptional roster of intemational experts in restorative justice, including John Braithwaite, Michael Tonry, Burt Galaway, Gordon Bazemore, L,ode Walgrave, Judge Frank Orlando (ret.}, Daniel Van Ness. Mazk Umbreit, Howard Zehr, Tony Marshall, Elmar Weitekamp aad others. Thanks to the extraordinary interest in restorative justice currentiy being demonstcated by aational and international organizations, we plan to make this conference an annual event. Plans are already in progress for international conferences in 1999, 2000 and "20U l. We Imow you shaze our enthusiasm for creaung a more just and constructive response to juvenile crime both in the TJ.S. and abroad, and will want to mazk your calendar to make sure not to miss this important event. Please be sure to look for our Web page after Mazch lst at: htt�://www.fau.eduldivdeoUeupa/conf�8. We are iooking fonvazd to seeing you in Ft. Lauderdaie. Sincerely, � , � �-�,�---- `���-� c Gordon azemore, Ph.D. Mara Schiff, Ph.D Florida A[fantic Universitv Flonda Atlantic liniversitc �� �� �.2,2 L� � Lode Walgrave, Ph.D. University oF L,euven .i:L..- : ." ' _ . � ■ ■ �■ �� �� � ^ �� 6� ` �THER�UPCOMING RESTORATIYE ,,$ jUST10E CO�FFREN�ES: May 27-29, 1498: Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Crime Victim and WitneSS Advisory Councii`s Eleventh Anrual Conference cn Crime Yittims: °�reatirg Chci�es Trro��#� Innovatian and Callaboration", Brair�erd, MN. FFI: $00(147-0390. Aug._6-9, 199$: � REAL Justice's First North American Conference on Conferencing: "Conferencing -- A New .,, . Response to Wrongdoing", Minneapolis, MN. FFf: http://www.realjustice.org. , . . - �>,� �:. :; , . Se�t.1b-19, (998:` - -.. ..:Victim-Ofifender Mediation Association's Annuai fnternationafiraining Institute and Conference: "lnnovative Practices in Restorative Justice and Victim Offender Mediation", Tacsan, AZ. FFI: http:/Jwww.voma.org/conf9$.html. Oct. 22-23, 1998: Hamiine university Schooi`s Eieventn Annuai Symposium an taw, Reiigion & Etnics: •�- °°-' '�='Re'storative Justice and Religiaus Traditions", St. Pau{; MN. �Ff: �-, .- .� e-maiL• kmarron@gw.hamline.edu or call 612/523-2124. Nov. 7-9, 19g8: Second Annua{ {nternationa! Conference on ftestorative justice for juveni{es, ft. lauderdale, fL The conference wii! focus on the integration of restorative justice research, pofiry and practice in relation to juvenile offenders. Ffl: http:(�www.fau.edu/divdept/cupa/conf9$. ... .�Ci�=^a"'..,i°%- ; -,rarr�- -. s � .,JL I�W_I11A11�11 � � � � ■ ■ ■ . . ,. Sta�ewide Restorative �ustice ,. : : .. . , Can�erence: "Conversat��ns from the Hear�" -- Sharing our successes, o�r fr�strations;:�� �. our. iaughs and our dilemmas4 -- �_ �� Conference sessians will be b"u�lt araund the ir�terests of those attend. Bring your materials, your�expertise, .,: - your questions, and your t4pics ofi interest! Come joi� with others who are br�at#�ic�g life intfl `� rests�rative justice here in Minnesata. �= .. �.. _, ; e � B .�1.;�.;+ �, ._ . .� .;..;..;. � September_ l4-15, t998 in the Twin Cities, i.acation to be announced:. Registration materials will be availabEe in June. Sponsored by the Minnesota De�artment of Corrertions`s Restorative justice Initiative and the ���� Minnesota Juvenile Justice Advisory Council: � �`-�See other side for rnore exciting restorative justice eventsI �ti'��� �p,NT/C� G 1�� m �g ���y� Second Internationa! Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles November 7-9, 1998 220 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Room 612 Fort LaudercSale, FL 33301 954/762-566�, Fax 4541762-5&93 Hosted by Florida Atlantic University in conjunction wHh the Intemational Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles CALL FOR PAPERS' Second Annual lnternational Confe�ence on Restorative Jr�stice jor Juveniles FoR Lauderdale, Florida November 7-9, 1998 The Second Annuai International Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles will take place on November 7, 8& 9, 1998 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The conference wilt focus on the integration of restorative justice research, policy and practice in relation to juveniie offenders. Papers from national and ;nternational researchers, practitioners and policymakers are welcomed; particular attention will be given to papers that discuss the impacts of restorative justice interventions on victims and the role of communities within the restorative framework. The conference is being coordinated by Florida Atlantic University and The Intemational Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles. Sponsors include the O�ce for Victims of Crime, Office of Juvenile 3ustice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice and The Center for the Study of Youth Policy at Nov�Southeastern University. Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be submitted in English by Apri130, 1998 to Dr. Mara Schiff, Florida Atlantic Univers�ty, Deparnnent of Criminal Justice, 220 SE 2" Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33301. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by June 15, 1998. Look for our Web page after March 1 S` at: htt�//www.fau edu/divd�ticupa/conf�8 Abstract Submission Form FIRST {PRESENTING) AIJTHOR Name Address Cih' Phone E-Mai] SECOND {PRESEIVTING) AUTHOR Name Address � Zip Code _ Country Ciry Fa� Pho�e E-Mai] Fa�c _ Zip Code Counm� TITLE ,- -2� _�__ _<�S2 ��- �U-- -= . _�-� .� _-- ' -� � _.�= a��-��`l ST. PALZ XOLTH SERVICE BURE_�L, IlVC. AUTO THEFT yZCTLMJOFFE�I3£R �i�DL4TI0?� PROGR Tne St. Pa�:1 Youth Sen�ice Burea:i began woricing with Lne St_ Paul Police Department in Febr�ary' 1998 to provide viczim/oaender meeizrion services fo: youin who hzve been az-ested the first tir.ie for auto theR, tempering with zutos, or joy riding. ln order to pa.*tcipate in this prrcourt servic�, several conditioas must be met: • this must be the first offense by the youth involved, • the youu� asrested must admit guilt in the charges brough:, • the youth arested and their parent(s) must voluntacily a��ree to mediarior� and . the victun must voluntarily agree to r.�ediation. Once these conditions are met, tbe mediazor meets wi?h each pzrty individually in order to g2ther iniorrn2tion and prepate those involved for the nediation process. This is followed by a group meeting with �he o�tender(s) and hivher parems, the victun and any support persons Lhcry wish to have involved, a St. Paui Poiice Qfficer, and the mediazor. The goal oi this meeting is to allow all participants to �press the impact o£the crime on them and to deveiop a: omract fnr restitution. The me:iiator tiien monitors the offender's compliance with the contract until it is completed. Betvreen February and March I998, 10 youth oa.*ticipated in tne mediation process. Of these, 4 have successfully complete3 their resritution contrzct as of this date. A totai. of six victims have been invoived. As a part of their restiturion cornract, 9 �outhand chrir parents artended one of the Ai:to Theft Awareness Groups provided 'oy tne St. PauI Youth Service Bureau's Mediator a-±d an O�cer with the St Paul Potice Departmeni. Evaluatinns from these groups show that 100% of ihe youtti reported leaming a"great deal" from the ciass and 75% reported that t�'�e mateziat presented to them in the class will be "e�ctremeiy useful " to chem in the future. An example of ine types of camments youth nad on the program includes "The tiing I liked best about the Auto Thefr Proeram is that we got to tell what we ciid and it feh good that we got to get it out." In addition to attendi*� the class Ps a parc af their r�titution contract, youth perfosmed 3 53 hours of community service and paid �499.OQ in fuianc,aI resrituriQn to rhev* vicr:ms. ,�--,_ ? __ �RlGtNAL Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a Committee:Date: 2 Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention Program, in 3 1999, and 4 tment has receiveti a grant irom the State oi Nllnnesota YOr the amount of $48,090 for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 5 WFiEREAS, the City oF Saint Panl Police Department has been awarded this grant to help combat Jnvenile 6 Auto Theft, and 8 WFIEREAS, the police department desires to establish a spendina and financing plan for this grant, and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WIIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FINANCING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 3400-40026-State Direct Grants in Aid SPENDING PLAN: 001- General Fund 0410Q - Operafions Division 0141-40026 - Overfime 0219-40026 - Professional Services 0259-40026 - Other - Travel, Training, Dues 0349-40026 - Other Equipment-Parts-Supplies CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 25,000 48,090 73,090 25,000 48,090 73,090 14,000 16,000 30,000 2,000 22,000 24,000 2,000 9,090 11,090 0 1,000 1,000 18,000 48,090 66,090 Council File # qg —� a� Green Sheet # 61027 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $48,090 for 31 the Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the 32 Auto fiheft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the changes to the 1998 budget. 33 34 Requested � �anvy J Reifer Adopted by Coun ' Adop4ion Ce ied by By: Approved by Mayo : B juvauto98-99.x1s 01': � � � � ' � � • � � � � � . • � `A���Lc'•'���� � � � ., �, • �_ � �� 1.� � � :.� � to r:� . _ ✓ v qe�-���1 DEPARTMENT/OFPICE/COIINCIL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepar�ent �iisiss GREEN SHEET No. 61027 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INfMVDATE INrt7AVDAiE C111efFlnIley 292 - � oevueTUOnaaecroa $ crtrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) - �CTYATiORNEY ❑LTIYCLERK �FWMIOPLSERYICESWt�` �FPNHCW.SERV/ACCTG . �MAYOR(OR<�i5� -� 1 1 u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached Council Resolution to accept the State of Minnesota Juvenile Auto Theft Program and set up spending authority for the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm everworked undera conirac[ forfhis departmentt PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnally possessed by any current aty empioyee? VES NO 4. Is ihis personKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separete sheef and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSIIE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Juvenile Auto Theft Prograzn has approved a grant proposal in the amount of 48,090 for combafing juvenile auto theft in the city of Saint Paul. Tlus resolution accepts the grant award and sets up spending authority for the program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Acceptance of grant and authority to spend grant for a new program to combat juvenile auto theft. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None JUL 3'; 1998 w�,s����� �'�R�i� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ,"' k ���: := a3 ��':,::� �4!!!T�vll t'� ;aQC�'i}S ..�°i2!1tP� t�'lpiY€2R'S' ��FI€3� ` Loss of grant money. ��� ������ A �� 1� e� 3��C1 �., - � �,� , , � 4��� �� �� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 4H COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE M1I1II050T2 SiflTE GIdI1L ACTNITY NUMBER (/OI ��/ W FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAII� A071598aacls � � � � � ��� S�A�TENT AGR.EEMENT ��-�a� Accounting Information: Accounting Distribution 1: Accounting Distribution 2: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: 200 Fund Fund: Appr. S00 Appr. Appr. Org/Sub. ll 00 Org/Sub� Org/Sub: Rept. Catg. Rept Catg: Rept Catg Amount $ 48,090.00 Amount� Amount: Processing Tnformaiion: (Some enh�ies may not apply) Reqmsition: P9Z000060019 Number ( Date f Entry Initials ConhaCt: Number / Date / Entry Imnals Solicitation. Number / Date f Entry Imtials Order: P97.00000074 Number / Date / Entry Iniffals (Irsd�vidunl sigxing cerlifies (hn! funds hnve been encumUered ns required Gy Mirtn. Slat §IGNS.) NOTICi: TO GRANTEE. You are required by Mina Stat. § 270.66 to provfde your social secunry number or Federal Employer tax idenuficahon number and Minnesota mx identification number if you do busmcss with tne State of Mmnesota. 1'h�s �nfocmanon may 6e uted in thc enforcemcnt oC federai and state tax laws. SuPplym5 tbese numbers could resul[ m acnon to reqwre you to file siate tas remms and pay dehnquent state tax liabilities. Th Agree ent 'll not be aporo ed unless these numbers are nrodded Tnese numbers will be ava�Iabic m fedeml and state tax authon[ies and siatc personnel mvolved m appro�ong the Agreement a�d the paymene of state obhgations. Grantee Name and Addre55' Cih� of St. Paul - PM'ce Department Sf. Panl . Minnesota 5�707 Social Sec or Federxl Employer LU. No.: atL005a?I Mmnesota Taz I.D. ho (f applicabieJ THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONT�IINSPRIV�ITEINFOXMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHQUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSI�N OF THE 6RANTEE If you circutate this Agreement internatly, only offices that require access to the tax identifzcation number AND all individuals/offices signing rhis Agreement should have access to this page. Gaes & Coumies Cny of S�. Pxl - Po1xc 9epanr.wm G�am Conea:r MZ�]G Lio Tt�efi 4rcv on floa.dl i q�-�a� TH[S Agreeme�tt, and ame[dments azd supplemenLt therew, is between d�e State of Mincesore, acung throuQh irs Auto Theft Prevention Baard (hereinafrer "57'ATE') ard Citv oF St. Paul - PoGce Deoarrmrnt . address 100 E lli7+ St St Paul M�� ta 55101 (hereinafrer" GRANTEE'), witrxsseth thar. WHEREAS, ihe STATE, punuant to Minn. Stat. ys 1CSA.40 Subd2., is empowered w d�Stribute mo ev for automo5ite theft orevenrion acrivi�es, and F'HEREAS, GRA7VTEE represens tLa[ it is duly quaiified, authotized, and willing to carry wt the taeks dacribed in Attachmem C., of tttis Agreemrnt: and NOW, THEREFOItE, it is agreed: GRAt3'CEE'S DUTIFS (Avach addiaonal page if necusary which is incorporated by reference and made a pan of tltis Agreement.) GRANTEE, shall: GRANTEE shall carry ou[ the [asks as described in GRANTEE's applicaoon for grant funds which is hereby incorponred by reference and made a part of this Agreemenc in Anachmenc C. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENI' A. Considera[ion for all services performed azd goods or materials suppl�ed by the GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreemen[ shall be paid by the STATE as follows: 1 Compencation ahall be consis[em with the budget ovtline conrained in Attactunem C.,of this Agreement. When specifically approved by Ne STATE, reimbursement for travel aod subsis[ence expenses acmaily and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in performance of ihis Agreemen[ and idemified in Attaclunent C of Uvs Agreemmt will be paid provibed ti�at t6e GRANTSE shall be reimbursed for 4ave1 and subsis[e�ce expert5u in the same II�am�er and in no greater amount ihan provided in fie current "Commissioner's Pian promWgated by the Commissioner of Employee Rela6ons. The total obligatiun of the STATE for all compensaROn and reimbursements [o GRANTEE Shall np[ exceed_ Fortv Eieht Thnusand Ninetv dollazs and no/cents ($ 48.090.00 l. B. Terms o£ Pavmenc 1. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by tf�e STATE on a quarterly, but not more ofren than monthly cost reimbursement basis. 2. Paymen[c shall be made by the STATE prompdy aftrr GRANTEE's presentation of itemized invoices for services performed. 3. Upon GRANTEE's reques[, an advance paymen[ may be made afrer Uus Agreement is fully executed, in an amount not to exceed 25 % of [he total $TATE obUgation, as determined necessary for exewfion of GRANTEE's obligatlons. 4. Invoices for reim6ursement shall be idenufied in approved budget categories and submitted on a quarterly, but not more ofren than montiily basis and within 20 days of the end of the reporting period. 5. Payment� aze to be made from S[ate fuuds obtained by the STATE tfuough Minnesota Srnwte 1GSA.40 . If at any fime such funds bzcome unavailable, fhis Agreement shali be terminated �mmediately upon written notice of such fact by Ihe STATE [o GRAlVTEE. 1n the event of such [ermn�atlon, GRANTEE shall be ene[led to payment, determined on a pro rara basis, for serv�ces satisfactorily performed foc which such State funds aze available. The GRANTEE agrees to remm any unused funds to [he STATE. 6. The GRANTEE will expend gant funds allocaud for this Agreement according to the budget oudine conrnined in Attachment C of this Agreemen[. The GRAA'TEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation of 10% or more between the allowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by die STATE before any expe�itura can be made based on the revised budge[. No deviat�ons benveen funding categories sha7i exceed ihe wtal dollaz amount authorized for this Agreemem. 7. The GRAhTEE agrees to retum any wused fulHLc ro rhe STATE unless prior approval for an exrension has been granud by the STATE's Authorized Representauve and an ame�men[ w this Agreemenc hu been duly executed. 13nu5ed funds must be remmed to the STATE within 30 days of the eMing dare of this Agreement. III. �ONDITIONS OF PAYMENT All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to tha Agreement shal] be petformed w the satisfacrion of the STATE, as determined at tAe sole discrerion of its Auchoriz� Represeivadve, and in accottlance with all applica6le federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, ruies and regulatlons. GRAIVTEE shall not receive paymen[ for work fwnd by rhe STATE to be unsafisfacwry, or perfortned in violavon of federal, state or tocal iaw, ordinance, rules or regutauons. N. TERMS OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective on Julv 1.1998 , or upon the date that the final required tignature is obrnined by the STATE, pursuan[ ro Mmn. Srat. § 168-06. Subd. 2, wh�chever occurs later, and shall remain m effect unul_ 3une 30. 1999 , or unel all obligations set forth in this Agreement have been satisfactorily fiilfilled, whichever occurs firse. GRANTEE umierstands thai NO work should 6egin undec ehis A�reement until ALL required signamres have been obtained, and GRANTEE is notified to begm worA by the STATE's Authorized Represenreuve. � Cida & Counucs Gry of St Paul - Police Depanmem Gran� Convar P991JOQ'100'I4 (AU o TM1eft Prcveni on Boa,�C1 2 �$" `17 CANCELLATION This Agreement ma} be cancded by rhe STATE or GRAhTEE at any time, wrth or withouc cause, upon thirty (30) days wntten notire to the other pam�. In the event o£ such a cancellation, GRAhTEE sliall be entiUaS w payment, desermuu� on a pro raia basis. fo* work or services satisfacWrily performed. STATE may cancel this Agreement immediately if the STATE finds rhat Ihere has been z failure [o comply with die pro��isions of this Agreemen[ ihat ceasonable psoeress has not heen made, or that Ne pur(x�ses for which the fiuMs were gsanted have not been or will not be fulfilled, the S"fA1'E mzy ra}:e action to protec[ the mreresGS of the Stace of Muuiesoa, including the rePosal to disburse addiuonal funds and requirmg the remrn of ail or pan of [he funds alieady disbursed. VI. STATE'S AL REPRESE�'TATIVE The STATE's Authoc"v.ed Represen[a¢ve for the purposes of adminisvauon of this A¢reement is Dennis Roske, or his successor in office. Such repruen`a[rve shalf have final authoriq• for acceptance of GRANTEE's services arid it such services are accepted as sa6sfacroq', shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuan[ [o C�ause II, paragraph B. VII. AEPORTING GRAATEE witl advise [he STATE conceming program progress through such reasonahte meax� as the STA'I'E may find comenienc. These will inctude: A. The GRAh`TBE will advise the STATE conceming the program progress through the subm�ssion of quartedy, but mt more ofren fien monthly reportt az required by the STATE's AuUwrized Representative. B. Followmg basis: Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the [erminaoon date of this Agreement C. Submission of a final expenduure repott within 6Q days aher the remilna[ion of this Agreemen[. D. Mak�ng any projec[ records available to the STATE upon requesp this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instmctions), or other materials for review and commerM1 before they are prepared in final form, and a�x copies of all materia}s prOduced by tkie project following production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site vis�tc by the STATE's Authorized RepresentzCrve, other STATE staff or o�her employees of tlie Stare of Mmnesota on behalf of ihe S�are. F. Patticipation in vaming and evaluation workshops may be required. VIII. _ qSSIGNMENT GRANTEE shall neither assign nor tran5fer any right� or obligations under this Agreemen[ wifiout rhe prior wntten consent of tlie STATE. A. Identification of sonrce of fuiMmg. Nl reports, materiats, confere�ce documenu, and any oitier produccs made avaitable through chis program, shall carry an acknowledgment that it was funded under provisions of rhe Srare of Minnesota (Auro Thefr Prevennon Board Prograzn) and give credit m other par[y's participation. 7X. AM£NDMENTS Any ame�menss eo fhis Agceemene shall be in w�iting, and sha14 be ezecuted by tne same parties who execuCeci She origmaf Agreement, or the�x successors in office. X LIABILTTY To the extend pemtitted by law, GRA1V7'EE shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, ics represenra[rves and employees harnile5s from any and att ctaims or causes of ac¢on, includmg aSl attorney's fezs mcurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreemene by GRAIQTEE or GRANTEE's agents or employees. This clause shall mt be construed m bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for ihe STATE's failure [o tulfill its obligations pursuant to ch�s Agreement. XI. 4CCOUATtING AUDIT AND RETENTiON OF RECQRDS A. GRANTEE will establish a separate account for rh�s program and will ataintam fiscal records in accordance w;th generally acceprable accounung prmciples. GRAN7EE's records, documents, and accoundng proeedures and practices for dtis project 5ha11 be sub,Iec[ ro the examinadon of the STATE's Authorized Representztive and the L,egislaove Audrtor. F�scal records shall be retained for a period of three yeazs fotlawing su6mission of the futal repott B. The boo}s, recotds, documencs, and accoun�ng procedures and pracnces of the GRANTEE relevant to this Agreement 5ha17 be sub�ec: to eXaminauon by the STATE's Authorized Represemative and the Legislalive Audimr. Reeords sYiall be sufficirnt to reflect all costs inwtred m Qerfoanance of [h�s Agreement. XII.. DATA PRACTICES ACT The GRANTEE shall compty with the Minnesota Data PracGces Act az it applies ro all dara provided by [he STATE in atcordance with this Agreement and az u apphes to alI data created, gathered, generated or aequired in aceordance wish this Agreement. XIII. OWNERSffiP OF DOCUMENTS. PRODUCTS AND COPYRiGHT A. Any reposts, stud�es photographs, negatives, insvuments, c�rriculum, v�deotapes, vaining manuaSs, med�a messages, or othec doeumen6 or producGS (hereinafrer cafled documents or producrs) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of ia obhganonc under th�s Aereement shall be exclusive propen}' of the STATE. AII such documencs or producrs shall be rem�ned to the STATE by GRANTEE upon comple[ion, [erminanoq or cancellation o; dus Agreemen[. GRANTPE shall m[ use, willmgly allow, or cause to ha�e such ma[erials used for obIiganons u�er ihis Agceement wuhoue the prior wcitten contene of the STATE. Cines & Cwnucs Grv of Si_ Pavi - PoLcc Dqranmem Grmc Comraz: P9Z�00"14 ( 4mn Thefi Prevrni oa Boarot 3 a�'- �a� B, All righc [itle ar�d interest in all copyrightable macerial which GRA�TEE shall wxeive or onginate either ildivSdually or joindy w�rh othe:s. and which ar�ses ou[ of the performance ot th�s Ageement, will be ihe properry of the STATE and are by this Agreemeni usigned w che STATE along w¢li ownership of any and a:l copyrieha of rhe copyrightable ma[erial. GRANTEE also agrees, upon ;he requ°st of tLe STATE, to execute all papers ar� perform sll other aca necess� ro azsfs[ the STATE ro obram aIM rcgis�er capyrigt�s on su:F. matenaLs. V.'here applicabie. works of aumorslup ttated by GRr1?�°I'EE for the STATE in pesformance of titis Agteemrne shall 6e wnsidered `works made for hire" az defined m Ne li.S. Copyright Act. XS�'. PU3LICITY Any publ�city given to �e progrzm, pub6ca:ions, o: services provided resultino from tha A€reement, inciading, but no. Lmit� eo, nonces. inform2tion21 pamphlea, pres5 releasu, research, repocrs. sigrs, a� similar pubhe no�ices prepared by or for the GRA!�'TEE or ics employees ir.G'ividually or jointly with others, or any subgrantees shall idenrifp [he STATE as the sponcor.ng agency a� sha11 not be released, unless sueh release u a specific part of an appro�ed work plan included in this Agreement pnor [o irs approval by the STATE'S Aurhonzed Represenrative. XV. AFFIKMATR'E ACTION (When applicable) GRA\'TEE ceainu tha� it has recerved a certinca[z of compliance from �he commissioner of Humar. Righa �qursuant to Minn. Stat. ,� 363.073. II is hereby ag:eed benveen uSz parties tha[ Minn. Srac SzcUOn 363.073 is incoqwnied inro [his contrace b; reference. XVI. NONDTSCRIMIN.AT[ON As a co:�d�oon of receiving suppon for this p�ogram, GRANTEE usures [hat i, will meet all applicable requiremenrs of the Civi] Righu Act of 1964, as unended (nondiscriminauon on the basis of haz�dicappmg condinons), and of any apphcable state civil righ6 sramces. XVII. lVORiiER ' COMPE�SATION GRANTEE shall provide accepteble ev�dence of compliance wifh Ihe workers' compensa[ion insurance coverage requirement of Mmn. Stat. � 176.181, Subd. 2. XVIIL JLIRISDICTION AND �'ENUE This Aareemen�, and amendments and supplemer.ts thereto, shall be govemed by the �aws of tfie State of Minnesora. Venue for ali ]eeal proceedings arismg out of this Agreemen[, o� breach thereof, shall be in [he siate or federai wurt with competent jurisd�ttion in Ramsey Counry, Mmnesota. RIV. OTHER PROVISIONS A. B. C. When purchasing equipmen[ authorized by Ihis A6�eemen[, GRA!VTEE shall comply witli ali procuremeni pmcedures and law5 that appiy co tf�e GRANTEE'S purchase of similar equipment in rhe performance of its duties other th2n �u du[ies unda tliis Agreement. Any equipment purd�ased under ihis Agreemen[ shail be used foc 1aw enforcement pucposes during the life of the :qmpmenC. The GRANTEE may not deviate from tlus requiremen[ a�d may not dispose of any equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained ���ritten perm�ssion from ine STATE. The GRAN2EE shall be responsible for all operating, main[enance, and repas costs of equipmen[ pure}:aseci under fiis A�reer.meot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parnes have caused th�s Agreement Co be duly executed in[ending to be bound thereby APPROVED: L GRANTEE: GRANTEE certifies th appropriate person(s) have zxecuCed the convac[ on behalf f�e 1VTEE as required by applicable arucles, by-law�, res luuons, or ordinances. By : Title: Date: By: Title: Datz: 2. STATF AGENCY: By: Title: Date 3. ATTORIVEY GENERAL: sy: Title: Date: Disvibu[ion: Agercy - Ori�inal (fully executed) Aereemer.t Grantez Srare Authorized Represennnve Gurs € Co��nes Gry of S�� Paul - PoLec oep�mrm Ga�rz ea�v�� rszaw�oma (n m rnr r.�����u �° n,3�ei < ATTACHMENT C OR�GI��� l�'tinnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant Application �t��a�t NOTE Thzs "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, no change in format wiIl be accepted (no deletions or portions of or rearrangements) SECTION 1: Applicant �nformation Type of Governmental ADency or Organization; State ❑ County ❑ City X Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit 0 Name of Agency or Organization: Saint Paui Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11 ` Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramsev State: MN Zip: 55101 Federal Identificarion Number: 41-b00�521 Totai MATPP Bud�et Request: $48.090 Project Titie, if appiicable: Juvenile Anto Theft Pro¢ram Geographical Araa Applicable to Grant Project (identify sYatewide, county, city, othez) Citv of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv Other Agencies Participating in the Project: (If a multi-a�ency project, attach letters of confirmation by all entities) Form AT:Ol �V r � � � SECTION 2: CERTIFICATIONS/SIGNAT'URES - I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and conect. Type Name and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact person for all aspects of the grant) Sergeant 3ane Laurence (Name) i �� .�c i�—�--�_ 5�2 t �`2 � � Si ature) (Date) 292-3613 292-3711 Telephone Nunzber Fax Number Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Jill Flesher � ��`��`''''�W ►' 2� 1�� 1 (Name) (Signature) (Date) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) Chief William K. Finnev (Name) is7 Form AT:O1 SECTION 3 : Current and Proposed Auta Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For eaCh of t 2uto ` theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agency. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. C heck all activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR ACTNIT'IES (NOT MATPP FLJNDED) (MATPP GRANT) MIILTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT *Note: These efforts have begun under the 1S� year Grant funding. Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active E,�'f'orts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Analvsis Identify Trends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Areas and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education and Awareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaigns Other TraininQ Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT-Ol X* X X* X X* X* X* X X X* X* X* X X* � � � °�g -� a� �ECTION 4 : Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a summary description of the project that � is to be funded by the MATPP. Briefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded ' strategies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meet's priorities estabIished by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if necessary. Utilizing first year funding from this grant, the Saint Paul Police Department begun a dual approach in reducing the frequency of auto theft juveniles by: 1. Creating more effective strategies in responding to first and second time offenders in auto theft and tampering with auto cases. 2. Disseminating information about the consequences of auto theft to a targeted group before they get into the 3uvenile Justice system. The Juvenile Units objectives are: ✓ To reduce the number of youth who steal, ride and break into cars. ✓ To have effective intervention with the first time offender in auto theft. ✓ To develop a profile of the offender for early identification of those likely to commit auto theft. ✓ To provide additional training for police personnel for the identification and investigation of auto theft. s/ To develop a Restorative Justice Conference for the first or second offenders involved in auto theft. Restorative 3ustice allows the victim to meet face to face with the juvenile offender(s). �/ This allows suspect to realize the damage and trouble she/l�e caused the victim as a result of their car being stolen or tampered with. The result is holding the offender accountable and responsihle for his/her actions. ✓ This accountability may involve restitution and/or communzty service. Strategies: The Juvenile Unit will develop an up-to-date profile using past and current interviews, as well as computer data analysis. 0 . qg' -72-�, ✓ The profile will be broken down by age, race sex economic level, education, family makeup and juvenile history. ✓ The profile will show what type of cars are stolen, the frequency they are stalen and the tactic of theft. ✓ The profile will identify what the parents/guardians could have done to prevent the auto theft. The Saint Paul Police Audio Visual Unit will help make a training video for patrol o�cers indicating the tactics and profiles of the juvenile offender. Based the information collected, the Juvenile Unit will operate a program component for the intervention of the offender. ✓ Juvenile Unit personnel will be trained in the early identification profile. In the case of the first time offender, the Juvenile Unit will incorporate the services of the Youth Service Bureau (YSB}. ✓ YSB will aid in the conference for the Restorative Justice Program. s/ The Juvenile Unit will coordinate the Restorative Justice Program. ✓ The following ruies of the conference wili apply: -Reach a duel agreement between victim and suspect. -Full admission to the crime by the suspect. -Written impact statement for both sides. This project will focus on three ofthe MATPP priorities: -Proactive efforts. -Crime analysis. -Education, awareness and training. Form AT:O1 5 SECTI�N 5: Statement of Need and Current Staff �� - �a2 Part ,4. Describe the specific problem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the need by providing the source of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical data should correspond to the geographical project area described in Section l. Do not exceed the space provided. The SPPD Juvenile Unit has recorded the incidents of auto the8 for 1946 at 2,749. This is a 17 percent increase over 1495. Statewide, motor vehicle theft is also on the rise. Most other major crimes decreased in 1996 and 1997, but auto theft has been increasing consistently. With the parallel rise in total number of juveniles within the overall population, and suspicions within the law enforcement community dealing with auto theft and with juveniles that there may be a stolen auto industry within the metropolitan area, the incidence of juvenile auto theft crime becomes a serious problem. Part B. List curtent staff (not MATPP funded) that have auto theft responsibilities in your agency. Include"the position title, full-time salary, and percent of time spent on auto theft responsibilities. Position Title Auto Theft Unit 3 Sergeant/investigators 3uvenile Unit 8 Sergeantlinvestigators at 1/8 time Full-time Sa1arv Frin�e Benefits $58,381 $175,143 $58,381 $19, 849 (34%) $59,547 Total Department funds expended: Form AT:O T $19,849 (34%) $233,524 � Percent of Time 100 8 at 1/$ time � U L� G +� O R�i ^ 3 -^_ a� O :J 'U �U .-. � E � `� ;� .� T l'1 3-i ?� ` � �i - cc c �n ._. � '� 'J V :Il -o _, m .� e� N v �rt tIS iJ �� � SI r�1 � � ^ 0 � Q � G a� s. m u, � � � � � � �+ N !], 3 � � � .� N :J N L ti �-�. �I7 1] N GI 7 !6 -r1 �1 :.J O -.+ }-+ fi - -i iJ �J U1 U (A H U N [A :J N r6 � N }, � � � � � � � 0 !J N W � C -1 f6 1� l6 :J � S-V N �.i (fl ro 3 0 E N N � f?, � N -t 0� CA � � N ro G � � m > -�i N b :-a � �7 A � � U � L f(S :l :a � � : U rt Ut O li @ Ui S-+ 1� -�i N N O� . a q l t� E C7 � \� U/ E 7 C H /l r � N � � � :J � 7 � � m a� rn v „ U .= �, N ,� �.i - �i �fi �a � _+ �:-i S� T� N �'S �7 �� U J TS .� \ U U1 r4 C Jt N 4J U 5 U] Ql L?. 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O� ���.- E o-. �-°�L�'-cCJ�� � 4' F �i C7 � �� C7 � Op a� a oa F a � > a r- r� z ti. � v`', °' x � � w O F'" � � H tr O O ° � ° o ; H cc =' - N rn � � 0. cr) K K cA V ¢ U � q O � � � L � u � Gi7 :r] G � z Z F 'n. n z � � N r N 6 � �( � � � � j ` C V � v U � � L. q rl L'�i Q Q U � rJ! � r l� ` _� Second international Conference on Restorative Justice for ,luveniles November 7-9, 1998 220 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Room 612 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 9541762-5660, Fax 954(162-5693 Hosted by Fiorida Atfantic University in conjunction with the intemationaf Network for Research on Resiorative J�stice for Juvenifes February �, 199$ Dear Colleague: R�CEiV�� ,. M�� t s »sa�' C iCi�G��s Dt�f �1iG With great pteasure, we announce the 2"� International Conference on Restorative Iustice for luvefliles to be he(d November 7-9, 1998 in Fort Laudecdale, Florida. The conference is being organized by Florida AUamic University, in conjunction with the Intemationai Network for Research on Restorative Justice for 3uveniles. Additional sponsors include the Office for Victims of Crime, the Office for 3uvenile 3uslice and Aelinquency Prevention, the National institute of 7ustice and the Genter, forthe Study ofYouth Policy at Nova Southeastem Uni versiR . The first conference held last year in Leuven, Belgium was a great success. Presentations were of exceguonal quatity and discussions were lively and infoanative. It is important that such dialogues continue in order to promoie, critique and enhance research and practice in restorative justice for juveniles. We aze sure that those who participated in last yeax's conference would agree, and wilt not want to miss this year's event. We anticipate that this year's conference will build on last year's achievements and continue to generate considerabie interest in, among and about Ihe restorativejustice community. Expecied conference paRicipants �vill include an exceptional roster of intemational experts in restorative justice, including John Braithwaite, Michael Tonry, Burt Galaway, Gordon Bazemore, L,ode Walgrave, Judge Frank Orlando (ret.}, Daniel Van Ness. Mazk Umbreit, Howard Zehr, Tony Marshall, Elmar Weitekamp aad others. Thanks to the extraordinary interest in restorative justice currentiy being demonstcated by aational and international organizations, we plan to make this conference an annual event. Plans are already in progress for international conferences in 1999, 2000 and "20U l. We Imow you shaze our enthusiasm for creaung a more just and constructive response to juvenile crime both in the TJ.S. and abroad, and will want to mazk your calendar to make sure not to miss this important event. Please be sure to look for our Web page after Mazch lst at: htt�://www.fau.eduldivdeoUeupa/conf�8. We are iooking fonvazd to seeing you in Ft. Lauderdaie. Sincerely, � , � �-�,�---- `���-� c Gordon azemore, Ph.D. Mara Schiff, Ph.D Florida A[fantic Universitv Flonda Atlantic liniversitc �� �� �.2,2 L� � Lode Walgrave, Ph.D. University oF L,euven .i:L..- : ." ' _ . � ■ ■ �■ �� �� � ^ �� 6� ` �THER�UPCOMING RESTORATIYE ,,$ jUST10E CO�FFREN�ES: May 27-29, 1498: Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Crime Victim and WitneSS Advisory Councii`s Eleventh Anrual Conference cn Crime Yittims: °�reatirg Chci�es Trro��#� Innovatian and Callaboration", Brair�erd, MN. FFI: $00(147-0390. Aug._6-9, 199$: � REAL Justice's First North American Conference on Conferencing: "Conferencing -- A New .,, . Response to Wrongdoing", Minneapolis, MN. FFf: http://www.realjustice.org. , . . - �>,� �:. :; , . Se�t.1b-19, (998:` - -.. ..:Victim-Ofifender Mediation Association's Annuai fnternationafiraining Institute and Conference: "lnnovative Practices in Restorative Justice and Victim Offender Mediation", Tacsan, AZ. FFI: http:/Jwww.voma.org/conf9$.html. Oct. 22-23, 1998: Hamiine university Schooi`s Eieventn Annuai Symposium an taw, Reiigion & Etnics: •�- °°-' '�='Re'storative Justice and Religiaus Traditions", St. Pau{; MN. �Ff: �-, .- .� e-maiL• kmarron@gw.hamline.edu or call 612/523-2124. Nov. 7-9, 19g8: Second Annua{ {nternationa! Conference on ftestorative justice for juveni{es, ft. lauderdale, fL The conference wii! focus on the integration of restorative justice research, pofiry and practice in relation to juvenile offenders. Ffl: http:(�www.fau.edu/divdept/cupa/conf9$. ... .�Ci�=^a"'..,i°%- ; -,rarr�- -. s � .,JL I�W_I11A11�11 � � � � ■ ■ ■ . . ,. Sta�ewide Restorative �ustice ,. : : .. . , Can�erence: "Conversat��ns from the Hear�" -- Sharing our successes, o�r fr�strations;:�� �. our. iaughs and our dilemmas4 -- �_ �� Conference sessians will be b"u�lt araund the ir�terests of those attend. Bring your materials, your�expertise, .,: - your questions, and your t4pics ofi interest! Come joi� with others who are br�at#�ic�g life intfl `� rests�rative justice here in Minnesata. �= .. �.. _, ; e � B .�1.;�.;+ �, ._ . .� .;..;..;. � September_ l4-15, t998 in the Twin Cities, i.acation to be announced:. Registration materials will be availabEe in June. Sponsored by the Minnesota De�artment of Corrertions`s Restorative justice Initiative and the ���� Minnesota Juvenile Justice Advisory Council: � �`-�See other side for rnore exciting restorative justice eventsI �ti'��� �p,NT/C� G 1�� m �g ���y� Second Internationa! Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles November 7-9, 1998 220 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Room 612 Fort LaudercSale, FL 33301 954/762-566�, Fax 4541762-5&93 Hosted by Florida Atlantic University in conjunction wHh the Intemational Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles CALL FOR PAPERS' Second Annual lnternational Confe�ence on Restorative Jr�stice jor Juveniles FoR Lauderdale, Florida November 7-9, 1998 The Second Annuai International Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles will take place on November 7, 8& 9, 1998 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The conference wilt focus on the integration of restorative justice research, policy and practice in relation to juveniie offenders. Papers from national and ;nternational researchers, practitioners and policymakers are welcomed; particular attention will be given to papers that discuss the impacts of restorative justice interventions on victims and the role of communities within the restorative framework. The conference is being coordinated by Florida Atlantic University and The Intemational Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles. Sponsors include the O�ce for Victims of Crime, Office of Juvenile 3ustice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice and The Center for the Study of Youth Policy at Nov�Southeastern University. Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be submitted in English by Apri130, 1998 to Dr. Mara Schiff, Florida Atlantic Univers�ty, Deparnnent of Criminal Justice, 220 SE 2" Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33301. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by June 15, 1998. Look for our Web page after March 1 S` at: htt�//www.fau edu/divd�ticupa/conf�8 Abstract Submission Form FIRST {PRESENTING) AIJTHOR Name Address Cih' Phone E-Mai] SECOND {PRESEIVTING) AUTHOR Name Address � Zip Code _ Country Ciry Fa� Pho�e E-Mai] Fa�c _ Zip Code Counm� TITLE ,- -2� _�__ _<�S2 ��- �U-- -= . _�-� .� _-- ' -� � _.�= a��-��`l ST. PALZ XOLTH SERVICE BURE_�L, IlVC. AUTO THEFT yZCTLMJOFFE�I3£R �i�DL4TI0?� PROGR Tne St. Pa�:1 Youth Sen�ice Burea:i began woricing with Lne St_ Paul Police Department in Febr�ary' 1998 to provide viczim/oaender meeizrion services fo: youin who hzve been az-ested the first tir.ie for auto theR, tempering with zutos, or joy riding. ln order to pa.*tcipate in this prrcourt servic�, several conditioas must be met: • this must be the first offense by the youth involved, • the youu� asrested must admit guilt in the charges brough:, • the youth arested and their parent(s) must voluntacily a��ree to mediarior� and . the victun must voluntarily agree to r.�ediation. Once these conditions are met, tbe mediazor meets wi?h each pzrty individually in order to g2ther iniorrn2tion and prepate those involved for the nediation process. This is followed by a group meeting with �he o�tender(s) and hivher parems, the victun and any support persons Lhcry wish to have involved, a St. Paui Poiice Qfficer, and the mediazor. The goal oi this meeting is to allow all participants to �press the impact o£the crime on them and to deveiop a: omract fnr restitution. The me:iiator tiien monitors the offender's compliance with the contract until it is completed. Betvreen February and March I998, 10 youth oa.*ticipated in tne mediation process. Of these, 4 have successfully complete3 their resritution contrzct as of this date. A totai. of six victims have been invoived. As a part of their restiturion cornract, 9 �outhand chrir parents artended one of the Ai:to Theft Awareness Groups provided 'oy tne St. PauI Youth Service Bureau's Mediator a-±d an O�cer with the St Paul Potice Departmeni. Evaluatinns from these groups show that 100% of ihe youtti reported leaming a"great deal" from the ciass and 75% reported that t�'�e mateziat presented to them in the class will be "e�ctremeiy useful " to chem in the future. An example of ine types of camments youth nad on the program includes "The tiing I liked best about the Auto Thefr Proeram is that we got to tell what we ciid and it feh good that we got to get it out." In addition to attendi*� the class Ps a parc af their r�titution contract, youth perfosmed 3 53 hours of community service and paid �499.OQ in fuianc,aI resrituriQn to rhev* vicr:ms. ,�--,_ ? __ �RlGtNAL Presented By: Referred To: RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �a Committee:Date: 2 Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention Program, in 3 1999, and 4 tment has receiveti a grant irom the State oi Nllnnesota YOr the amount of $48,090 for the period July 1, 1998 through June 30, 5 WFiEREAS, the City oF Saint Panl Police Department has been awarded this grant to help combat Jnvenile 6 Auto Theft, and 8 WFIEREAS, the police department desires to establish a spendina and financing plan for this grant, and 9 10 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 11 there are available for appropriation funds in excess of those estimated in the 1998 budget; and 12 13 WIIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1998 budget: 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 FINANCING PLAN: 001 - General Fund 04100 - Operations Division 3400-40026-State Direct Grants in Aid SPENDING PLAN: 001- General Fund 0410Q - Operafions Division 0141-40026 - Overfime 0219-40026 - Professional Services 0259-40026 - Other - Travel, Training, Dues 0349-40026 - Other Equipment-Parts-Supplies CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CI3ANGES BUDGET 25,000 48,090 73,090 25,000 48,090 73,090 14,000 16,000 30,000 2,000 22,000 24,000 2,000 9,090 11,090 0 1,000 1,000 18,000 48,090 66,090 Council File # qg —� a� Green Sheet # 61027 30 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accept this grant award in the amount of $48,090 for 31 the Juvenile Auto Theft Prevention and authorizes Chief William Finney, to enter into an agreement with the 32 Auto fiheft Prevention Board of the State of Minnesota and approves the changes to the 1998 budget. 33 34 Requested � �anvy J Reifer Adopted by Coun ' Adop4ion Ce ied by By: Approved by Mayo : B juvauto98-99.x1s 01': � � � � ' � � • � � � � � . • � `A���Lc'•'���� � � � ., �, • �_ � �� 1.� � � :.� � to r:� . _ ✓ v qe�-���1 DEPARTMENT/OFPICE/COIINCIL DATE INITIATED PoliceDepar�ent �iisiss GREEN SHEET No. 61027 CONTACT PERSON & PHONE INfMVDATE INrt7AVDAiE C111efFlnIley 292 - � oevueTUOnaaecroa $ crtrcouxa� MUST BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) - �CTYATiORNEY ❑LTIYCLERK �FWMIOPLSERYICESWt�` �FPNHCW.SERV/ACCTG . �MAYOR(OR<�i5� -� 1 1 u TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 7 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approval of the attached Council Resolution to accept the State of Minnesota Juvenile Auto Theft Program and set up spending authority for the Police Department. RECOMMENDATION Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: 1. Has ihis persoNfirm everworked undera conirac[ forfhis departmentt PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis personlfirm ever been a city employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES No 3. Does this personlfirtn possess a skill no[ nortnally possessed by any current aty empioyee? VES NO 4. Is ihis personKrm a targeted vendoR YES NO � Explain all yes answers on separete sheef and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSIIE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Minnesota Juvenile Auto Theft Prograzn has approved a grant proposal in the amount of 48,090 for combafing juvenile auto theft in the city of Saint Paul. Tlus resolution accepts the grant award and sets up spending authority for the program. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Acceptance of grant and authority to spend grant for a new program to combat juvenile auto theft. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED None JUL 3'; 1998 w�,s����� �'�R�i� DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ,"' k ���: := a3 ��':,::� �4!!!T�vll t'� ;aQC�'i}S ..�°i2!1tP� t�'lpiY€2R'S' ��FI€3� ` Loss of grant money. ��� ������ A �� 1� e� 3��C1 �., - � �,� , , � 4��� �� �� TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION$ 4H COST/REVENUEBUDGETED(CIRCLEONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE M1I1II050T2 SiflTE GIdI1L ACTNITY NUMBER (/OI ��/ W FINANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPLAII� A071598aacls � � � � � ��� S�A�TENT AGR.EEMENT ��-�a� Accounting Information: Accounting Distribution 1: Accounting Distribution 2: Accounting Distribution 3: Fund: 200 Fund Fund: Appr. S00 Appr. Appr. Org/Sub. ll 00 Org/Sub� Org/Sub: Rept. Catg. Rept Catg: Rept Catg Amount $ 48,090.00 Amount� Amount: Processing Tnformaiion: (Some enh�ies may not apply) Reqmsition: P9Z000060019 Number ( Date f Entry Initials ConhaCt: Number / Date / Entry Imnals Solicitation. Number / Date f Entry Imtials Order: P97.00000074 Number / Date / Entry Iniffals (Irsd�vidunl sigxing cerlifies (hn! funds hnve been encumUered ns required Gy Mirtn. Slat §IGNS.) NOTICi: TO GRANTEE. You are required by Mina Stat. § 270.66 to provfde your social secunry number or Federal Employer tax idenuficahon number and Minnesota mx identification number if you do busmcss with tne State of Mmnesota. 1'h�s �nfocmanon may 6e uted in thc enforcemcnt oC federai and state tax laws. SuPplym5 tbese numbers could resul[ m acnon to reqwre you to file siate tas remms and pay dehnquent state tax liabilities. Th Agree ent 'll not be aporo ed unless these numbers are nrodded Tnese numbers will be ava�Iabic m fedeml and state tax authon[ies and siatc personnel mvolved m appro�ong the Agreement a�d the paymene of state obhgations. Grantee Name and Addre55' Cih� of St. Paul - PM'ce Department Sf. Panl . Minnesota 5�707 Social Sec or Federxl Employer LU. No.: atL005a?I Mmnesota Taz I.D. ho (f applicabieJ THIS PAGE OF THE AGREEMENT CONT�IINSPRIV�ITEINFOXMATION. EXCEPT AS DEFINED ABOVE, THIS PAGE SHOULD NOT BE REPRODUCED OR DISTRIBUTED EXTERNALLY WITHQUT EXPRESS WRITTEN PERMISSI�N OF THE 6RANTEE If you circutate this Agreement internatly, only offices that require access to the tax identifzcation number AND all individuals/offices signing rhis Agreement should have access to this page. Gaes & Coumies Cny of S�. Pxl - Po1xc 9epanr.wm G�am Conea:r MZ�]G Lio Tt�efi 4rcv on floa.dl i q�-�a� TH[S Agreeme�tt, and ame[dments azd supplemenLt therew, is between d�e State of Mincesore, acung throuQh irs Auto Theft Prevention Baard (hereinafrer "57'ATE') ard Citv oF St. Paul - PoGce Deoarrmrnt . address 100 E lli7+ St St Paul M�� ta 55101 (hereinafrer" GRANTEE'), witrxsseth thar. WHEREAS, ihe STATE, punuant to Minn. Stat. ys 1CSA.40 Subd2., is empowered w d�Stribute mo ev for automo5ite theft orevenrion acrivi�es, and F'HEREAS, GRA7VTEE represens tLa[ it is duly quaiified, authotized, and willing to carry wt the taeks dacribed in Attachmem C., of tttis Agreemrnt: and NOW, THEREFOItE, it is agreed: GRAt3'CEE'S DUTIFS (Avach addiaonal page if necusary which is incorporated by reference and made a pan of tltis Agreement.) GRANTEE, shall: GRANTEE shall carry ou[ the [asks as described in GRANTEE's applicaoon for grant funds which is hereby incorponred by reference and made a part of this Agreemenc in Anachmenc C. II. CONSIDERATION AND TERMS OF PAYMENI' A. Considera[ion for all services performed azd goods or materials suppl�ed by the GRANTEE pursuant to this Agreemen[ shall be paid by the STATE as follows: 1 Compencation ahall be consis[em with the budget ovtline conrained in Attactunem C.,of this Agreement. When specifically approved by Ne STATE, reimbursement for travel aod subsis[ence expenses acmaily and necessarily incurred by GRANTEE in performance of ihis Agreemen[ and idemified in Attaclunent C of Uvs Agreemmt will be paid provibed ti�at t6e GRANTSE shall be reimbursed for 4ave1 and subsis[e�ce expert5u in the same II�am�er and in no greater amount ihan provided in fie current "Commissioner's Pian promWgated by the Commissioner of Employee Rela6ons. The total obligatiun of the STATE for all compensaROn and reimbursements [o GRANTEE Shall np[ exceed_ Fortv Eieht Thnusand Ninetv dollazs and no/cents ($ 48.090.00 l. B. Terms o£ Pavmenc 1. Payments to the GRANTEE will be made by tf�e STATE on a quarterly, but not more ofren than monthly cost reimbursement basis. 2. Paymen[c shall be made by the STATE prompdy aftrr GRANTEE's presentation of itemized invoices for services performed. 3. Upon GRANTEE's reques[, an advance paymen[ may be made afrer Uus Agreement is fully executed, in an amount not to exceed 25 % of [he total $TATE obUgation, as determined necessary for exewfion of GRANTEE's obligatlons. 4. Invoices for reim6ursement shall be idenufied in approved budget categories and submitted on a quarterly, but not more ofren than montiily basis and within 20 days of the end of the reporting period. 5. Payment� aze to be made from S[ate fuuds obtained by the STATE tfuough Minnesota Srnwte 1GSA.40 . If at any fime such funds bzcome unavailable, fhis Agreement shali be terminated �mmediately upon written notice of such fact by Ihe STATE [o GRAlVTEE. 1n the event of such [ermn�atlon, GRANTEE shall be ene[led to payment, determined on a pro rara basis, for serv�ces satisfactorily performed foc which such State funds aze available. The GRANTEE agrees to remm any unused funds to [he STATE. 6. The GRANTEE will expend gant funds allocaud for this Agreement according to the budget oudine conrnined in Attachment C of this Agreemen[. The GRAA'TEE will submit a revised budget for any deviation of 10% or more between the allowable funding categories. The revised budget must be approved by die STATE before any expe�itura can be made based on the revised budge[. No deviat�ons benveen funding categories sha7i exceed ihe wtal dollaz amount authorized for this Agreemem. 7. The GRAhTEE agrees to retum any wused fulHLc ro rhe STATE unless prior approval for an exrension has been granud by the STATE's Authorized Representauve and an ame�men[ w this Agreemenc hu been duly executed. 13nu5ed funds must be remmed to the STATE within 30 days of the eMing dare of this Agreement. III. �ONDITIONS OF PAYMENT All services provided by GRANTEE pursuant to tha Agreement shal] be petformed w the satisfacrion of the STATE, as determined at tAe sole discrerion of its Auchoriz� Represeivadve, and in accottlance with all applica6le federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, ruies and regulatlons. GRAIVTEE shall not receive paymen[ for work fwnd by rhe STATE to be unsafisfacwry, or perfortned in violavon of federal, state or tocal iaw, ordinance, rules or regutauons. N. TERMS OF AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be effective on Julv 1.1998 , or upon the date that the final required tignature is obrnined by the STATE, pursuan[ ro Mmn. Srat. § 168-06. Subd. 2, wh�chever occurs later, and shall remain m effect unul_ 3une 30. 1999 , or unel all obligations set forth in this Agreement have been satisfactorily fiilfilled, whichever occurs firse. GRANTEE umierstands thai NO work should 6egin undec ehis A�reement until ALL required signamres have been obtained, and GRANTEE is notified to begm worA by the STATE's Authorized Represenreuve. � Cida & Counucs Gry of St Paul - Police Depanmem Gran� Convar P991JOQ'100'I4 (AU o TM1eft Prcveni on Boa,�C1 2 �$" `17 CANCELLATION This Agreement ma} be cancded by rhe STATE or GRAhTEE at any time, wrth or withouc cause, upon thirty (30) days wntten notire to the other pam�. In the event o£ such a cancellation, GRAhTEE sliall be entiUaS w payment, desermuu� on a pro raia basis. fo* work or services satisfacWrily performed. STATE may cancel this Agreement immediately if the STATE finds rhat Ihere has been z failure [o comply with die pro��isions of this Agreemen[ ihat ceasonable psoeress has not heen made, or that Ne pur(x�ses for which the fiuMs were gsanted have not been or will not be fulfilled, the S"fA1'E mzy ra}:e action to protec[ the mreresGS of the Stace of Muuiesoa, including the rePosal to disburse addiuonal funds and requirmg the remrn of ail or pan of [he funds alieady disbursed. VI. STATE'S AL REPRESE�'TATIVE The STATE's Authoc"v.ed Represen[a¢ve for the purposes of adminisvauon of this A¢reement is Dennis Roske, or his successor in office. Such repruen`a[rve shalf have final authoriq• for acceptance of GRANTEE's services arid it such services are accepted as sa6sfacroq', shall so certify on each invoice submitted pursuan[ [o C�ause II, paragraph B. VII. AEPORTING GRAATEE witl advise [he STATE conceming program progress through such reasonahte meax� as the STA'I'E may find comenienc. These will inctude: A. The GRAh`TBE will advise the STATE conceming the program progress through the subm�ssion of quartedy, but mt more ofren fien monthly reportt az required by the STATE's AuUwrized Representative. B. Followmg basis: Submission of a final evaluation report within 30 days after the [erminaoon date of this Agreement C. Submission of a final expenduure repott within 6Q days aher the remilna[ion of this Agreemen[. D. Mak�ng any projec[ records available to the STATE upon requesp this includes submission of copies of any reports, data, surveys (including survey instmctions), or other materials for review and commerM1 before they are prepared in final form, and a�x copies of all materia}s prOduced by tkie project following production of the materials. E. Permitting periodic site vis�tc by the STATE's Authorized RepresentzCrve, other STATE staff or o�her employees of tlie Stare of Mmnesota on behalf of ihe S�are. F. Patticipation in vaming and evaluation workshops may be required. VIII. _ qSSIGNMENT GRANTEE shall neither assign nor tran5fer any right� or obligations under this Agreemen[ wifiout rhe prior wntten consent of tlie STATE. A. Identification of sonrce of fuiMmg. Nl reports, materiats, confere�ce documenu, and any oitier produccs made avaitable through chis program, shall carry an acknowledgment that it was funded under provisions of rhe Srare of Minnesota (Auro Thefr Prevennon Board Prograzn) and give credit m other par[y's participation. 7X. AM£NDMENTS Any ame�menss eo fhis Agceemene shall be in w�iting, and sha14 be ezecuted by tne same parties who execuCeci She origmaf Agreement, or the�x successors in office. X LIABILTTY To the extend pemtitted by law, GRA1V7'EE shall indemnify, save, and hold the STATE, ics represenra[rves and employees harnile5s from any and att ctaims or causes of ac¢on, includmg aSl attorney's fezs mcurred by the STATE, arising from the performance of this Agreemene by GRAIQTEE or GRANTEE's agents or employees. This clause shall mt be construed m bar any legal remedies GRANTEE may have for ihe STATE's failure [o tulfill its obligations pursuant to ch�s Agreement. XI. 4CCOUATtING AUDIT AND RETENTiON OF RECQRDS A. GRANTEE will establish a separate account for rh�s program and will ataintam fiscal records in accordance w;th generally acceprable accounung prmciples. GRAN7EE's records, documents, and accoundng proeedures and practices for dtis project 5ha11 be sub,Iec[ ro the examinadon of the STATE's Authorized Representztive and the L,egislaove Audrtor. F�scal records shall be retained for a period of three yeazs fotlawing su6mission of the futal repott B. The boo}s, recotds, documencs, and accoun�ng procedures and pracnces of the GRANTEE relevant to this Agreement 5ha17 be sub�ec: to eXaminauon by the STATE's Authorized Represemative and the Legislalive Audimr. Reeords sYiall be sufficirnt to reflect all costs inwtred m Qerfoanance of [h�s Agreement. XII.. DATA PRACTICES ACT The GRANTEE shall compty with the Minnesota Data PracGces Act az it applies ro all dara provided by [he STATE in atcordance with this Agreement and az u apphes to alI data created, gathered, generated or aequired in aceordance wish this Agreement. XIII. OWNERSffiP OF DOCUMENTS. PRODUCTS AND COPYRiGHT A. Any reposts, stud�es photographs, negatives, insvuments, c�rriculum, v�deotapes, vaining manuaSs, med�a messages, or othec doeumen6 or producGS (hereinafrer cafled documents or producrs) prepared by or for GRANTEE in the performance of ia obhganonc under th�s Aereement shall be exclusive propen}' of the STATE. AII such documencs or producrs shall be rem�ned to the STATE by GRANTEE upon comple[ion, [erminanoq or cancellation o; dus Agreemen[. GRANTPE shall m[ use, willmgly allow, or cause to ha�e such ma[erials used for obIiganons u�er ihis Agceement wuhoue the prior wcitten contene of the STATE. Cines & Cwnucs Grv of Si_ Pavi - PoLcc Dqranmem Grmc Comraz: P9Z�00"14 ( 4mn Thefi Prevrni oa Boarot 3 a�'- �a� B, All righc [itle ar�d interest in all copyrightable macerial which GRA�TEE shall wxeive or onginate either ildivSdually or joindy w�rh othe:s. and which ar�ses ou[ of the performance ot th�s Ageement, will be ihe properry of the STATE and are by this Agreemeni usigned w che STATE along w¢li ownership of any and a:l copyrieha of rhe copyrightable ma[erial. GRANTEE also agrees, upon ;he requ°st of tLe STATE, to execute all papers ar� perform sll other aca necess� ro azsfs[ the STATE ro obram aIM rcgis�er capyrigt�s on su:F. matenaLs. V.'here applicabie. works of aumorslup ttated by GRr1?�°I'EE for the STATE in pesformance of titis Agteemrne shall 6e wnsidered `works made for hire" az defined m Ne li.S. Copyright Act. XS�'. PU3LICITY Any publ�city given to �e progrzm, pub6ca:ions, o: services provided resultino from tha A€reement, inciading, but no. Lmit� eo, nonces. inform2tion21 pamphlea, pres5 releasu, research, repocrs. sigrs, a� similar pubhe no�ices prepared by or for the GRA!�'TEE or ics employees ir.G'ividually or jointly with others, or any subgrantees shall idenrifp [he STATE as the sponcor.ng agency a� sha11 not be released, unless sueh release u a specific part of an appro�ed work plan included in this Agreement pnor [o irs approval by the STATE'S Aurhonzed Represenrative. XV. AFFIKMATR'E ACTION (When applicable) GRA\'TEE ceainu tha� it has recerved a certinca[z of compliance from �he commissioner of Humar. Righa �qursuant to Minn. Stat. ,� 363.073. II is hereby ag:eed benveen uSz parties tha[ Minn. Srac SzcUOn 363.073 is incoqwnied inro [his contrace b; reference. XVI. NONDTSCRIMIN.AT[ON As a co:�d�oon of receiving suppon for this p�ogram, GRANTEE usures [hat i, will meet all applicable requiremenrs of the Civi] Righu Act of 1964, as unended (nondiscriminauon on the basis of haz�dicappmg condinons), and of any apphcable state civil righ6 sramces. XVII. lVORiiER ' COMPE�SATION GRANTEE shall provide accepteble ev�dence of compliance wifh Ihe workers' compensa[ion insurance coverage requirement of Mmn. Stat. � 176.181, Subd. 2. XVIIL JLIRISDICTION AND �'ENUE This Aareemen�, and amendments and supplemer.ts thereto, shall be govemed by the �aws of tfie State of Minnesora. Venue for ali ]eeal proceedings arismg out of this Agreemen[, o� breach thereof, shall be in [he siate or federai wurt with competent jurisd�ttion in Ramsey Counry, Mmnesota. RIV. OTHER PROVISIONS A. B. C. When purchasing equipmen[ authorized by Ihis A6�eemen[, GRA!VTEE shall comply witli ali procuremeni pmcedures and law5 that appiy co tf�e GRANTEE'S purchase of similar equipment in rhe performance of its duties other th2n �u du[ies unda tliis Agreement. Any equipment purd�ased under ihis Agreemen[ shail be used foc 1aw enforcement pucposes during the life of the :qmpmenC. The GRANTEE may not deviate from tlus requiremen[ a�d may not dispose of any equipment unless GRANTEE has first obtained ���ritten perm�ssion from ine STATE. The GRAN2EE shall be responsible for all operating, main[enance, and repas costs of equipmen[ pure}:aseci under fiis A�reer.meot. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parnes have caused th�s Agreement Co be duly executed in[ending to be bound thereby APPROVED: L GRANTEE: GRANTEE certifies th appropriate person(s) have zxecuCed the convac[ on behalf f�e 1VTEE as required by applicable arucles, by-law�, res luuons, or ordinances. By : Title: Date: By: Title: Datz: 2. STATF AGENCY: By: Title: Date 3. ATTORIVEY GENERAL: sy: Title: Date: Disvibu[ion: Agercy - Ori�inal (fully executed) Aereemer.t Grantez Srare Authorized Represennnve Gurs € Co��nes Gry of S�� Paul - PoLec oep�mrm Ga�rz ea�v�� rszaw�oma (n m rnr r.�����u �° n,3�ei < ATTACHMENT C OR�GI��� l�'tinnesota Auto Theft Prevention Program ( MATPP ) Grant Application �t��a�t NOTE Thzs "Attachment C" form should be used if possible. If duplicated, no change in format wiIl be accepted (no deletions or portions of or rearrangements) SECTION 1: Applicant �nformation Type of Governmental ADency or Organization; State ❑ County ❑ City X Private Non-Profit ❑ Private for Profit 0 Name of Agency or Organization: Saint Paui Police Department Agency Address: 100 E. 11 ` Street City: Saint Paul County: Ramsev State: MN Zip: 55101 Federal Identificarion Number: 41-b00�521 Totai MATPP Bud�et Request: $48.090 Project Titie, if appiicable: Juvenile Anto Theft Pro¢ram Geographical Araa Applicable to Grant Project (identify sYatewide, county, city, othez) Citv of Saint Paul located within Ramsev Countv Other Agencies Participating in the Project: (If a multi-a�ency project, attach letters of confirmation by all entities) Form AT:Ol �V r � � � SECTION 2: CERTIFICATIONS/SIGNAT'URES - I acknowledge that I have read, understand and agree to the conditions set forth in the application and supporting materials and that the information I am supplying in this application is true, complete and conect. Type Name and Title of Project Director: (Project Director is the primary contact person for all aspects of the grant) Sergeant 3ane Laurence (Name) i �� .�c i�—�--�_ 5�2 t �`2 � � Si ature) (Date) 292-3613 292-3711 Telephone Nunzber Fax Number Type Name and Title of Financial Officer: Jill Flesher � ��`��`''''�W ►' 2� 1�� 1 (Name) (Signature) (Date) Type Name and Title of Authority Official: (Person authorized to enter into a formal agreement) Chief William K. Finnev (Name) is7 Form AT:O1 SECTION 3 : Current and Proposed Auta Theft Prevention Responsibilities - For eaCh of t 2uto ` theft reduction strategies and activities listed below, check whether they are current efforts undertaken by your agency. Then check the activities and strategies that are proposed for MATPP grant-funding. C heck all activities and strategies that apply. STRATEGIES AND CURRENT LEVEL OF EFFORT PROPOSED FOR ACTNIT'IES (NOT MATPP FLJNDED) (MATPP GRANT) MIILTI-AGENCY INVOLVEMENT *Note: These efforts have begun under the 1S� year Grant funding. Multiple Law Enforcement Agencies Prosecutors Insurance Industry Businesses Community Groups Other Pro-Active E,�'f'orts Decoy Operations Chop Shop Identification Investigations, Long Term Investigations, Short Term Other Crime Analvsis Identify Trends and Methods Develop Profiles Identify High Risk Areas and Vehicles Identify Repeat Offenders Other Public Education and Awareness Prevention Seminars Presentations to Schools Advertising Campaigns Other TraininQ Development Programs Law Enforcement Officers Prosecutors Other Form AT-Ol X* X X* X X* X* X* X X X* X* X* X X* � � � °�g -� a� �ECTION 4 : Grant Purpose and Description - Provide a summary description of the project that � is to be funded by the MATPP. Briefly describe the grant objectives and the grant-funded ' strategies and activities that will be implemented to achieve the objectives. Describe how the project meet's priorities estabIished by the MATPP, if applicable. Use additional space if necessary. Utilizing first year funding from this grant, the Saint Paul Police Department begun a dual approach in reducing the frequency of auto theft juveniles by: 1. Creating more effective strategies in responding to first and second time offenders in auto theft and tampering with auto cases. 2. Disseminating information about the consequences of auto theft to a targeted group before they get into the 3uvenile Justice system. The Juvenile Units objectives are: ✓ To reduce the number of youth who steal, ride and break into cars. ✓ To have effective intervention with the first time offender in auto theft. ✓ To develop a profile of the offender for early identification of those likely to commit auto theft. ✓ To provide additional training for police personnel for the identification and investigation of auto theft. s/ To develop a Restorative Justice Conference for the first or second offenders involved in auto theft. Restorative 3ustice allows the victim to meet face to face with the juvenile offender(s). �/ This allows suspect to realize the damage and trouble she/l�e caused the victim as a result of their car being stolen or tampered with. The result is holding the offender accountable and responsihle for his/her actions. ✓ This accountability may involve restitution and/or communzty service. Strategies: The Juvenile Unit will develop an up-to-date profile using past and current interviews, as well as computer data analysis. 0 . qg' -72-�, ✓ The profile will be broken down by age, race sex economic level, education, family makeup and juvenile history. ✓ The profile will show what type of cars are stolen, the frequency they are stalen and the tactic of theft. ✓ The profile will identify what the parents/guardians could have done to prevent the auto theft. The Saint Paul Police Audio Visual Unit will help make a training video for patrol o�cers indicating the tactics and profiles of the juvenile offender. Based the information collected, the Juvenile Unit will operate a program component for the intervention of the offender. ✓ Juvenile Unit personnel will be trained in the early identification profile. In the case of the first time offender, the Juvenile Unit will incorporate the services of the Youth Service Bureau (YSB}. ✓ YSB will aid in the conference for the Restorative Justice Program. s/ The Juvenile Unit will coordinate the Restorative Justice Program. ✓ The following ruies of the conference wili apply: -Reach a duel agreement between victim and suspect. -Full admission to the crime by the suspect. -Written impact statement for both sides. This project will focus on three ofthe MATPP priorities: -Proactive efforts. -Crime analysis. -Education, awareness and training. Form AT:O1 5 SECTI�N 5: Statement of Need and Current Staff �� - �a2 Part ,4. Describe the specific problem or deficiency that is to be corrected. Document the need by providing the source of the statistical data, and include both numbers and percentages. Statistical data should correspond to the geographical project area described in Section l. Do not exceed the space provided. The SPPD Juvenile Unit has recorded the incidents of auto the8 for 1946 at 2,749. This is a 17 percent increase over 1495. Statewide, motor vehicle theft is also on the rise. Most other major crimes decreased in 1996 and 1997, but auto theft has been increasing consistently. With the parallel rise in total number of juveniles within the overall population, and suspicions within the law enforcement community dealing with auto theft and with juveniles that there may be a stolen auto industry within the metropolitan area, the incidence of juvenile auto theft crime becomes a serious problem. Part B. List curtent staff (not MATPP funded) that have auto theft responsibilities in your agency. Include"the position title, full-time salary, and percent of time spent on auto theft responsibilities. Position Title Auto Theft Unit 3 Sergeant/investigators 3uvenile Unit 8 Sergeantlinvestigators at 1/8 time Full-time Sa1arv Frin�e Benefits $58,381 $175,143 $58,381 $19, 849 (34%) $59,547 Total Department funds expended: Form AT:O T $19,849 (34%) $233,524 � Percent of Time 100 8 at 1/$ time � U L� G +� O R�i ^ 3 -^_ a� O :J 'U �U .-. � E � `� ;� .� T l'1 3-i ?� ` � �i - cc c �n ._. � '� 'J V :Il -o _, m .� e� N v �rt tIS iJ �� � SI r�1 � � ^ 0 � Q � G a� s. m u, � � � � � � �+ N !], 3 � � � .� N :J N L ti �-�. �I7 1] N GI 7 !6 -r1 �1 :.J O -.+ }-+ fi - -i iJ �J U1 U (A H U N [A :J N r6 � N }, � � � � � � � 0 !J N W � C -1 f6 1� l6 :J � S-V N �.i (fl ro 3 0 E N N � f?, � N -t 0� CA � � N ro G � � m > -�i N b :-a � �7 A � � U � L f(S :l :a � � : U rt Ut O li @ Ui S-+ 1� -�i N N O� . a q l t� E C7 � \� U/ E 7 C H /l r � N � � � :J � 7 � � m a� rn v „ U .= �, N ,� �.i - �i �fi �a � _+ �:-i S� T� N �'S �7 �� U J TS .� \ U U1 r4 C Jt N 4J U 5 U] Ql L?. 'O C N 1 � rl � J .i -1 � `O v C L E v > v u �-i rt � �fi S. N -: Sa ul y 3 �r� U Gl ri U p � � � � � � 3 'f .l�-� � W � i � � �� � � � QJ :J . U � � 1� Q� C� . �6 iJ !' N Fa L .�-t N 1J � v � Q1 '!'1 '.-1 �. CJ ,P N J.J JJ � N O > ril .0 N �, � O L L� C 3 U � � �;�, ra u E a� -i O �1 N C Q V-1 3 .i �G Sa O C c N U% G : J � � � � v '� � J � J r� �.�t � N a1 � :� n� O C 't7 � U � � �U :.J �O `C3 O r, r a) t� • 1� '6 -.i N � � .� la � N ;: � r O m � .-t (' U :.J J O � 3 � v � � N s� �, � � a ' . � � J m r :� .i .� 'Ci ,--i Ki .� � �l C �.�. .0 �.�t �� � v s _ ? z 0 H E h` � a � � W � W H � W f-� � � \ � �: H F H > H H V � � H a W � H a U � W � H N U � F7 LQ O W a q � a � G� � W H F � N U Cl > f U �ti U -+ N � r <C m • J �J L .+ C i.-i U .-� o c� � � �-� � > .� c C J J Li > � a � v :J �-! :� C1 •-1 4. 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O� ���.- E o-. �-°�L�'-cCJ�� � 4' F �i C7 � �� C7 � Op a� a oa F a � > a r- r� z ti. � v`', °' x � � w O F'" � � H tr O O ° � ° o ; H cc =' - N rn � � 0. cr) K K cA V ¢ U � q O � � � L � u � Gi7 :r] G � z Z F 'n. n z � � N r N 6 � �( � � � � j ` C V � v U � � L. q rl L'�i Q Q U � rJ! � r l� ` _� Second international Conference on Restorative Justice for ,luveniles November 7-9, 1998 220 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Room 612 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 9541762-5660, Fax 954(162-5693 Hosted by Fiorida Atfantic University in conjunction with the intemationaf Network for Research on Resiorative J�stice for Juvenifes February �, 199$ Dear Colleague: R�CEiV�� ,. M�� t s »sa�' C iCi�G��s Dt�f �1iG With great pteasure, we announce the 2"� International Conference on Restorative Iustice for luvefliles to be he(d November 7-9, 1998 in Fort Laudecdale, Florida. The conference is being organized by Florida AUamic University, in conjunction with the Intemationai Network for Research on Restorative Justice for 3uveniles. Additional sponsors include the Office for Victims of Crime, the Office for 3uvenile 3uslice and Aelinquency Prevention, the National institute of 7ustice and the Genter, forthe Study ofYouth Policy at Nova Southeastem Uni versiR . The first conference held last year in Leuven, Belgium was a great success. Presentations were of exceguonal quatity and discussions were lively and infoanative. It is important that such dialogues continue in order to promoie, critique and enhance research and practice in restorative justice for juveniles. We aze sure that those who participated in last yeax's conference would agree, and wilt not want to miss this year's event. We anticipate that this year's conference will build on last year's achievements and continue to generate considerabie interest in, among and about Ihe restorativejustice community. Expecied conference paRicipants �vill include an exceptional roster of intemational experts in restorative justice, including John Braithwaite, Michael Tonry, Burt Galaway, Gordon Bazemore, L,ode Walgrave, Judge Frank Orlando (ret.}, Daniel Van Ness. Mazk Umbreit, Howard Zehr, Tony Marshall, Elmar Weitekamp aad others. Thanks to the extraordinary interest in restorative justice currentiy being demonstcated by aational and international organizations, we plan to make this conference an annual event. Plans are already in progress for international conferences in 1999, 2000 and "20U l. We Imow you shaze our enthusiasm for creaung a more just and constructive response to juvenile crime both in the TJ.S. and abroad, and will want to mazk your calendar to make sure not to miss this important event. Please be sure to look for our Web page after Mazch lst at: htt�://www.fau.eduldivdeoUeupa/conf�8. We are iooking fonvazd to seeing you in Ft. Lauderdaie. Sincerely, � , � �-�,�---- `���-� c Gordon azemore, Ph.D. Mara Schiff, Ph.D Florida A[fantic Universitv Flonda Atlantic liniversitc �� �� �.2,2 L� � Lode Walgrave, Ph.D. University oF L,euven .i:L..- : ." ' _ . � ■ ■ �■ �� �� � ^ �� 6� ` �THER�UPCOMING RESTORATIYE ,,$ jUST10E CO�FFREN�ES: May 27-29, 1498: Minnesota Center for Crime Victim Services Crime Victim and WitneSS Advisory Councii`s Eleventh Anrual Conference cn Crime Yittims: °�reatirg Chci�es Trro��#� Innovatian and Callaboration", Brair�erd, MN. FFI: $00(147-0390. Aug._6-9, 199$: � REAL Justice's First North American Conference on Conferencing: "Conferencing -- A New .,, . Response to Wrongdoing", Minneapolis, MN. FFf: http://www.realjustice.org. , . . - �>,� �:. :; , . Se�t.1b-19, (998:` - -.. ..:Victim-Ofifender Mediation Association's Annuai fnternationafiraining Institute and Conference: "lnnovative Practices in Restorative Justice and Victim Offender Mediation", Tacsan, AZ. FFI: http:/Jwww.voma.org/conf9$.html. Oct. 22-23, 1998: Hamiine university Schooi`s Eieventn Annuai Symposium an taw, Reiigion & Etnics: •�- °°-' '�='Re'storative Justice and Religiaus Traditions", St. Pau{; MN. �Ff: �-, .- .� e-maiL• kmarron@gw.hamline.edu or call 612/523-2124. Nov. 7-9, 19g8: Second Annua{ {nternationa! Conference on ftestorative justice for juveni{es, ft. lauderdale, fL The conference wii! focus on the integration of restorative justice research, pofiry and practice in relation to juvenile offenders. Ffl: http:(�www.fau.edu/divdept/cupa/conf9$. ... .�Ci�=^a"'..,i°%- ; -,rarr�- -. s � .,JL I�W_I11A11�11 � � � � ■ ■ ■ . . ,. Sta�ewide Restorative �ustice ,. : : .. . , Can�erence: "Conversat��ns from the Hear�" -- Sharing our successes, o�r fr�strations;:�� �. our. iaughs and our dilemmas4 -- �_ �� Conference sessians will be b"u�lt araund the ir�terests of those attend. Bring your materials, your�expertise, .,: - your questions, and your t4pics ofi interest! Come joi� with others who are br�at#�ic�g life intfl `� rests�rative justice here in Minnesata. �= .. �.. _, ; e � B .�1.;�.;+ �, ._ . .� .;..;..;. � September_ l4-15, t998 in the Twin Cities, i.acation to be announced:. Registration materials will be availabEe in June. Sponsored by the Minnesota De�artment of Corrertions`s Restorative justice Initiative and the ���� Minnesota Juvenile Justice Advisory Council: � �`-�See other side for rnore exciting restorative justice eventsI �ti'��� �p,NT/C� G 1�� m �g ���y� Second Internationa! Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles November 7-9, 1998 220 Southeast 2nd Avenue, Room 612 Fort LaudercSale, FL 33301 954/762-566�, Fax 4541762-5&93 Hosted by Florida Atlantic University in conjunction wHh the Intemational Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles CALL FOR PAPERS' Second Annual lnternational Confe�ence on Restorative Jr�stice jor Juveniles FoR Lauderdale, Florida November 7-9, 1998 The Second Annuai International Conference on Restorative Justice for Juveniles will take place on November 7, 8& 9, 1998 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The conference wilt focus on the integration of restorative justice research, policy and practice in relation to juveniie offenders. Papers from national and ;nternational researchers, practitioners and policymakers are welcomed; particular attention will be given to papers that discuss the impacts of restorative justice interventions on victims and the role of communities within the restorative framework. The conference is being coordinated by Florida Atlantic University and The Intemational Network for Research on Restorative Justice for Juveniles. Sponsors include the O�ce for Victims of Crime, Office of Juvenile 3ustice and Delinquency Prevention, the National Institute of Justice and The Center for the Study of Youth Policy at Nov�Southeastern University. Abstracts of no more than 200 words should be submitted in English by Apri130, 1998 to Dr. Mara Schiff, Florida Atlantic Univers�ty, Deparnnent of Criminal Justice, 220 SE 2" Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, 33301. Authors of accepted papers will be notified by June 15, 1998. Look for our Web page after March 1 S` at: htt�//www.fau edu/divd�ticupa/conf�8 Abstract Submission Form FIRST {PRESENTING) AIJTHOR Name Address Cih' Phone E-Mai] SECOND {PRESEIVTING) AUTHOR Name Address � Zip Code _ Country Ciry Fa� Pho�e E-Mai] Fa�c _ Zip Code Counm� TITLE ,- -2� _�__ _<�S2 ��- �U-- -= . _�-� .� _-- ' -� � _.�= a��-��`l ST. PALZ XOLTH SERVICE BURE_�L, IlVC. AUTO THEFT yZCTLMJOFFE�I3£R �i�DL4TI0?� PROGR Tne St. Pa�:1 Youth Sen�ice Burea:i began woricing with Lne St_ Paul Police Department in Febr�ary' 1998 to provide viczim/oaender meeizrion services fo: youin who hzve been az-ested the first tir.ie for auto theR, tempering with zutos, or joy riding. ln order to pa.*tcipate in this prrcourt servic�, several conditioas must be met: • this must be the first offense by the youth involved, • the youu� asrested must admit guilt in the charges brough:, • the youth arested and their parent(s) must voluntacily a��ree to mediarior� and . the victun must voluntarily agree to r.�ediation. Once these conditions are met, tbe mediazor meets wi?h each pzrty individually in order to g2ther iniorrn2tion and prepate those involved for the nediation process. This is followed by a group meeting with �he o�tender(s) and hivher parems, the victun and any support persons Lhcry wish to have involved, a St. Paui Poiice Qfficer, and the mediazor. The goal oi this meeting is to allow all participants to �press the impact o£the crime on them and to deveiop a: omract fnr restitution. The me:iiator tiien monitors the offender's compliance with the contract until it is completed. Betvreen February and March I998, 10 youth oa.*ticipated in tne mediation process. Of these, 4 have successfully complete3 their resritution contrzct as of this date. A totai. of six victims have been invoived. As a part of their restiturion cornract, 9 �outhand chrir parents artended one of the Ai:to Theft Awareness Groups provided 'oy tne St. PauI Youth Service Bureau's Mediator a-±d an O�cer with the St Paul Potice Departmeni. Evaluatinns from these groups show that 100% of ihe youtti reported leaming a"great deal" from the ciass and 75% reported that t�'�e mateziat presented to them in the class will be "e�ctremeiy useful " to chem in the future. An example of ine types of camments youth nad on the program includes "The tiing I liked best about the Auto Thefr Proeram is that we got to tell what we ciid and it feh good that we got to get it out." In addition to attendi*� the class Ps a parc af their r�titution contract, youth perfosmed 3 53 hours of community service and paid �499.OQ in fuianc,aI resrituriQn to rhev* vicr:ms. ,�--,_ ? __