90-114 WHITE - CiTV CLERK COUflC1I PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � , � � ,Council Res - u 'o ; � �� ,,� , Presented By Q �'` � eferred To � � Committee: Date l'� �—�� Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Senior Computer Operator in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the title of Senior Computer Operator be set at the rate set forth in Grade 28, Section ID2, of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period after the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. i COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Reques ent of: imod Dimond � FFICE OF PERSONNEL ND Goswitz [n Favor �cZ O R tman Long By h �be� Maccabee A gai ns t ` n en Rettman Wils n ThUri@ W11S0 FEB � 3 199� Form A ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council. �ate /� -('��_" � , � \ Certified • sed by Counci( Secr ary BY —T-,f' ° gy lL.��c�c. U��1 Approved avor: ,Date _ FEB � � 19� Approved b Mayor for Submiss.ion o Council l/iJ'i����i��� .F��.�I'��l-C�6f� By _ BY Pt�$l4SHED �r��' 2 -� i 99Q_ p .�+ . � � � ���r� . . :r DEPARTM[NT/OFFK�JOOUNdI DATE INITIATED � GREEN SHEET No. 55 4 2 ` ,OONTACT PERSON E • ..• MN INITIAUDATE �.y PARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Sheryl Le x4221 �., �� cm�rroRr►ev �cm c�eRK MUST BE ON OOUNqI AOENDA BV(DA """ ROUTN�O �BUDOET OIRECTOR � T. RVICE8 DIR. �MAYOR(OR A8818T� TOTAL#►OF 81QNATURE PA j (q.lP ALL LOCATIONS FOR 813NATUR� ACf10N REOUE8TED: � '`.- � i�Q� � Establish the rate o pay for new title of Senior Computer Operator. C�T" �r� '' � ��'�IEY RECOMMENOATIONB:�DP►�(N a IRI COUNGL REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNMN�COMMAI8SION L�RVICf ANALY$T . _qB COMI�AITTEE _STAFF WMMENTB: _���,� 1990 su�s w�xa,oour+a��crnE BUDGET Of fICE QF�ICE iNrrMnNe P�M.�ssue. Mnw.wnn.w�wn,vw+srs,vvhr): The Department of Fi ance and Management Services initially presented us with a problem of a single incumbent tit e accruing compensatory time on a regular (almost every pay p�riod� basis with no altern tive. The problem included the inability to allow the employee the time off during the eek so that she could use the comp. time she was accruing. We suggested as part of the solut on, creating a lower level title and splitting off part of her duties. This would allow for a backup of some of her responsibilities to share after hours work and would also allow for a backup so she could schedule time off during the week. This would benefit both the Cit and the em lo ee. The de artment a reed. ADVMRAOE8IF APPROVED: Decrease compensator time accrued by a $40,500 per year position. Replace with title that will earn approximat ly $26 - 28,000 per year. The higher level duties will remain with the higher title. o�ov�r�s��noVEO: Based an trade off o compensatory time paid to a position that pays $40,500/annually, it seems it will be ess ntially no cost, possibly a savings. They will convert one Computer Operator F.T.E. into a Senior Computer Operator. Based on an estimate of 350 hours of ' compensatory time/an ually for the higher level title being reduced to 150 fiours/annuallq, there could potentia ly be a savings of a few thousand dollars by c,reating this title and making the conversio . as�ovu�r�s iF r+or�c: One employee will co tinue to be the only knowledgeable person to handle operating system failures on off-hour . Compensatory time will continue at a high rate and the empioyee will continue to hav no free time. ��E��p RECEIV�p „�,�,,,,�, i.;�y��,cn c:enter �11].2��Q JAN 0$1990 �E C 13 1989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION i None. c�BTmEV�uE euDO�o(qRC�ot� rES nw FUNDR�Ki SOUI�E ACTINITY NWI�R ��uwG�u.iNr��u►noH:(exPwM ��f' � ., �. - . . � � NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE QREEN SHEET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHA31Nti OFFICE(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTIN(i ORDER: Bslow are proMrred routin�s for the iive rtroat irequeM rypea of documenta: CONITRACTS (assumss auttrorized COUNGI RESOIUTION (ArrNnd, BdgtsJ budpet exlsta) Accept. (iran�) 1. Outside Agsncy 1. Depertment Director 2. Inftiating O�putmsnt 2. Bud�et Director 3. Gty Attomsy 3. dty Attomsy 4. Mayor 4. MayoNAsefstaM 5. Finance d MgrM Svcs. Direc� 5. City Coundl 8. Flnance Axqt��}p 6. Chief Acxountant. Fln�Mgmt 3vcs. ADMINISTRATIV,E�RDER (Budg�t COUNqL RESOLUTION (dl others) Flevision) and ORDINANCE 1. Activity AAanager � 1. Initiating DepaRment Diroctor 2. Dsp�rtment/k�COUrnpnt 2• �Y A�Y 3. DepartmsM Director 3. MayoNA�efatar�t 4. BIx1g6t DirsGtor 4. City COUndI . . 5. City Gerk 8. Chief Axountant, Fln d�AA�mt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (NI otF»rs) 1. Initiatinp Dspertmsnt 2. City Attomsy 3. MayoNAafstant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIONATURE PAOE8 Indk�te the#�of papss on wh�11�natures are required and Qe e�rclie �eech of tFisse� ACTION RE(�IJESTED cal order order o�impoit��whichsvsro�plish i�e f�w the �� i�s. Do not wrfte oomplste aentancas. Begin each hem in your list with a verb. REOOMMENDATIONS Complste ff tM iseus in quaUon has besn proeented beMre any body, public or private. SUPPORTS NMICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE4 Udtcate wnicl,cound�objscth►eEs)rour project!►equest supports b�+�fating ths key word(s)(HOUSINGl, RECREATION, NEtGHBORHOODS, ECONOMiC DEVELOPMENT, BUDOET,8EWER SEPARATION).(SEE CO�APIETE LIST IN INSTRUGTIONAL MANUAL.) (�IINGL COMMITTEE/RE8EARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 FiEOUESTED BY COUNqL INITIATINO PROBLEM, 138UE,OPPORTUNITY Expiain the sitwtion w condifiona that croat�d a nesd for your project a roqusst. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED Indicats wMther thb is simpy an annual bud�t procedure required by Iaw/ chart•r or whsthsr thsn an ap�ciflc ws in wh�h ths Clty of Saint Paul and its citf�ns will benMt hom thie p�o�tlactbn. DI�4i1DVAN1'Ai3ES IF APPROVED What nep�re Mfsct�or major.c�anpss to existinp or past processes might � thfs.�XOjsct/requert:produos if k is pessed(e.o.,traffic delays, nofas, �i'thcrei�as�or aa�anNnts)7 To Whorn?When? For how Iong1 DISI�DVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED Whet will bs ths nsgativs con�equsnc:sa if the promised actlon ia not approved?Inability to dsliver ssrvice4 Continued hi�h traffic, noiae, accident rate?Loss of rownus7 FINANCIAI IMPACT Although you must taflor the information you provide here to the issue you are add►essiny,in general you must ar�sraer two queations: How m�h is it going to c�ost?YVho ia goin9 to PaY? _ . �qo i�� ., ,� �` � CITY OF SAINT PAUL �A���o��i�� ; . Members: OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL Janice Rettman, � Roger Goswitz Paula Maccabee JANICE RETTMAN FEBRUARY 5, 1990 RECEIVED co�„`�P`�n COMMITTEE REPORT �os�990 FINANCE, MANAGEMENT, AND PERSONNEL COMMITT��Y CLERK l . Call to order; introduction of inembers, staff, guests, etc. ; announcement of sign up sheet. 2. Approval of minutes of December 18, 1989, meeting. Approved 3. Resolution 89-2088 - amending the 1987 CIB budget by Approved adding $8,000 to construct a fence along the north side of Wood Street to reduce the amount of dumping taking place in a ravine bordering Waod Street. (Referred from Counci� November 30, laid over in Committee December 18) 4. Resolution 89-2286 - approving Amendment No. 3 to Approved the reinstatement of the pension plan of the HRA. (Referred from Council December 28) 5. Ordinance 89-2123 - amending the Administrative Code Laid over by adding a new chapter governing solicitation by City officers and employees. (Referred from Council November 13, laid over in Committee December 18) 6. Resolution 89-2280 - establishing the rate of pay for Approved Engineering Technician Supervisor in Grade 15 Section ID4 of the Professional Employees Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council December 28) 7. Resolution 90-113 - adjusting rates of pay for Recrea- Approved as amended tion Leader in Section IIB of the Salary Plan and Rates (Substitute resolution of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council will be brought into January 23) Council ) 8. Resolution 90-114 - establishing the rate of pay for Approved Senior Computer Operator in Grade 28 Section ID2 of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council Januar 23) 9. Discussion of PED print shop as it pertains to Discussed and laid C.F. 89-2283. over to 3/5 for further discussion 10. Discussion of Finance Committee meeting procedures. CITY HALL ROOM NO.718 SAINT PAUL,MINNFSOTA 55102 612/298-5289 s�aa � . . � _ ��� '�`� � <. ►,�,; �� �^�� �^ , ;,�. ;� CITY OF SAINT PAUL r.• Office of Personnel and Labor Relations �J' Classification and Compensation Division 265 City Xa11, Saint Pau1, MN 55102 612-298-4221 November 17, 1989 Jerry Serfling AFSCME 267 Lafayette Road So. Saint Paul, MN 55107 Dear Mr. Serfling: The previous letter dated November 8, 1989 stated that the rate of pay for this title would be established in Grade 29 of the Technical Standard Ranges. Please substitute this letter in its place. It has been determined that the title and class specification of Senior Computer Operator should be created. I have attached a copy of the class specification for your review. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from you within that timeframe, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a resolution to establish the rate of pay for the title in Grade 28 of the Clerical Standard Ranges in the : Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation. � Sincerely, ��` � '� �4; Sheryl Le, Personnel Manager Classificaticr. ar.� Compensation Division I hereby waive the time remaining on this 20 day notice for the purpose of creating this title and class specification. i � r -+ � "----� � � ��,�' Jerry S rfl�,�g ; Dat� ( i I; ,i �