90-105 ORIGiN� L � 9°"'°� f�__� � ,;} ��:. RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL BOARD OF HEALTH WHEREAS, the Minnesota Department of Health has state funds for formula distribution of Community Health Services (CHS) grant allocations, federal and state funds for Native American health services . WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board acting through its Division of Public Health has received a grant award for community health services and Native American health services for the biennium of 1990-91. RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement with the Minnesota Department of Health for $1,009,320 annually through 1991. WHEREBY, the City will receive funding to provide select community public health programs for Saint Paul residents . Saint Paul Board of Health Members Yeas Nays �j Dimond / Long � Goswitz Maccabee Rettman Thune Wilson Adopted: Saint Pau Board of He h � * JAN 1 8 1990 bY: � h Board dent �!$t1SHE0 J A N 2 7 1990