90-91 I WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK -.FtNANCE G I TY ��OF SA I NT PAU L Council � � CANARV ��'DEPARTMENT ^ A F File NO• �D-�/ 'BLUE - MA;OR �. _t' ����J,� /Y Return copy to: �''���f��_ q � il Resolu �' n. Real Estate Divisio � 218 City Hall ) ( -198 Presented By � _ Referre To Comcnittee: _ Date Out of Committlee By Date RESIOLVED, that upon the petition of the H.H.H. Company, per Finance Department File No . 18-198g, that part of the alley in Block 1�3, Hager ' s Subdivision, bounded by Ivy, Rice , Albemarle , and the' Burlington Northern Railroad, hereinafter deacribed, be and same is hereby vacated and discontinued as public property. Thel� vacated area is deacribed as follows : All that part of the alley in Block 13 , Ha�er ' s Subdivi�ion of Lots l , 2 , 3 , 4, 5 , 6 , 7, 14, 15 , 16 , 17, and 18 of Wolcott ' s Addition to Cottage Homea which lies northerly of the easterly , extended south line of Lot 9, in said Block 13 . Thi vacation shall be subject to the following con�itions : 1 . That this vacation shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1 , 1g81 , of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended. 2. That the petitioner, its successors , and assigns shall pay the city $942.00 as compensation for the vacation which ia due and payable within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution. 3 . That the petitioner, its successors , and assigns shall grant the city a permanent eaeement for right-of-way purposea in a form and manner to be approved by the city attorney, the following described land: COUIVCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nay� [n Favor Financ & Mana ement Se ices Against BY Direc or ���� i i�r v►�! Form Approv d b ity Attorngy „ Adopted by Council: Date / %/ g ` L-.-(� (� ( I �� Certified Passed by Coun¢il Secretary Y By A►pproved by Mavor: Date Approved May r or Sub ' sion to Coun '1 �� . By -T- . - � _ ��d_9/ DEPIIRTMENTlOFFICEIOOUNGI DATE INITIATED Finance/Real Esta e Division 12/8/89 � GREEN SHEET Na �'�� CONTACT PER80N 6 PFIONE il�N7'UU DATE INITUIL/DATE Dick McCann 98-5317 �E"T°x�c�o� �cm°°�"p� �� �AT�ORNEY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BV T� ROU71N0 BUDOET DIRECTOR FIN.3 MQT.BERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(�i A8818TIV�T) � TOTAL#►OF 81GNATURE P GES 2 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION iiEGUE8TED: , Approve r solution granting the vacation of part of the alley in Block 13, Hager's Subdivision, baunded by Ivy, Albemarle, Rice, and the B rlington Northern Railroad �COMMer►onrioNS:�vw�•(N a 1� COUI�IC�CONIM REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMM138�N CML�RVI� Y8T PNONE NO. _C�COMMITfEE � � �� �//�� A STAFF _ � _���� �.Council Hearing: January 16,. 1990 Public Works Committee: December 20, 1989 SUPPORTS NM1NCH OOUNGI OBJE Council District 5 MAYi�R'S 0 FICE INITIATINCi PROBLEM�ISBUE� ITY(Wiw.Wh�t�WINn�N�he►e.N�hy): Petitione requests that the alley be vacated for use as a loading and unloa ing zone for a warehouse and showroom. ADVANTAOES IF APPRONED: Increases the city's tax revenue on the accrued property, and it also allows th petitioner to proceed with his improvement.' ; F��CI��4 �����a oF 1 � None. ,�N FpqRr oF�. 1 ���'9 REC�I�IEf1 D MqN Q�H fa���C�a , M�iyrSe���R vG(��� R�'��fs ClTY Cl.� DI8/1DYANTAOE8 IF NOT APPFlOVED Limits the petitioner's utility of the property. t�our�ca� Kese�rch Center U E C 151989 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSA ION s 942.OO ��yg�E OtJDOETBD(CIRCLE ONE) � NO �uNa�sou� ' ,�cr�yi�r Nu� 001-00250-2833-000 FINANCIAL iNFORMATbN:(EXPLAI �w