90-90 WHITE — C�TV CLERK � PINK — FINANCE CO1111C1I CANARV — DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L File NO. �O -�� BLUE - MAVOR � Go ncil Resolution i�j y �; Presented By ,/ �__' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commit�ee By Date WHEREAS, a Tax Base Equalization Program remains a key provision of the City's initiative to achieve reform of the property tax system� and WHEREA$, an equalization formula based upon tax base wealth and revenue needs meets the City's expectations for equity; and WHEREA�, the City's goal of achieving a stste equalization progra� can best be achieved in cooperation with the Coalition of Greatef Minnesota Cities. THEREFpRE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the en�ctment of a Tax Base Equalization Program that includes cities of the first class and is based upon a formula which includ�s both tax base wealth and revenue needs; and BE IT I�URTHER RESOLVED, that City staff is authorized and direct�d to work with the Coalition of areater Minnesota Cities to dev�lop the aforementioned Tax Base Equalization Program. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays nd DlillOriQ� � Goswii�z In Favor � ��, Long � sc 'ne� Maccabee " Against BY , �' ,J�'`�- sO " Rettman " � n Thune ' llson JAN 2 3 1950 Form Appr by c;t,, � r Adopted by Counc�� Date Certified Vas e Coun�il ecr BY i , By, ' ; Approved by Mavor. Date �(�d �AN 2 4 1994 Approv y Mayor for Submi nei�--"'�'� gy /��////2�'�'L�1,�-l���,�:-C,��' By ��< �!'f'1 e c 1 �. PUB'�1SNED : :�� � ;9 90_ ' WMITE• - CITY CLERK - �G� . PINK - FINANCE � � CANARY - DE�ARTMENT � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Conncil , �l.UE - MAYOA , � FIlC �O. � Council Resolution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a Tax Base Equalization Program remains a key provision of the City's initiative to achieve reform of the property tax system; and WHEREAS, an equalization formula based upon tax base wealth and revenue needs meets the City's expectations for equity; and WHEREAS, the City's goal of achieving a state equalization program can best be achieved in cooperation with the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the enactment of a Tax Base Equalization Program that includes cities of the first class and is based upon a formula which includes both tax base wealth and revenue needs; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City staff is authorized and directed to work with the Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities to develop the aforementioned Tax Base Equalization Program. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond ��g ln Favor Coswitz Rettman B Scheibel A ga i n s t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy. Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY I �ro-�o DEPARTM[NT/OFFICFJCOUNCIL ' DATE INITIATED Mayors Office - Budget GREEN SHEET N0. 5951�-- INITIAU DATE INITI TE CONTACT PERSON 8 PHONE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITV COUNCIL 11—��H g eJllll 0'Leary 4140 N M�BERFOR �CITYATTORNEY 11-22-89 �CITYCLERK MUST BE ON CAUNCII AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.S MC�T.SEFVICES DIR. 11-3 0-8 9 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn — — � TOTAL�1 OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REOUESTED: Council to approve attached resolutions related to City policies for property tax lobbying. Three resolutions . RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLAWNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SERVIC�COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _CIBCOMMITfEE � CY1r1S Rider 4814 _STAFF _ COMMENTS: NO report prepared. Heard and approved —DISTfiICTCOURT _ }J37 Legislation Committee 11-13-89 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OB.IECTIVE7 fNIT1ATING PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Why): The Legislation needs to consider property tax reform proposals. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Secure property tax system reform. Benefit Saint Paul tax payers. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTA(iES IF NOT APPFiOVED: Policies are needed to give City lobbying staff direction. Possible loss of some Local Government Aid. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s NA COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE NA ACTIVITY NUMBER NA FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) r. t ����'� �� � ��o -�� ` � a REVISED COMMITTEE REPORT - 11/30/89 Page 2 3. SAINT PAUL SUPPORTED LEGISLATTON: Combi,ned Sewer Overflow FundinQ COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Contaminated Lands COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Performance Bond Trig.�er Recision COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS. Metropolitan State UniversitX COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Regulation of Sexuallv Oriented Businesses COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH NAME CHANGE. Propertv Tax Reform COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Local Government Aid COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Tax B e E ualizat' n Pro am COM E RECOMMENDED APPROVAL COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT ST. PAUL SUPPORTED LEGISLATION. na 11/30/89 . M ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAVL �ii1�L31lli , t OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JAMES SCHEIBEL Date: November 30, 1989 Counc�7 President Members: Jim Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole REVISED COMMIITEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the Minutes of the October 2, 1989, Meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. 2. SAINT PAUL INITIATED LEGISLATION: St. Paul Riverfront Esplanade COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES. Central Library Expansion Plan COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES. Parks and Recreation: Lic�uor Licenses A NEW ORDINANCE WILL BE DRAFTED BY JANE MCPEAK. THE TTTLE OF T'HIS HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 3/2 BEER AND WINE. Urban Corps Interns and PERA Contributions COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. S�ecial Assessments Definition Change COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Presumptive Le islation COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDED LANGUAGE. Delinquent Water Charges COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT ST. PAUL INITIATED LEGISLATION. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 S�46 Printed on 100�/a Recycled Paper , ��-�'o 1990 LEGISLATIVE SESSION PROPERTY TAX ISSUES CITY OF SAINT PAUL The following are the City' s proposed property tax issues for the 1990 Legislative Session. 1. ) Tax Base Equalization + extend the current program into 1990 + include cities of the first class + change the formula to delete the LGA subtraction factor 2 . ) Local Government Aid + not support additional transfers to schools + change the population increase/decrease provision 3. ) Property Tax Reform + support continued reform of the property tax system as begun in the 1988 Omnibus Tax Bill and continued in the 1989 Special Session Tax Bill 4 . ) Leased, Tax-Exempt Properties + change the provision that requires payment of propertx taxes on these properties from the personal :property payment schedule to the real property payment schedule Upon adoption by the Mayor and City Council, it is are intention to work with the members of the Saint Paul Delegation, Tax Committee Chairs and staffs, and the Offices of the Majority Leader and Speaker to incorporate these priorities in a 1990 Tax Bill. ZEN 803 OLEARY 11-28-89 BUDGET OFFICE Jr . , � � �'� PROPERTY TAX ISSUES FOR 1990 LEGISLATIVE SESSION Tax Base Equalizai�ion The 1989 Compromise Tax Bill contained a supplemental Tax Base Equalization Program (for 1990 only) , in the amount of $10 million. The TBE aid is provided to all cities , except townships with a population over 5 ,000 and cities of the first class . TBE was included in the Omnibus Tax Bill that was vetoed by Governor Perpich . TBE formulas need to be designed to equalize the revenue-raising capacities of local governments, while taking into account that local spending needs will be different. Any TBE formula that does not account for local spending needs will not be equitable. The Coalition of Greater Minnesota Cities will be proposing an extension of the current TBE program for 1991 , funded at $20 million , with the intention to propose a larger, more comprehensive program for consideration during the 1991 Legislative Session . The City of Saint Paul has been asked to participate in these CGMC efforts. If we decide to work with the Coalition, we will propose that the funding for 1991 be set at $25 million . Saint Pau/ Position The City has supported Tax Base Equalization as a priority method to achieve property tax system reform. This should continue to be the City' s position during the 1990 and 1991 Legislative Sessions provided that: 1 . The TBE formula is based upon tax base wealth and revenue needs; and 2 . The City of Saint Paul is included. To accomplish this position, we should : 1 . Continue to work with the CGMC, and perhaps Duluth, to get the current TBE program extended to 1991 with cities of the first class included; 2 . Propose that the 1991 funding be set at $25 million; and 3 . Begin working with the CGMC, tax committees' staffs and the Revenue Department to construct an equitable equalization formula based on tax base wealth and revenue need for consideration by the 1991 Legislature. � WH17E - C�TV CIERK COQBCIl. /� PINIT - PINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL (rANARV -DEPARTMENT OD _J/� . BLUE +-MA;oR , , � File �NO.� l —F� " � . RealrEstate Division �iouncil Resolution 218 City Hall (RM) (18-1989) Presented By _. Referred To Committee: �_ Date Out of Committ�ee By Date All that part of the southerly 20 feet of the easterly 20 feet of Lot 9, Block 13 , Hager ' s Subdivision of Lots 1, 2 , 3 . 4� 5 . 6 , 7, 14, 15 , 16, 17, and 18 of Wolcott ' s j Addition to Cottage Homes . I ; 4• That the petitioner, ita heirs, and assigns , by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agree to indemnify, defend , ' and save harmlesa the City of Saint Paul, i its officers , and employees from all suits , actions , or claims of any character brought , as a result of injuries or damage$ received or suatained by any person, persons , or property on account of this vacation, or petitioner ' e use of this property, including but not limited to a claim brought because ' of any act of omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner or because of any claims or liability arising from any violation of any law or regulation made in accordance with the law whether by the petitioner of any of its agents or employees . 5. That the petitioner, its heira , and assigns , shall within 60 days of the publication date of this resolution, filed with the city clerk, an acceptance in writing of the conditiona of this resolution and shall within the period(s ) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in all respects with these terms and conditions . COUNCILMEN Yeas �imond Nays Requested by Department of: Goswitz _� [n Favor Finan & Mana ement S rvices Long � Against BY Director Maccabee �z,-��� Rettman JAN 1 6 1990 Form Approved`a it Attor y Adopted by Council: Date /-`J( Thune � `� Z 1 �� Gertifie�l�SOn C n il Sec ry BY Byr f � Approved b�1`4avor: ate Approved by ayor for Submission to Council B 1 � �ti�2 BY � —� 19g0 �,�p J A N 2 7