90-88 WHITE - CITV CLERK �O/�� RINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council CANARY� DEPARTMENT BLUE -�MAVOR F]le NO• � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6. To support the involvement of the public in setting budgets an� property tax levels through the Truth-In-Taxation provisions of the Tax Law; 7. To encourage efficient delivery of local service6 with strtong local accountability; 8. To ,support property tax reform initiatives to reduce the conlplexity of the system by consolidating the number of prqperty tax classes; 9. To support the state's clarification of mandated and non- marldated programs, and to encourage state funding for those prqgrams that are mandated by the state; 10. To continue to support preferential treatment for homeownefs through the property tax system; 11 . To oppose changes in the Tax Increment Statutos that would further limit cities' abilities to fu71y utilize this ecanomic development tool ; and 12 . To oppose any changes in the Fiscal Disparities Law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � i nd D].mOrid .� Goswitz [n Favor Re man "�� 8 B s� �bei Maccabee A gai n s t Y So en R2ttt[idil � � Thune � ilson �AN 2 3 1990 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b I Counci�. Qate Certified Pa s Council cret BY By A►pproved b 1Aavor: Date �`��( �/b �AN 2 4 1990 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy �-�l�,-�- By ■V�il�il�� rr'? - 31990 WHITE - CITV CLERK PLNK - FINANCE COUflCLl CANARV -�DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PALT L � BLUE - �AYOR File NO. � � Council Resolution � 1� Presented By ./.��� �_ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS,; the 1989 Special Sessio� Tax Bill provided significant propertyj tax reform, however, the system remains complex and in need of additional simplification to enhance budget control and stabi 1 i t;y; NOW, THEIREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following recommendations: 1 . To ensure that loca1 governments can continue to provide a basic level of services suited to local needs; 2. To secure property tax relief programs that are closely tied to the ability to pay including: property tax refunds for low�r and middle income pe�sons with high tax burdens thrpugh the circuit breaker and renter's credit programs; and state aid to equalize tax burdens based upon property tax wealth and revenue needs; 3. To reduce the disparity among property rates applied to different types of property without unfair shifts of property tax burdens; 4. To �ncourage spending restraint at all levels of government, par�icularly as more state aids are shifted from one unit to another, e.g. l.ocal Government Aid; 5. To support the proposed review and analysis of the state system of aids and credits and their funding relationships; COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Rettman �be;�� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro by City At rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B}� • Approved by Mavor: Date _ A rov d y Mayor E BY B � - �MMiTE - UTY CLERK � . : - .. � ..- . ��,/ ` PINK •�"��- FINANCE � � - G�ITY OF SAI�NT PAUL Council . � .�J� � .C�NARV -OEPARTMENT � t /`')� � DIUE -MAYOR �, , � , '. . , , FliC �O. � • N � . - : ��Council Resolution . Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 6 . To support the involvement of the public in setting budgets and property tax levels through the Truth-In-Taxation provisions of the Tax Law; , 7 . To encourage efficient delivery of local services with strong local accountability; � 8. To support property tax reform initiatives to reduce the complexity of the system by consolidating the number of property tax classes; 9 . To support the state's clarification of mandated and non- mandated programs, and to encourage state funding for those programs that are mandated by the state; 10. To continue to support preferential treatment for homeowners through the property tax system; . 11 . To oppose changes in the Tax Increment Statutes that would further limit cities' abilities to fully utilize this . economic development tool ; and 12 . To oppose any changes in the Fiscal Disparities Law. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimund ��g In Favor Goswitz Scheibel A ga i n s t BY Sonnen R'ilson Adopted by Councit: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approve� by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . . 1� �g�o-P� OEPAFTMENi/OFFICE/COUNC�L a DATE INITIATED Mayors Office - Budget GREEN SHEET No. 5951 ��=- CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAU DATE INITI Q,ATE �DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL 11.—�G—H9 Jim 0'Leary 4140 N M'BERFOR �CITYATTORNEY 11-22-89 QCITYCIERK MUST BE ON CAUNCII AGENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDGET DIRECTOR �FIN.3 MGT.SERVICES Diq. 11-3 0-8 9 ORDER �MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN'n — — � TOTAL�Y OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Council to approve attached resolutions related to City policies for property tax lobbying. Three resolutions. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)a Reject(R) COUNCIL COMMITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING CAMMISSION _CIVIL SEFVIC�COMMISSION ANALYST PHONE NO. _ciecoMMirr�E _ Chris Rider 4814 _STAFF _ COMMENTS: NO report prepared. Heard and approved _DISTR�CTCAURT _ }J37 Legislation Committee 11-13-89 SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGL 08.lECTIVEI INITIATING PROHLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,When,Where,Why): The Legislation needs to consider property tax reform proposals. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: • Secure property tax system reform. Benefit Saint Paul tax payers. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO: None DISADVANTACiES IF NOT APPROYED: Policies are needed to give City lobbying staff direction. Possible loss of some Local Government Aid. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION s NA COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE NA ACTIVITY NUMBER NA FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) � ��r�'�- � . . , . �-9� - �� f� REVISED COMMITTEE REPORT - Il/30/89 Page 2 3. SAINT PAUL SUPPORTED LEGISLATTON: Combined Sewer Overflow Funding COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Contaminated La.nds COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Performance Bond Trig�;er Recision COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS. Metropolitan State Universitv COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Regulation of Sexually Oriented Businesses COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH NAME CHANGE. r e Tax Reform COMM TTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Local Government Aid COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Tax Base Equalization Program COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDMENTS. COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT ST. PAUL SUPPORTED LEGISLATION. na 11/30/89 J •� ` , ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL �a`si'�i�'''� : • OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL JAMES SCHEIBEL Date: November 30, 1989 Counc�7 President Members: Jim Scheibel, Chair Committee-of-the-Whole REVISED COMMITTEE REPORT CITY COUNCIL LEGISLATION COMMITTEE 1. Approval of the Minutes of the October 2, 1989, Meeting. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. 2. SAINT PAUL INITIATED LEGISLATION: St. Paul Riverfront Esplanade COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES. Central Librar,�Ex�ansion Plan COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH TWO CHANGES. Parks and Recreation: Lic�uor Licenses A NEW ORDINANCE WILL BE DRAFTED BY JANE MCPEAK. THE TITLE OF THIS HAS BEEN CHANGED TO 3/2 BEER AND WINE. Urban Cor�s Interns and PERA Contributions COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. S,pecial Assessments Definition Change COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. Presum�tive Le islg ation COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL WITH AMENDED LANGUAGE. Delinquent Water Charges COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL. COMMITTEE MOVED TO ADOPT ST. PAUL INITIATED LEGISLATION. CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5679 S�46 Printed on IOO�Jo Recycted Paper �VMITE - CITY CLEFtK . � � .. � . ` � . . . /���. PINK � FINANCE ■^, .' COLZnCIl • a��� CANARV -DEPARTMENT � � �JITY � OF SAINT �'PALTL � � q �' " . � BluE -MwroR . . . .. . _ � r'liC N�. � - Council Resolution� � � Presented By . ReFerred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the 1989 Special Session Tax Bill provided significant property tax reform, however, the system remains complex and in need of additional simplification to enhance budget control and stability; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul supports the following recommendations:. 1 . To ensure that local governments can continue to provide a basic level of services suited to local needs; 2 . To secure property tax relief programs that are closely tied to the ability to pay including: property tax refunds for lower and middle income persons with high tax burdens through the circuit breaker and renter's credit programs; and state aid to equalize tax burdens based upon property tax wealth and revenue needs; 3 . To reduce the disparity among property rates applied to different types of property without unfair shifts of property tax burdens; . 4. To encourage spending restraint at all levels of government, particularly as more state aids are shifted from one unit to another, e.g. Local Government Aid; � 5 . To support the proposed review and analysis of the state system of aids and credits and their funding relationships; i i ' COUNCIL ME;�iBERS Requested by DeparUnent of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor Cos.;tt Rettman B s�he;bei __ Against Y Sonnen ��ilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By By Approved by �tavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY 11 � � - �� � PROPERTY TAX REFORM The 1989 Omnibus Tax Bill has been hailed by many as achieving true reform of the property tax system. Many others have concluded that the Omnibus Tax Bill further complicates thE system by including a number of highly-targeted , specialized tax relief programs, e. g . , targeted relief for homes receiving year- to-year tax increases bigger than 10%; credits for commercial/industrial properties with effective tax rates higher than the state class rate ; etc. The 1990 Legislative Session will see the lobbying efforts of a number of special-interest groups to achieve more targeted relief. The City needs to continue to pursue general property tax reform. Saint Paul Position There is a continued need to provide property tax relief for commercial/industrial property . The dispari�y between high-value and low-value homes is narrowed somewhat in the 1989 Law but remains very wide. It is obvious in recent legislation that homeowners do continue to receive preferential treatment through the state property tax relief program. The Law, hailed as property tax reform, seems to further complicate an already complex system. In addition, the Law does not provide long-term property tax relief but rather short-term relief at a very high cost. The City must continue to support the current Tax Increment and Fiscal Disparities laws. There will be continued effort to "reform" these laws to remove abuses and perceived inequities. These reforms will limit the effectiveness of Tax Increment and further restrict the tax base sharing of Fiscal Disparities. j�