90-76 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council /O� CANARV - DEPARTMENT {.� � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. ` , � *Co cil Resolution �'; � . � ;. Presented By Referred o Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVID, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and dir�cted to excute a contrsct with the State of Minnesota, Mi.nnesota Depertment of H�►lth; Wf�REBY, the City shall provide risk reduction arid disease prevention education and counseling, antibody testing and referral service to persons at in�reased. risk of e�cposure to the huoan imm�mod�eficiency virus (HN), the causative ag�t of Acquired Immunodeficiency 3yndrame (Aids). The services are to be providsd through tt�e Saint Paul Aids 3creeni.ng & Prevention ProBram a�ocordi.nB to the terms of said contraat, a copy which is kept on file and an record in the Depe�rtment of Finarx:e and Mar�agement Servic�s. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: im d Dimonc� ommuni t $2Y' 1 C@5 .� Goswitz � In Favor ,,,�, Long � B e�n�� Maccabee Against y S nen Rettman son Thune lsotl JAN 1 6 t9� For , d by Ci Atto Adopted by Counc��: Date ! ^ Certified Yass d u �cil Se tary �2 - Z G �g/� By � A►pproved by iV�av r: Dat� , ` �AN �. 7 1990 _ APP�o�e Mayor Eor Submi ri�l _,�, / B � ��-�%tlrl�2 l� � _ BY Y PU�.ISHED J A N 2 "7 1990_ �qo-- �l� DEPARTMENTIOFFICEICOUNqL • DATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET No. 2�N6�8p8E INIiIAU DATE OONTA PERSON 3 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CRY COUNqL Mary Sonnen 292-77 5 �J �sswH arrnrroaNer GTYCLERK Nu�n Fon 0 C D ROUTNIG BUbQET DIRECTOR �FlN.61YK�1T.SERVICEB DIR. ASAP �MAYOR(OR A8818T � TOTAL#�OF 81QNATURE PA � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� ACT10N REQUEBTED: Resolution to allow signatures on a contract with the State of Minnesota for the St. Paul Division of Public ealth to provide risk reduction & disease prevention education & counseli g RECOMMENDATIONS:MP►�W a (� COUNqL COMM17l'EFJi�SEAACH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING COMMISSION ���MMIBSION ��Y� ( ' �'r PHONE NO. _q8 COMMIITEE ��V�r � 6..V COMMENTS: -._. 8T/1FF ��`.1 *'r� ��V� _DI8TRICT COURT SUPPORTB WNICH COUNqL OBJE ?Y��,S OFf iGE �"'�'��',��'y��,� INITIATINO PF�BLEM,ISSUE, NfTY(Who,Whtl,When,Where,Why): The State of Minnes ta is contracting with the St. Paul Division of Public Health to provide risk reduction and isease prevention education and counseling, antibody testing and referral services to persons at increased risk of exposure to FIIV. The contract is for the period of _ Janaury 1, 1990 th December 31, 1990 for the amount of $97,712. ADVANTAOE8 IF APPROVED: The St. Paul Healt Division will receive reimbursement from the State of �linnesota for providing HIV testing. DISADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: ���VcR GV NONE RfCEIVED p�C 21 �ggg �R"��lv�� BUUGE7 C?�F10E CITY CLEItK DIBADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: The St. Paul Healt Division will not receive the grant from the State. �ouncil kesearch Gente� JAN 051990 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTI = 97•712 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FuNCiNa sou� F nd ACTMTY NUMBER 33243 ' FINANCIAL INFOFII�MTION:(IXPWI� , d�