D11812 � `� � _- - ,-'"�,.-_'t'._"._T`-"_�'�' -•-- White —City Clerk No. � Pink — Finance Dept. Canary — Dept. Accounting Date �� � �� ' 81ue — Engineer Green — Contractor • CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 1 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as 1990 MAJOR SEWER REPATR C90-2T613�0784-26012 Activit #26012 90-5-1752 Progressive Contractars Inc. ' known as� , City Project No. , � , Contracta, is composed of the following: Extra work as dixected by the Engineer. (SEE ATTAQIl!�V'I') • ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cadance with the specifications in the sum of $ 68,560.68 , $aid amount to be added to the lump sum con- � activity #26012 sideration named in the contract, known as a� , and which amount is to be financed from: 1990 Sewer Repair Fund (The finanCing is available in the project funding.) APP T 0 19 +�'O r SS��L ��`' �cC7`��-s �►G. Ass' t tt Contractor` ��//l��9� s �z-�3 �g�_ sy d (1P-h� . • ' in /.� !7 19�. � Head of De nt of Finan ngineer P / /g 19.�L. Director of Mayor �� .. . t7► I$IZ � Fublie �Worlcs 12/16/91 �REEN SHEET ��. ei�,,, ex�+t��cr�moM a rr+cwE � x�� ww�n■��ear� p ortvoa�. Danisl A.H�at �61 �� :a�r��noa�r �rvc�c � �uoaETt�+a� Fwa��+c�tan. � �!►� o� ' � 9i �� r r�F sa�aTl�lE A�i� ! �eur,►t.�. �w►n�.eoR.iaw��wq ��wa�►h pa�m�r�000u+T Frewids ooa�pe�wtiori ea�tta�a�1�psrfi�raaed by the Coatrec�'at the raq�est of the B�e�r I980�t�0$SB'�fIB� 11�, Ci$►P�Ct Na.BA-S-1782 �ontnctor: tt��netan, Inc. _ r000w�i�a►�s�lp�w»GM� �1 rEA�01lAi.�i11VICt O01iTfU1�"1i�tt!!�i�11�tfNE 1�0�t+Ow11N a11l�011k _lLNNN�IOOOMI�MMq�I �EIIVICEOONIAIt910N t. iMs�ltspu�erVM1Flt�cw!NN�dund�rseiM�taatbri�i��rliwrt'i _CRCOINMiTE� M�r NO _�� 2. tir i+k M►�+��+sr b�+ad�r�9 1�8 NO �01�?RICT OOUNCIL _ �. OeM�M a►�oMAn�OO�Mra�dd1 netnan�r�Nd�!►a�ar+Mt aly�n�b�M4 sUPP�OR1iNNNCMCOUNCL f V� (�N3 i �M 11�s a��ws M s�ar NrM a�/Mhi t�lw�iMt /NMiNG PAOr.9A.I�lUE. (wF10.MMAT.WFEN.WFNEIE,MI1N): The Coatractor was ins to perform extra w�k not incl�►d�in the orig��l e�aot. (8es a�ed eheet for detaiId.) RECEIVED DEC =9 �991 �����a Sewer rsp�air work can co�tructsd acoording to scceptable constructio�stsndart�. The w►il1 be p�sated far eztra rk performed�t t�e directioa�the Engi�ieer. oie�nv�wr���w: �,. Addition�l oost to the Ci . � °���'Y'�4r� f��� �� ��-,� � , ;.:.. .r��, , as�ovMrr�s�Har�+o�o: " 'p . - The eewer repair� not hava been completed in aa�ordance to c�tstructi� �tandar�s. � RECEIVED oEC 2 71991 CITY CLERK �.��r o�T : se,�_s8 oosrn�vE� woa�so �at�� a+E� rES ■o lOUIl� ACTWI'ir tWM�ER C90-`�'PBL'�U?S�-°�BOi2 FNMKYAI NrFORMIATqN:{EI�L11/�Q � C�OC. �10� �,ttQ.�l.,. L��JV