D11800 . ' • CTTY OF SAINT PAUL �� �(�/�/1 OFFICE OF THE MAYOR No.: �����J ADNIII�TISTRATIVE ORDER Date: ��� l•�+� � f � � BUDGET REVISION GS#: 16751 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the Ciry Charter and based on the request of the Diredor of the Department of p��h���Werk� to amend the 19 Q�btxJget d U�e Sewe�Service Fund fund,the Direaor d the Department of Fnance and Management Services is authorized to amend said budget in the folbwing manner: Cument Amended BudQet Change Budget 260 - 22201 -0279 Other-Repair & Maintenance $208,988.00 ($16,000.00) $192,988.00 260 - 22201 -0511 Settlements $0.00 $16,000.00 $16,000.00 260 -222XX-OXXX All Other Spending the Same $48,408,543.00 $48,408,543.00 Totals 548,617,531.� $0.00 $48,617,531.00 To provide funding for Stackpole v.City settlement � � � r prepared by; Manaper Appowd 8y:AA / pequested by:Department 01►eaor Date