D11763 �"��.:�- White - City Clerk No. � I � r�� Pink - Finance Dept. { Canary - Dept. Accounting Date I�' +�`� ( Slue - Engineer Green - Contractor . CITY OF SAINT PAUL — OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT N0. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described $S Street lighting system on: Selbv Ave. - Lexington to Victoria , lv�. y known as�€sl��- 70009, City Project No. 90-V-0856 , L.p.D. F.1 eCtri r C�_ � Tnc�_ , Contracta, is composed of the following: Removal and replacement of sidewalk and additional work and material for south side feedpoint not shown in the contract: Material and labor for sidewalk $275 .00 Material and labor for feedpoint $350.00 Profit ( 10%) 62.50 � TOTAL $687.50 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in ac- cordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 6 8�•5 0 , said amount to be added to the lump sum con- Activity No. sideration named in the contract, known as� �o n n 4 , and which amourrt is to be financed from: 1990 Log R-66010 Page D-26C89-75010-05447-70004 APPR D T ORM 19 L P D ELECTRIC, .INC. ssist i n C ontractor �T 19� By E � i� � �9 9/ � C ' ngineer Head of D ent of �n ce // Z� 19�_ ����-�f� ot of � A Ma or au�ect Y �O .: _. , � �._-_ : � — T . � �AIf763 Pubifc Works-Traffic n�ineering 1 i/6l91 �f EN ��T NO.' 4t)047 coNr�cr r��a M+n�uan� e�xnwon� PE Iss�c Afwerke 292-7 �� ��, �' c�n►c�c ee aN couNC�.�►a►w cd► � o�cran aw.a r�.s�nv�s aa ASAP r�►w,n�a«�rrMm "-+ TOTIIL�OF 810NA7vRE � t�JP ALL LOCA110N�i�lt lIONA ., � Approve the attached inistr�ive Ot!c�r for Cotrtract Chanye A�gnement No. 2: E)ec�tiv�e Stree�t Liglrt�ng on:Se�y A (Phase II);City Projeet No. 90-Y-0856. Con#rador L.P.D. E���I V ° PERMi�NAL��ONf'IIAR�Ti MAT M�R TNE l�Of.Ld�Ni9 ����seioN = �sE�cE oolx�leeloN 1. F1ew 1F�h p�nervltn��wocN�d und�r a o0ntaat tor tlrs dp�re�nt9 �v ' CI 1 199 �S�!'1�FF _ 2. FiM�PM�'M�wr bNn a dq Mapbyw? T Y d T'� y�g Np �'1/ �A(/►l, ,_._I�1BTwC7aot�CM. s. Doa tl��pa�a iIAM not e�n+�1!►Po�Nd by irhr arxr�t t�gr�n�pley� �Y�r � Bt�PQRT8WNICHCOUNC�.ORi�CTNE yEg ?jp ����s �I�1!M�M tq�lIIIR�aA:i�Nllf�11�1R/Bd iM�01t M�MIY�11Mt r INITIA 186tJE. (Wl'i0.NM11A. � Ac�itional work, not s �►�the contract artt! r�ecessary for pcoject completion. ; (See Attached Admini rative Order). -• _ a� N�� 2 5 �n�, Mrr � . ��, ,���,.� , ..,, ���y•�� pietion of cont on complet�on date. " NOV 2 g 1g91 a�'�yCE O�" fiME DI R �EPqR7MEMT pf�M�jq� aN0 lNqNAG€MENT$�V� � �e�ov�rrr,�es��nvEa: N/A � ANTAOEB�NOT Project could not be mpleted withou#these additions. RECEIVED � oEC 0 51991 CITY CLERK � �p Toru�ouNroF�r�►NS�cr�oN 687.�0 cwsr���cc�a� r�a �a �,v� � R �a; P e o-2s ,►�w�,►►,u�, ca9-?�o�0-054�-7cx'�a �r�►acu�r�cx�u►raN:��u►Mn �ned Cantrac�: 147.4Q0.00 Change Ckdar No: 1:S 4,477.00 TOTAL:i82.564.5fl �i(� Chanpa E?rder W+o.2:S f�tZ.50